Quote of the day: Carpe diem! English meaning: Seize the day! Phrase: Et cetera English meaning: And others (make the most of your day) (used in a list --- etc.) Quote of the day: Tempes fugit English meaning: Time flies Phrase: a.m. = ante meridiem p.m. = post meridiem English meaning: before mid-day after mid-day Quote of the day: veni, vidi, vici English meaning: I came, I saw, I conquered Everyday Phrase: vs. = versus English meaning: turned (towards) (in competitions, opponents are (Julius Caesar said this after a battle. turned towards each other to begin) It is like saying something was “no problem”) Quote of the day: Semper fidelis English meaning: Always faithful Everyday Phrase: ca. = circa English meaning: around (motto of the U.S. Marines) (used for the approximate year if the exact year is not known) Quote of the day: cogito, ergo, sum Everyday Phrase: Alter ego English meaning: I think, therefore I English meaning: Another me am (Because I can think, I know that I exist) (a secret identity) Quote of the day: non sum quails eram English meaning: I am not as I was Everyday Phrase: alias English meaning: another (changing as you grow) (another name used to hide your real name) Quote of the day: Citius, Altius, Fortius English meaning: Faster, Higher, Stronger (motto of the Olympics) Quote of the day: discere mutari est English meaning: to learn is to change (The more you learn, the more you grow) Everyday Phrase: m.o. = modus operandi English meaning: way of working (how a criminal commits multiple crimes in a similar way) Everyday Phrase: alibi English meaning: in another place (a person or thing that proves you were in another place when a crime occurred) Quote of the day: facta non verba English meaning: deeds not words Everyday Phrase: stat. = statim English meaning: immediately (actions speak louder than words) (used in the emergency room when something/someone is needed now) Quote of the day: e pluribus unum English meaning: From many, one! Phrase: veto English meaning: I forbid (The motto of the USA—on our money) (What the president can do to prevent a bill from becoming a law) Quote of the day: Annuit coeptis English meaning: Providence has favored our beginnings (This is on the back of the dollar bill—meaning a higher power has approved the start of our country) Quote of the day: novus ordo seclorum English meaning: A new series of generations (on the dollar bill) Phrase: Pro bono English meaning: for the good (Charity work—done for the good of the people, not for money) Everyday Phrase: et al.= et alii English meaning: and others (referring to a list of people that is too long to list) Quote of the day: Nihil sine magno Everyday Phrase: n.b. = nota bene labore English meaning: note well English meaning: Nothing without great effort (meaning “pay attention” to the information that follows) (no pain, no gain) Quote of the day: E nihilo, nihil fit English meaning: Nothing comes from nothing (You have to put in effort to gain something) Everyday Phrase: i.e. = id est English meaning: that is (used when you want to explain something with additional information) Quote of the day: Ars gratia artis Everyday Phrase: e.g.= exempli gratia English meaning: Art for the sake of English meaning: for the sake of an art example (Creating art for the enjoyment, not (used before listing examples in a just for money—MGM’s motto) sentence) Quote of the day: Vita est brevis, ars longa English meaning: Life is short, art is forever (What artists—painters, writers, musicians, etc.—create will live on long past the artists’ lives) Everyday Phrase: terra incognita English meaning: unknown land/territory (used to describe an unfamiliar place or situation) Quote of the day: Omes viae Romam ducunt English meaning: All roads lead to Rome (All ancient Roman roads in the Empire led to the capital city) Everyday Phrase: via English meaning: by way of (For example, “send me your homework via email) Quote of the day: Per ardua ad astra Everyday Phrase: terra firma English meaning: Through the English meaning: on solid ground rough, to the stars (Being in a familiar situation/place or (Going through difficulties in order literally being on land as opposed to to reach your goals) being at sea) Quote of the day: Dum spiro, spero English meaning: While I breath, I hope Everyday Phrase: cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude English meaning: with honors, with great honors. with highest honors (motto of South Carolina) (written on college diploma as a recognition for earning good grades) Quote of the day: Semper paratus English meaning: Always prepared Everyday Phrase: tabula rasa English meaning: blank slate (Motto of the U.S. Coast Guard) (The idea of a fresh/new start, starting over) Quote of the day: Sapere Aude English meaning: Have the courage to be wise (a common education motto) Quote of the day: caveat emptor English meaning: Let the buyer beware (You have to protect yourself as a consumer) Everyday Phrase: placebo English meaning: I will please (fake medicine/pill – it pleases your mind by making you think you are taking medicine) Everyday Phrase: caveat English meaning: let him/her beware (This word is used as a synonym for “warning”) Quote of the day: Festina Lente English meaning: Hurry slowly Everyday Phrase: quid pro quo English meaning: what for what (Do something quickly, but taking enough time to do it well) (A favor for a favor) Quote of the day: nosce te ipscum English meaning: know thyself Everyday Phrase: Rx English meaning: recipe (knowing who you are as a person is (used as a symbol for prescription important) medicine) Quote of the day: timeo danaos, et dona Everyday Phrase: lb. = libra ferentes English meaning: English meaning: I fear the Greeks, especially pound/scale bearing gifts (we use lb. as the (about the Trojan Horse which the Greeks abbreviation for a pound) pretended was a gift but was really a trick used to get into the city of Troy) Quote of the day: vita non est vivere, sed valere English meaning: Life is not just to be alive but to be well Everyday Phrase: mea culpa English meaning: my fault (admitting fault—that you made a mistake) Quote of the day: caput mundī English meaning: head of the world Everyday Phrase: per capita English meaning: per head (Ancient Rome’s nickname) (per person—used for statistics) Quote of the day: Anima Sana In Everyday Phrase: habeas corpus Corpore Sanō English meaning: you must have the English meaning: a healthy mind in a body healthy body (a legal term that guarantees that you (The acronym ASICS—an athletic cannot be held in prison without shoe company) formal charges and a trial) Quote of the day: Alea iacta est English meaning: The die is cast Everyday Phrase: status quo English meaning: the state in which (Julius Caesar said this—it means (the way things are right now— crossing the point of no return or doing keeping things the same) something you can't take back) Quote of the day: Et tu, Brute? English meaning: You too, Brutus? (Julius Caesar’s last words--- he couldn’t believe his friend was one of his attackers, so this quote is an expression of betrayal) Everyday Phrase: in media res English meaning: into the middle of things (a literary device where a story starts out in the middle of the action and then goes back in time to explain what happened before) Quote of the day: pro patria English meaning: for the fatherland Everyday Phrase: alma mater English meaning: nourishing mother (doing something for your own country-- patriotic) (a name for your college or university) Quote of the day: cave canem Everyday Phrase: exit; exeunt English meaning: beware of the dog English meaning: he/she/it leaves; they leave (famous quote from a mosaic found in Pompeii) (stage directions) Quote of the day: panem et Everyday Phrase: finis circenses English meaning: the end English meaning: bread and circuses (that’s all, folks! ) (a criticism of the Roman people – all they cared about is free food and entertainment – in circular buildings)