Lisa Meeks-VPK 3 -Newsletter – November 9TH, 2015 ***********PARENTS, WE HAD SUCH A WONDERFUL DAY AT GREEN MEADOWS FARM. THANK YOU TO THE PARENTS WHO WERE ABLE TO HELP CHAPERONE. ***********REMINDER: WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH In our early literacy groups, we will work on the unit of “Vegetables and Harvest”. We will explore green, yellow, and red bell peppers, as well as, paint with them. We will practice peeling cucumbers, using handheld peelers. We will dig for baby carrots in potting soil, and wash them. We will paint with bell peppers. We will roller paint with cucumbers. We will paint with carrots and celery. While at home or in the community, you can: discuss the difference between fruits and vegetables. Discuss which has seeds, and which does not. Allow your child to help wash fresh vegetables in the kitchen sink. Review things that are green, yellow, red, and orange. In our cognitive learning groups, we will continue working on our letter recognition and letter sounds, with the letter “O”. We will create an ostrich craft. We will draw a picture of an octopus. We will sequence 5 octopi by size, from smallest to largest. While out in the community or at home, look for items that begin with the letter “O”. Discuss and review position words, such as “on, off, over”. For gross motor purposes, have your child practice throwing a ball over a target, or jumping over something that is slightly off the ground. In our handwriting groups, we will continue our “curve” letters, with the letter “O”. We will build the letter with wooden pieces and trace the letter. We will roll play-do into 1 long snake-like, line to form the letter. We will write the letter on slate boards, using sponges (WET, DRY, TRY). We will make the letter, on magnetic boards, using magnetic lines. We will copy the letter, correctly, from a written model. While at home or in the community, encourage your child to use a tripod grip on all writing tools. Do not allow them to use the palmar grip. The correct language to use, when your child is writing the letter “O”, is “Start at the top, make a magic “c”, keep going, and stop at the top.” We will be assembling a fresh Vegetable Platter on Friday, using all of our left over vegetables from Miss Jaci’s Early Literacy Group. Thank You----- Miss Lisa’s Team