2014-15 LFS Departmental Awards Posting V3 including summary

Major LFS Departmental Awards (in excess of $10,000)
801 [W]
Canadian Diary Commission Scholarship
4819 [E]
Leonard S Klinck Memorial Fellowship
4848 [E]
Mary and David Macaree Fellowship
Not awarded in 2014-15
FONG, Karen (FOOD / MSc)
GAMBLING, Samantha (ISLFS / MSc)
Minor LFS Departmental Awards (less than $10,000)
132 [E] Henry and Myrtle Eddie Scholarship
Graduating Class of Agriculture 1921
311 [E]
Graduate Scholarship
347 [E] Richard Claxton Palmer Scholarship
FUREY, George (PLNT / MSc)
GRENZ, Jennifer (PLNT / MSc)
GRENZ, Jennifer (PLNT / MSc)
400 [E] Dr Joseph F Morgan Scholarship
KAUR, Manveen (AANB / MSc) – Jan 2015
455 [E] Dean Warren D Kitts Scholarship
KAUR, Manveen (AANB / MSc) – Jan 2015
738 [E] A J Wood Memorial Scholarship
745 [E] C W Roberts Jr Memorial Scholarship
COSTA, Joao (AANB / PhD)
792 [E] A. F. BARSS Memorial Scholarship
Charles River Laboratories Scholarship in
796 [E]
Animal Welfare
BC Food Technologists Graduate Student
807 [E]
4832 [E] W D Powrie Scholarship in Food Science
YANG, Shilin (MFRE)
6303 [E] Wilson HENDERSON Fellowship
FENG, Jinsong (FOOD / PhD)
CHEBAYA, Philip (HUNU / MSc)
MA, Li (PLNT / PhD)
COSTA, Joao (AANB / PhD)
FUREY, George (MSc)
TAK, Jun-Hyung (PhD)
SILPER, Bruna (AANB / PhD)
6323 [E] Nutritional Research Fellowship
Marion Judith Madsen Memorial
Scholarship in Animal Welfare
May L. BARNETT Memorial Graduate
6403 [E]
Scholarship in Plant Science
HAYNES Graduate Scholarship for the
6408 [E]
Advancement of Animal Welfare
6374 [E]
6431 [E] Plant Science Graduate Scholarship
6469 [W] Pacific Dairy Centre Scholarship
6470 [E] John and Mary Young Scholarship
LOEWEN, Anisa (FOOD / MSc)
The following awards are available to both undergraduate and graduate level students
712 [E] Jacob BIELY Scholarship
FENG, Jinsong (FOOD / PhD)
750 [E] BIELY Memorial Scholarship
FONG, Karen (FOOD / MSc)
787 [E] Guichon Family Award
Faculty Women’s Club Marion Nodwell
790 [E]
Memorial Scholarship
Assigned to undergrad in 2014W
GRENZ, Jennifer (PLNT / MSc)
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Michael J. Goldstein Memorial Service
805 [E] John SCHILDROTH Memorial Scholarship
799 [E]
Assigned to undergrad in 2014W
RAHMAN, Shristee (MFRE)
DENNIS, Jessica (ISLFS / MSc)
1400 [E] James A. Shelford Memorial Scholarship
2521 [E] Shuryo NAKAI Scholarship in Food Science
Mildred Catherine ORR Memorial
2520 [E]
Scholarship in Family & Nutritional Sciences
7664 [E] Poultry Industries Scholarship
LOEWEN, Anisa (FOOD / MSc)
808 [A] Noel Roddick Service Award
Assigned to undergrad in 2014W
FONG, Karen (FOOD / MSc)
New awards for 2014-15
6533 [E]
6525 [E]
7337 [A]
GFTC Legacy Fund Graduate Award in Food
FOOD Science Graduate Scholarship
LACROIX, Isabelle (FOOD / PhD)
KONASANI, Venkatrao (FOOD / PhD)
Bernard Lapointe Graduate Entrance
Scholarship in Food & Resource Economics
Canadian Agri-Food Trading Int’l Graduate
Scholarship in Land & Food Systems
Recipients of the following awards are selected by committee within their program
6533 [E]
GFTC Legacy Fund Graduate Award in Food
HU, Yaxi (MSc)
FENG, Jinsong (MSc)
XIE, Zehong (MFS)
ZHAO, Jingjing (MFS)
FONG, Karen (MSc)
LOEWEN, Anisa (MSc)
KELLY, Jessica (MFS)
FAN, Mengdi (MFS)
Master of Food Science International
804 [A]
6426 [A] MASTER of Food Science Scholarship
6538 [A]
MASTER of Food and Resource Economics
(MFRE) Award
Does not include awards assigned to undergrads.
*not included until awards are assigned
Total*: $166,000
Prizes (Nominations will be requested in Spring 2015)
Jacob BIELY and Blythe A Eagles Prize in
775 [E] John YORSTON Memorial Prize
612 [E]
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Major LFS Departmental Awards (in excess of $10,000)
Canadian Diary Commission Scholarship
Not awarded in 2014-15
Scholarships in the amount of $30,000 per student per year for a maximum of three years for full-time Ph.D. students
and $20,000 per student per year for a maximum of two years for full-time M.Sc. students are offered by the
Canadian Dairy Commission to graduate students in Food Science, Agricultural Economics or Animal Science whose
thesis project has potential application to the dairy industry. The scholarships are only made available to Canadian
citizens and Permanent Residents. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food
Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Leonard S KLINCK Memorial Fellowship
FONG, Karen (FOOD / MSc) - $4,000
ROBBINS, Jesse (AANB / PhD) - $10,000
Fellowships totalling $14,000 have been endowed by the late Dean Emeritus Blythe Eagles and Violet E. Eagles on the
occasion of the 75th anniversary of the University. The award is to honor Leonard S. Klinck, the first Dean of the
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (1914-1919) and second President of the University (1919-1944). The award is offered
to graduate students in Agricultural Sciences and is made on the recommendation of the Faculty in consultation with
the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Mary and David MACAREE Fellowship
VERBOWSKI, Vashti (HUNU / MSc) - $19,000
PANKOWSKA, Kate (ISLFS / PhD) - $19,000
GAMBLING, Samantha (ISLFS / MSc) - $6,700
Fellowships totalling $88,300 have been endowed through a bequest by Mary Macaree (B.L.S. 1963) and David
Macaree (M.A. 1960) for graduate students in Land and Food Systems or Forestry whose research is relevant to
sustainability of agricultural or forest resource ecosystems. The awards are made on the recommendation of the
Faculty of Land and Food Systems and the Faculty of Forestry in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Minor LFS Departmental Awards (less than $10,000)
Henry and Myrtle EDDIE Scholarship
FUREY, George (PLNT / MSc)
Scholarships totalling $1,050 have been endowed by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eddie for graduate students in the field of
plant science in a program related to crop improvement. Preference is given to students working in association with
the staff of the Botanical Gardens on horticultural plants. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty
of Land and Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
GRADUATING Class of Agriculture 1921
Graduate Scholarship
On the occasion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of graduation, the Class of Agriculture 1921 endowed a scholarship of
$350 for graduate study and research in agriculture leading to a higher degree. In awarding this scholarship
consideration is given to academic standing, character, and promise of ability in investigation and research.
Richard Claxton PALMER Scholarship
GRENZ, Jennifer (PLNT / MSc)
GRENZ, Jennifer (PLNT / MSc)
A $1,750 scholarship of has been endowed by colleagues and other friends of the late Richard Claxton Palmer, B.S.A.,
M.S.A., D.Sc., Superintendent of the Experimental Station at Summerland and one time member of the Senate of this
University, as a memorial to his private friendships, his public service, and his contributions in the field of science. It is
offered to a graduate of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems of the University of British Columbia who is proceeding
to graduate study in this or any other approved university. Candidates should show evidence of scholarship and of
ability to carry on investigation or research. In making the award, preference is shown to a candidate engaged in
continuing studies in horticulture or related fields of agriculture.
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Dr Joseph F MORGAN Scholarship
KAUR, Manveen (AANB / MSc) – Jan 2015
A $1,100 scholarship, honouring the memory of Dr. Joseph F. Morgan, F.R.S.C., Gold Medalist in Agriculture (1941),
distinguished scientist, teacher and editor, has been established by his family and friends. It is awarded to an
outstanding student completing fourth year of Agricultural Sciences who is proceeding to Graduate Studies at the
University of British Columbia and whose studies will be furthered by financial support. The successful candidate will
have demonstrated through his or her course and thesis work a knowledge of the structure and function of plants
and animals at the cellular and sub-cellular levels and a comprehension of the role of micro-organisms and viruses
insofar as they are relevant to an understanding of cell organization. The award is made on the recommendation of
the Scholarship Committee of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
Dean Warren D KITTS Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship has been endowed by friends and former students of Dr. Warren D. Kitts in 1984 on the
occasion of his retirement as Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, in recognition of his distinguished
contributions to the agricultural sciences and his interest in graduate student research. It is awarded on the
recommendation of the Faculty. Eligible students must have completed either the B.Sc.(FNH), B.Sc.(Agro) or
B.Sc.(GRS) degrees at the University of British Columbia, and must be proceeding to graduate studies at this
University in a field relating to the scientific basis of agriculture and food production.
A J WOOD Memorial Scholarship
KAUR, Manveen (AANB / MSc) – Jan 2015
A $1,550 scholarship has been endowed by friends and family of the late Dr. A. J. Wood, who was for many years a
distinguished member of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of British Columbia. The award is to a
student who has completed fourth year in Agriculture and is proceeding to a graduate degree at the University of
British Columbia or any other approved university. The award is made on the recommendation of the Dean of the
C W ROBERTS Jr Memorial Scholarship
COSTA, Joao (AANB / PhD)
One or more scholarships totalling $1,400 have been endowed by Mrs. C. W. Roberts, Sr., and friends in honour of Dr.
C. W. (Bob) Roberts and his wife Sally Roberts. Dr. Roberts was a devoted teacher and scientist in the Department of
Poultry Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. The award is made to students undertaking programs in genetics or
management in the field of poultry science on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, in
consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
A. F. BARSS Memorial Scholarship
YANG, Shilin (MFRE)
Scholarships totalling $1,300 have been endowed by Ambassador Lester D. Mallory in memory of Dr. Alden F. Barss, a
founding faculty member of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, who was instrumental in guiding the direction of
Amb. Mallory's career. A UBC alumnus (B.Sc.A.1927, M.Sc.A.1929), Amb. Mallory received his doctorate from the
University of California Berkely in the early 1930's. He started his career with the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
subsequently transferring to the U.S. State Department, where he retired as Assistant Secretary of State for Latin
American Affairs. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems to graduate
students in Agricultural Economics, with preference to those whose studies have an international focus.
CHARLES River Laboratories Scholarship in
Animal Welfare
Scholarships totalling $750 have been endowed by the Charles River Laboratories Foundation for graduate students
in the Animal Welfare Program, with preference given to students doing work related to laboratory animals. The
awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty of
Graduate Studies.
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BRITISH COLUMBIA Food Technologists
Graduate Student Award
LOEWEN, Anisa (FOOD / MSc)
A $1,000 award is offered by the British Columbia Food Technologists for an outstanding graduate student in Food
Science. The award recognizes a student who has demonstrated a high level of academic achievement, research
excellence, commitment to teaching and mentoring, and a commitment to the ideals of the profession. In addition to
the cash prize, the award includes a one-year membership in the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology.
The award is made on the recommendation of an ad-hoc committee of Food Science faculty members in consultation
with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
W D POWRIE Scholarship in Food Science
A $600 scholarship has been endowed by friends and colleagues in honour of William D. Powrie. The award is offered
to a graduate student in the field of Food Science and is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and
Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Wilson HENDERSON Fellowship
FENG, Jinsong (FOOD / PhD)
A $500 fellowship has been endowed through a bequest by Dr. Wilson Henderson. The award is offered to a graduate
student in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, with preference given to those studying in the field of avian nutrition.
The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty
of Graduate Studies and may be renewable for up to two years.
NUTRITIONAL Research Fellowship
SOBERANES, Lynda (HUNU / MSc) $2,050
CHEBAYA, Philip (HUNU / MSc) $1,950
Fellowships totalling $2,050 have been endowed for graduate students in Agricultural Sciences pursuing nutritional
research. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in consultation with
the Faculty of Graduate Studies. *Award amount increased January 2015
Marion Judith MADSEN Memorial
Scholarship in Animal Welfare
Scholarships totalling $1300 have been endowed in memory of Marion Judith Madsen by her husband, Gregory P.
Madsen, for graduate students in the Animal Welfare Program. Born in 1949 and raised in Vancouver, Marion
volunteered for over ten years doing home care of orphaned & baby animals so that they could be released back to
the wild. As Marion was unable to attend university herself, this award is provided to help others continue their
studies and thereby benefit the animals that she so loved. The awards are made on the recommendation of the
Faculty of Land and Food Systems with preference given, where possible, to candidates studying wildlife and wildlife
May L. BARNETT Memorial Graduate
Scholarship in Plant Science
One or more scholarships totalling $3,400 have been endowed by Roy Barnett in memory of his mother, May L.
Barnett, for graduate students in Plant Science working on the improvement of agricultural and/or horticultural
plants. May Barnett developed and nurtured plants of all kinds in her extensive garden. It would have given her great
satisfaction to know that this scholarship will assist generations of students pursuing her life's passion for the benefit
of humanity. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in consultation
with the Faculty of Grad Studies.
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MA, Li (PLNT / PhD)
HAYNES Graduate Scholarship for the
Advancement of Animal Welfare
Scholarships totalling $1,050 have been endowed to support student research on how human behaviour and policy
influence the lives of animals. Awards are offered to graduate students in the Animal Welfare Program and in
interdisciplinary studies, where candidates' research aims to reduce animal suffering through avenues such as
education, regulation, media and the law. The award is established in memory of Mouse, Mrs. Haynes' adopted cat,
who demonstrated the transformative power of the human-animal bond. Awards are made on the recommendation
of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
PLANT Science Graduate Scholarship
One or more scholarships totalling $750 have been endowed for graduate students in the Plant Science Graduate
Program in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems who are working on agricultural and/or horticultural topics. The
awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Pacific Dairy Centre Scholarship
Scholarships totaling $2000 are offered by John and Diane Bruinsma of Pacific Dairy Centre for graduate students
with an interest in dairy cattle research. The scholarships are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land
and Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
John and Mary Young Scholarship
Scholarships totaling $2,150 have been endowed in honour of John and Mary Young for a graduate student with an
interest in dairy cattle research. John was a manager of the UBC Farm and Dairy from 1929 - 1951. As husband and
wife, John and Mary's legacy to the University was not less than the survival of the farm, together with its famous
Ayrshire herd, through the Great Depression. The scholarship is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land
and Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
COSTA, Joao (AANB / PhD)
FUREY, George (MSc) - $500
TAK, Jun-Hyung (PhD) - $250
SILPER, Bruna (AANB / PhD)
The following awards are available to both undergraduate and graduate level students
Jacob BIELY Scholarship
FENG, Jinsong (FOOD / PhD)
In recognition of his personal contribution to the University of British Columbia, as well as his numerous scientific
contributions in the field of poultry science, the many friends and admirers of Professor Jacob Biely have endowed a
$800 scholarship to be awarded to a student in Poultry Science. The award is made on the recommendation of the
Poultry Science Section of the Department of Animal Science.
BIELY Memorial Scholarship
FONG, Karen (FOOD / MSc)
In recognition of his contributions to the academic and scientific communities, the family and friends of Dr. Jacob Biely
have established a scholarship of $750 to be awarded to a student in Poultry Science at the University of British
Columbia. The award is made on the recommendation of the Poultry Science Section of the Department of Animal
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GUICHON Family Award
Assigned to undergrad
Awards totalling $1,200 have been endowed by family, friends and colleagues in memory of Lawrence Peter
Guichon, one of British Columbia's pioneer cattlemen, who was a recipient of a Doctor of Science degree
(honoris causa) from UBC for his life-long dedication to the enhancement of the cattle industry throughout
the grasslands of B.C. The award is given to an undergraduate or graduate student, with demonstrated
leadership qualities who has a defined interest in ecology, sustainability of extensive animal production
agriculture, and management of the natural grasslands. The award is made on the recommendation of the
Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
Faculty Women’s Club Marion Nodwell
GRENZ, Jennifer (PLNT / MSc)
Memorial Scholarship
A $1,150 scholarship has been endowed by the UBC Faculty Women's Club and the Nodwell family in
memory of Marion Nodwell, a woman with a great zest for life and learning. Marion Nodwell was a
wonderful gardener and community volunteer, serving enthusiastically for many years in a variety of roles in
the Faculty Women's Club including president, organizer and fundraiser. To reflect Marion's interest in
gardening, the scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems to a
third or fourth year undergraduate or graduate student with a concentration in Horticulture. In the case of
graduate students, the award is made in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Michael J. Goldstein Memorial Service Award
Awards totalling $700 have been endowed by Pottinger Gaherty Environmental Consultants Ltd. and by
friends and colleagues in memory of Michael J. Goldstein (B.Sc.A.1978, M.Sc.1984), whose passion for soils
and environmental issues made the world a better place. The awards are intended for undergraduate or
graduate students in good academic standing who have demonstrated excellence in fields such as
community service, student leadership, and volunteerism. Preference is given to students whose studies
focus on the environment, soil conservation/contamination or issues surrounding social justice. The awards
are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
John SCHILDROTH Memorial Scholarship
Assigned to undergrad
RAHMAN, Shristee (MFRE)
A $1,000 scholarship has been endowed in memory of John Schildroth by family, friends and colleagues at the B.C.
Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and at UBC's Faculty of Land and Food Systems for a graduate or undergraduate
student with excellent academic standing in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems who has also demonstrated
excellence in a range of non-academic fields such as community service, student leadership, volunteerism, and athletic
or artistic performance. Preference is given to a graduate student studying food and resource economics, public policy
or a related field. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty and, in the case of a graduate student, in
consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Noel RODDICK Service Award
DENNIS, Jessica (ISLFS / MSc)
Awards totalling $1,000 have been funded by Terralink Horticulture Inc. and by family and friends in honour
of Noel Roddick (B.Sc.Ag.1962), whose outstanding service has helped to sustain the agricultural community
in the face of numerous challenges. The awards are intended for undergraduate or graduate students in
good academic standing who engage in community service, including research projects, on topics relevant to
the reduction of risks to the Delta, BC farm community due to agronomic, economic or social factors.
Preference is given to students conducting projects in collaboration with the Delta Farmers' Institute, Delta
Farmland and Wildlife Trust or members of the local agricultural business community. The awards are made
on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
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James A. SHELFORD Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships totalling $4,000 have been endowed by family, friends and colleagues of Dr. James A. (Jim) Shelford and
by the Dairy, Education and Research Centre to honour his memory and invaluable work with students at The
University of British Columbia. The scholarships are awarded to graduate or undergraduate students studying topics
related to dairy production. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems
and, in the case of graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Mildred Catherine ORR Memorial Scholarship in
Family and Nutritional Sciences
Assigned to undergrad
A $900 scholarship has been endowed in memory of Mildred Catherine Orr, former Provincial Director of Home
Economics from 1959 to 1968 and is offered to an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Nutritional Sciences.
It is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems Awards Committee and in the case of
graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Shuryo NAKAI Scholarship in Food Science
A $1,650 scholarship has been endowed by friends and colleagues in honour of Shuryo Nakai. The award is offered to a
student in the field of Food Science and is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems. In
the case of graduate students the award is made in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
POULTRY Industries Scholarship
Established by the Trustees of the Poultry Blood Testing Fund, this award provides a scholarship of $200. It is awarded,
on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Division of Poultry Science, to a student, graduate or undergraduate,
who has a good academic record, shows promise in the field of poultry science, and needs financial assistance.
LOEWEN, Anisa (FOOD / MSc)
FONG, Karen (FOOD / MSc)
New awards for 2014-15
GFTC Legacy Fund Graduate Award in Food
One award of $5,000 is offered by the GFTC Legacy Fund to a graduate student pursuing either an MSc in Food Science,
a PhD in Food Science, or a Master of Food Science (MFS). The successful recipient will be selected based on academic
excellence as well as past work experience and future career goals in the food sector. The award is made on the
recommendation of the Land and Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
LACROIX, Isabelle (FOOD / PhD) - $4000
FOOD Science Graduate Scholarship
$10,450 KONASANI, Venkatrao (FOOD / PhD) - $4000
KOVACEVIC, Jovana (FOOD / PhD) - $2450
One or more scholarships totaling $10,450 have been endowed in memory of Alice and Fook Tai Li, for students
pursuing an MSc or PhD degree in Food Science. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land
and Food Systems, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
Bernard LAPOINTE Graduate Entrance
Scholarship in Food & Resource Economics
(had previously been a bursary)
A $1,200 scholarship is offered by Bernard Lapointe (M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics, 1988) to a graduate student
entering either the Master of Science in Agricultural Economics Program or the Master of Food and Resource
Economics Program. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, in
consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
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Canadian Agri-Food Trading Int’l Graduate
Scholarship in Land & Food Systems
$1,000 x
Nov 2014: Pending Senate approval
Two scholarships at $1,000 each are jointly offered annually by the Canadian Agri-Food Trading Inc. and the Faculty of
Land and Food Systems to outstanding international graduate students from China. The awards are offered to
students in the Faculty’s Master of Food and Resource Economics (MFRE) or Master of Food Science (MFS) programs.
Canadian Agri-Food Trading Inc. (CAFT), founded in 2013, is an export company with Mainland China as a target
market. Food safety is their top concern. They are dedicated to providing Chinese customers with safe and highquality Canadian food products. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food
Systems, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
Recipients of the following awards are selected by committee within their program
804 (A)
6426 (A)
6538 (A)
Master of Food Science International
HU, Yaxi (MSc) - $10,100
FENG, Jinsong (MSc) - $2,500
XIE, Zehong (MFS) - $7,000
ZHAO, Jingjing (MFS) - $7,000
Scholarships totalling up to $50,000 are offered to international students in Food Science graduate programs with
preference given to students in the Master of Food Science program. The awards are given on the basis of academic
merit on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate
and Postdoctoral Studies.
MASTER of Food Science Scholarship
FONG, Karen (MSc) - $12,000
LOEWEN, Anisa (MSc) - $2,000
KELLY, Jessica (MFS) - $5,000
Scholarships totalling up to $20,000 are offered to students in the Food Science graduate programs who are Canadian
citizens or Permanent Residents. Preference is given to students in the Master of Food Science program. The awards
are made on the basis of academic merit and are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food
Systems in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
MASTER of Food and Resource Economics
(MFRE) Award
Awards ranging from $1,000 to 70 percent of MFRE tuition fees are offered to students under the supervision of faculty
in the Food and Resource Economics program in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, with preference given to
students registered in the MFRE program. Criteria for selection include academic merit, student financial need, and the
recipient’s contribution (or potential contribution) to the Food and Resource Economics program. The awards are
made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate
and Postdoctoral Studies. (First Award Available in the 2013/2014 Winter Session)
Prizes - Nominations will be requested in Spring 2015
Jacob BIELY and Blythe A Eagles Prize in
A prize of $75 has been endowed by Professor Biely from the Earle Willard McHenry Award which he received from the
Nutrition Society of Canada in 1979. The prize is awarded to a fourth year or graduate student in any program who,
through the graduating essay or thesis, has demonstrated an interest and ability in the study of nutrition.
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John YORSTON Memorial Prize
A $300 prize has been endowed in memory of Dr. Yorston (B.Sc. Agr. 1965), whose career with the B.C. Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries was tragically curtailed by an automobile accident. The prize is awarded to an outstanding
undergraduate specializing in plant pathology, plant nematology or plant protection or an outstanding graduate
student in plant pathology or plant nematology. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and
Food Systems or in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Travel Awards
6351 (E)
Ursula Knight Abbott Travel Scholarship in
Agricultural Sciences
Ursula Knight ABBOTT Travel Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences
Scholarships totalling $32,000 have been endowed by Dr. Ursula Knight Abbott for graduate students in
Agricultural Sciences to assist them with travel outside the Lower Mainland to present a paper or further
their research. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
*Award amount was increased January 2015.
Internal LFS Travel Awards
LFS Professor Emeritus Graduate Award
One or more annual awards will be made available to graduate students in the Faculty of Land and Food
Systems. Up to $500 will be awarded to a graduate student who will be presenting a paper or poster
describing their thesis research at an official conference or symposium (student workshops are excluded).
The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
B.E. March Graduate Travel Award
One or more annual awards will be made available to graduate students in the field of animal science. Up to
$857 will be awarded to help defray the travel costs of presenting a research paper or poster describing
their thesis research at a scientific conference outside British Columbia. The award is administered by the
Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
Vernon Brink Graduate Travel Award
Inez Makowska, PhD ($600.00)
One or more annual awards of up to $480.00 will be made available to graduate students in the field of
Plant Science to help defray the travel costs of presenting a research paper or poster describing their thesis
research at a scientific conference outside British Columbia. The award is administered by the Faculty of
Land and Food Systems.
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