Eat this and not that EDITED (3)


Introduction: As a consumer in the web of life, you have the opportunity to choose what you put into your body for energy and nourishment. With the availability and ease of restaurants, food delivery, and grocery stores, the food options are endless. It is up to you to decide what goes into your body and what to keep out. “You are what you eat” is not just an expression. Macromolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are found in these foods and are digested everyday! As your food travels through your digestive system, these macromolecules are absorbed, and used to make things like muscle and bone for YOU.

Step 1:

Choose 2 comparable food items (example: club sandwich vs. peanut butter jelly sandwich) that could be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert. These food items can be processed (example: Digorno’s Pepperoni Pizza) or a menu item at a restaurant

(example: Papa John’s Pepperoni Pizza.)

Step 2: (RESEARCH)

*Describe the ingredients that are used to make each menu item.

*Identify which ingredient items are examples of a carbohydrate, lipid, or protein.

*Describe how each of these macromolecules are used in the body once they are broken down into monomers and absorbed in the digestive system.

*Display the general structure of each of the identified macromolecules.

*Identify the monomers that are absorbed.


Claim: Determine which food item is healthier to eat.

Evidence: Compare the contents of each food item. Describe which


are being used to decide the healthier choice.

Reasoning: Describe how each of these macromolecules are used in the body once they are broken down and absorbed in the digestive system.

Step 4: (Create)

Design a page of a healthy-eating book that will help you argue why one food item is a healthier choice than the other. The page must show both food items, in color, and creatively display all of the information from Steps 1-3. This page will be shared with others and used to make a published class book.






Page Design


No research is complete.

Claim is absent

Evidence is absent

Reasoning is absent

Very Poor-thoughtlessly put together with no detail and cohesion.


Research is very minimal and/or taken from 1 source only. Not own words.

Claim is weak and/or unsure.

Evidence is opinion only, no paramaters mentioned.

Reasoning is made-up and/or non-supported by research

Very basic, little criteria met.


Research is good.

Several sources used.

Not cited properly. In student’s own words


Evidence is given, yet not complete and specific with parameters.

Reasoning is given yet not complete. Argued professionally.

Good-Explanation is given regarding digestive system.


Multiple research sources used. Correct citation. Written in own words.

Claim and counterclaim are present.

Evidence for claim is given, complete, specific with parameters and abundant.

Complete reasoning from sources, professionally argued

Complete and

Thoughtful. Very specific regarding digestion.


Total = / 45
