International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
e-ISSN: 2394-8299
p-ISSN: 2394-8280
Dhiraj V. Astonkar1, Dr.Sanjay M. Kherde2
Final Year M.E.Mech.Engg.(CAD-CAM), Dr.Sau.Kamaltai Gawai Institute of Engg.&Technology
,Darapur, Amravati, dhirajastonkar@gmail.com
Professor-Principal, Dr.Sau.Kamaltai Gawai Institute of Engg.&Technology, Darapur, Amravati,
In India majority of Indian middle class populations are living in small flats and homes this is mostly because of
their economy scale as well as the lack of space availability for living. But in the present scenario furniture
occupies a majority of the space. Moreover, high population density leads many other problems such as high gap
between rich and poor, high energy cost and house price. These are common problem in now days. Space saving
furniture is one of the options to solve these problems. To overcome this problem the seating arrangements of the
furniture should be multipurpose, space saving than their primary functions. In this paper, introduction of the
innovative designs for space saving seating arrangements have given. This study is to CAD Modeling with
PRO/E, finite element analysis with different load and materials in ANSYS & development with understanding of
ergonomics on waste material (vehicles used tubes & tyres); Space saving furniture or seating arrangements is
built to make people live easier and more comfortable. Space saving seating arrangements and tables are occupy
some area so, foldable as well as movable are easily transported from one place to another and used in variety of
outdoor conditions. It is also convenient to provide seating arrangements and tables that may be reduced to small
size for ease of carrying and storage. The choice of furniture material affects the look surrounding and load
capacity. This paper will help people to understand the importance of multipurpose, space saving seating
arrangements in different places.
Keywords: Space saving, Seating arrangements, Furniture’s.
1. Introduction
Furniture can be defined as a class of designed objects which provides utility functions such as
sleeping, supporting, service and sanitation. In the present scenario the furniture has become a style substance in
each and every home. The family members give almost care for the selection of their furniture and now it is a
product considered to be a form of decorative art. In olden times the furniture’s are made up of wood and related
items but now a lot of development and now the furniture’s are made including different material.
Space saving seating arrangements and tables are occupy some area so, foldable as well as movable are
easily transported from one place to another and used in variety of outdoor conditions. It is also convenient to
provide seating arrangements and tables that may be reduced to small size for ease of carrying and storage.
The concepts more modular and flexible design of seating arrangements should be folded and can be
easily stored. Multipurpose rotating seating arrangements is great for dining or use as a serving table.
All types of seating arrangements and tables have some advantage and disadvantage. The customer
buys the seating arrangements and tables according to their requirements like study table, dining table, office table
etc. The choice of furniture material affects the look surrounding and load capacity.
In Computer Aided Design (CAD) software are used for modeling the objects with different design of
CAD Model as well as the Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS tools with different loads & materials applicable
then development and procedures of space saving with product prepared from waste material of rubber tubes for
easily transported from one place to another and used in outdoor conditions also.
2. Market Study & Survey
User study needs to be conducted in order to experience the user and its environment. This may help the
designer to design an appropriate product which suits the environment. User study has been conducted around 8-10
seating arrangements or chairs in order to find the user experience and various issues regarding chairs space
IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org
International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
e-ISSN: 2394-8299
p-ISSN: 2394-8280
occupied as well as some problems identified regarding ergonomically view. Initially all the stake holders are
considered and study has conducted in order to get more information.
Observations from Market Study & Survey are,
 Majority of Indian middle class populations are living in small flats & homes.
 To understand the lifestyle, need and comfort
 Requirement of foldable as well as movable space saving seating arrangements
 Multipurpose, Modular, Flexible And Space -Saving
 Ergonomically perfect product
 Low Cost of product so used some waste material or recycle material.
3. Methodology
Methodology helps to find out the best solution for each design situations. A systematic approach and
procedure is to be followed to achieve the suitable solution. It involves the following steps:
 Concept of CAD modeling with PRO/E.
 Finite Element Analysis with different material & load in ANSYS.
 Comparisons of Analysis.
 Development of Seating Arrangements with space saving process.
 Ergonomic details
 Conclusion
4. Concept of CAD modelling
4.1 Concept [Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes & Tyres]
This is new concept of seating arrangements from rubber tubes & tyres of vehicles. Comparing these seating
arrangements, tubes is space saving because we can fill air in it whenever necessary and when there is no use of it we can remove
air from it and can be foldable easily and in this way we can save space.
Fig.01 Assembly of Seating Arrangements from rubber tubes
Fig.02 Assembly of Seating Arrangements from rubber tyres
Certain steps in formulating a finite element analysis of a physical problem are common to all such
analyses, whether structural, heat transfer, fluid flow, or some other problem. These steps are embodied in
commercial finite element software packages (some are mentioned in the following paragraphs) and are implicitly
incorporated in this text, although we do not necessarily refer to the steps explicitly. The steps are as follows.
1. Preprocessing
2. Solution
3. Postprocessing
IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org
International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
e-ISSN: 2394-8299
p-ISSN: 2394-8280
6. Analysis on Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes & Tyres:
6.1. Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes:
In Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes analysis first import model in ANSYS software in .iges file
format then material is selected for analysis, in rubber tubes there are two materials are used Nylon 6/6 for belts &
ropes used in seating arrangements & Elastomers (Natural & Synthetic Rubber) for tube (vehicle tube) used in
seating arrangements after selecting material a seating arrangements divided into a small number of solid finite
element, this process is known as meshing, then applying load on upper portion of seating arrangements then
analyzing result of Analysis.
6.2. Loads apply on Seating Arrangements:
Normal Person Weight = 70 kg
= 70 × 9.81
= 686.7 N
Assume Force on seating arrangements 70% of Weight
= 0.70 × 686.7
= 480.69 N
Heavy Person Weight = 100 kg
= 100 × 9.81
= 981N
Assume Force on seating arrangements 70% of Weight
= 0.70 × 981
= 686.7 N
6.3. Material Properties:
Nylon 6/6
Young’s Modulus (Pa)
Poisson’s Ratio
Density (kg/m3)
Tensile Yield Strength (Pa)
Elastomers(Natural &
Synthetic Rubber)for tube
Table 01 Material Property for Analysis
Elastomers(Natural &
Synthetic Rubber)for tyre
6.4. Comparisons of Analysis on Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes & Tyres:
Load (Kg/N)
Seating Arrangements from
Seating Arrangements from
Rubber Tubes
Rubber Tyres
Total Deformation
1.9469e-002 2.6242e-002
Equivalent (Von-Mises)
8.2322e+007 1.1722e+008 2.4681e+006 3.3664e+006
Normal Stress (Max.) Pa 6.6516e+007 9.4706e+007 2.8291e+006 3.8795e+006
Table 02 Comparisons of Analysis on Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes & Tyres
IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org
International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
e-ISSN: 2394-8299
p-ISSN: 2394-8280
6.5. Result of Analysis on Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes & Tyres:
Analysis Results for load 70kg
Analysis on Seating Arrangements
from Rubber Tubes
Analysis on Seating Arrangements from
Rubber Tyres
Meshing Model
Total Deformation
Equivalent (Von-Mises) Stress
Normal Stress
Table 03 Comparisons of Analysis Result on Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes & Tyres for 70 kg
IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org
International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Analysis Results for load 100kg
Analysis on Seating Arrangements
from Rubber Tubes
e-ISSN: 2394-8299
p-ISSN: 2394-8280
Analysis on Seating Arrangements from
Rubber Tyres
Meshing Model
Total Deformation
Equivalent (Von-Mises) Stress
Normal Stress
Table 04 Comparisons of Analysis Result on Seating Arrangements from Rubber Tubes & Tyres for 100 kg
IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org
International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
e-ISSN: 2394-8299
p-ISSN: 2394-8280
8. Development with waste material [Vehicles Used Tubes & Tyres]
This is another new concept of seating arrangements from waste tubes & tyres of vehicles:
In the concept of seating arrangements from tyres. We have taken two tyres and they have fixed by using nut
& bolt one above the other. To the upper tyre nylon rope has woven in such a way that a tight base must form.
Innovative design of seating arrangements from tubes. Two tubes are taken. They are placed one above
the other and are tightened by 8 bags belts. First of all lower tube is wrapped by belts and they are pulled above the
upper tube and sewed itself. Nylon rope is tightened in rounded manner.
On comparing above two types of seating arrangements, the seating arrangements of tubes is space
saving because we can fill air in it whenever necessary and when there is no use of it we can remove air from it and
can be folded easily and in this way we can save space.
Fig.03 Development of Seating Arrangements from Tubes & Tyres
8.1. Stepwise Process of space saving seating arrangements with pictorial view:
Remove Air form Rubber Tubes
Filling Space saving Seating Arrangements
in Bags
Folding Seating Arrangements form
Rubber Tubes
Filling Air in Space saving Seating
Holding Package of Seating
Arrangements form Rubber Tubes
Rearranging Space saving Seating
Table 05. Stepwise Process of space saving seating arrangements with pictorial view
IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org
International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
e-ISSN: 2394-8299
p-ISSN: 2394-8280
8.2. Ergonomic details:
Load Bering 68kg on Seating Arrangements from
Rubber Tubes
Load Bering 81kg on Seating Arrangements from
Rubber Tubes
Fig.04 Ergonomic details with different load Bering capacity
9. Conclusion:
Space saving seating arrangements is an innovative product that has much opportunity for future
development and a huge potential market for middle class populations are living in small flats and homes this is
mostly because of their economy scale as well as the lack of space availability for living. The designs of
transformable or foldable space saving seating arrangements can be even more variables with CAD modeling,
analysis of space saving seating arrangements are within safe limits under different load varying conditions,
different material properties & development with checking ergonomics conditions on same seating arrangements
used with a waste materials [rubber tubes & tyres] are focused in this paper. Such type of space saving seating
arrangements can help to designers, architects & engineers to make more effective and efficient.
To improve the future of space saving products, designers need to create more innovative ideas to
understand the importance of ergonomics and used with waste material of our daily life. These kind of innovative
designs could also save space problems & lower the cost of product due to use of waste materials.
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