Graduate Award Processing Instructions for Academic/Departments

GRADUATE Grant Authorization Instructions & Form
for Academic Departments (Revised 7-6-10)
The Graduate Grant Authorization process is the mechanism by which departments can credit restricted grant
funds to a graduate student Bursar account when those funds are not assistantships, fellowships, & scholarships;
or reimbursement for expenses. Assistantships, fellowships and scholarships should be processed through
Graduate Awards, 212 Bowne Hall. Reimbursement for expenses should be processed only through the Office
of Disbursements.
To process a Grant Authorization, please follow the instructions below.
Complete the grant authorization form found on My Slice, under Graduate Awards Information. Forward
the completed form to the appropriate accounting department shown below.
For chart strings beginning with Funds 13 or 91, or any other fund that includes the sponsored
awards/cost sharing chartfields, the completed form should be mailed to: Office of Sponsored
Accounting - Skytop Office Building; Phone: 443-2059; fax: 443-2094
For chart strings beginning with Funds 15 or 16, the completed form should be mailed to: Restricted
Accounting - Skytop Office Building, Phone: 443-2522 Fax: 443-2676
For all others, the form should be mailed to: General Accounting - Skytop Office Building, Phone:
443-2522 Fax: 443-2676
After approval, the appropriate accounting office will forward the form to the Awards Unit at Graduate
Enrollment Management, 212 Bowne Hall, Attn: Jim Ryan. The grant will be credited to the student's
account within 10 working days of its receipt at Graduate Enrollment.
Graduate Enrollment Management does NOT notify the Bursar’s Office regarding checks or refund
requests. All requests for refunds, to have checks issued to the department or the student, must be made in
writing (and must include a copy of the original Graduate Grant Authorization Form), to the Bursar’s
Office, Attention Kelly Madison,, 102 Archbold North; Phone: 443-2444.
Questions about this process may be directed to Enrollment Management, Awards Unit
Jim Ryan 443-5014;
Fall Grants need to be submitted by June 1st
Spring Grants need to be submitted by January 1st
Commencement or Summer grants need to be submitted by April 15th
Graduate Enrollment Management
Academic departments may use this form to request grant funds for GRADUATE students only. This form may NOT
be used for graduate assistantships, fellowships, stipends, sponsored program funds, payroll or other expense
1. Complete Part A and forward to the appropriate Accounting office at SKYTOP Office Building:
Fund 13 and 91 or ( any other fund that includes the sponsored awards/cost sharing chartfields) –Office of Sponsored
Accounting, x2059
Fund 15 and 16 –Restricted Accounting, x2522
All others –General Accounting, x2522
2. After accounting approval, forms are forwarded to the Awards Unit at the GEMC.
Forms received without accounting approval will be returned to the issuing departments.
3. Grants are posted to the student’s financial account in the Bursar Office.
Please allow at least 10 working days from receipt of this form at the GEMC Awards Unit.
Requests for refund checks must be made in writing to the Bursar’s Office. See instruction sheet for further details.
Department awards may impact a student’s other financial aid and may necessitate an adjustment to Federal Work
Study and educational loans in order to remain in compliance with federal, state and institutional regulations. The
Office of Financial Aid will notify students with regard to these specific reductions when they occur.
Fall Grants need to be submitted by June 1st
Spring Grants need to be submitted by January 1st
Commencement or Summer grants need to be submitted by April 15th
Departmental Grant Amount: $0
9 Digit Department #:xxxxx-xxxx
Student Name (First Middle Last):__________________________________
SUID: _________
Term (required, circle one): Fall
Both F & S
Academic Year: ___________________________(e.g. 2009-2010)
(For Sponsored Awards and Costsharing only)
Account Name: ___________________________
Tuition Specific ___
Prize ___
Authorized Signer (please print): ____________________________________________
Date: _________________ Phone #_________________ Email:_____________________
Accounting Office/Awards Unit Only
1. Accounting Office Approval: _____________________
Date: ___________________
2. Item Type:__________________________ FA Package Status:____________________
3. Awards Unit Initials: ____________________Process Date: ________________________