COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION (SKMV 4792) Page : 1 of Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition PRE-REQUISITE EQUIVALENCE : : LECTURE HOURS : Dr. Richard Foo Jin Hoe : : : : F 1st Sept 2010 25th July 2011 3 SKMV 3012, SKMM 2713 2 Hours Lectures Lecturers 1. 5 E-Mail Room No. Phone No. C23-408 07-5534703 Synopsis : This course introduces students to manufacturing processes involved in automotive production as well as some of the major issues related to automotive manufacturing. It will emphasize on casting and forming processes employed in the automotive industry. A brief review on machining and joining processes is also given. The course will also highlights some of the challenging issues such as Quality, Group Technology, Lean Manufacturing and Automation. PREPARED BY : CERTIFIED BY : Name : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamidon Musa Name : Signature : Signature : Date : 3rd March 2010 Date : Head of Department 3rd September 2012 COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course, students should be able to : No. 1 2 3 Course Learning Outcomes Explain geometrical accuracies and surface finish of automotive components. Describe methods of measurement for geometrical accuracies and surface finish of automotive components Outline the relevant processes and materials in automotive production. F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008 Programme Learning Outcome(s) Addressed Learning Taxonomies & Generic Skills Assessed Assessment Methods PO1 C2 T, F PO1 C2 T, F PO1 C2 T, F COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION (SKMV 4792) Page : 2 of 5 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : : : : F 1st Sept 2010 25th July 2011 3 Determine process parameters in selected production processes. PO1 P4, C3 T, F 5 Identify the main issues related to quality, automation and lean manufacturing in the automotive industry. PO1 P2, C2 T, F 6 Seek relevant information and apply them appropriately. PO9 P2, A3 [LL1-LL3] A 4 Note : (T – Test ; PR – Project ; Q – Quiz; HW – Homework ; A – Assignment; Pr – Presentation; F – Final Exam) STUDENT LEARNING TIME No. Teaching and Learning Activities Teaching and Learning Activities Student Learning Time (hours) Student Learning Time (hours) 1. Face-to-Face Learning a. Lecturer-Centered Learning i. Lecture 24 b. Student-Centered Learning (SCL) i. Laboratory/Tutorial 0 ii. Student-centered learning activities – Active Learning, Project Based Learning 4 2. Self-Directed Learning a. Non-face-to-face learning or student-centered learning (SCL) such as manual, assignment, module, e-Learning, etc. 8 b. Revision 28 c. Assessment Preparations 12 3. Formal Assessment a. Continuous Assessment 2 b. Final Exam 2 Total F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008 80/40=2.0 COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION (SKMV 4792) Page : 3 of 5 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : : : : F 1st Sept 2010 25th July 2011 3 TEACHING METHODOLOGY Lectures and Active Learning WEEKLY SCHEDULE Week Lecture Topic / Content Introduction 1 2 1 Course requirement and general information 2 Overall stages and processes in automotive manufacture 3 4 3 Geometrical accuracy (including surface finish) Methods of measuring geometrical accuracy 5 Basic casting processes for automotive parts 6 Casting allowances, shrinkage cavities and methods to control shrinkage cavities Casting alloys and their applications in automotive industry 4 7 Material selection and substitution 8 Sand resin-bonded processes for cores and moulds 9 Review of sheet metal stamping processes (blanking, piercing, drawing) 5 Forces and press capacity for blanking and piercing 10 11 6 Forces, press capacity, number of draws and blank sizes in deep drawing Forces, spring back and blank development for bending 12 Die clearances, and punch and die dimensions for blanking and piercing. 13 Review of bending 14 Forces, spring back and blank development in bending 7 8 F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008 MID SEMESTER BREAK COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION (SKMV 4792) Page : 4 of 5 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : : : : F 1st Sept 2010 25th July 2011 3 WEEKLY SCHEDULE Week Lecture Topic / Content Presses for sheetmetal stamping 15 9 Presses and hammers for forging and extrusion 16 Press brake 17 10 18 Process documentation - Process Sheet, Operation Sheet, Standard Operation Procedure, Assembly Operation Standard, and Process Control Plan Overview of Malaysian automotive industry Issues and challanges in Repair and Maintenance, Tooling, and Process Improvement 11 19,20 Automation and its application in the automotive industry 12 21,22 Automation and its application in the automotive industry 13 23,24 Quality in the automotive industry 14 25,26 Quality and Lean Manufacturing 15 27,28 Lean Manufacturing 16-18 REVISION WEEK AND FINAL EXAMINATION REFERENCES 1. Phillip Ostwald and Jairo Munoz, "Manufacturing Processes and Systems," John Wiley & Sons, 1997 2. Mikell Groover, "Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing," Prentice Hall, 2001 3. HMT, "Production Technology", Tata McGraw Hill, 1987 F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008 COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION (SKMV 4792) Page : 5 of 5 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : : : : F 1st Sept 2010 25th July 2011 3 GRADING No. Assessment Number % each % total 1. Test 1 1 20 20 2. Test 2 1 20 20 3. Assignments 1 15 15 4. Assingment(Life-Long assessment) 1 5 5 5. Final Exam 1 40 40 Learning Overall Total 100 ATTENDANCE The student should adhere to the rules of attendance as stated in the University Academic Regulation :1. Student must attend not less than 80% of lecture hours as required for the subject. 2. The student will be prohibited from attending any lecture and assessment activities upon failure to comply the above requirement. Zero mark will be given to the subject. F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008