
Unit 2 Lesson 1 Mitosis
Cell division takes place for different reasons.
Cell division is important for __________________________________, which involves only one
parent organism.
Most ___________________ in a multicellular organism happens because cell division produces
new cells.
Cell division also produces cells for _______________________.
The genetic material in cells is called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
In eukaryotic cells, DNA is found in the ______________________________.
A DNA molecule contains the information that determines the ___________________ that a
living thing inherits and needs to live.
During most of a cell’s life cycle, DNA is found in a mass of loose strands called
Before cell division, DNA is ______________________________.
As cell division begins, the chromatin is compacted into visible structures called
A duplicated chromosome is made of two identical structures called ______________________.
The life cycle of a eukaryotic cell, called the cell cycle, can be divided into three stages:
________________________, _____________________, and ___________________________.
____________________________ is the stage in the cell cycle during which the cell is not
The cell grows to about twice the size it was when it was first produced. It produces various
organelles and engages in normal life activities.
Changes that occur during interphase prepare a cell for division.
In eukaryotic cells, ___________________________ is the part of the cell cycle during which the
nucleus divides.
_____________________________ do not undergo mitosis because they do not have a nucleus.
Mitosis results in two nuclei that are ________________________ to the original nucleus.
When mitosis is complete, the cell has two identical sets of chromosomes in two separate
___________________________ is the division of the parent cell’s cytoplasm.
Cytokinesis starts during the last step of mitosis and eventually forms two complete cells.
In cells that have a cell wall, a ______________________ forms during cytokinesis. The
__________________________ separates the cell into two new cells.
There are four phases of mitosis: _________________________, _______________________,
___________________________, and _______________________________.
By the end of the four phases, the cell will have two identical nuclei.
In _________________________, the chromatin in the nucleus condenses into chromosomes.
The membrane around the nucleus breaks down.
In ___________________________, the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.
In __________________________, the chromatids of each chromosome are pulled to opposite
sides of the cell.
In ____________________________, a new nuclear membrane forms around each group of
chromosomes, which become less condensed.
Cytokinesis begins during this phase
After mitosis, cytokinesis results in two new cells, and the two new cells start the cell cycle