How to use Leica DISTO™ E7300 Switch On and Off

How to use Leica DISTO™ E7300
Switch On and Off
 The red Dist on key displayed here switches on the instrument
and the laser in a single press.
 Pressing the Clear off button for 2 seconds switches the
instrument off. Also the instrument switches off automatically
after 3 minutes of inactivity.
Basic operations
Other Operations on the device
 Beep on/off – Press
keys simultaneously for 2 seconds.
 Illumination on/off – Press
keys simultaneously for 2
 Keypad lock on/off – Press
keys simultaneously for 2
seconds to lock the keypad. To unlock, press
within 2 seconds
after switching on the device or the device switches off on its own.
Adjusting measuring reference
This option is designed for the convenience, need and choice. You can either measure the
distance from the front
of the device or from the back
of the device.
Although the default reference setting is from the rear of the instrument.
 In Disto E7300,
key is provided on the device to switch the
measurement reference point.
The device stores last 10 results by default.
 To view the results press the
thrice and navigate through last 10 readings with
help of
 To delete the memory record press
& the
together for 2 seconds and the
device is ready to record next 10 results.
Changing Units
For your convenience Leica Disto E7300 is provided with multiple units of measurement.
You can change them from meter to feet to inches as per the requirement.
 By pressing the
keys simultaneously & continuously for
2 seconds you can navigate through different units of
 They change in this order.
1. meter upto three decimal places
2. meter upto four decimal places
3. meter upto two decimal places
4. feet upto two decimal places
5. feet and inches
6. inches upto two decimal places
7. only inches
Basic Applications
Straight line single distance measurement
Basic usage is quite simple.
 Beam and aim the laser on the selected target with the
 Pressing the
again records the measurement on device display.
* For measurements, where there is nothing obvious at the other end for the laser to reflect back, it is
recommended that you use Leica branded Target plate.
Permanent / Minimum-Maximum measurement
This function enables determining the minimum or maximum distance from a specific
measuring point, e.g. the determination of room diagonals (maximum value) or horizontal
distance (minimum value).
 To activate permanent measuring, aim the laser at your desired
location and press the
key for 2 seconds. This will activate the
continuous laser and the display would show the min and max values
on the screen.
 Focus the laser on to the wall corner (for maximum measurement)
or to the horizontal side (for minimum measurement) at 0° with a
swaying movement as shown in the picture.
 To stop permanent/minimum-maximum measuring press
Add/ Subtract function
 Add / Subtract are two basic functions in E7300. The keys are
displayed on the device for this application.
 With the
key, the next measurement you take is added to the
previous measurement.
 And with the
key, the next measurement is subtracted from the
previous one.
Area Measurement
Area measurement is a basic function provided in all Leica Disto devices. This helps you
calculate the area of wall or surface just by measuring its sides from the same reference
 For measuring the area of a surface, press the Function key
and you reach the area application which appears as
on the
display screen.
 Beam the laser pressing
across to the end of the surface to take the
1st reading.
 Then focusing from the same reference point take the 2nd reading by
measuring the adjacent wall length. Once this process is completed
the device automatically calculates the area for you.
* Adding and subtracting areas
You can measure two separate areas and add or subtract them from each other with the
help of
Volume Measurement
 Same way as in the area measurement, press the Function key
twice and to reach the volume application which is displayed on the
screen as
 Measure the three adjacent lengths (l x b x h) using . The only thing
that needs to be kept in mind is that the all measurement needs to be
taken from the same reference point.
 Once this process is completed the device automatically calculates
the volume on the display.
Advance Applications
2 point Indirect Height measurement – This function comes in handy when you do not
have direct access to the building for straight line measurements.
This function is used to measure the height of an object or a building just by focusing on 2
points (the distance from the object/building & highest point of the object).
 To do so, press the Function key
four times and reach the
on the display.
 Then from the same reference point measure a. & b.
 How to measure a. & b.
a. Shoot the laser with the
key to the top or the highest point of
the object and press the
key again to record that measurement.
b. Same way measure the horizontal distance from the building at
 The device automatically calculates the height or the length of the
3 point Indirect Height measurement – This function comes in handy when you do not
have direct access to the building for straight line measurements. This function is extremely
useful in measuring the height of an object or a building when you are measuring from a
height or from above the ground.
With this application you can determine the vertical height of a building by recording 3
points (highest point of the building, the distance from the object/building & the lowest
point of the building).
 To do so, press the Function key
five times and reach the
application on the display.
 Then from the same reference point measure a., b. & c.
 How to measure a., b. & c.
a. Shoot the laser with the
key to the top or the highest point of
the object and press the
key again to measure that point.
b. Same way and from the same reference point measure the
horizontal distance from the building at 0°. (perpendicular from
where you are standing)
c. Lastly aim the laser to the lowest point of the building to measure
that distance.
 With all 3 calculations the device automatically calculates the height
or the length of the building.