5-E Integrated Subject Lesson Plan Title of Lesson: Is it really? Lesson Planners (names): States, Wolford, & Zeff School(s) & School Division: Daniel Morgan Middle School, Winchester City Public Schools Grade Level:5th Grade Lesson specific Science & Math SOL (or other standards covered). Describe desired gains in Knowledge/Skills/Behaviors for each, where applicable). Connection from non standard measuring devices and observations based on appearances These are your specific Learning Objectives for the lesson. Standards (list) Knowledge (Know) Skills (Do) Values (Be) Math SOL 5.8 SOL 5.8 SOL 5.8 5.8 The ● Length is the distance Solve problems involving ● Understand how to student will: along a line or figure measurement by selecting select a measuring d) estimate from one point to an appropriate measuring device and unit of and then measure another. device and a U.S. measure to solve to solve problems, Customary or metric unit problems involving using U.S. ● U.S. Customary units of measure for the measurement. Customary and for measurement of following: metric units; and length include inches, – length: part of an inch SOL 5.16 e) choose an feet, yards, and miles. (, , ), inches, feet, appropriate unit of Appropriate ● Understand that yards, millimeters, measure for a centimeters, measuring devices mean, median, and given situation meters, and include rulers, mode are described as kilometers; involving yardsticks, and tape measures of center. measurement measures. Metric units ● Understand that using U.S. for measurement of SOL 5.16 mean, median, and Customary and length include mode are three of the ● Describe and find the metric units. millimeters, various ways that data mean of a group of centimeters, meters, can be described or numbers representing and kilometers. 5.16 The student summarized. data from a given will Appropriate context as a measure a) describe mean, ● Understand that mean measuring devices of center. median, and as fair share is include centimeter mode as described as equally ● Describe and find the ruler, meter stick, and measures of dividing the data set median of a group of tape measure. center; numbers representing or the data set has b) describe mean SOL 5.16 data from a given already been divided as fair share; ● A measure of center is context as a measure equally. c)find the mean, a value at the center or of center. median, mode, ● Understand how to middle of a data set. and range of a set ● Describe and find the find the mean, Mean, median, and of data; and mode of a group of median, and mode of mode are measures of d) describe the numbers representing a set of data as range of a set of center. data from a given measures of center. data as a measure of variation. ● The mean, median, and mode are three of the various ways that context as a measure of center. ● Understand values in the context of other data can be analyzed. Science 5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature are made in metric units using proper tools; g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements; ● Estimation is a useful tool for making approximate measures and giving general descriptions. ● When conducting experiments, data are collected, recorded and analyzed and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements. ● A scientific prediction is a forecast about what may happen in some feature situation. ● An inference is a tentative explanation based on background knowledge and available data. ● A conclusion is a summary statement based on the results of an investigation (observations). ● Describe mean as fair share. ● Describe and find the range of a group of numbers representing data from a given context as a measure of variation. ● Describe the impact on measures of center when a single value of a data set is added, removed, or changed.† ● Estimate and make accurate measurements of length. ● Collect, record and analyze data and communicate data using proper graphical representations and metric measurements. ● Make predictions and inferences using patterns from data collected and form conclusion. characteristics of the data in order to best describe the results. ● Become more efficient learners of the 21st century skills using integrated math and science concepts. ● Improve literacy in STEM (science, math, engineering and technology) concepts and problem solving skills in real world applications. ● Become more efficient learners of the 21st century skills using integrated math and science concepts. ● Improve literacy in STEM (science, math, engineering and technology) concepts and problem solving skills in real world applications. h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are generated; i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn Level or Extent of Integration for this lesson (Mathematics Specific, Mathematics Focus, Balanced Math & Science, Science Focus, Science Specific): Instructional time: 45 minutes to an hour ● ● ● ● ● Materials needed: Objects to measure Non-standard measuring device (string/ paper clips) calculator Ruler Web resources used (if any; Give urls): ● http://www.brainpopjr.com/math/measurement/inchesandfeet/ ● http://www.brainpopjr.com/science/scienceskills/makingobservations ● http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/math/measurement/units-ofmeasurement.htm ● http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/math/measurement/toolsmeasurement.htm ● http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/math/measurement/measurelength.htm Advance preparation needed: ● learning log (worksheet) ● objects to measure ● standard & non standard measuring devices ● Formative assessment(s): How will students demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson objective(s)? How will you judge whether your teaching strategy is effective? This assessment should be embedded throughout the lesson as well as at the end of the lesson. ● Formative assessment based on Learning Logs will be collected ● Questions for discussion (possible exit ticket) o How do you use weight and measurement in your life? o What tools and units are used to measure the attributes of an object? o How are the units of measure within a standard system related? ● Journal / Writing Prompt o Was it easier to use standard or non-standard measurements? What is the value in standard units? Describe the Mathematical & Scientific contents used today? o ● Other o Students can create a Thinking Map about length (alternative assessment) o Artistic Expression – create a collage where you would measure various objects o Research what careers dwell on measurement Lesson Description (step-by-step teaching procedure): ● To begin this lesson, the teacher is going to ask the class to record what they know about ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● measurement. Children will work collaboratively to generate a list. The teacher will circulate around the room (2 to 3 minutes.) Students will then be asked to share list with another group. Distribute the recording sheet to each individual student. Discuss the expectations of the assignment. Students are to first use the non-traditional measuring devices to make observations/inferences about each object on the recording sheet. (Each group will be given a set time at each station to record findings.) Teacher will engage the students in a conversation about accuracy in data collection. Discussion in Science, we make inference about predictions about prior knowledge. The teacher will then explain to the class that points will be awarded to groups on how accurate their measurements are in relation to the object. Each group will then make predictions about the various lengths of the objects. (Still using the nontraditional measuring devices.) a. Desktop: Non Standard- penny Standard: centimeters b. Textbook: Non Standard- paper clip Standard: inches c. Pencil: Non Standard- playing card Standard: inches d. Condiment Packet: Non Standard- uni-fix cube Standard: Millimeters e. Locker: Non Standard- Di (Singular dice ) Standard: meter Report observations and inferences. Then have each child make their predictions of object & record on data collection log (Note: the units will vary for each object) The students will measure the objects. Circulating from station to station with a certain allotted time at each place. The direction will be repeated MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING THE PROPER SCALE. As students are working, circulate and answer questions as necessary. Record common errors and misconceptions that will be addressed. NOTE: Students will return to their groups to calculate estimations and actual. (This may be a differentiation extension that you wish to pursue.) Can include measures of center to the project to compare the data collected. Discuss how students felt about the activity go over measurements of the objects in standard units. Did the thought of being judge on accuracy play a part in their gathering of data? Differentiation Strategies to meet diverse learner needs: ● Students can complete tasks in learning teams, taking turn with the roles in the group. ● Focus on just Metric System one day and repeat on another day with U.S. Customary System ● Calculate percentage of accuracy from predictions to true measurements. Attach Worksheets &/or Hand-outs, if applicable for this lesson ● Recording Sheet #1 ● Recording Sheet #2 Homework Assigned (and applicable worksheets): ● Graphic Organizer – based on Measuring length