P149 A QUESTIONNAIRE TO DETERMINE THE RENAL DIETARY KNOWLEDGE OF CLINICAL STAFF WORKING WITHIN THE RENAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM MacAskill, E Dietetic Department and Department of Renal Medicine Manchester Royal Infirmary Problem: Malnutrition is well documented in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, likely exacerbated by dietary restrictions to manage phosphate, potassium and fluid levels. Dietary treatment is an important part of managing established renal failure and healthcare professionals (HCP’s) need to be able to support dietary modifications to maximise nutritional status. Patients report confusion with their renal diet owing to conflicting messages being given by HCP’s. Purpose: This study aims to identify the renal dietary knowledge of clinical staff working with the renal multidisciplinary team (MDT) to determine whether patients receive consistent messages about their diet. The questionnaire will determine the stronger and weaker areas of renal diet knowledge, the results obtained will be used by the renal dietitians when devising dietary educational programmes to ensure we maximise staff knowledge and confidence in promoting consistent messages for patients. Design: The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions and was split into data gathering questions (confidence levels, previous education, length of time in renal) and dietary questions. The dietary questions concentrated on potassium, phosphate, fluid, salt and nutritional assessment. A pilot study was carried out on a satellite dialysis unit before rolling it out to the wider renal team via survey monkey and paper questionnaires. Staff targeted worked in all renal areas including medical/surgical wards, community, clinics and satellite units. Staff were given 3 weeks to complete the questionnaire with weekly prompts via email. Findings: A total of 66 questionnaires were returned (28 via survey monkey, 38 paper copies). Table 1 shows a summary of the scores achieved. Section of questionnaire No. of responses Malnutrition Phosphate Fluid Potassium Salt Total Score 66 66 66 66 66 66 Percentage of questions answered correctly 17-92% 0-92% 29-92% 0-100% 4-83% 15-83% Mean score in each section 58% 33% 67% 42% 42% 47% Summary of respondents: 80% nurse/HCA 12% consultant/doctor 5% other 3% not stipulated Length of service in renal: 0-32 years (mean=11 years) Table 1 Conclusion: There was wide range of scores achieved. The mean scores for the different dietary areas range from 33-67% accuracy with the fluid section having the highest mean score and the phosphate section having lowest scores. The consultants/doctors achieved the highest total mean score of 55%, nurses/HCA’s achieved 45%. The different clinical areas achieved similar total mean scores ranging 43-55%. Staff with less experience had lower scores and lower confidence levels. Correlation was found between length of service and total score and between length of service and confidence level. Relevance: The Renal Association Guidelines provide recommendations on phosphate and potassium levels, fluid balance and the detection and management of malnutrition. The results of this questionnaire highlight a need to promote renal dietary education for all clinical staff within the renal MDT. This will help to improve confidence scores and ensure patients receive consistent advice/information on their renal diet and help them achieve the targets recommended by the renal association. The study highlights the need for a more robust education package for all staff and provides guidance to the dietetic team on areas to concentrate on. It has highlighted the need to focus on staff new to renal and has provided the opportunity for staff to feedback on how they would like to receive dietary education.