Monteleone Junior School – Trip Around the World

Trip Around the World
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________
Period: ______________
Purpose: Congratulations!! You have just won an all expense paid trip around the world for winning a geography competition! Everything will be paid for if
you follow the directions below and record your travels. Have a great trip!
Materials: Classroom Atlas and the Internet.
Duration: You will have 2 full class days. Anything unfinished will be for homework.
Directions: Below you will find detailed information as to where you are required to travel. Fill in the required information. YOU MAY NOT USE THE SAME
Part One Planning Your Destinations:
Destinations by Elevation:
Select a country with an elevation higher than 9000 feet: ________________________________________________________________________________
Now choose a city in that country you will visit and give the latitude and longitude of the city: ______________________________________
Name and explain something popular to do in this city: __________________________________________________________________________________
Select a country with an elevation between 0 and 1640 feet: ____________________________________________________________________________
Now choose a city in that country you will visit and give the latitude and longitude of the city: ______________________________________
Name and explain something popular to do in this city: __________________________________________________________________________________
Select a country with an elevation lower than sea level: __________________________________________________________________________________
Now choose a city in that country you will visit and give the latitude and longitude of the city: ______________________________________
Name and explain something popular to do in this city: __________________________________________________________________________________
Destinations by Population Density:
Select a country with a population density over 1250 per square mile: _________________________________________________________________
Now choose a city in that country you will visit and give the relative location: ________________________________________________________
Name and explain something popular to do in this city: __________________________________________________________________________________
Select a country with a population density less than 1250 per square mile and it must be below the equator: _____________________
Now choose a city in that country you will visit and give the relative location: ________________________________________________________
Name and explain something popular to do in this city: __________________________________________________________________________________
Select a country with a population density less than 250 per square mile and it must be in the eastern hemisphere: _____________
Now choose a city in that country you will visit and give the relative location: ________________________________________________________
Name and explain something popular to do in this city: __________________________________________________________________________________
Destinations by Climates:
Select a country in a tropical climate zone to visit: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Now choose a city in that country you will visit and give two cultural characteristics of that city. ___________________________________
Name and explain something popular to do in the city. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Select a country with one of the three types of moderate climates. Name the country and it’s climate type: _______________________
Now choose a city in that country and name a specific way that humans and environment affect each other:
(Ex. Hurricanes, yearly river floods, which river?, etc)
Name and explain something popular to do in the city. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Select a country in one of the three types of continental climate zones. Name the country and its climate type: ___________________
Now choose a city in that country you will visit and state it’s latitude and longitude. _________________________________________________
Name and explain something popular to do in the city. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Part Two Travel Schedule:
Travel Schedule: Here is the fun part!!! You are now going to plan your travel schedule. You are visiting 9 different countries and you will start by leaving
Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans. You will spend 3 days in each country.
List your travel schedule below: Do not go in the order above. Go in an order that makes the most “travel sense.” For example, do NOT fly from Brazil in
South America to France in Europe back to Peru in South America. Travel in a way that flows the best.
Destination # 1
Destination # 2
Destination # 3
Destination # 4
Destination # 5
Destination # 6
Destination # 7
Destination # 8
Destination # 9
Part Three Time Zones:
Being a world traveler you need to master time zones. Answer the questions below using the time zone map on pages 26 and 27 of the atlas and your travel
schedule from above. You must answer 4 of the 7 questions. Any four you would like!
You are at destination # 1. Your mom wants you to call her at 9am her time. What time do you call from your destination? __________
You have now reached destination # 2. You need to call the travel company, which is located in New York. You should call them at 11am. What time
do you call from your destination? __________
World travel is so much fun! You have reached destination number three. You need your friends and catch up on what’s happening back home. You
want to call your BFF at 5pm their time. What time do you call from your destination? __________
Just when you think you could travel for the rest of your life………the airline has lost your luggage!! You need to call your parents and see if they
send you extra money for clothes until the airline can track down your luggage. It is now 3am your time in destination number four. If you call your
parents right now in Louisiana, what time is it there? _________
Arrival at destination number five has been much smoother! When you got off the plane you were informed that the airline had found your luggage.
It is 3pm your time at destination number five. You need to call your parents and share the good news. What time will it be in Louisiana? _________
You have reached destination number six and just realized that you have not bought a gift for your BFF. You know how much they love cheesy tshirts, but you cannot remember what size to get………ahh!!! You need to call your friend’s mom when your friend will not be at home. You need to
call at 2pm their time. What time should you call from destination number six? ________
You have a fabulous time at the last few destinations and now you need to arrange a ride home from the airport! Your parents will be home tonight
at 7pm. What time should you call from your last destination (#9) to make sure they know what time to be at the airport? _______
RUBRIC: Part One _____ / 60 pts
Part Two _____ / 20 pts
Part Three _____ / 20 pts
Total Point _____ / 100 pts