LIONS CLUB OF PARK ORCHARDS, INC Inc Number AOOO2137W District 201V5 Melbourne, Victoria Dinner Meeting Minutes: Held at Kellybrook Winery on Monday 2nd June, 2014 at 7.30pm KEY UPCOMING EVENTS Farmers Market Saturday June 21 Board Meeting Mon June 30th Changeover meeting Friday July 4th at Beau Monde International, East Doncaster PRESENT: Geoff Bearzatto, Chris Corry, Lyndon Downing, David French, Tim Galbally, Alex Goetzke, Steve Graham, Terry Grimwade, Norm Hennessy, Graham Hocking, John Hoskins, Alan Lowe, John McMillan, Jim McDonald, Graeme Macmillan, Mike O’Callaghan, Gerard Ruivenkamp, Ian Southey, Paul Stewart, Ian Sutton. APOLOGIES: Ian Abbey, Ian Bennett, Dan Brodrick, Warwick Duncan, Rob Ellis, Leigh Fisher, John Goodwin, Trevor Habel, Bob Hadley, Paul Kinsey, Kiki Tanousis, Don Taylor, Greg Toomey and Peter Wilson. MEMBERS GUESTS: John Hoskins welcomed several members’ partners along with family members. GUEST SPEAKER: Katherine Rose speaking on Genetics in Medicine CORRESPONDENCE The Secretary tabled and allocated correspondence, a record of which is appended to these minutes. PREVIOUS DINNER MEETING MINUTES Motion to approve the May 2014 Dinner Meeting minutes proposed by John Hoskins, seconded by Graham Hocking and carried by members. TREASURY AND FINANCE Terry Grimwade (Treasurer Elect) advised the following current account details: o Admin $ 991.78 o Activities $35,486.38 with un-presented cheques outstanding of $7785.17 WELFARE Ian Sutton, chairman of the newly elected Welfare Committee provided a detailed report on the range of Welfare fund raising activities of the club, and the various causes to which the club makes donations, equivalent to $1700 per member for the past 12 months. Ian sought the support of members for the club to make a donation of $2500 to Lions Club Foundation, specifically targeted for Humanitarian Relief in the Philippines following the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan. Moved Ian Sutton, seconded Steve Graham. Carried. The Welfare Committee now has a benchmark against which it will assess whether our club will support any particular cause: “Will our donation make a tangible difference?”, and intends committing our club to a major long-term project lasting 2 to 3 years, either in Australia or abroad, to which we could donate $20,000 to $30,000. Various options are currently under consideration, with any recommendation to the Board requiring a vote from members. INDUCTION OF NEW MEMBER David French conducted a ceremony to induct Stephen Scott as a new member of our club, witnessed by those members present and his sponsor, John Hoskins. Stephen, a Park Orchards resident of 16 years, is married to Helen, has 2 sons aged 22 and 18, works in the communications industry, and recently featured as a generous sponsor of the Community Car Rally,. Following tradition, Stephen was introduced to each member present. Welcome Stephen. PROJECTS VW RAFFLE With Paul Kinsey’s absence, John Hoskins reported that about 20% of tickets have already been sold through activities of the VW Club, Cystic Fibrosis and Lions members. Chris Corry and John Taurian requested to be supplied with further raffle books. 1 FARMER’S MARKET John Hoskins reminded members of the next Farmers Market coming up Saturday June 21st. Members will be emailed with a volunteer roster. RED SHIELD APPEAL On behalf of Leigh Fisher, Alan Lowe reported a very successful effort by Lions members in collecting $6300 in four hours between 9.00am and 1.00pm on Saturday, May 24th for donation to the Red Shield Appeal. David French and Jim McDonald were thanked for working both shifts on the day, plus non-member volunteers Travers Graham, Mark O’Keeffe and David McNiff for their efforts. CLUB BBQ TRAILER Paul Stewart reported on the successful launch of the trailer at the May Farmers Market. Paul thanked John Hoskins, John Goodwin, and Steve Graham for their support in completing this project, and also a special thanks to Bob Hadley for his logistical support. As the trailer continues to be used at events, Paul invited feedback from members with any fine tuning suggestions. GUEST SPEAKER’S ADDRESS Katherine Rose (daughter of Gerard and Hazel Ruivenkamp) is employed as Manager of Genetic Counselling at Monash Medical Centre, and is qualified in post-graduate studies in Genetics and Psychology. Katherine addressed the subject of Genetics in Medicine, and with the assistance of an informative Powerpoint presentation, focused on genetic issues that present in Pregnancy, Childhood and Adulthood. Genetic Counsellors provide patients and their families with: Information about genetic conditions Support and assistance in accessing support services Assist with informed decision making regarding genetic information The study of Genetics is complex, but provides valuable information for individuals and families around a wide range of health issues. The Human Genome project conducted from 1990 to 2001 has provided many cures for genetic conditions, and has led to the study of Genetics as a growing research area in Medicine. Katherine fielded several questions before being thanked by John Hoskins for her interesting and professional presentation to our club. Hazel, Katherine’s mum, expressed her great pride in her daughter’s career in Medicine, a sentiment fully supported by all present. GENERAL BUSINESS John Hoskins referred to the forthcoming opening of a new bicycle track near Tindals Road on June 22nd as an opportunity to employ the club’s new BBQ trailer as a gesture of thanks to Manningham Council for their financial support. Steve Graham to circulate an email with details. Before closure of the meeting, given this was the final regular meeting presided over by our President John Hoskins, Steve Graham expressed a vote of thanks to John for a very successful year in Lions, a vote that was warmly endorsed by all members present. Meeting closed at 10.00pm KEY UPCOMING EVENTS Farmers Market Saturday June 21 Board Meeting Mon June 23rd Changeover meeting Friday July 4th at Beau Monde International, East Doncaster NEXT MEETING: July Dinner meeting is on Monday July 4th at Beau Monde International This is our Annual Changeover Night and is a Ladies Night. 2 LIONS CLUB OF PARK ORCHARDS, INC Inc Number AOOO2137W District 201V5 Melbourne, Victoria 02/05/201 4 02/05/201 4 03/05/201 4 05/05/201 4 05/05/201 4 05/05/201 4 09/05/201 4 09/05/201 4 09/05/201 4 10/05/201 4 12/05/201 4 22/05/201 4 23/05/201 4 23/05/201 4 Let In District 201 V5 Secretary Questionnaire re: Changes to Club Rules Secretary/Boar d Let Emai l In Lindsay Champion LCIF Request for Donation Paul Stewart In May Newsletter All Members Let In LCI Lillian Kassioras & Jose Ruiz Letter of Appreciation Paul Stewart Let In Lions House Foundation Request for donation Paul Stewart Let In Bendigo Bank Bank Statement Let In Request for Funds Let In Independence Australia Manningham Concert Band Treasurer Welfare Committee Concert Notice Secretary Let Emai l Emai l Emai l In Salvos Red Shield Funds Request Secretary In Warrandyte Lions Club Changeover Dinner Invite John Hoskins In Lions Club Supplies Toronto Apparel Offer All Members In LCIF SightFirst Initiative All Members Let In Bendigo Bank Account Statement Treasurer Let In Bendigo Bank Community Newsletter 3