Minutes of Biology Programme Committee meeting held on Friday 31 October in Biology Williamson Rooms 1. Present: Daniela Barilla, Christoph Baumann, Colin Beale, Gonzalo Blanco, James Chong, Kanchon Dasmahapatra, Calvin Dytham, Julia Ferrari, Adrian Harrison, Mike Haydon, Thorunn Helgason, Pen Holland, Harv Isaacs (Chair), James Moir, Betsy Pownall, Sean Sweeney, Gavin Thomas, Richard Waites, Pegine Walrad, Marjan van der Woude, Carol Wales, Jenny White (secretary), Peter Young 2. Apologies: Ian Bancroft, Neil Bruce, Leo Caves, Sangeeta Chawla, Seth Davis, Pierre Dechant, Gareth Evans, Dan Franks, Paul Genever, Angela Hodge, Louise Jones, Jon Pitchford, Emma Rand, Ellena Snell, Dani Ungar. 3. Minutes of the last meeting of Biology Programme Committee The Programme Committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2014, with matters arising below. 4. Matters arising a) 15H Global change ecology (arising from 14/09d) The Programme Committee noted that staffing and assessment arrangements for this module were still being resolved, with Kelly Redeker delivering most of module. b) 05I Environmental ecology (arising from 14/09g) James Moir confirmed that this module is part of the course plan for Environment students, and not an elective module. c) Module reports for 2013/14 (arising from 144/10) The Programme Committee noted the following module reports which were not available for its June meeting 23I Animal and plant ecology - report received; noted that this module is not running 2014 onwards 32I Evolutionary trees - report received, no issues 32I Environmental field skills - report not received, noted that this module is not running 2014 onwards ● ● ● d) 32I Bioenterprise - the Committee noted that Norman Maitland is the new organiser for 2014 onwards e) 32I Genomics - Harv Isaacs noted this this module, organised by Emma Rand, may have revisions in future years, and the introduction of a workshop on micro array analysis. f) 32I Systems biology - the Committee noted that this module had 1 been planned as an introduction for a stage 3 module however 26H Systems and synthetic biology did not attract the same students. It was noted that Biology Teaching Committee had decided that the module 26H will be offered for 2015/16 provided it is selected by a minimum of 15 students g) 4. Demonstrating (arising from 14/12) - to note that Teaching Committee reported an improvement in the situation, actions taken eg TAP forms include a statement to advise should consider, Betsy also mentions to students, staff need to be aware when planning practicals Outstanding issues regarding modules for current academic year 2014/15 The Committee noted that the fly sex linkage practical previously offered in 09C Genetics and evolution had transferred to the autumn term , leaving a space in the spring term synopsis. Richard Waites proposed running a paper based workshop, following his lectures; it was agreed that this should be developed for 2016/17. The Committee also noted that bioinformatics teaching which used to be in 07C Genetics in the autumn term, and was still offered to Biochemistry students in their skills module, had not been taught in autumn 2014. After discussion of the best place for this teaching, it was decided that it would be taught in the Spring term in 09C Genetics and evolution as a transition arrangement, with input from Gavin Thomas and Mike Haydon. It was agreed that long term plans for reinstatement of bioinformatics in 07C Genetics should be made, since this also affected Natural Sciences students. ACTION: Peter Young, Louise Jones, Richard Waites, Gavin Thomas, Mike Haydon; b/f at Teaching Committee. 5. Modules for the Annual Plan for academic year 2015/16 approval of module synopses under the BIO PC remit (Harv Isaacs and module organisers) a. Stage 1 12C Animal and plant biology - Richard Waites reported that this module is running for first time and started with lectures from Sue Hartley. 06C Scientific skills - Adrian Harrison reported on the merger to incorporate teaching for Biomedical Sciences students. The Committee noted that Emma Rand has updated the statistics element of the practicals, and reduced the lecture content. The timing of “catch-up chemistry” teaching was discussed at Biochemistry Programme Committee, and Carol Wales is checking whether any adjustment can be made to ensure teaching is delivered to match with the requirements of other Stage 1 modules. Staffing for the Pocklington Canal practical was still to be confirmed. 2 ACTION: Adrian Harrison to agree staffing with Calvin Dytham. 07C Genetics - Louise Jones may need to amend the synopsis after discussion on practicals (see note above) ACTION: Louise Jones, Richard Waites, Peter Young and Mike Haydon. 10C Microbiology - Daniela Barilla noted that more resources (staff, demonstrators) were needed for practical teaching, with an increasing number of students. Daniela also commented that assessment of lab work for a relatively small amount of marks (10%) was difficult to administer, and proposed moving to assessment by closed exam in January only, to include problem based questions. The Committee noted that module organisers should bear in mind the Departmental aim to have 20% open assessment across the year. Staff raised difficulties of teaching in Central Hall and the Committee noted that the University should be made aware of problems encountered (AV and writing surfaces). It was noted that Carol Wales will organise training sessions on AV facilities for those who will be teaching in Central Hall in the Spring term. 09C Genetics and evolution - Peter Young will clarify the situation with practical teaching before finalising the module synopsis for 2015/16. ACTION: Peter Young. 11C Cell and developmental biology - Harv Isaacs reported no changes for 2015/16. b. Stage 2 04I Developmental biology - Harv Isaacs reported no changes for 2015/16. 05I Environmental ecology - the Committee noted that the module synopsis needed updating, recommending that more than one lecturer should be involved in teaching, and that 16 lectures plus seminars is more contact than a typical 10 credit module. ACTION: Kelly Redeker 17I Evolutionary and population genetics - Julia Ferrari reported no changes to the module synopsis. 20I Behavioural ecology - Dan Franks and Carol Wales will modify the comment on numbers on this module; otherwise no changes to the synopsis. ACTION: Dan Franks, Carol Wales 3 21I Marine and coastal biology field course - Julia Ferrari reported a change of name for the module. The field course will take place in week 10 of the Summer term (end of Stage 1), with teaching continuing in the Autumn term. 22I Species-environment interactions - Angela Hodge reported no changes for 2015/16. 36I Organisms in their environment - new organiser Pen Holland reported that the number of lectures had been reduced (from 13 to 8) and a session introduced on “what to do if things go wrong”. 37I Population biology - Calvin Dytham reported that R is introduced, and material follows on from teaching in Stage 1. 32I Skills - Organisers Angela Hodge T4 and Gonzalo Blanco T5 reported on arrangements to merge teaching for Biology and Biomedical Sciences students in 2015/16. The Committee noted that additional group practicals were needed in term 4, primarily to accommodate BMS students, in areas which are already popular with BIO students. Chris Elliott offered to be involved. ACTION: Calvin Dytham and James Moir to discuss staffing and allocation of Term 4 group and Term 5 practicals between Biology and Biomedical Sciences. In Term 5, it was noted that Cell signalling/Cell imaging practicals would be merged, with students allocated to one set run by Sangeeta Chawla or Gonzalo Blanco depending on their degree course. Module organisers were reminded that modules needed details of reassessment. ACTION: Module organisers to include details of reassessment where not already on synopses. Group A 32I GIS - the Committee noted this new module organised by Colin Beale had not yet run, so no changes were proposed. Group A 32I Taxonomy and collections - the Committee noted that this new module organised by Thorunn Helgason had not yet run. Group B Modelling biological and biochemical dynamics - the synopsis for this module offered by Jon Pitchford had not yet been updated. ACTION: Jon Pitchford. Group B 32I Bioenterprise - the Committee noted that the synopsis for this module organised by Norman Maitland had not yet been 4 updated. ACTION: Norman Maitland Group B 32I Communicating science to the public - Adrian Harrison reported that this module may be renamed to reflect work with school students. Group B 32I Evolutionary trees - Peter Mayhew reported no changes to the module synopsis. Group B 32I Genomics - Emma Rand reported minor changes to the synopsis; the long term future of this module is under review. Group B 32I Molecular imaging -Frans Maathuis reported no changes to the synopsis for 2015/16. Group B 32I Systems biology - it was noted that this module had no changes but reassessment details were needed. ACTION: Leo Caves. Group B 32I Digital media - Richard Waites proposed a new module for 2015/16 which included novel ways of assessing students. The Committee supported the introduction of this module, noting that it was likely to be popular. Assessment would be 40% peer assessment and 60% reflective report. Contributors were invited; Pen Holland volunteered. ACTION: Richard Waites and contributors to finalise module synopsis. c. Stage 3 29H BIO/BCH Research skills - James Moir reported on the merged module, enabling easier access to VLE and Echo material. The Committee noted that the Open essay had moved to Autumn term and therefore questions could not be based on material in open lectures 28H Research Project - the Committee noted that the Chair of Biology PC will be organiser, and will liaise with Gavin Thomas (organiser for Biochemistry). New Stage 3 module for Integrated Masters - James Moir introduced the synopsis for this new module for Stage 3 project (40 credits) and skills (20 cr group of 6-8 running in teaching labs). Staff may offer projects as an alternative to stage 3 undergraduate projects for 15/16; this will be more complicated to balance when stage 4 IM come into the equation, when staff might expect to take IM and UG stage 3 projects, or IM stage 3 and IM stage 4 projects. 5 01H Advanced topics in developmental biology - Betsy Pownall reported no changes. 05H Bioremediation - Adrian Harrison reported minor changes to the aims/outcomes of the module. 10H Conservation ecology and diversity - in Jane Hill’s absence, changes to the module synopsis proposed by Colin Beale were noted. 12H Ecological genetics - Kanchon Dasmahapatra reported no changes. 14H Evolutionary ecology - Peter Mayhew reported no changes. The Committee noted that best practice would be to have two lecturers in a Stage 3 module, bearing in mind the danger of fragmentation if more staff are involved, the benefit of spreading the teaching/assessment load, and allowing staff the opportunity to teach at advanced level. 15H Global change ecology - the Committee noted that this module synopsis needed modification before it could be taken to Teaching Committee ACTION: Kelly Redeker. 22H Nutrient acquisition - Angela Hodge. The Committee again noted concern about single lecturer offering this module. 26H Systems and synthetic biology - Jamie Wood reported that this module also featured in Masters level and Maths programmes, so if not taken by Biology undergraduates the content would be revised. The Committee noted that the new skills module offered by Jon Pitchford may boost numbers choosing the Stage 3 module. 38H Environmental microbiology - Thorunn Helgason noted some minor changes to the module’s timetable, with inclusion of a question and answer session. 39H Advanced topics in behaviour - Elva Robinson proposed no changes to the synopsis for this new module. Plant biology module - Richard Waites proposed a new module, probably more suitable for Stage 2, to build on research strengths of the Department. The Committee noted that Teaching Committee/Board of Studies has set up a group chaired by Gareth Evans to review material included, student choice, and assessment, in Stage 2, and agreed that this group should consider any new proposal alongside timetable limitations. It was noted that BCH and BMS Programme Committees had already considered and approved 6 module options for 2015/16 and would need to reconsider if a new module were offered. ACTION: Richard Waites to develop a synopsis as soon as possible, showing links to other modules, for discussion at Teaching Committee if it were to be considered for 2015/16. 6. Planning for 2016/17 onwards Discussion of proposals for new modules and/or changes to existing modules was deferred to the Spring meeting of Biology Programme Committee. 8. Dates of next meetings ● Teaching Committee - Wednesday 26 November - considers modules from all PCs, and finalises course plans for 2015/16 ● Biology Board of Studies - Friday 5 December - approves modules and course plans for 2015/16 ● BIO PC - Spring term 2015 tba week 8 - receives reports from Autumn term modules associated with BIO, begins planning for 2016/17 modules ● BIO PC - Summer term 2015 tba week 2-3 - receives reports from Spring/Summer term modules associated with BIO, continues planning for 2016/17 modules jew/HVI 7.11.14 7