Contract and Grant Awards Fiscal Year 1996

I am pleased to release the 1996 Contract and Grant Awards Report, which lists contract and grant (C&G)
awards received by the University of New Mexico during fiscal year 1996 (i.e. July 1, 1995 - June 30,
1996), FY96. These awards represent new funds that were acquired during FY96 by the main campus and
branch campuses, and the Health Sciences Center (HSC). The HSC includes the School of Medicine,
College of Nursing and College of Pharmacy.
The C&G awards received for FY96 total $164.3M, of which $113.7M is attributed to the main campus and
branch campuses and $50.7M to the Health Sciences. A summary table includes some statistics of interest
in Tables 1a through 1d. Sponsored awards assist in providing resources that are necessary to improve the
quality of research and teaching on our campus as well as enhance the opportunities for our students to be
trained in state-of-the-art laboratories in a variety of disciplines. During FY96, $6.3M was paid to 503
graduate students for research assistantships.
Please join me in thanking our dedicated faculty, staff and students involved in the research, public
service and instruction efforts at UNM. Their efforts and successes contribute to UNM's visibility at the
national and international levels, as well as assist in the economic growth of the State of New Mexico and
the region. Thanks are also due to a number of individuals who have helped in preparing this report. In
particular, I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Denise Wallen, Ann Powell and Valerie Roybal of the
Office of Research Services, and Gulbransen and Marcia Truax of the Health Sciences Center.
I welcome your comments and questions with respect to this annual report and other issues related to
research activities at UNM.
Nasir Ahmed, Presidential Professor
Interim Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies
Statistics Summary:
Contract & Grant Awards Fiscal Year 1996
Table 1a
Total Contract & Grant Awards
Total Contract & Grant Awards (Main
$113.7M (69.2%)
Total Contract & Grant Awards
$ 50.7M (30.8%)
(Health Sciences)
Table 1b
Source of Contract & Grant Awards (UNM)
National Laboratories
State of New Mexico
Percentage of Total Contract & Grant Awards
(Total: $164.3M)
Table 1c
Source of Contract & Grant Awards
(Main Campus)
National Laboratories
State of New Mexico
Percentage of Total Contract & Grant Awards
(Total: $113.7M)
Table 1d
Source of Contract & Grant Awards
Percentage of Total Contract & Grant Awards
(Total: $50.7M)
National Laboratories
State of New Mexico
School of Public Administration
Water Resources Administration Program
Anderson Schools of Management
Alistair Preston
Sandia National Laboratories $72,995
Draft Methodology on Activity Based Costing
Avraham Shama
Los Alamos National Laboratories $25,000
Development of Regional Marketing Plan for Technology Transfer
John Young
Small Business Administration $2,000
Small Business Institute
School of Public Administration
Santa Falcone
Sandia National Laboratories $10,000
Optimizing Technology Transfer
Bruce Perlman
Sandia National Laboratories $50,382
ATIPE Project
Water Resources Administration Program
Denise Fort
Bureau of Reclamation $2,500
Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission Officer Support
Richard Eribes
City of Albuquerque $2,500
Monday Night Lecture Series
David Henkel
New Mexico State University at Carlsbad $3,065
Border Profile Update
James Richardson
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development $109,812
95-97 Community Development Work Study Program
James Richardson
Agency for International Development $10,000
Hungarian/American Conference on Settlement Development and Amenity Migration
Anne Taylor
NM Education Department $15,000
The Technology Classroom of the Future
Anne Taylor
National Science Foundation $5,000
Technology Learning Environment of the Future
Chris Wilson
NM Cultural Affairs Office $5,000
Historic Building Survey and Research Methods
American Studies
Charles Biebel
Lilly Endowment, Inc. $391,600
Evaluating Leadership Education
Michelle Chino, Jane Lancaster
National Science Foundation $7,500
The Socio-ecological Context of Reproduction for a Population of American Indian Women
Kim Hill
Nature Conservancy $30,000
The Distribution of Food Resources in the Mbaracaya Reserve (Paraguay) and the Impact of Native Use
Kim Hill
Leakey (L.S.B.) Foundation $20,000
Evolutionary Ecology of Ache Foragers
Ana Hurtado
Grant (William T.) Foundation $25,798
Maternal and Child Health Among Mexican Americans: Mother's Work and Father Absence
Sara Johnson, Jane Lancaster
Leakey (L.S.B.) Foundation $6,006
Modeling the Trade-off between Energy Acquisition and Predation Risk: Effects on Individual Variation
in Growth and Mortality Among Baboons
Jane Lancaster, Virginia Laadt
National Science Foundation $12,000
Impact of Preterm Birth and Child Condition Upon Maternal Reproductive Behavior
Jane Lancaster, Hillard Kaplan
Grant (William T.) Foundation $9,800
Male Fertility and Parenting in New Mexico: Management of the Data Base for Analysis
Wesley Niewoehner, Eric Trinkaus
Leakey (L.S.B.) Foundation $8,826
Functional Anatomy of Late Pleistocene and Recent Human Carpometacarpal Articulations
Sharon Pochron, Jane Lancaster
Leakey (L.S.B.) Foundation $2,500
Tests of Food Selection Models-Yellow Baboons (Papio c. cynocephalus) Ruaha Park, Tanzania
Richard Sosis, Kim Hill
Leakey (L.S.B.) Foundation $6,578
The Collective Action Problem in Male Cooperative Labor
Lawrence Straus
Leakey (L.S.B.) Foundation $3,500
Stone Age Adaptations in the Cantabrian Cordillera (Spain): El Miron Cave
Maxwell Museum of Anthropology
Brenda Dorr
Army Corps of Engineers $500
Museum Services Project -- Conchas Dam
Katherine Liden
Maxwell Museum Association $1,500
Educational Programs
Katherine Liden
Maxwell Museum Association $1,500
NM Association Grant/Maxwell Association
Mary Ella Smith
Albuquerque Public Schools $2,250
Education Program - Maxwell Museum
J. Scott Altenbach
NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department $6,250
Evaluation of Bat Population and Bat Habitat Research
James Brown
National Science Foundation $112,500
A BIO Research Training Group in Ecological Complexity
James Brown
National Science Foundation $76,662
Long-Term Monitoring and Manipulation of the Desert Granivore System
James Brown
National Science Foundation $4,987
REU: Long-term Monitoring and Manipulation of the Desert Granivory System
Clifford Crawford, Manuel Molles
Fish and Wildlife Service $40,000
The Effects of Annual Flooding on the Rio Grande Bosque: Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge,
San Antonio, New Mexico
Laura Crossey, Maurice Valett
National Science Foundation $290,000
Biogeochemical Cycling of Redox-Sensitive Metals during Surface-Subsurface Water Exchange in a
Shallow Alluvial Aquifer
Paul Cryan
Bat Conservation International $2,500
Investigations Inspired by the Roost-Changing Behavior of the Fringe-Tailed Bat: Why Do They Do It?
Clifford Dahm
National Science Foundation $74,774
IPA-Year Two
Donald Duszynski, Murray Dailey
National Science Foundation $360,000
Historical Biodiversity of the Parasites of Small Mammals on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge,
Socorro, NM: 1989-2000
Donald Duszynski
National Science Foundation $132,308
The Coccidia of the World
Ann Evans
National Science Foundation $51,000
REU with the Sevilleta LTER Program: Ecological Studies in a Biome Transition Zone
Ann Evans
National Science Foundation $117,752
Effect of a Seed Bank on the Evolution of Post-Germination Traits: An Empirical Study of the Desert
Mustard Lesquerella fendleri
William Gannon
NM Game and Fish Department $4,000
Spotted Bat Survey in New Mexico
William Gannon
Bureau of Land Management $8,690
Bat Survey of Area Near Chama, New Mexico
William Gannon
NM Game and Fish Department $9,492
Acoustic Survey of the Bats in New Mexico (Year Two)
William Gannon
Bureau of Land Management $4,000
Bat Survey of New Mexico: Special Emphasis on the BLM Farmington District
Ellen Goldberg
Santa Fe Institute $60,174
Formalizing Ties between the Santa Fe Institute and the University of New Mexico
James Gosz
University of Washington $94,991
Stimulation and Facilitating Collaborative Long-term Ecological Research: A Proposal for Continued
Support of the LTER & ILTER Networking
Peter Hraber
Santa Fe Institute $19,200
Validation of the Echo Model
Nancy Johnson
National Science Foundation $98,519
Mycorrhizal Responses to Nitrogen Eutrophication at Five Mesic and Semi-Arid Sites
Nancy Johnson
National Science Foundation $4,950
REU Supplement: Mycorrhizal Responses to Nitrogen Eutrophication at Fnd Semi-Arid Sites
David Lightfoot
New Mexico State University $16,519
The Effects of Small Mammals on Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Vegetation in the Northern
Chihuahuan Desert
David Lightfoot, James Brown, James Brunt
National Science Foundation $164,665
The Effects of Indigenous Small Mammals on the Species Composition & structure of Chihuahuan Desert
Communities: A LTER Cross-site Project
David Lightfoot, Robert Parmenter
National Biological Survey $7,596
Long-term Studies of Arthropod Biodiversity at Bandelier National Monument
J. David Ligon
Lovelace Institutes $8,326
Research Assistantship for Yue-Mei Geng
Eric Loker
Schistosomiasis Research Program $45,056
Molecular Studies of Schistosome Snail Interactions
Eric Loker
National Institute. of Allergy & Infectious Diseases $188,730
Biology of Trematode-Snail Associations
Diane Marshall, Ann Evans
National Science Foundation $55,303
Can Non-Random Mating Result in Evolutionary Change: A Selection Experiment Using Wild Radish as a
Model System
Patricia Mehlhop
NM Game and Fish Department $15,000
Mollusk Surveys of the Canadian River
Patricia Mehlhop, Esteban Muldavin
Army Corps of Engineers $468,348
Fort Bliss Monitoring Project
Patricia Mehlhop, J. Scott Altenbach
Holloman Air Force Base $70,000
Establishing Wildlife Monitoring Programs: Use of Human Structures by Wildlife
Patricia Mehlhop, J. Scott Altenbach
Holloman Air Force Base $26,200
Establishing Wildlife Monitoring Programs: Wetlands as Wildlife Food Resources
Patricia Mehlhop
Bureau of Reclamation $21,838
Avian Nesting Success of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
Patricia Mehlhop, Kristine Johnson
Holloman Air Force Base $50,000
Establishing Wildlife Monitoring Programs II: Aquatic Invertebrate, Benthic and Other Surveys
Robert Miller
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases $176,499
Isolating the Mouse SCID DNA Repair Gene
Bruce Milne, James Brunt
Oregon State University $39,962
Estimation of Ecosystem Attributes at the Landscape Scale in a Semi-arid Grassland
Bruce Milne
National Science Foundation $35,400
PYI: Fractal Analyses of Landscapes
Bruce Milne, Donald Duszynski, Ann Evans, Terry Yates
National Science Foundation $575,000
Sevilleta LTER II: Biome-level Constraints on Population, Community, and Ecosystem Responses to
Climate Fluctuations
Bruce Milne, James Brunt, Robert Parmenter
National Science Foundation $10,000
LTER II: Biome-Level Constraints on Population, Community, & Ecosystem Responses to Climate
Fluctuation, Sevilleta, NM
Manuel Molles
Department of Agriculture $2,678
Interaction of Ecosystem processes in the Rio Grande Basin
Esteban Muldavin, Patricia Mehlhop
NM Environment Department $100,000
Developing a Riparian Community Classification
Esteban Muldavin, Patricia Mehlhop
NM Environment Department $80,000
Development of the Wetlands Assessment Manual
Mary Anne Nelson
National Institute of General Medical Science $112,530
Molecular Analysis of Sexual Development in Neurospora
Robert Parmenter, James Brunt
National Science Foundation $123,120
The Sevilleta Field Station: Enhancements to Station Computation, Information, and Transportation
Robert Parmenter, James Brunt, William Gannon, David Lightfoot
National Park Service $12,372
Capulin Volcano National Monument: Listed and Category Species Inventory
Vickie Peck, Margaret Werner-Washburne
National Institute of General Medical Science $29,900
Beyl C-Terminal Function(s) in Stationary Phase Yeast
Steven Plantania
NM Game and Fish Department $25,000
Secondary Channel Fish Study
Howard Snell
NM Game and Fish Department $74,217
Dunes Sagebrush Lizard, Sceloporus arenicolus, in Southeastern New Mexico: Effect of Shinnery Oak
Removal; Distribution and Gas/Oil Studies
Howard Snell
National Science Foundation $10,000
REU: The Roles of Natural and Sexual Selection in the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism of Body Size
Alexandra Snyder, Steven Plantania
Bureau of Reclamation $116,000
San Juan River Drift Studies
Maurice Valett
Forest Service $15,000
Nutrient Retention in the Rio Grande Continuum
Maurice Valett, Michael Campana
National Science Foundation $190,000
Stream/Groundwater Ecotones: Hydrology, Biogeochemistry and Ecology
Maurice Valett, Michael Campana, Clifford Crawford, Manuel Molles
National Science Foundation $10,000
REU Supplement to SGER: Experimental Flooding of Bosque del Apache NWR, Rio Grande, NM
Maurice Valett, Michael Campana
National Science Foundation $16,000
REU & RAMHSS Supplement to Stream/Groundwater Ecotones: Hydrology, Biogeochemistry and
Kathryn Vogel
National Institute of Arthritis & Muscoskeletal & Skin $173,861
Proteogylcan Structure, Metabolism and Role in Tendon
Margaret Werner-Washburne
National Science Foundation $37,500
The Role of Gene Regulation in Starvation-Induced Arrest in Yeast
Margaret Werner-Washburne
National Science Foundation $8,500
REU Component: Characterization of a Novel, Stationary-phase Gene in the Yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae
Margaret Werner-Washburne
National Science Foundation $105,001
Characterization of a Novel, Stationary-phase Gene in the Yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae
Carleton White
Iowa State University $10,512
Ecosystem and Soil Studies of Native American Runoff Agriculture
Carleton White
Forest Service $9,910
Summer 1996 Field Course: Evaluation of Protocols to Assess Watershed Condition
Terry Yates, Jennifer Frey
National Science Foundation $27,180
International Workshop: Collaborative Longterm Research across the Biomes of North America
Terry Yates
Indian Health Service $15,950
Longitudinal Studies of Rodent Carriers of Hantavirus
Terry Yates
NM Health Department $234,852
Monitoring and Surveillance of Hantavirus in Natural Populations of Wild Rodents
Jeronimo Dominguez, Eduardo Rodriguez
Dept. of Education $40,000
"Designing a Curriculum Guide for Using the Spanish Resource Center Materials"
Jeronimo Dominguez,
NM Education Department $75,000
Creating Real Opportunities for NM Youth
Jeronimo Dominguez
NM Education Department $24,979
Training Teachers on Emergency Certificates
Francisca Hernandez, Jeronimo Dominguez
NM Children, Youth and Family Department $50,000
Celebrate Youth
Danny Trujillo
Indian Health Service $24,950
IHS Intensive Training on Alcohol and other Drugs Treatment
Danny Trujillo
NM Health Department $23,430
Peer Leadership Conference on Substance Abuse Prevention
College of Education
Rebecca Benjamin
Cochiti Pueblo $5,491
Cochiti Language Revitalization Project
Peggy Blackwell
National Geographic Society $141,000
New Mexico Geographic Alliance
Maria Chavez
Bernalillo County $24,576
Family Support Services for the South Broadway Community
Maria Chavez
City of Albuquerque $30,000
Escuelita Alegre Preschool
Maria Chavez, Edith Menning
NM Education Department $150,000
Family Development Program Training Project
Maria Chavez, Edith Menning
NM Children, Youth and Family Department $35,200
Escuelita Alegre Preschool
Maria Chavez, Edith Menning
City of Albuquerque $79,700
1996 Escuelita Alegre Preschool
Mary Dudley, Edith Menning
NM Health Department $40,972
Baby Amigo/Community Sisters
Mary Dudley, Edith Menning
NM Children, Youth and Family Department $59,044
My True Colors After-School Project
Frank Field
Bureau of Indian Affairs $249,024
Educational Native American Network (ENAN)
Gladis Fois-Maresma, Guillermina Engelbrecht
Government of Colombia $20,400
ESL Institute for 30 Colombian Teachers
William Kane
NM Health Department $4,400
NM Early Detection and Control of Breast & Cervical Cancer
Donald Kelly
Carnegie Foundation $290,000
Middle Grade School State Policy Initiative
Craig Kelsey
National Collegiate Athletic Association $1,899
1995 National Youth Sports Program
Teresa Kokoski
NM Commission on Higher Education $34,000
Fostering Microcosmos Teacher-Leaders in New Mexico: Summer Workshop and Follow-up
Anne Madsen
NM Education Department $225,000
MM/UNM Mathematics and Science Teacher Academy for Professional Development
Edith Menning, Maria Chavez
NM Children, Youth and Family Department $24,288
Child Care Food Program
Rebel Palm-Aitchison, Kathryn Herr
NM Education Department $30,000
Comprehensive School Health Infrastructure Evaluation Plan
Candace Schau
Los Alamos National Laboratory $5,103
Assessing Middle School Students Understanding of Science Relationships and Processes
Candace Schau\
Los Alamos National Laboratory $48,184
Assessing the Impact of the TOPS Program on Participants' Students
Patrick Scott, Guillermina Engelbrecht, Gladis Fois-Maresma
Academy for Education Development ($12,458)
MA in ED Foundations with Emphasis in Administration
Pauline Turner
NM Children, Youth and Family Department $200,700
Family Centered Training Project
Richard Van Dongen, Carol Westby
Bernalillo Public Schools $80,205
Project TALES II (Talking About Life Experiences and Stories)
Carol Westby
NM Education Department $50,000
Project TALES (Talking about Life Experiences and Stories)
Educational Leadership and Organizational Learning
S. Gregory Bowes
NM Education Department $83,600
Center for Community College Leadership
S. Gregory Bowes
NM Education Department $296,389
Adult Basic Education Staff Development Project
David Colton
Albuquerque Public Schools $41,645
Albuquerque Learning Communities Network
David Colton
Belen Consolidated Schools $53,321
New Mexico World Class Teachers Project
David Colton
Albuquerque Public Schools $5,000
Evaluation of Albuquerque Human Services Collaborative
Frank Field
Bureau of Indian Affairs $249,995
ENAN for Assistance in Curriculum Development & Administrative Applications Via Electronic
Charlotte Gunawardena
Oklahoma State University $104,654
OSU and NAU Star Schools Evaluation Subcontract
Jo Krueger
Albuquerque Public Schools ($10,028)
FY96 APS/UNM Administrative Internship Program
Bonnie Page
NM Education Department $140,000
New Mexico Project LEAD
Educational Specialties
Gary Adamson
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services $97,381
Preparation of Personnel for Careers in Special Education
Isaura Barrera, Carlene Van Etten
Department of Education $98,591
Isaura Barrera
Department of Education $100,049
Leadership Training of Minority and Other Special Educators to Address Needs of Culturally/
Linguistically Diverse
Isaura Barrera
Department of Education $100,834
VENTANAS: Opening Windows of Opportunity for Young/C/LD Children with Special Needs
Through Expanded Training of Minority/Rural and Other Special Educators
Virginia Blalock
NM Education Department $27,600
NM Interagency Collaboration Model for Special Education Personnel Preparation
Virginia Blalock
Department of Education $120,232
Bilingual/Multicultural Special Education Teacher Training Project
Virginia Blalock
NM Division of Vocational Rehabilitation $15,041
Community Transition Training and Technical Assistance
Virginia Blalock
Albuquerque Public Schools $7,599
Project M.O.R.E. FY96
Virginia Blalock
NM Division of Vocational Rehabilitation $29,603
Circle of Life Transition Project 1996 Summer Institutes
Teresa Kokoski
Miami University of Ohio $5,000
Teaching Science with Toys
Elizabeth Nielsen
Department of Education $240,762
Project Reach: Meeting the Needs of Twice Exceptional Learners
Deborah Smith
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services $125,000
Project Success
Deborah Smith
Department of Education $1,464,138
Alliance 2000 Project
Anne Tafoya
NM Education Department $7,790
Early Childhood Special Education Diagnostic Instruments
Language, Literature and Sociocultural Studies
Leroy Ortiz
Department of Education $89,910
Title VII Bilingual Education Fellowship Program
Leroy Ortiz
NM Education Department $8,316
American Indian Education Institute
Multicultural Education Center
Leroy Ortiz
Department of Education $194,006
Personnel Training Project
Leroy Ortiz
Department of Education $186,225
UNM-MEC Bilingual Education Teacher and Personnel Training Project
Physical Performance and Development
Mary Campbell
National Collegiate Athletic Association $74,600
1996 National Youth Sports Program
Vivian Heyward
University of South Carolina $84,916
Assessment of Moderate Physical Activity among Minority Women Aged 40 and Older
Systemic Initiative in Math and Science Education
Marion Finch
National Science Foundation $1,952,000
New Mexico Systemic Initiative in Math and Science Education
Marion Finch
NM Education Department $500,000
Systemic Initiative in Math and Science Education
Marion Finch
NM Commission on Higher Education $17,034
Refund of Unexpended Funds
Teacher Education
Keith Auger
Albuquerque Public Schools ($33,243)
Joint Albuquerque Public Schools/UNM Teacher Enhancement Program
Keith Auger
Rio Rancho Public Schools $212,200
FY96 Rio Rancho Elementary Secondary, Special Education and Teacher Enhancement Program
Keith Auger
Jemez Valley Public Schools ($30,203)
FY96 Jemez Valley Teacher Enhancement Program
Keith Auger
St. Pius X High School $21,400
Resident Teacher Program St. Pius H.S./UNM
Keith Auger
Albuquerque Public Schools $482,800
APS/UNM/COE Career Development Program
Frank Field
Belen Consolidated Schools $83,553
FY96 Belen Resident Teacher Exchange and Teacher Induction Program/Elementary and
Frank Field
Moriarty Municipal Schools ($33,421)
FY96 Moriarty Municipal Schools Resident Teacher Exchange and Teacher Induction Program
Frank Field
Albuquerque Public Schools $3,022,415
APS/UNM Professional Development Partnership
Frank Field
Rio Rancho Public Schools $212,000
Rio Rancho Public Schools-UNM Collaborative Teacher Education Program:
Elementary/Secondary, Special Education, and Teacher Enhancement
Frank Field
Santa Fe Public Schools $431,852
Santa Fe Teacher Intern Exchange and Mentor Teacher Program
Frank Field
Belen Consolidated Schools $83,553
1996-97 BPS/UNM Resident Teacher Exchange and Teacher Induction Program
Frank Field
Moriarty Municipal Schools $101,265
MMS/UNM Teacher Intern Exchange and Teacher Induction Program
Teresa Kokoski
Department of the Army $17,100
Southwest Junior Science & Humanities Symposium
Marlis Mann
Center for Collaborative Education $1,264
New Mexico School Changing Networking Center
Marlis Mann
Center for Collaborative Education ($1,264)
New Mexico School Change Networking Center
Sigmund Mierzwa
Navajo Nation $10,752
Navajo Nation - Ford Teacher Education Program
Sigmund Mierzwa
Navajo Nation $42,540
Navajo Nation Ford Teacher Program
Patricia Stall
Eastern New Mexico University $19,000
Gallup Area Writing Project
Patricia Stall, Paul Miko
National Writing Project $14,840
Gallup Area Writing Project
Don Zancanella
Eastern New Mexico University $19,000
Rio Grande Writing Project
Don Zancanella
National Writing Project $14,000
Rio Grande Writing Project
Individual, Family and Community Education
Katia Goldfarb
Temple University $10,000
Our Elders, Our Roots: An Intergenerational Multi-Cultural Service Program
Deborah Rifenbary
NM State Occupational Information Coord. Committee $56,571
NMCIS-NM Career Information System
Elba Saavedra, Philip Duryea
Army Medical Research & Material Command $72,043
Delays and Refusals in Treatment for Breast Cancer Among Native American and Hispanic
Women with Breast Cancer
Virginia Shipman
NM Children, Youth and Family Department $10,448
New Mexico Head Start/K-3 Transition Project: Program Evaluation
School of Engineering
Ursula Bowie
New Mexico State University $42,000
Indian Resource Development
Connie Callan
Los Alamos National Laboratory $37,187
Los Alamos Decommissioning Project
Connie Callan
Sandia National Laboratories $9,506
Environmental Decision Support and Resource Coalition
Connie Callan
Los Alamos National Laboratory $2,049
Los Alamos Decommissioning Project (Re-edit)
Connie Callan
New Mexico State University $40,000
Connie Callan
New Mexico State University $40,000
WERC Project
Connie Callan
New Mexico State University $58,500
WERC: Spent Fuel
Tom Cummings
Coalition to Increase Minority Degrees $2,500
NAPCOE Peer Study Group
Deborah Horse Chief
Coalition to Increase Minority Degrees $20,000
Tribal Resource Institute in Business, Engineering, and Science TRIBES
Deborah Horse Chief
Intel $10,000
Tribal Resource Institute in Business, Engineering & Science (TRIBES)
Gail Ward
New Mexico Highlands University $49,861
AISTEC Graduate Fellowship Program
Gail Ward
New Mexico State University $74,500
UNM-AMP Project
Gail Ward
National Aeronautics and Space Administration $36,000
NASA Undergraduate Student Researchers Program
Gail Ward
National Aeronautics and Space Administration $12,000
NASA Undergraduate Student Researchers Program (Yvonne Martinez)
Gail Ward
New Mexico State University $8,400
Sponsorship of 1996 Minority Participation Summer Internship
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
Robert Busch
New Mexico State University $2,792
Robert Busch
New Mexico State University $191,503
WERC - Research Travel and Communication
Robert Busch
New Mexico State University $6,012
WERC - Student Aid Support
Robert Busch
New Mexico State University ($3,531)
WERC - Environmental Radiation Measurements Laboratory (AKA CREF)
Robert Busch
New Mexico State University $4,650
WERC - Research Support
Robert Busch
Martin-Marietta $9,998
Managers Workshop at Oak Ridge
Joseph Cecchi
Sematech $127,498
Plasma Diagnostic Support for SEMATECH Tool Development
Joseph Cecchi
Sandia National Laboratories $14,916
Graduate Student to Conduct Experiments on the Mechanics of Metal Matrix Composite
Formation at AML
Joseph Cecchi, Harold Anderson
Semiconductor Research Corporation $150,000
Advanced Helicon Source Development
Joseph Cecchi
Sandia National Laboratories $53,999
Research Technician to Conduct and Document Lab Research on Processing and Characterizing
Joseph Cecchi
Semiconductor Research Corporation $131,250
Diagnostic Development for Low Pressure High-Density Sources
Joseph Cecchi
Sandia National Laboratories $4,049
Understanding and Control of Energy Transfer Mechanisms in Optical Ceramics
Joseph Cecchi
Nanopore $47,089
Professional Services of Agreement for the Services of Douglas M. Smith
William Fahrenholtz
Sandia National Laboratories $72,183
X-ray studies of Metal Ceramic Reactions
Mark Hampden-Smith, Toivo Kodas
National Science Foundation $120,000
Cooper and Silver Chemical Vapor Deposition: An Investigation of the Surface Chemistry
F. Eric Haskin
Sandia National Laboratories $44,967
Perspectives on Reactor Safety
F. Eric Haskin
Sandia National Laboratories $79,975
Risk Training for Regulators
F. Eric Haskin
Sandia National Laboratories $49,993
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Importance Analysis
F. Eric Haskin
Sandia National Laboratories $95,000
Accident Consequence Analysis
Toivo Kodas
National Science Foundation $62,500
Presidential Young Investigator's Award
Toivo Kodas, Mark Hampden-Smith
National Science Foundation $80,000
Generation of High-Purity, Controlled-Stoichiometry Binary and Ternary Materials by GasPhase Reactions
Ronald Loehman
National Science Foundation $74,642
New Multicomponent Glasses without Conventional Glassforming Oxides
Gabriel Lopez
Office of Naval Research $2,250,000
Integrated, Multi-Analyte Chemical Microsensors
Gabriel Lopez
Sandia National Laboratories $10,000
Characterize Cds Films Using Atomic Force Microscopy
Richard Mead
Department of Energy $18,838
WERC Public Relations Activities
H. Eric Nuttall
Sandia National Laboratories $4,665
Assistance in Conducting Laboratory Tracer for the UMTRA Projects
Anil Prinja
Los Alamos National Laboratory $42,943
Multidimensional Ion Implantation and Radiation Damage Studies with MCNP
Anil Prinja
Los Alamos National Laboratory $15,869
A 2-D Exponential Discontinuous Method for Solving the Drift-Diffusion Equation
Svetlana Radovanov
Sandia National Laboratories $22,398
Ion Energy Analyzer Calibration
Tom Rieker
Sandia National Laboratories $104,863
Support of Small Angle Scattering Center
Norman Roderick
Phillips Lab $33,692
Howard Sherry
PQ Corporation $113,000
Research Program on Zeolites at UNM
Ebtisam Wilkins
National Science Foundation $98,344
Development of a Cost Effective Implantable Glucose Sensor for Diabetic Patients
Ebtisam Wilkins
New Mexico State University $10,000
Development of Environmental Biosensors for Toxic Pollutants
Civil Engineering
David Albright
Surdna Foundation $70,000
South Valley Community Elderly Transportation Mobility Project
Larry Barton, Bruce Thomson
New Mexico State University $7,259
Control of Uranium Migration by Microbial Action
James Brogan
Sandia National Laboratories $49,897
Traffic Analysis
Deborah Fisher
University of Texas, Austin $100,000
Modeling the "Lessons Learned" Process
Deborah Fisher
Phillips 66 Company $33,628
Productivity Evaluation of the Phillips 66 Company's Sweeny Plant
Deborah Fisher
Phillips 66 Company $99,474
Productivity Evaluation of the Phillips 66 Company's Sweeny Plant, Old Ocean, Texas, Phase III
Walter Gerstle, Timothy Ross
National Science Foundation $54,505
Research Experience for Undergraduate in Civil Engineering
Jerome Hall
NM Highway and Transportation Department $38,000
Perform Certain Traffic Engineering Work and Studies
Jerome Hall
NM Traffic Safety Bureau $20,000
Community Engineering Standards Review
Jerome Hall
NM Highway and Transportation Department $64,000
Controlling Vehicle Speeds in Highway Construction Zones
Arup Maji
Phillips Lab $47,963
Gerald May
Sandia National Laboratories $26,625
Technical support to the Alliance for Transportation Research
Gerald May
Santa Fe Technologies, Inc. $100,000
South Korean Bridge Proposal
Gerald May
Sandia National Laboratories ($3,625)
Provide Technical Support and Assessment for Sandia National Lab as a Participant in the New
Mexico Alliance for Transportation Research
Gerald May
NM Highway and Transportation Department $506,000
Support for Transportation Support
Gerald May
NM Traffic Safety Bureau $100,000
Fleet Management Program, Phase II
Gerald May
Sandia National Laboratories $40,000
ATR Support of SNL's Transportation Initiative
Gerald May
Sandia National Laboratories $74,000
Transportation and Geographic Information Systems -- Sandia
Gerald May
NM Highway and Transportation Department $475,000
Professional Services
Gerald May
Sandia National Laboratories $108,438
Border Technologies Support
Tang-Tat Ng
National Science Foundation $40,000
Fabric of Granular Material Studied by DEM and MRI
Tang-Tat Ng
Sandia National Laboratories $25,500
Computer Design for Chemical Information Services
Tang-Tat Ng
Lovelace Biomedical Environmental Research Institute $24,434
LBERI/UNM Graduate Fellowship Program
Tang-Tat Ng
National Science Foundation $5,000
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Timothy Ross
Army Environmental Policy Institute $41,626
John Stormont
Sandia National Laboratories $84,000
Geosynthetic Monitoring System
John Stormont
Sandia National Laboratories $250,871
Capillary Barrier Landfill Cover
John Stormont
Sandia National Laboratories $10,224
Testing of Soil/Sand/Gravel Samples for Compliance with ASTM Standards
Bruce Thomson, Carl Morris
Sandia National Laboratories $31,417
Increasing the Diversion Capacity of Capillary Barriers
Bruce Thomson
New Mexico State University $7,257
Development of Tensiometric Barriers For Containment and Remediation at Waste Sites
Bruce Thomson
Bernalillo County $5,491
Summer Sampling of Constructed Wetland On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems
Bruce Thomson
Sandia National Laboratories $37,565
Investigation of Microbial Degradation of Organic Compounds by Methanotrophic Organisms
Bruce Thomson
Bernalillo County $30,000
Bifar Performance Evaluation Project
Ming Wang, Howard Schreyer
Air Force Office of Scientific Research $62,382
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Failure Mechanisms in Fiber-Reinforced
Ming Wang
National Science Foundation $173,685
Advanced Monitoring System for Long-Span Bridges
Ming Wang
NM Highway and Transportation Department $20,000
Paseo del Norte Bridge Analysis and Development of Data Communication System
Ming Wang
Structural Monitoring Systems, Corp. $30,128
Dynamic Modeling of Sung San Bridge
College of Fine Arts
Thomas Dodson
City of Albuquerque $10,000
Arts of the Americas
Thomas Dodson
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education $75,654
Integrating Indigenous Artists into the University of New Mexico, College of Fine Arts
Nancy Uscher
City of Albuquerque $22,000
Immersion in Music
Nancy Uscher, Paul Nathanson
National Endowment for the Humanities $85,000
A Conversation in New Mexico: Diverse Perspectives on Music as a Symbol of American
Pluralism and Identity
Tamarind Institute
Marjorie Devon
City of Albuquerque $9,888
Flora of New Mexico
Theatre and Dance
Larry Lavender, Eva Encinias-Sandoval
NM Endowment for the Humanities $2,000
First Bi-Annual Flamenco History Conference
James Linnell
City of Albuquerque $13,860
Wrinkle Writing
School of Law
J. Michael Norwood
Department of Education $249,482
Law School Clinical Experience
Leo Romero
American Bar Association $43,740
American Bar Association CLEO Stipends
Leo Romero
California Western School of Law $46,621
Salary & Fringe Benefit Reimbursement for Sheryl Wolf
Albert Utton
University of Arizona $18,000
The U.S. - Mexico Border: A Region Under Stress
Albert Utton
Hewlett Foundation $300,000
Institutional Support for the International Transboundary Resource Center
Peter Winograd
American University $36,175
The Challenges of NAFTA: A Program for Promotion of Tri-Lateral Approaches to Legal
Education and Professional Development
Institute of Public Law
Ruth Musgrave, Paul Nathanson
Fish and Wildlife Service $60,000
Fish and Wildlife Law Developments Newsletter
Paul Nathanson
State Justice Institute $22,600
Judicial Media Relations
Paul Nathanson
Fish and Wildlife Service $33,600
To Develop a Mutual Endeavor in Recovery Efforts of the Endangered Mexican Wolf
Paul Nathanson
NM Environment Department $60,000
Complete and Develop Regulations Setting Hazardous Waste Fees (i.e. Permit Application Fee)
Paul Nathanson
Fish and Wildlife Service ($8,000)
Federal Fish and Wildlife Laws Handbook
Paul Nathanson
McCune (Marshall L. & Perrine D.) Charitable Foundation $21,000
Seminar on Handling Domestic Violence & Family Conflict Cases in McKinley and Los Alamos
Counties, New Mexico
Paul Nathanson
NM Comm. on Information & Communication Management $330,000
DWI Processing System
Paul Nathanson
NM Highway and Transportation Department $70,000
Highway Financing Public Hearings
Paul Nathanson
NM Environment Department $75,000
Newsletter Production
Paul Nathanson
NM Environment Department $25,000
Assist in Revision of Part IX of the Underground Storage Tank Regulations
Paul Nathanson
City of Albuquerque $20,500
Assist with the Implementation of the Ground Water Protection Policy and Action Plan
Paul Nathanson
NM Health Policy Commission $50,000
State Health Policy Analysis
Paul Nathanson
Arizona Supreme Court $9,000
Dividing the Waters: A Dialog for Judges and Masters
Paul Nathanson
NM Traffic Safety Bureau $70,000
Native American DWI Prevention
Paul Nathanson
NM Traffic Safety Bureau $30,000
Teen Mobilization
Paul Nathanson
NM Traffic Safety Bureau $90,000
Traffic Safety Information Program
Paul Nathanson
Dodge (Geraldine R.) Foundation $70,000
State Wildlife Law Outreach
Paul Nathanson
NM Game and Fish Department $7,500
Legal Review of State Wildlife Laws
Paul Nathanson
Bernalillo County $20,500
Assist with the Implementation of the Ground Water Protection Policy and Action Plan
Paul Nathanson
NM State Corporation Commission $25,000
Recompile Insurance & Other Regulations in New Mexico Administrative Code Format
Paul Nathanson
Fish and Wildlife Service $22,000
Needs Assessment for Natural Resource Data Management
Natural Resources Center
F. Lee Brown
City of Albuquerque $50,000
The Value of Water
Department of Anatomy
William Dail
DHHS $124,746
Neural Plasticity in Pelvic Visceral Tissues
Paul G. McGuire
DHHS $102,260
Matrix and Protease's in Heart and Vascular Development
Paul G. McGuire
American Heart Association-NM $70,000
Mechanisms of Heart Development
John Trotter
NSF $18,000
Molecular Structure and Formation of Echinoderm Collagen
Department of Anesthesiology
Mark Eichinger
American Heart Association $18,468
Effects of Nitric Oxide & cGMP on Pulmonary Capillary Permeability
Jorge Estrin
VAMC $1,044,860
Anesthesia Services
Assistant Dean-Student Affairs & Admissions
Diane J. Klepper
DHHS $24,759
Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students - Medicine
Assistant Dean-Undergraduate Medical Education
Scott Obenshain
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation $361,415
Preparing Physicians for the Future: A Program in Medical Education
Department of Biochemistry
Robert Glew
DHHS $238,177
Minority International Research Training Program
Robert Glew
DHHS $76,221
Oro-Facial Gangrene: Noma/Cancrum Oris
Jeffrey K. Griffith
Los Alamos National Laboratory $367,638
Telomerase Activity in Human Cancer
Jeffrey K. Griffith
Alpha Omega Alpha $500
Construction of a Retroviral Vector Encoding Chimeric GM-C
Wei Gu
Los Alamos National Laboratory $22,841
Protein Dynamics and Water Structure
Robert Royer
Sandia National Laboratories $26,000
Clean Air Act Environmental Compliance
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
William R. Galey Jr.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute $28,500
Predoctoral Fellowship in Biological Sciences
William R. Galey Jr.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute $28,500
Predoctoral Fellowship in Biological Sciences
Cancer Research and Treatment Center
Laurence Elias
American Cancer Society $210,000
Pk-P: A Protein Kinase Pathway Affecting Membrane-Cytoskeletal Link
Laurence Elias
DHHS $91,941
Cooperative Study of Cancer Chemotherapy
Laurence Elias
Pharmacia, Inc. $24,500
Idarubicin for Fhigh-Grade Nhl
Laurence Elias
RibiImmunochem Research $36,000
Study of Melacine Plus Interferon alfa-2b vs. Interferon a
James Liebmann
Ilex Oncology $1,200
Mitoguazone in AIDS-Related Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
James Liebmann
Pharmacia, Inc. $20,000
A Phase I Trial of Estramustine Phosphate & Doxorubicin
James Liebmann
Lilly Research Labs $40,000
Study of Gemcitabine plus Cisplatin Vs Cisplatin alone
Cliff Lyons
Culpepper Foundation $108,000
Mechanism of Host Defense against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Cliff Lyons
DHHS $343,638
Aerosol Therapy for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infections
Aroop Mangalik
University of Pittsburgh $16,250
NSABP Breast and Bowel Cancer Protocols Agreements
Aroop Mangalik
University of Pittsburgh $6,000
The Breast Cancer Prevention Trial
Aroop Mangalik
University of Pittsburgh $6,500
Breast Cancer Prevention Trial Performance Achievement
Aroop Mangalik
Zeneca Pharmaceuticals $56,000
Armidex vs. Tamoxifen for Advanced Breast Cancer
James Neidhart
DHHS $4,067
Supplemental Funding Related to Native American Cancer Act
James Neidhart
State of New Mexico $30,983
Miners' Colfax Medical Center Professional Services Contract
Janet Oliver
American Cancer Society $50,000
Institutional Research Grant
Janet Oliver
DHHS $197,209
Signaling Activity of IGE Receptor Subunits
Larry Sklar
American Cancer Society $210,000
Neutrophil Models of Metastic Cell Adhesion
Larry Sklar
Los Alamos National Laboratory $70,497
Collaborative UNM/NFCR Projects
Larry Sklar
Los Alamos National Laboratory $39,000
Chemoattractant Regulation of Breast Cancer Metastasis
Larry Sklar
Commonwealth Biotechnologies, Inc. $30,820
Development of a New Class of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Larry Sklar
Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation $150,862
Role of CD14 in the Regulation of Neutrophil Function
Kenneth Smith
United Blood Services $66,084
Hemo-Transfusion in New Mexico
Kenneth Smith
Bayer Corporation $14,637
Blood Donation for In Vitro Research
Cheryl Willman
Southwest Oncology Group $130,879
Multi-Drug Resistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Cell Biology
David G. Bear
DHHS $28,600
Structure and Function of Nuclear Poly(A) Binding Protein
William Brooks
Shield Rite $24,904
Development of an MRI-Based Anatomical Block Model of a Human Body
Tokio Kogoma
DHHS $274,247
DNA Replication in E Coli-Regulatory Mutants
David Peabody
DHHS $38,775
The RNA Binding Site of a Translational Repressor
Cosette Wheeler
DHHS $604,406
Natural History Studies of HPV Infection
Cosette Wheeler
DHHS $425,211
Randomized Trial on the Clinical Management of ASCUS/LSIL
Center For Population Health
Marc G. Bulterys
State of New Mexico $3,500
Surveillance and Incidence of Neural Tube Defects
Marc G. Bulterys
State of New Mexico $7,350
Epidemiology of Neural Tube Defects and Orofacial Clefts
David B. Coultas
State of New Mexico $19,980
Center for Population Health
Kristine Tollestrup
New Mexico Teen Pregnancy Coalition $10,000
Assistance in Evaluating Teen Pregnancy Programs
Kristine Tollestrup
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation $50,310
Opening Doors: New Mexico Community Health Worker Evaluations
Kristine Tollestrup
State of New Mexico $3,780
Technical Assistance
Kristine Tollestrup
State of New Mexico $16,516
Epidemiological Tech. Assistance to Breast/Cervical Cancer Detection
Kristine Tollestrup
State of New Mexico $67,364
Health Policy Commission
Kristine Tollestrup
DHHS $5,300
Gallup Indian Medical Center-Low Calcium Intake
Christopher Urbina
COSSHMO $35,000
Unios por la Salud - National Hispanic Leadership Initiative
Nina B. Wallerstein
DHHS $330,250
Minority Alcohol Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Nina B. Wallerstein
DHHS $19,943
Minority Alcohol Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Nina B. Wallerstein
State of New Mexico $6,963
Healthier Schools Initiative Evaluation
Nina B. Wallerstein
State of New Mexico $34,484
EZI Evaluation
Clinical Nutrition Program
Richard N. Baumgartner
DHHS $255,248
Body Composition Changes in the Elderly
Philip J. Garry
DHHS $392,745
Prospective Study of Nutrition in the Elderly
Philip J. Garry
Clintec Technologies $30,000
Clinical Research Center-School of Medicine
R. Philip Eaton
DHHS $35,962
Associate Physician - Diane Goade, M.D.
R. Philip Eaton
DHHS $35,962
CRC Clinical Associate Physician Jerry Shih, M.D.
R. Philip Eaton
DHHS $1,691,981
General Clinical Research Center
Continuing Medical Education
Martin Kantrowitz
State of New Mexico $2,000
CME Outreach
Judith M. Brown
City of Albuquerque $25,000
Geriatric Education and Health Management/Gehm
Judith M. Brown
City of Albuquerque $25,000
Gehm City
Judith M. Brown
City of Albuquerque $45,000
Gehm-Mental Health
Catherine Harris
State of New Mexico $130,000
Alzheimer's Consultation, Education and Training Project
Katheryn Ellen McCash
Albuquerque Public Schools $8,205
Tot-To-Teen Screening
Barbara Ann Overman
DHHS $286,187
Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Midwifery Program
College of Pharmacy
Scott W. Burchiel
Boehringer-Ingelheim $51,470
Elisa for Birr-10 Antibodies in Monkey Plasma
Scott W. Burchiel
DHHS $252,982
Mammary Cell Signaling by Environmental Agents
Scott W. Burchiel
DHHS $231,837
Immunitoxicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
George Bartlett Corcoran
Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute $19,350
LBERI/UNM Summer Research Participant Program
George Bartlett Corcoran
Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute $1,818
LBERI/UNM Graduate Fellowship Program
George Bartlett Corcoran
Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute $94,926
LBERI/UNM Graduate Fellowship Program
William Hadley
VAMC $289,839
Good Clinical Practices Monitoring Services
William B. Hladik III
American Society of Health-System Pharmacist $8,542
A Study on the Development of Iatrogenic Pulmonary Emboli
William B. Hladik III
Amersham Healthcare $19,000
Correspondence Continuing Education Courses for Nuclear Pharmacists
Mark Holdsworth
Amgen, Inc. $79,543
Treatment of Febrile Meutropenia at Home in Pediatric Oncology
Leslie McCament-Mann
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Ed. $6,000
AFPE Fellowship
Steven L. Peterson
DHHS $79,742
Anatomical Substrate for Anticonvulsant Activity
Gin Schmutzler-O'Hara
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy $6,000
1996-97 Novo Nordisk Pharmacy Practice Diabetes Program
Poison Control Center
William Troutman
Sandia National Laboratories $28,756
Sandia Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Team
William Troutman
State of New Mexico $25,000
1996 Poison Prevention Week Campaign
William Troutman
Value Rx $10,000
Evening and Weekend Drug Information Services for Value Rx
Gallup Branch
Jane Bruker
New Mexico State University $55,000
Alliance for Minority Participation at UNM - Gallup
Nick Evangelista
NM Education Department $335,445
Make a Difference
Nick Evangelista
NM Education Department $490,218
Adult Learning Center FY '95-'96
Nick Evangelista
NM Education Department ($168)
ABE: Project Forward
Nick Evangelista
NM Labor Department $22,220
Academic & Career Evaluation
Nick Evangelista
NM Education Department $168
ABE: Project Forward
William Grant
New Mexico Women's Foundation $3,000
Zuni Women's Circle
Elsie Sanchez
NM SBDC State Office $95,270
Gallup Small Business Development Center
Elsie Sanchez
NM SBDC State Office $4,000
Gallup Small Business Development Center
Los Alamos Branch
Susie Elliott
NM Education Department $37,500
New Beginnings
Tina Ludutsky-Taylor
Los Alamos National Laboratories $21,300
Chemical Technology Retraining Program
Jennifer McKerley
NM Education Department ($7,387)
Adult Basic Education
Jennifer McKerley
NM Education Department $103,415
Adult Basic Education
Jennifer McKerley
NM Education Department ($985)
Project Forward - Adult Basic Education
Jennifer McKerley
NM Education Department $985
Project Forward
Carlos Ramirez, Phyllis Mingus-Pepin
New Mexico State University $55,000
UNM-LA AMP Program
Debbie Valdez
NM Education Department $30,896
Institutional Consortium Agreement
Phyllis Mingus-Pepin
Los Alamos National Laboratory $45,000
UNM-LA Resource Center
Phyllis Mingus-Pepin
Los Alamos National Laboratory $37,702
Underrepresented Minority/Female Technical Programs
Michael Zeilik
National Science Foundation $50,000
REU Site in Atomic Molecular, and Optical Physics
Valencia Campus
Pamela Etre-Perez
NM Education Department $123,976
Adult Education Program
Pamela Etre-Perez
NM Education Department $16,708
Employability Skills Project
Reinaldo Garcia, Sharon Di Maria
NM Education Department $222,760
Institutional Project
Ray Garcia
NM SBDC State Office $18,000
Small Business Development Center at UNM Valencia Campus, Serving Valencia, Socorro and
Torrance Counties
Ray Garcia
NM SBDC State Office $99,342
Small Business Development Center at UNM-Valencia Campus, Serving Valencia, Socorro, and
Torrance Counties
Reinaldo Garcia
New Mexico State University $18,600
New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation
Rita Logan, Maria Gandara
McCune (Marshall L. & Perrine D.) Charitable Foundation $15,000
The Accelerated Enrichment Program for At-Risk
Rita Logan
NM Corrections Department $13,000
To Provide Post-Secondary Education to NMCD Inmates at CNMCF
Phyllis Mingus-Pepin
NM Labor Department $25,792
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Title IIA
Corine Trujillo
NM Education Department $50,000
UNM-VC Tech Prep Consortium
Kristine Warmoth
NM State Library $5,000
Library Networking Project
Center on Aging
Helen Kerschner
American Association for International Aging $67,905
UNM Cares
Center on Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Addiction
Donna Baiocco
General Mills Foundation $49,625
General Mills Foundation - CFC
Philip May
University of Colorado $71,634
Alcohol Use/Abuse Among Indian Boarding School Students
Philip May
Navajo Nation $119,446
Evaluation Support to the Navajo Nation's Dine Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
(DCSAT) Project
Philip May
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $396,450
FAS Prevention Research in American Indian Communities
Philip May
Los Alamos Citizens Against Substance Abuse $66,513
Philip May
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $255,558
ARBD Epidemiology and Prevention Research in New Mexico
Philip May
National Institute of Mental Health $225,823
New Mexico Access to Research Careers in Mental Health
Philip May
Taos Pueblo $40,000
Taos Pueblo Community Partnership Revised Evaluation Plan
Philip May
NM Health Department $11,550
FAS Prevention Community Based - Crownpoint
William Miller
National Institute on Drug Abuse $312,827
Modeling and Modifying Motivation for Change
William Miller
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $92,601
Programmatic Treatment Innovation Research
William Miller
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $511,206
Clinical Trial of Interventions with Significant Others
William Miller
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $106,332
Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Evaluation
William Miller
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Admin. $64,131
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Faculty Development Program
William Miller
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $190,780
Matching Patients to Alcohol Treatments
William Miller
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $92,601
Programmatic Treatment Innovation Research
William Miller
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $106,332
George Nurnberg
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $253,921
Randomized Trial of Sertraline in Alcoholism Treatment
Judy Raucy
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism ($97,829)
Ethnic Variability in an Ethanol-Inducible P450 Enzyme
Mary Ritz
National Institute on Drug Abuse ($141,817)
Vulnerability to Cocaine Toxicity: Genetic Mechanisms
Holly Waldron
National Institute on Drug Abuse $317,501
Drug Abuse Treatments for Adolescents
Verner Westerberg
San Juan County $30,000
DWI in San Juan County
W. Gill Woodall
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism $601,775
Effects of MADD's Victim Impact Panel on Drunk Drivers
W. Gill Woodall
Prevention Research Center $129,945
Project SIRVE: Server Intervention Research Verification
Bureau of Business and Economic Research
Brian McDonald
NM Interstate Stream Commission $1,000
Population Projections for N.M. Regional Water Planning Areas
Brian McDonald
NM Human Services Department $24,840
Analysis of NM AFDC Recipients
Brian McDonald
NM Legislative Council Service $30,000
Tax Base of Proposed New County in South Valley of Bernalillo County
Brian McDonald
NM Highway and Transportation Department $62,781
NM Economic Forecast Project
Brian McDonald
City of Albuquerque $13,500
Fiscal Impact of Industrial Revenue Bonds
Brian McDonald
NM Interstate Stream Commission $9,000
Population Projections for Water Planning Regions of NM: 1960-2060
Brian McDonald
NM Human Services Department $18,439
Update AFDC Projection Model
John Temple
Industry Network Corporation $12,795
Industry Network Corporation Economic Impact
Computer Information & Resource Technology
Art St. George
National Science Foundation $37,078
Intergovernmental Personnel Act
Martha Talbott
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts $300,000
Jury Management System (Texas West, Texas North, Texas South, Oklahoma North, Oklahoma
Western, New Mexico, Colorado and Central California)
Earth Data Analysis Center
Thomas Budge
Sandia National Laboratories $56,707
Landsat Thematic Mapper Digital Images & Training
Michael Inglis
NM Highway and Transportation Department $300,000
Demonstration of Geographic Information Systems Applications
Michael Inglis
Sandia National Laboratories ($146,016)
Development of the GIST Geographic Data Base and Related Image Processing Alliance for
Transportation Phase I
Michael Inglis
NM State Engineer's Office $13,324
Irrigated Lands Inventory Pilot
Michael Inglis
NM Game and Fish Department $43,838
Agreement to Provide Technical Support for the Development and Analysis of Spatial Data
Michael Inglis
NM Health Department $18,619
Development of a Public Health Based Environmental Geographic Information System for Dona
Ana County
Michael Inglis
National Park Service $23,688
Geographic Information Systems
Michael Inglis
NM Game and Fish Department $34,000
Development of a Land Trust Geographic Decision Support System
Stanley Morain
NM Water Resources Research Institute $3,000
WRRI Funding for Student Assistance
Economic Development Communication Office
Richard Cole
NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department $27,304
Energy Publications
Richard Cole
Phillips Lab $50,498
IPA for Carlota Kilmas
Richard Cole
Phillips Lab $82,630
IPA - Eugene J. Bednarz
Richard Cole
Phillips Lab $87,076
Year Three IPA Agreement - Edward R. S. Tull
Richard Cole
NM Economic Development Department $150,000
Communications Support for NM Economic Development Department
General Honors/Undergraduate Seminar Program
Rosalie Otero
Sandia National Laboratories $25,000
Technical Assessments
General Library
Jackie Shane
Sandia National Laboratories $7,387
Development of Database Access and Archiving Strategy for Viewgraphs and Publications
Graduate Studies
Nasir Ahmed
Ford Foundation $6,000
Minority Doctoral Fellowship Program
Edward Desantis
Navajo Nation $32,500
MOU between UNM, Office of Graduate Studies and The Navajo Nation, Office of Navajo
Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance
Eligio Padilla
Department of Education $14,322
Indian Fellowship
Eligio Padilla
National Science Foundation $276,000
Graduate Fellowship Foundation
Eligio Padilla
Department of Education $140,958
PRH Fellowship Program at UNM
George Stevens
National Institute of General Medical Science $413,027
Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Opportunities for Minority Students at UNM
Division of Government Research
James Davis
NM Health Policy Commission $75,000
Health Information System
James Davis
NM Highway and Transportation Department $10,000
Analysis of Head-On Crashes
James Davis
NM Traffic Safety Bureau $66,000
Safety Location Analysis Program
James Davis
NM Traffic Safety Bureau $198,000
Traffic Safety Problem Identification Program
James Davis
NM Health Department $44,000
Crash Outcome Date Evaluation System
High Performance Computing and Education Research Center
Wilbur Brown
MZA Associates Corporation $10,752
Atmosphere Compensation Project
Frank Gilfeather, Brian Smith
Rome Air Force Base $637,500
High Performance Computing Support for Advanced Radar Technology Research Consortium
Frank Gilfeather, Brian Smith, John Sobolewski
Phillips Lab $300,000
Maui High Performance Computing Center
Frank Gilfeather, Brian Smith, John Sobolewski
Phillips Lab $1,340,000
Maui High Performance Computing Center - Funding FY-96
Frank Gilfeather, Brian Smith, John Sobolewski
IBM Asia Pacific Corporation $400,040
IBM Asia Pacific Year 3
Frank Gilfeather
IBM Asia Pacific Corporation $81,678
Marc Ingber
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency $3,745,137
Porting of ISV Software to Parallel Architectures
Marc Ingber
GRE, Inc. $22,784
Omnidirectional Airblast Pressure Sensor
Brian Smith
Phillips Lab $114,181
IPA - Dr. Wilbur Brown
Brian Smith
Phillips Lab $116,460
IPA - Wilbur Brown
John Sobolewski, Frank Gilfeather, Brian Smith
Phillips Lab $300,000
Computational Capability for Scalable High Performance Computing
John Sobolewski
Phillips Lab $6,940,000
Computational Capability for Scalable High Performance Computing
Center for High Technology Materials
Steven Brueck
Hughes Research Laboratories $20,000
Diagnostic for In-Situ Temperature Measurement During Epitaxial Growth
Steven Brueck
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency $79,283
Optoelectronic Materials Center
Steven Brueck
Draper Laboratories $58,917
Integrated Fused Silica Modulators
Steven Brueck
Air Force Office of Scientific Research $37,000
Optoelectronic Research Center
Steven Brueck
Draper Laboratories ($4,381)
Integrated Fused Silica Modulators
Steven Brueck
Air Force Office of Scientific Research $600,000
Optoelectronics Research Center
Steven Brueck
Phillips Lab $70,385
IPA for Erik Bochove
Steven Brueck
Phillips Lab $48,506
IPA for Ashwani Sharma
Steven Brueck
Department of the Navy $296,000
Interferometric Lithography for Nanoscale Fabrication
Julian Cheng
Air Force Office of Scientific Research $184,988
Intergrated Wavelength-Space-Time Optical Multiplexing Technologies & Architectures for
Large-Scale, Reconfigurable, Multiple-Access Com Net
Julian Cheng
Physical Optics Corporation $7,200
Optical Read-Out Link for Cryogenci Focal-Plane Arrays
Charles Hawkins
Sandia National Laboratories $90,000
Research on Large Ethernet Novell Networks
Charles Hawkins
Sandia National Laboratories $192,441
Research on Large Ethernet Novell Networks
Steve Hersee
New Energy and Industrial Development Organization $2,395
NEDO Surface Emitting Laser Team
Steve Hersee
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency $56,484
The Role of the Buffer Layer in the Reproducibility of III-Layer
Steve Hersee
Samsung Electronics Co. $10,000
Epitaxial Growth of Optoelectronic Materials
Ravinder Jain
Army Research Office $160,600
Optically-Pumped Blue-UV Lasers in GaNaiGaN
Ravinder Jain
Southwest Sciences, Inc. $55,000
A Compact and Rugged Instrument for Real-Time Field Detection and Analysis of Trace
Kenneth Jungling
Sandia National Laboratories $106,017
Microelectronics Research
Don Kendall
Sandia National Laboratories $22,700
Effects of Microstructure on Capillary and Chemical Effects in Porous Silicon
Don Kendall
Honeywell Corporation $14,526
Etch Stopping and Phototransistor Beta Control
Luke Lester
Rockwell International $9,601
High Frequency Strained Quantum Well Lasers
Luke Lester
National Science Foundation $129,290
The Development of Group-III Nitride LED's and Lasers
Luke Lester
Lockheed Missiles & Space $286,648
Advanced Sensors
Luke Lester
Sandia National Laboratories $35,000
SURP: Group-III Nitride (III-N) Process Development for Optoelectronic Devices
Luke Lester
Phillips Lab $15,000
Instabilities in Semiconductor Laser Diodes
Kevin Malloy
Air Force Office of Scientific Research $930,256
FAST Center for IR Semiconductor Technology (FIRST)
Kevin Malloy
Phillips Lab $74,911
IPA for Omar Manasreh
Kevin Malloy
Air Force Office of Scientific Research $167,811
Ultralow Threshold Semiconductor Lasers Based on Gain Without Inversion
Kevin Malloy
Phillips Lab $49,069
IPA for Dong-Seung Lee
John McNeil
SCEEE Services Corporation $20,665
Fellowship for Stephen Coulombe
John McNeil
SRC/Sematech $130,000
Metrology and On-Line Analysis for Semiconductor Manufacturing-Scatterometry Task
John McNeil
AT&T $5,000
Research Fellowship for Scatterometry
Marek Osinski, Steve Hersee
New Energy and Industrial Development Organization $3,857
NEDO Surface Emitting Laser Team
Marek Osinski, Steve Hersee
New Energy and Industrial Development Organization $2,571
NEDO Surface Emitting Laser Team
Marek Osinski
New Energy and Industrial Development Organization $3,602
NEDO Surface Emitting Laser Team
Marek Osinski
Phillips Lab $24,092
Nuclear Effects on Photonic Devices - Reduction of Experimental Data
Marek Osinski
Phillips Lab $55,773
IPA for Stanley J. Mc Kinney
John Panitz
Department of Energy $37,030
Absorption Studies at a Solid-Liquid Interface
Jon Cooper, Joe Miera
City of Albuquerque $175,000
The Teach and Learn Network (TAL)
Jon Cooper, Joe Miera
Corporation for Public Broadcasting $638,410
Television Community Service Grant -- Year Seven
Jon Cooper, Joe Miera
Corporation for Public Broadcasting $17,953
Television Interconnection Grant
Jon Cooper
David J. Kammer, Ph.D $19,985
Colores "Bridges" 1996/97
Jon Cooper, Joe Miera
Pacific Mountain Network $35,882
The Cultural Aesthetics of Dr. Fred Begay
Richard Towne
Corporation for Public Broadcasting $85,273
Radio Community Service Grant
Richard Towne
Corporation for Public Broadcasting $32,498
Radio National Program Production and Acquisition Grant
Richard Towne
Corporation for Public Broadcasting $22,100
K-12 Internet Testbed Project (FY-96)
Latin American Institute
Guillermina Engelbrecht, Gladis Fois-Maresma
Argentina Ministry of Education $11,196
Professional Training for Group of 26 Argentine Educators
Gladis Fois-Maresma
Development Associates $16,436
Models of Legislation for Education - El Salvador Clasp II
Gilbert Merkx
Department of Education ($3,000)
New Mexico Consortium for Latin American Studies: National Resources Centers and FLAS
Gilbert Merkx, Ellen Goldberg
National Science Foundation $124,778
IPA from NSF for Emily Rudin
Gilbert Merkx
Department of Education $83,622
Teaching about the Americas: Electronic Curriculum Resources and Development
Gilbert Merkx
Texas A & M Research Foundation $25,750
Proposal for Support of Three Research Projects on Issues Related to Hemispheric Trade
Gilbert Merkx
Department of Education $224,404
New Mexico Consortium for Latin American Studies: National Resource Centers and FLAS
Gilbert Merkx
Ford Foundation $75,000
Electronic Information for Central America Trade, Investment, Economic Integration and the
Gilbert Merkx
Peace Corps $12,600
1995-96 Peace Corps Strategy Contract
Gilbert Merkx
Inter-American Foundation $32,730
Training Grant through IAF Fellowship Program for Paulina Chaverri
Gilbert Merkx
University of Pittsburgh $64,383
The Latin American Research Review (LARR)-Staff Support
Jon Tolman
Brazilian Embassy $20,000
Brazil Study Guides/Brazil Slide Series
Division of Media Technology Services
Donald Fischer
National Science Foundation $48,000
Northern New Mexico Network Electronic Bridge
Center for Micro-Engineered Materials
Abhaya Datye
Advanced Ceramics $10,000
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
National Science Foundation $49,765
Research Experiences for Undergraduate in Microengineered Ceramics: An interdisciplinary
Program for Students in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abhaya Datye
Radiant Technologies ($4,166)
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
Air Products and Chemical Inc. $30,000
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
Texas Instruments, Inc. $60,000
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
Dow Chemical $15,000
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
TPL, Inc. ($1,600)
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $30,000
Porous Inorganic Membranes Prohect and Low Voltage Phosphor Efforts
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $2,212
MASS NMR Support at the UNM/SNL Materials Development Lab
Abhaya Datye
Department of Energy $199,999
Slurry Phase Iron Catalysts for Indirect Coal Liquefaction
Abhaya Datye
Nanochem $10,000
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $1,444
Modeling of Polymer Alloys
Abhaya Datye
Hoechst Celanese Foundation $27,781
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $9,500
Sol-gel Processing of Ceramic Thin Films
Abhaya Datye
National Science Foundation $59,040
CMEC Operational Support
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $66,878
Phoshor Materials and Titania-silica Materials Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Abhaya Datye
Motorola Foundation $60,000
CMEC Membership
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $57,297
MASS NMR Support at the UNM/SNL Advanced Materials Lab
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $56,000
Aerogels Contract
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $74,000
Inorganic Membranes on Sensor and Porous Supports
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $35,000
Salt Crystallization of Sandstone and Limestone
Abhaya Datye
Kemira $30,000
Abhaya Datye
Sandia National Laboratories $40,000
TiO2 Photocatalysis Feasibility Studies
Abhaya Datye
Lockheed Missiles & Space $6,469
RISM Calculations on Small Molecules
John Garnham
Phillips Lab $56,656
Mark Hampden-Smith
Air Force Office of Scientific Research $58,937
Hydrolysis and Condensation of Tin (IV) Alkoxide Compounds: The Control of Structural
Mark Hampden-Smith
Office of Naval Research $50,000
Development of a General Strategy for the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Early Transition Metal
and Metal Nitride Films for Microelectronic Applications
Mark Hampden-Smith
National Science Foundation $50,000
Development of a General Strategy for the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Early Transition Metal
and Metal Nitride Films for Microelectronic Applications
Mark Hampden-Smith, Toivo Kodas
Hewlett-Packard Company $20,000
CVSM Membership
Vasudev Kenkre
Sandia National Laboratories $25,000
Theoretical Studies of Powders and of Compaction
Toivo Kodas
DuPont $40,000
Formation of Composite and Coated Silver Particles and Silver with Controlled Sintering
Toivo Kodas
Kemira $120,000
Titanium Dioxide Particle Generation in a Gas-To-Particle Aerosol Reactor
Toivo Kodas, Abhaya Datye
National Science Foundation $69,400
Processing of Controlled Micro Structure Nanosized Dielectric and Electrostrictive Powders:
The Effect of Final Grain Size on Phase Transitions and Dielectric Properties
Gabriel Lopez, Thomas Niemczyk
National Aeronautics and Space Administration $200,716
Chemical Sensors Based on IR Spectrscopy and Surface-Modified Waveguides
Robert Paine
National Science Foundation $50,000
Epoxy Based Composites Containing Boron Nitride
Douglas Smith
Sandia National Laboratories $22,000
Synthesis of Non-Oxide Ceramic Membranes
Douglas Smith
Nanopore $9,244
CMEC Membership
Timothy Ward
Sandia National Laboratories $103,991
Inorganic Membrane Reactors
Microelectronics Research Center
Kelly Cameron
O'Sullivan Consulting, Inc. $11,900
Development of Codex for Hermetian Codes
Kelly Cameron
Hewlett-Packard Company $70,000
Synthesizable VHDL
Kelly Cameron
Broadcom Corporation $220,000
VLSI Viterbi Reed-Solomon
John Canaris
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ($88)
Digital Cross Correlator
Gary Maki
National Aeronautics and Space Administration $750,000
NASA Space Engineering Research Center for VLSI Systems Design
Gary Maki
National Aeronautics and Space Administration $245,000
High Performance Communication VLSI Architectures
Donald Thelen
Jackson & Tull $117,000
1773 Transceiver IC
Donald Thelen
Sandia National Laboratories $10,424
Sandia CMOS Radiometer
Donald Thelen
Sandia National Laboratories $46,404
AO-9199, Task 1: CMOS Radiometer Circuits Design
Don Wiseman
Integrated Circuit Solutions $6,614
Correlator Chip Testing
Popejoy Hall
Elizabeth Brininger, Linda Spaulding
McCune (Marshall L. & Perrine D.) Charitable Foundation $14,000
Raven/Coyote Project
Center for Radioactive Waste Management
Werner Lutze, Larry Barton, Eric Nuttall, Bruce Thomson
New Mexico State University $507,035
Groundwater Remediation Work for the UMTRA Sites Tuba City, AZ and Shiprock, NM
Werner Lutze
Massachusetts Institute of Technology $43,667
Thermo Electron/INEL University Consortium for Technology Transfer
Werner Lutze
New Mexico State University $90,246
Support for the Center for Radioactive Waste Management
Student Financial Aid
Ida Romero
Department of Education $11,081,975
Pell Grants
Ida Romero
Department of Education $943,254
Ida Romero
Department of Education $1,800,763
Work Study Program
Ida Romero
State of New Mexico $2,198,014
Ida Romero
State of New Mexico $1,500,411
Work Study Program
Systemic Initiative in Math and Science Education
Marion Finch
National Science Foundation $1,952,000
New Mexico Systemic Initiative in Math and Science Education
Marion Finch
NM Education Department $500,000
Systemic Initiative in Math and Science Education
Marion Finch
NM Commission on Higher Education $17,034
Refund of Unexpended Funds
University Art Museum
Kathleen Howe
Institute of Museum Services $10,000
Curatorial Internship, Prints and Photographs
Vice President for Student Affairs
Arturo Sierra
Council of Energy Resources Tribes $117,483
Council of Energy Resources Tribes T.R.I.B.E.S. Special Services Program
Juan Candelaria
Department of Education $264,832
Student Support Services
Juan Candelaria
Department of Education $344,825
Upward Bound Program
Juan Candelaria
Department of Education $344,825
Upward Bound is a Program Designed to Generate in Program Participants Skills and Motivation
Necessary to Complete Secondary Education
Children's Psychiatric Hospital-Education
Jim VanLandingham
State Department of Education/CREC $10,454
Health Sciences Ethics Program
Gloria A. Birkholz
State of New Mexico $14,245
Auditing Nurse Practitioners
Joan Mciver-Gibson
The H. Kaiser Family Foundation $25,000
Assessing the State of the Art in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Joan Mciver-Gibson
Choice in Dying $500
Death Education in Medical School Curricula
Health Sciences Library
Erika Love
DHHS $194,158
Interactive Medical Information System in New Mexico
Mental Health Center
Jerald Belitz
State of New Mexico $75,171
Early Intervention
Lillian Biffle
City of Albuquerque $118,500
Rape Crisis Services
Anne Johnson
City of Albuquerque $163,498
Management Information Center
Anne Johnson
City of Albuquerque $210,684
Central Intake Unit
William Miller
City of Albuquerque $212,196
Criminal Justice
William Miller
State of New Mexico $45,210
William Miller
City of Albuquerque $100,000
Substance Abuse Treatment-Adolescents
William Miller
City of Albuquerque $705,899
Substance Abuse Treatment
Vice President for Health Sciences
Jane E. Henney
W.K. Kellogg Foundation $10,000
Community Partnerships Graduate Medical & Nursing Education
Jane E. Henney
W.K. Kellogg Foundation $331,223
Community Partnerships Graduate Medical & Nursing Education
Jane E. Henney
W.K. Kellogg Foundation $50,000
Community Capacity Development Program