How to use Leica DISTO™ E7400X Switch On and Off

How to use Leica DISTO™ E7400X
Switch On and Off
 The red Dist on key displayed here switches on the instrument
and the laser in a single press.
 Pressing the Clear off button for 2 seconds switches the
instrument off. Also the instrument switches off automatically
after 3 minutes of inactivity.
Basic operations
Other Operations on the device
 Beep on/off – Press
keys simultaneously for 2 seconds.
 Illumination on/off – Press
keys simultaneously for 2
 Keypad lock on/off – Press
keys simultaneously for 2
seconds to lock the keypad. To unlock, press
within 2 seconds
after switching on the device or the device switches off on its own.
Adjusting measuring reference/tripod
Disto E7400X is provisioned to measure the distance from the front, back or the tripod
thread of the device.
 Each time the device is switched on, the display shows the default or the standard
mode as
the device
which means that the distance is being measurement is from the back of
You can further change the setting by pressing
to adjust the mode to either
- Measurement from the front of the device or
- Measurement from the tripod thread of the device.
Timer (Self trigger) or Auto release
Timer is used for self triggering the measuremnt once the laser is activated. The delayed
release through the timer is recommended for precise aiming e.g. at long distances. As it
avoids shaking of the device when pressing the measurement key.
 To set the timer, press the
key once. The timer symbol appears on the display as
and the countdown starts automatically if the laser is active. The timer has a
preset setting of 5 seconds and the delay can be adjusted to maximum of 60 seconds.
 You can increase and decrease the number of seconds by pressing
 Long pressing the timer key increases the rate of change of the values.
The device stores last 20 results by default.
 To view the results press the
navigate through last 10 readings with help of
 To delete the memory records press
device is ready to record next 10 results.
& the
together for 2 seconds and the
Changing Units
Leica Disto E7400X is provided with the stock of units that you can change as per your
requirement. You can change from meter to feet to inches as per your convenience.
 By pressing the
key each time for 2 seconds you can navigate
through different units of measurements.
 They change in this order.
1. meter upto three decimal places
2. meter upto four decimal places
3. meter upto two decimal places
4. feet upto two decimal places
5. feet and inches
6. inches upto two decimal places
7. only inches
Changing Tilt Units
You can also change the Tilt unit setting as well to measure your triangle angles in degrees
°or percentage %.
 Press
simultanaeously for 2 seconds and then
switch between and ° & % units.
Adjusting/Standardising/Calibration of tilt sensor (Tilt Calibration)
Follow these quick 9 steps to adjust or calibrate your device in case of an unlikely
1. Press
keys simultaneously for 2 seconds.
The device display would show as Mers 1 Hor.
2. Place the device on absolute flat surface and press
3. Next the device display would show Mers 2 turn
4. Place the device on a horizontal surface with display
up and rotate it one round 18o° and press .
5. Next the device display would show Mers 3 Ver.
6. Place the device upside down on a flat surface and
7. The device display will show Mers 4 turn 180°.
8. Turn the device horizontally by 180° and place it again
on an absolutely flat surface and press
9. The device calibration is complete and screen displays
Ok Cal.
Basic Applications
Straight line single distance measurement
Basic usage is quite simple.
 Beam and aim the laser on the selected target with the
 Pressing the
again records the measurement on device display.
* For measurements, where there is nothing obvious at the other end for the laser to reflect back, it is
recommended that you use Leica branded Target plate.
Permanent / Minimum-Maximum measurement
This function enables determining the minimum or maximum distance from a specific
measuring point, e.g. the determination of room diagonals (maximum value) or horizontal
distance (minimum value).
 To activate permanent measuring, aim the laser at your desired
location and press the
key for 2 seconds. This will activate the
continuous laser and the display would show the min and max values
on the screen.
 Focus the laser on to the wall corner (for maximum measurement)
or to the horizontal side (for minimum measurement) at 0° with a
swaying movement as shown in the picture.
 To stop permanent/minimum-maximum measuring press
Add/ Subtract function
 Add / Subtract are two basic functions in E7400X. The keys are
displayed on the device for this application.
 With the
key, the next measurement you take is added to the
previous measurement.
 And with the
key, the next measurement is subtracted from the
previous one.
Area Measurement
Area measurement is a basic function provided in all Leica Disto devices. This helps you
calculate the area of wall or surface just by measuring its sides from the same reference
 For measuring the area of a surface, press the Function key
and you get the area application which appears as
on the
display screen.
 Beam the laser pressing
across to the end of the surface to take the
1st reading.
 Then focusing from the same reference point take the 2nd reading by
measuring the adjacent wall length. Once this process is completed
the device automatically calculates the area for you.
* Adding and subtracting areas
You can measure two separate areas and add or subtract them from each other with the
help of
*Total linear distance (circumference) of the area calculated
Once you have calculated the area of a wall/floor you can long press the
key for 2
seconds to view the circumference of that wall/floor
. The device calculates this
Volume Measurement
 Same way as in the area measurement, press the Function key
twice and you reach the volume application which is displayed on
the screen as .
 Measure the three adjacent lengths (l x b x h) using . The only thing
that needs to be kept in mind is that the all measurement needs to be
taken from the same reference point.
 Once this process is completed the device automatically calculates
the volume on the display.
*Total linear distance (circumference) of the volume calculated
Once you have calculated the Volume of a room, you can long press the
key for 2
seconds to view the circumference of that room
device also calculates wall areas
. Along with this total of all the sides, the
and the ceiling/floor area
Triangular Area Measurement
 For measuring the area of a triangular surface, press the Function
thrice and you reach the triangular area measurement
application .
 This is quite similar to previous area and volume measurement
functions. Measure all three sides of a triangular area aiming lasers
at 1st, 2nd and 3rd target points pressing
 Once this process is completed the device automatically calculates
the area for you.
*Total linear distance (circumference) of the area calculated
Once you have calculated the triangular area of a wall/floor you can long press the
for 2 seconds to view the circumference of that triangular wall/floor
. And along with
the total of all 3 sides, the angle included by the first 2 measurements
Smart Horizontal Mode™
A wonderful application to measure the horizontal distance even with an obstruction in the
 Press the
key given in the center of the E7400X device to activate
the application.
 And shoot the laser at an angle of certain tilt and record the
measurement pressing .
 The device automatically calculates the horizontal distance from the
*Along with the horizontal distance this application also records angle of the tilt, length of
the tilt and the vertical height from the device.
Height Tracking
This function allows you to continuously track the height from a certain fixed point based
on changing angles as you move the device head reference.
 Press the
twice to reach the height tracking application which is
displayed on the screen as .
 Aim the laser at the lowest point of the target for which the height is
to be tracked and record the measurement by pressing .
 This starts height tracking automatically.
 Now gradually and continously keep aiming the laser at upper points
and angles recording the desired readings.
 Press
again to stop height tracking.
*This application needs tripod.
2 point Indirect Height measurement – With Disto E7400X, you can measure the height
of a building/object with the Pythagorean method. This function helps when you do not have
direct access to the building for straight line measurements.
This function is used to measure the height of an object or a building just by focusing on 2
points (the distance from the object/building & highest point of the object).
 To do so, press the Function key
four times and reach the
on the display.
 Then from the same reference point measure a. & b.
 How to measure a. & b.
a. Shoot the laser with the
key to the top or the highest point of
the object and press the
key again to record that measurement.
b. Same way measure the horizontal distance from the building at
 The device automatically calculates the height or the length of the
*This application needs tripod.
3 point indirect height measurement – With Disto E7400X, you can measure the height
of a building/object with the Pythagorean method. This function helps when you do not have
direct access to the building for straight line measurements.
This function is extremely useful in measuring the height of an object or a building when
you are measuring from a height or from above the ground.
With this application you can determine the vertical height of a building by recording 3
points (highest point of the building, the distance from the object/building & the lowest
point of the building).
 To do so, press the Fucnction key
five times and reach the
application on the display.
 Then from the same reference point measure a., b. & c.
 How to measure a., b. & c.
a. Shoot the laser with the
key to the top or the highest point of
the object and press the
key again to measure that point.
b. Same way and from the same reference point measure the
horizontal distance from the building at 0°. (perpendicular from
where you are standing)
c. Lastly aim the laser to the lowest point of the building to measure
that distance.
 With all 3 calculations the device automatically calculates the height
or the length of the building.
*This application needs tripod.
Partial Height measurement – Disto E7400X provides you with the application of
measuring partial length of an object/building at certain height from the ground.
 To do so, press the Fucnction key
5 times and reach the
on the display.
 Then from the same reference point measure a. & b.
 How to measure a. & b., c.
a. Shoot the laser with the
key to the top or the highest point of
the object and press the
key again to record that measurement.
b. Aim the laser at the 2 point or the starting point of the desired
length to be measured as shown in the picture (left)
c. Same way measure the horizontal distance from the building at
 The device automatically calculates the height or the length of the
*This application needs tripod.