9.00 -11.00 Testicular spermatozoa (isolation, cryopreservation and IVF) Anna Noble and Alan Jafkins, Lab 6.12, Old St. Michael’s Building Sperm freezing This protocol is modified by Harland from the protocol developed by Michael Sargent, NIMR: Sargent, MG and Mohun, TJ (2005) Cryopreservation of sperm of Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis Genesis 41(1):41-6 http://tropicalis.berkeley.edu/home/obtaining_embryos/sperm-freezing/sperm-freeze.html 1. Remove testes. All traces of blood or blood vessels are removed effectively from the testes by rolling them on paper towels. 2. Testes are transferred to an E ppendorf tube in 0.5ml L15 supplemented to 10% calf serum and dissociated by gentle application of an Eppendorf pestle. 3. Sperm preps are diluted 1:1 with ice cold cryoprotectant and frozen immediately. The capacity to be frozen successfully starts to be lost quite soon after macerating the testis although their actual motility does not change. 4. To prepare cryoprotectant disperse one egg yolk (about 15ml) in an equal volume of distilled water. Then dilute it to 20% v/v in sucrose (0.4M) in sodium bicarbonate (10mM) containing 2mM pentoxyfylline. Samples are then centrifuged for 20 min at 13,000 rpm in an SS24 rotor or equivalent. Aliquots of the supernatant are then stored frozen at -20C and the pellets discarded. Cryoprotectant should be discarded after ~1month. For freezing sperm, ice cold cryoprotectant were added to ice cold sperm in L-15 in a 1:1 ratio immediately before processing. 5. Freeze 4 samples of X. tropicalis sperm per testis: 250µl aliquots in 500µl thin walled eppendorfs. NOTE: We have tested three different freezing techniques (slow, medium, and fast) and found the slow freeze with a Styrofoam box to work the best. This is in contrast to the original published protocol of Sargent et al. which uses a slow freeze using either a dry ice/ethanol bath or thermoregulator for freezing. 6. Place 4 aliquots into a polystyrene box closed with aluminium foil instead of the normal lid and place directly into the –80C freezer overnight. 7. The next day move the tubes into a normal box in the –80C. Cryprotectant 0.4M sucrose………………………..136.92g 10mM NaHCO3…………………….…0.84g 2mM pentoxyfilline……………………0.56g 1000ml 40ml + 17.5ml yolk + 17.5ml Sigma H20 35ml 10ml ____________ 50ml Divide 50ml into 2 x 25ml ultracentrifuge tubes. Spin 20’ at 10000 g @ 10ºC. 5ml aliquots can be stored for up to one month at -20°C. L-15+calf serum L-15…………………….….….……9ml 10% calf serum….…………..……..1ml - FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum) L-glutamine 2mM…………..……..10µl 10ml X. laevis Macerate ½ of one testis in 500µl L-15 and add 500µl ice cold cryoprotectant (⅛ of one testis, Mohun 2005) divide into 4 tubes (thin walls 0.5ml) - 250µl each and place quickly at -80ºC in a polystyrene box with one layer of aluminium foil on top X. tropicalis Macerate both testis in 500µl L-15 and add 500µl ice cold cryoprotectant divide into 4 tubes (0.5ml) - 250µl each and place quickly at -80ºC in a polystyrene box with one layer of aluminium foil on top In vitro fertilisation 1. Keep tubes on dry ice untill the moment of thawing 2. Place roughly 200 eggs into a Petri dish 3. Thaw sperm 30s by hand, add 250µl 0.1x MBS (X. laevis) or sterile nuclease free water (X. tropicalis) 4. Add sperm to the eggs and mix 5. After 5 min flood with 0.1x MBS (X. laevis) or sterile nuclease free water (X. tropicalis)