In this presentation I will try to tell you about the classroom climate.
Firstly I will define the ‘classroom climate’, then ‘how to create a
pleasant and productive classroom climate’, thirdly ‘the uses,
advantages and disadvantages of three types of classroom climate
which are cooperative, competitive and individual’ and lastly ‘the
importance of teacher expectations and how to avoid the negative
expectations of pupils’
Classroom Climate
Classroom climate can be defined as the mood or atmosphere created
by a teacher in her/his own classroom, the rules set out, the way the
teacher interacts with pupils, and the way the physical environment.
How to create pleasant and productive classroom
In order to able to improve the classroom climate and get a pleasant
environment, it is necessary first of all to find what the climate in
school is like. For making that getting information from the pupils is
important as getting from the teacher. Involving pupils by getting
them to give feedback on classroom climate has the further
advantage of making them feel valued and important.
All of these things can be made by asking questions to the pupils like
that :
-What do you like about this school?
-What area would you like to have improved in this school?
-What was the most memorable experience in this school?
***(if it is doing for a specific lesson by a teacher, the questions can
be changed)
Besides of all this information ‘creating a pleasant and productive
environment’ should be done by looking these two points :
1.Classroom Relationship
- relationship between teacher and pupil
- using by the teacher of pupil names
- enthusiasm shown by teacher
2.The Physical Environment
- attractive and pleasant displays
- clean and tidy classrooms, hallways, toilets
- class size (according to some authors) (the size should be 1.50 m2
for each student)
- quickly implemented and highly visible strategies
There types of classroom climate
1.Cooperative Classroom
Pupil learn in a dialogue that is monitored by the teacher. They are
allowed to discuss and improve their own ideas. The teacher’s role is
stimulate discussion, making connection and make sure
disagreements between pupils do not make a unwanted condition. At
the and of the discussion, the teacher will summarize and organize
the ideas presented by pupils. This type will develop pupils’ social
and cooperative skills which are becoming more and more important
in the workplace. Disadvantage of this type is one or two highly selfconfident individuals can dominate.
2.Competititive Classroom
In this type, teacher leads the class, presents and organizes the
material and evaluates. However pupils compete among themselves
to give right answer or to attain a standard set by the teacher. In
collaborative work, groups can compete against each other. This type
can motivate pupils and can enhance pupil achievement. The possible
negative effects is hurting the self-confidence of less able pupils.
3.Individual Classroom
In that type the emphasis will be on pupils getting through work
independently and testing themselves. Pupils will complete the
assignments monitored by the teacher. The results of works are
should not shared with the class in that type. This type supply to the
students to work at their own level and develop their own answers to
questions. This will encourage pupils’ individual problem solving and
independent learning skills. The possible disadvantage of this type,
pupils will not have the opportunity to develop cooperative skills.
These three types have both beneficial and harmful sides. However
that point is should not forgotten ‘effective teachers are able to strike
the right balance between this types’.
This part will be tried to explain by telling a survey and mentioning
about its results which name is ‘kendini kanıtlayan kehanet’.
As I mentioned about that at previous part teacher expectations is
very important. I will mention about some strategies for avoiding
negative expectations. Witting of their own (unwanted) biases will
help to teacher to get rid of negative expectations. There are a
number of things teachers can do to help overcome this problem.
-remember that all pupils can learn and communicate
-make sure all pupils get the chance to answer questions and
contribute to discussions
-teacher should try to use objective criteria when marking pupils’
In conclusion, classroom climate is the most important factor to the
pupils achievement. To establish a pleasant and productive
environment there are many things to do by the teacher. I hope we
all will be teachers who are be aware of this point.
The Sources
1. Effective Teaching/ Chapter9/ Classroom Climate
2. Lütfü Ilgar (Educational Phycology Teacher)