The KadileAtric Power Principle

Eleazar M. Kadile, MD
The “No Nonsense MD” Presents:
The KadileAtric
Power Principle:
The Weight Loss Plan that
Shakes The Very Foundation of
the Weight Loss Industry
Don't even read this no-holds-barred report on this revolutionary -non-surgical -- approach to weight loss, unless you have a substantial
amount of weight to lose.
This white paper is targeted to a very special group of people: those
who have struggled with their weight for the better part of their lives.
This white paper is written for those individuals who have at least 50
pounds . . . 75 pounds . . . 100 pounds or more to lose.
The weight-loss system described within these pages, The KadileAtric
Power Principle, was not created for the "casual" dieter.
The KadileAtric Power Principle was made for the person who has tried
every other diet . . . who's been the victim of yo-yo dieting . . . the
victim of the mass market diet industry . . . and the victim of various
unscrupulous marketers of various diet supplements.
The KadileAtric Power Principle: The Weight
Loss Plan that Shakes The Very Foundation of
the Weight Loss Industry
Table of Contents
Page 4
Chapter 1: The KadileAtric Power Principle:
Is It Really That Simple?
Page 6
Chapter 2: Resistance to New Discoveries
Page 9
Chapter 3:
The Ultimate Key to Success:
Preparing Your Body for Success
Page 13
Chapter 4:
Rapid Fat Loss with the KadileAtric Power Principle
Page 21
Chapter 5: The KadileAtric Power Principle
Page 26
Page 29
In a quiet little Wisconsin town there's been a weight-loss
breakthrough so profound it could cure America's obesity
epidemic and reverse many deadly diseases.
ou are about to embark on a wonderful adventure . . . an
adventure towards a new, healthier, happier you. It could very
well be the most important journey in health you have ever
I have no doubt that it will be inspiring. It will be challenging. And
don't be surprised if at the same time, you find it mildly disturbing. New
ways of thinking . . . blazing new trails . . . often disturb at least a
certain portion of the population.
I'm about to take everything you thought you knew about how to lose
weight and turn it on its head.
By the time you're through reading this one-of-a-kind report your entire
view on dieting, the "dieting industry" and even perhaps conventional,
allopathic medicine will be revolutionized. Guaranteed!
What I'm about to reveal is nothing less than the real root cause of
your weight problem: Why diet after diet has failed you!
That's right! You thought that you failed your diet . . . didn't you! No!
Your so-called diets have not only failed you. Did they change your
eating habits for the better . . . NO!
Did your last diet help you actually keep your weight off for any length
of time? Or did you gain it back shortly after you stepped back into
the community of "average, normal" eaters? I can almost guarantee
Your last diet failed you because you are probably at least several
pounds heavier than when you started it. And it's been that way with
every new diet you try, hasn't it?
And all this time you've been blaming yourself!
But that's not the only reason your diet has failed you. Your last diet
probably left you less healthy than when you started. It may have
damaged your body, skewed your hormones . . . weakened some of
your organs and glands.
Quite frankly this revolutionary approach to weight loss isn't for
everyone. It might not be for you. The KadileAtric Power Principle was
created with the "hard-to-lose" patient in mind. It was developed
specifically for those individuals who are considered to be in the
"obese" range of weight. The KadileAtric Power Principle was
developed for the person whose health -- and perhaps his very life -- is
dependent on losing weight.
Chapter 1:
The KadileAtric Power Principle:
Is It Really That Simple?
Why this plan shakes the
very foundation of the diet industry.
ell, I guess those scientists really don't know everything,
now do they?" a friend of mine said recently. As a
student of science all my life, I was taken aback by this
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Scientists have all the answers to all the questions," she said. She
appeared to be serious.
Let's set the record straight right now: Any scientist worth his weight
knows the only thing he really knows with any assurance is "He doesn't
know everything."
Science is the pursuit of knowledge pertaining to our physical world.
The "pursuit." Not the archival of knowledge, not the retrieval of
knowledge of past generations and definitely not the final
achievement of accumulation of knowledge.
The thrill of the scientific breakthrough
But then that also brings us to the excitement that draws so many to
the discipline. We search -- indeed, we hunger -- for a scientific
It's ironic, though, isn't it? Every scientist knows that science is ever
changing -- and no branch of science is more vulnerable to this fact
than medicine. Why then are new theories, new discoveries, met with
such hostility by most mainstream doctors and scientists?
That, my friend, remains a question to be answered for another day.
But as you read about the amazing results produced by the
KadileAtric Power Principle, you may be tempted to dismiss them. At
the very least, you'll be skeptical. That's good. Every good scientist is.
The KadileAtric Power Principle is one of these breakthroughs. This new
weight loss plan breaks through the glass ceiling of what we -- as the
medical community - previously thought possible in this area. A cure.
It's not going too far to call it just that: THE cure for obesity.
The diet industry stands to lose -- big time.
What a breakthrough! Just the thought that a single weight-loss plan
can not only create a healthy loss in pounds, but actually keep the
unsightly and unhealthy weight off of you forever is near
incomprehensible. No wonder this diet is causing an uproar in not only
the medical community, but among the entire diet industry.
Imagine the long-term implications of this if it were true. It would mean
that you would never need another diet pill again. You would never
need to buy another diet book again. You would never need to pay
to go to any group diet plans again. Indeed, you would never need
to even consider purchasing some company's so-called food system
It certainly would rock the world of the diet industry. The KadileAtric
Power Principle is exactly the earthquake to do just that -- shake the
very foundations of the diet industry. The diet industry finds itself
running for cover. And when it finally decides to come out, the
landscape of the diet industry -- thanks to the efforts of the KadileAtric
Power Principle -- will look drastically different. And that difference
certainly will deeply hurt their ultimate profits.
The diet industry only makes money when you continue to search for
solutions to your weight loss problem. Exactly where would they be if
you could buy one of their products, use it, and then never need
another product again? Closing up shop, for the most part.
As a medical doctor, and an integrative practitioner, I feel as if I'm on
the right track when the mainstream health industries attack me. If
they're attacking me, then I feel as if what I'm doing is threatening
their financial bottom line. If what I'm doing is threatening their profit
and loss statements, then they recognize the validity of it.
Unfortunately, as a by product of this, they launch an all-out assault to
convince you -- the public -- that it's just nonsense.
They would like you to believe that just because we've discovered a
breakthrough – which, by the way, as you'll see later is not quite
accurate -- that it's automatically hogwash . . . . . fraudulent . . . and
entirely without credence.
Chapter 2:
Resistance to New Discoveries
Every new idea in medicine seems to meet with serious
resistance before it becomes accepted standard practice.
efore you decide, though, you need to be reminded of two
other medical breakthroughs that were met with hostility and
disbelief. Today, they are part of the very fabric and backbone
of medicine.
The germ theory resisted.
What if the doctor performing your appendectomy or your bypass
surgery walked into the operating room without washing his hands,
wearing surgical gloves or any other means of keeping the area germ
What if he used the same surgical instruments that had been used on
someone else -- without sterilization to remove the germs?
What if the germ theory of medicine had never been discovered?
That exactly describes the world of medicine in the late nineteenth
century before Louis Pasteur. Patients in hospitals died for reasons
unknown to the doctors at the time.
Here's the example that truly troubled the scientist. The Paris Maternity
Hospital experienced 64 fatalities caused by childbirth fever out of the
347 women in the hospital -- all in a short time period.
While dying in childbirth was a bigger risk in the nineteenth century
than it is in the twenty-first century, this statistic was even large for its
The number of deaths was so large and so troublesome, in fact, the
hospital closed; the women transferred to another institution. Yet, the
problem followed the women to this second hospital. The vast
majority of them ultimately died.
The more time Pasteur spent in hospitals, the more he recognized a
pattern: the illnesses and deaths followed the physicians and hospital
attendants from the sick to the healthy patients.
Pasteur had to fight to get other doctors to even consider that disease
could be spread by some organism too small to be seen by the
unaided naked eye.
He was ridiculed for his attempt at something we consider the easiest
way to prevent the spread of disease: washing your hands. No one
else had seen the situation. Once he convinced other doctors to try
this, the death rate in hospitals declined drastically.
Of course, today the germ theory is taken for granted. We know we
can even reduce our chances of developing the cold or the flu simply
by washing our hands frequently
Advanced vitamin C research ridiculed.
Now let's fast-forward to the twentieth century and a scientist named
Linus Pauling. You might have heard of him. He earned a Nobel Prize
for chemistry in 1954.
He later performed an enormous amount of research in the area of
vitamin C. His theory revolved around the thesis that if 60 mg daily
was the minimum amount to ward off scurvy, what would happen if
you provided your body with more than the minimum.
Could a higher serving of vitamin C help "cure" other diseases? With
this question -- and his subsequent research -- the field of
orthomolecular biology was born.
Immediately, controversy swirled around his findings.
He proposed that higher levels of vitamin C in the body could, for
starters, help boost the body's immune system. Nonsense! The
conventional doctors bellowed. Today, many of us routinely take
vitamin C as a way to keep our immune system functioning properly.
Not only that, Pauling theorized that increased levels of vitamin C in
the body could even help control such chronic diseases as heart
disease. The medical establishment ridiculed him.
That was in the mid-twentieth century -- some 30 to 40 years ago.
Today, the medical landscape looks a little different regarding the use
of vitamin C.
Today, it's widely accepted that vitamin C strengthens a sagging
immune system.
The latest studies demonstrate that for some people large amounts of
vitamin C can reduce a central biomarker of heart disease every bit
as effectively as the prescription statin medications, a popular class of
cholesterol-lowering drug.
The KadileAtric Power Principle criticized.
So it really comes as no surprise to me that you may meet this
revolutionary approach to weight loss with some skepticism. Quite
frankly, all the medicine we now take for granted once met with
opposition of one type or another.
The question isn't whether people will criticize the plan; the question is
how I -- and you -- will ultimately react to that criticism.
I know my reactions. I choose to ignore the naysayers who contend
the plan is destined to fail. I know for a fact that's not the case. The
KadileAtric Power Principle has already helped literally hundreds of
people unleash the "healthy, energetic" person who had been buried
inside an overweight body.
I've seen far too many magnificent transformations thanks to this new
approach. It already has a remarkable track record -- and is only
bound to improve with time.
Now the only question is how are you going to react to the criticism?
Are you going to believe conventional medicine -- and the giant
money-making diet industry -- which tells you that it just can't be
done? Just because they aren't making money from it?
Are you willing to put your health . . . . your very life perhaps . . . on the
line and listen to an industry that cares more about its own profits than
about the ultimate benefits to its customers?
The KadileAtric Power Principle is more -- much more -- than a "diet" in
the strictest sense of the word. Yes, you do lose weight while you're on
the diet. But more important than that, this plan re-adjusts --and resets --your entire biological system so you will never need to
experience the physical and emotional pain of being overweight
Chapter 3:
The Ultimate Key to Success:
Preparing Your Body for Change
The KadileAtric Power Principle is quite possibly
the only weight-loss program in existence today that
"prepares" your body for fat loss -- and that is the
ultimate key to your lasting success.
o-yo dieting. It's called that for a reason -- a very good reason.
You've experienced it yourself. You know exactly what to
expect. After following a weight-loss plan successfully, you
attempt to return to the “real world" of eating.
But what happens? You discover you're slowly (or perhaps not so
slowly) gaining your weight back. Not only that, but you've gained a
couple of extra pounds as well. Why?
You didn't prepare your body for the diet experience. That's right. The
way in which your system processed and utilized food hadn't
changed. If nothing fundamental changed in the way your body
handled the nourishment you provided it, then your system reverted to
doing all the things it used to.
Confused? It can be a bit confusing. In fact, what I've just explained
doesn't make any sense at all if you still subscribe to the outdated
dieting paradigm of "calories in must be less than calories burned."
This paradigm that dieting is as simple as ensuring that you eat fewer
calories than you exercise off in a day simply doesn't stand the scrutiny
of the new, scientific truth these days.
Your body is far more complicated than that simple dieting
mathematical equation admits. It's these added complications that
are actually hindering your body in attaining your weight-loss goals.
The complications involve more -- far more-- than just calories. The
complications blocking effective weight loss also involve your
hormones and the organs and glands producing these remarkable
Up until very recently, the medical community paid scant attention to
the endocrine system. Sure, there were endocrine specialists
available, but very few people sought them out.
Today, we realize how important hormonal changes are to every
aspect of your body -- and that includes, above all the mechanisms
that deal with processing and utilizing the food you eat.
More than just estrogen and testosterone
There was a time, not to long ago that, if you said the word "hormone"
to a person, his first thought would be the sex hormones -- estrogen
which is the defining female hormone and testosterone, the defining
male hormone.
What many of us didn't realize was that your system has many
hormones. Insulin for example is one. Cortisol is another. These two,
as you've probably already recognized, are also substances
inextricably tied to your ability to lose -- and maintain a healthy -weight.
"Dieting" is more -- far more -- therefore than just counting calories. It's
about an internal balance of your hormones -- a balance that has
slowly been tipped out of whack by the ubiquitous presence of stress
as well as the incremental decline in the quality of the foods we eat.
Preparation, Repair and Replace Principle
This is the most important portion of the medically supervised program
even though, technically, it's not created to produce immediate
weight loss.
Instead, this principle centers on preparation and detoxification. This is
vitally important. Principle I of the KadileAtric Power Principle could
very realistically be called a "recovery system."
In preparation for the other two portions of the plan, principle one
resets the hormones of your body. It not only "detoxifies" your system,
but de-activates it as well.
What do I mean by that? Your body's hormones -- from insulin to
adrenaline to cortisol - have been on near constant high alert. If the
level of your hormones isn't heightened because of the presence of
processed foods and an overload of simple sugars and
carbohydrates, then just the pressures of living have tilted the
production of these vital substances.
Purpose of hormonal production
Let me explain with the example of just one of these. Let's use the
hormone cortisol. This substance was originally an extremely useful to
our ancestors. When physical danger appeared -- even as far back
as when meeting a woolly mammoth eye to eye was a lifethreatening experience -- the production of cortisol increased.
This gave the cave man the energy to do one of two things. He either
stood there and fought the beast. Or he chose to flee. In either
situation, the production of cortisol increased to keep him alive for
another day.
The same can be said of the hormone adrenaline. Its production
increases in time of stress -- which is what most people would call a
face-to-tusk encounter with that woolly mammoth.
The adrenaline also provided our prehistoric ancestors with the
necessary energy for choosing "fight or flight."
Today our stressors are less about the periodic encounter of the woolly
mammoth and more about the chronic, day to day stresses of work,
school and home.
We can't run from the modern stressors of today. And they aren't
"occasional" stressors any longer. These events -- from imposed
deadlines at work . . . to juggling finances . . . to dealing with children
and parents, and much more . . . provide us with the "chronic" stress
that most of us experience today.
Your body, therefore, is busy churning out hormone levels that it
believes you need for survival in order to meet these stress-filled
events. It's providing you with all the energy you need to stay and slay
the woolly mammoth or run like the devil to fight him another day.
There's just one problem. Your body hasn't evolved to meet the
changing chronic stress. So the constant production of energy -especially when you're not expending it -- is partially responsible for
causing an increase in your weight.
The foods we eat contribute to our problems
Yes, I said partially. In truth, your weight problem -- as well as the
fundamental causes of the obesity epidemic in the nation today -- is,
at the very least, a two-prong cause. The second tier of our obesity
problem is the food we eat.
We live for the most part on packaged, processed foods. Man-made
creations that, while are perfectly suited to quick meals and easy
preparation are, in reality, woefully inadequate for our systems. The
caloric content of these foods for the most part far outweigh any
nutrient value they may have for our bodies.
Just as one illustration, consider these two facts. Approximately 32.6
percent of the adult population in the United States eats at least two
servings of fruit a day. Similarly, only 27.7 percent of adults eat three or
more servings of vegetables in a day. These statistics, by the way,
come straight from the Centers for Disease Control.
The sheer amount of "non-foods" and fast foods readily available,
extremely alluring and extremely convenient also cause your body's
hormonal system to be overloaded and quite frankly to become quite
Because many of the foods we eat produce an abundance of
hormones -- that eventually just float around trying to do their jobs -we have a nation of individuals who have imbalances -- from mild to
severe -- in the level of many of their hormones.
You can diet all you want -- and lose all the weight you can. But the
bottom line is simple:
If you don't re-adjust and re-align your hormones, the
fundamental workings of your endocrine system and start
from the very beginning any weight you do lose will never
be permanent.
Even if you increased your exercise time, your body would still have
difficulty processing the hormones as they are currently being
produced and expending the energy necessary for maintaining a
healthy weight.
Your weight problem extends far beyond the simple "calories in,
calories out" theory of several generations ago. It reaches down to
the depths of just about every organ and every hormone of your
Imbalanced hormones:
More than just weight woes
The medical community is also now discovering that the imbalance in
your hormonal levels can cause havoc with just about every other
aspect of your health -- not just your weight.
Insulin resistance is just a few steps away from Type 2 Diabetes, for
example. Silent inflammation -- ultimately caused by hormonal
imbalance -- is the precursor to many major degenerative and agerelated diseases.
Scratch the surface of just about any chronic disorder from arthritis to
cardiovascular disease to cancer and you'll discover a hormonal
Until your system gets back to square one, you'll struggle with the issue
of excess pounds.
So you can see where increased exercise can help your body deal
with your stress. But if you don't fundamentally rebalance your system,
then your activity is about as useless as the hamster who runs in his little
hamster treadmill wheel all night long. He's expending great amounts
of energy . . . he's just not getting anywhere.
That's exactly why Principle I of the KadileAtric Power Principle is so
vital to the protocol. Principle I includes not only the detoxification,
but an array of tests designed to see just how badly your endocrine
system -- and other nutrient levels of your body essential for weight loss
-- are imbalanced.
Principle I of The KadileAtric Power Principle:
Preparing Your Body for Change
Even before you begin the KadileAtric Power Principle, you're
thoroughly screened for a series of metabolic and hormonal
imbalances including:
Metabolic Syndrome X
Much discussed in the news of late, this is not as some may believe a
disorder or disease in and of itself. Rather it's a cluster of symptoms,
when found together present one of the most accurate predictors of
your future health. A psychic with a crystal ball couldn't predict your
future better.
This syndrome, which includes insulin resistance, high blood pressure, a
combination of high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol (the "good"
kind), and obesity, especially around the waistline, may be the best
barometer of your longevity yet detected.
Vitamin D level
The hormone that controls your appetite requires vitamin D in order to
work properly.
Before starting the KadileAtric Power Principle, you're also tested for
any abnormalities in the following areas:
Thyroid function
Adrenal weakness
Pre-menopausal check for excess estrogen production
Post-menopausal sex hormone panel (for those women who
have gained weight without changing exercise or diet)
Individual blood test
Tests for food allergies
Tests for toxic metals (dental fillings, metal exposure)
Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) levels, measuring the ratio of your
good fat to your "bad" fat.
Genetic predisposition
Should any of these tests find abnormalities, it's corrected to normal
even before you begin the fat-burning formula. Only then are you
ready for the weight-loss protocol.
Once these abnormalities are corrected then you begin the
detoxification portion of the protocol. Many patients actually lose
weight just by following this preparation principle even though that's
not what this principle was designed for. It's not unusual for individuals
to lose from five to 30 pounds in this period.
During detoxification, you'll be given a list of specific "avoid" foods.
These are foods that can upset your hormone levels again placing you
back on that roller coaster of hormonal production.
It just can't be emphasized enough that the foods that you are
encouraged to avoid are considered off limits for a very good reason.
But, on the bright side, you'll have plenty of healthy choices within the
realm of foods that aren't forbidden. You can eat as much as you wish
of these foods.
As part of the detoxification section, you'll also be asked to do such
things as weigh yourself daily, drink more water, and even stay clear of
certain cosmetic lotions and creams with specific ingredients.
As Principle I detoxifies your body, you'll notice that you have
increased energy . . . fewer food cravings . . . and improved overall
health and well being.
And that opens the door for true weight loss and a return to a healthy
functioning of your system! Your success has already begun!
Chapter 4:
Rapid Fat Loss with
The KadileAtric Power Principle:
How a relatively unknown hormone is
a rising superstar in a new weight-loss protocol.
ith commercial diet plans, losing 1 or 2 pounds a week is
considered a roaring success, but with the KadileAtric Power
Principle, patients can expect to take off 1 to 2 pounds a
day. One of the reasons this is possible is a little known hormone called
hCG. Haven't heard of this remarkable natural substance until now?
I'm not surprised. But you may be amazed to learn that it's been used
for nearly 50 years by European doctors in helping their patients
rediscover -- and retain -- slimmer, healthier bodies.
Technically, hCG -- which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin -is a hormone called the "weight-loss cure" by many. By targeting the
difficult-to-reach fat stores of your body, hCG preserves lean body
mass. The result is weight loss without the sacrifice of your muscle
This hormone is normally produced by pregnant women in the very
early stages of their pregnancy, allowing the unborn fetus to tap into
the fat reserves of the mother, without robbing the muscle tone or
other areas of her body.
A pregnant woman, in fact, produces as much as a million units of
hCG daily. So you see, it's anything but scarce.
But what is extremely interesting for purposes of weight loss is that hCG
seems to in some way control the hypothalamus. And this organ in
turn directs the primitive needs and desires of your body. Specifically,
the hypothalamus controls your autonomic nervous system.
As you probably recall from high school biology, this is the portion of
your system involved in those activities that occur on an ongoing basis
with or without your being aware of their presence. Examples of
activities controlled by this area include your heart beat, breathing,
digestion, sleep, sex and urinary functions.
Once your body is prepared to lose weight as outlined in Chapter 3, a
very small amount of this hormone can actually promote weight loss
of one half to three pounds daily.
An exclusive KadileAtric Power Principle feature.
This hormone is only available by prescription. In fact, up until very
recently, hCG was only obtainable through injections. However,
thanks to evolving technology, we have developed Recourse™ hCG,
a sub-lingual form that safely melts under the tongue. This new, noninvasive form of hCG is exclusively available as part of the KadileAtric
Power Principle. No other weight loss protocol has access to this new
delivery system.
All this talk about hCG may make it sound as if it's a new discovery in
medicine. Believe it or not, nothing could be further from the truth. As
incredible as you may find this, hCG was discovered and has been
used for several generations now.
But the ingestion of hCG is really only the catalyst for the three
principles of the KadileAtric Power Principle to which you're about to
be introduced.
The hormone was actually discovered and developed into the potent
weight-loss tool that we have today by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons who, more
than 50 years ago, began investigating the causes of obesity. This was
before the health problem became so endemic.
Part of his research unearthed the remarkable fact that individuals
could safely go on a very low calorie diet . . . as long as they received
injections of hCG. Those who sought his help dropped weight quickly
without suffering from hunger pangs, weakness, irritability or even
But the truly outstanding effects of using hCG include the following,
which you can't achieve with just dieting alone:
Re-sculpts the body.
If you've dieted before, you may have noted the first areas in which
you lose weight are those that really didn't need it. Not so with hCG!
You'll be delighted to see that the weight drops off first in all your
problem areas. Your lean muscle is preserved. This means that your
body is literally re-shaped.
Increases energy.
How many times have you dieted, only to find that the restriction of
calories makes you tired and irritable. It's hard to go through even
some of the more mundane tasks of the day when you go on a
seriously restrictive calorie diet.
No worries about this on the KadileAtric Power Principle! You'll be so
happy with the robust energy you have while on this program. You
won't believe it at first.
No food cravings.
It's true. Who among us hasn't experience cravings when we're
dieting. You've avoided certain foods for so long, that you begin to
long for (some of us even dream of!) certain foods. And before you
know it, you've given in to the craving and that one small potato chip
you're eating has escalated into an entire bag!
This concern is also removed on The KadileAtric Power Principle thanks
to the use of hCG! You'll find it so easy to stay with the program
because you're not testing your willpower and that coconut crème
pie has suddenly stopped calling your name.
Burn fat even while you sleep.
Okay. Now, I'm beginning to sound like those stupid stimulant-drug
commercials on television. But, this is absolutely true! You're burning
fat, losing inches and weight so fast that it happens nearly 24/7. And
by the way, you'll love the end result -- a younger looking, slimmer you.
Helps you to maintain your new weight.
Yes, this is true, too! As part of The KadileAtric Power Principle, we
continue to use hCG for a while to help you maintain your new
hCG and fat.
This hormone is so crucial to the success of the plan because we have
discovered your body contains three different types of fat. And while
you may believe you want to eradicate all three types, believe me
you really don't. A little fat is good . . . well, for your organs, as you'll
soon see.
Structural fat.
Just as this name implies, this type of fat is found tucked away quietly
among your organs. Its job is to keep your organs well protected.
Normal reserve fat.
This is the fat that your body reserves for use as fuel. It can be drawn
on freely whenever your system fears your nutritional supply can't
handle your body's demands for energy.
Abnormal "toxic" fat.
This type of fat has the potential to be a fuel reserve, but it's locked
away in what you might call a safety deposit box of your body. Your
system can't draw on this reserve because it's not in your current
"account" to be made available. This fat can't even be called on in a
nutritional emergency.
There's only one way to rid your body of this fat. That's through the
commands of the hypothalamus when it's stimulated with hCG. This
hormone is responsible for burning the fat needed for your body's
perceived positional periods of starvation.
And remember, the KadileAtric Power Principle's Recourse™ hCG is
sublingual, which means no injections.
hCG, though, is really only one part of this remarkable plan. The
hormone itself helps you lose the weight that resulted from an
abnormal functioning hypothalamus. But, if you do nothing to readjust your hypothalamus as well as your other endocrine glands,
success will be fleeting -- guaranteed.
If you start once again eating the same packaged, processed foods
overloaded with artificial food additives and artificial food coloring,
your body reacts in the same way it did before you experienced the
wonders of the KadileAtric Power Principle -- guaranteed.
In short, if you continue your old bad habits, your endocrine system will
return to its old ways and you know what happens next . . . you begin
to gain that weight back.
Not to worry, though, with the KadileAtric Power Principle, you’ll learn
everything you need to know to maintain your healthy new weight
once you’ve lost it.
Chapter 5:
The KadileAtric Power Principle
This remarkably effective weight-loss program
revolutionizes the way you view weight gain -- and more
importantly, weight loss.
here's no two ways about it. If you're currently overweight, the
KadileAtric Power Principle will revolutionize your views on
weight gain -- and certainly weight loss.
Are you tired of people telling you that overweight people need to
eat less and exercise more . . . . stop eating just because you're bored
. . . to get out and exercise.
Are you tired of people criticizing you -- and others -- because they
believe you lack personal responsibility?
How many times have you kicked yourself in various parts of your
anatomy because you failed to lose weight on some diet plan?
Stop kicking yourself right now.
You didn't fail on that diet. The diet failed you. The diet -- and I really
don't care if it involved stimulant pills, bypass-the-fat pills, or buy-ourfoods-and-lose regimens -- failed to ultimately do what it needed to
do -- change the way your body reacts to food.
The KadileAtric Power Principle basically takes your body and starts
from the very beginning, resetting your glands, hormonal reactions . . .
as well as your entire relationship with food.
It's not something that happens overnight. But it happens. In fact, you
can expect to be under a doctor's supervision for a minimum of three
months, depending on the amount of weight you need to lose.
What to expect.
We've already discussed Principle I of the program, the fundamental
underpinnings of the protocol. The re-establishment and re-balancing
of your hormones, a detailed nutrient analysis to ensure that no hidden
sub-clinical deficiencies are hindering -- or will block any further
progress -- of your weight loss are essential components to the
successful completion of the program.
Now you're fully prepared to complete the remaining two principles of
the program.
Principle II
The "Medical Meal" Plan
Rapid Fat Loss/Body Sculpturing
Principle II's success depends, in large part, on how well you follow the
initial two days of eating high fat foods as well as the subsequent days
on the plan.
Days 1 and 2
Gain before loss.
Yes, this portion is difficult for some people to believe. In addition to
starting your daily Recourse hCG regimen, you'll be instructed to eat
anything you want -- but especially foods rich in fat.
Don't overeat though. Your body will not retain the fat; it instead will
be used for energy.
Days 3 - 26
The Very Low Calorie Diet
For the rest of this principle, you'll still take hCG daily, but you'll also
follow a strict diet without any interruption at all. This is crucial. During
this period your new diet is resetting your hypothalamus and your
This is a very low calorie diet, as low as 500 calories a day. A diet like
this should never be conducted without strict physician supervision.
The protocol lasts a minimum of 21 days, no fewer. It takes at least this
long for the hypothalamus to adjust. The best results have been seen
in those individuals who stayed with this principle of 26 days.
In addition to the strict diet, you'll be required to drink a minimum of
two liters of filtered or bottled spring water a day.
Principle III
The Transition Period
This principle is equally as critical as the other two in determining a
person's success on the KadileAtric Power Principle. This is when
metabolism is readjusted to a high, normal state, which eliminates
future intense and constant hunger.
This principle, when followed correctly, also prevents future abnormal
storing of fat.
In a very real sense, Principle III serves as the transition period from the
very low calorie diet you experienced with Principle II, to your future
"normal" regular diet.
Principle III is not about losing weight. Even if you have not reached
your ideal goal, you need to discontinue Principle II. At the very
minimum, this portion of the diet last six weeks.
During this time, you'll be required to do such things as weigh yourself
everyday to monitor fluctuations, keep a journal, and drink plenty of
Should weight fluctuations occur, you'll be instructed to take care of
them immediately, so the hypothalamus does not return to its former
At the completion of this program, you should have all the tools you
need to keep yourself at a healthy weight for the rest of your life.
The KadileAtric Power Principle could very well
be the last weight-loss program you'll ever need.
Once your endocrine system is reset and you've reached your desired
weight, you may never have to worry about following another fad diet
While it may seems like an outrageous claim, it actually is the beauty
of this weight-loss protocol.
With your hypothalamus reset, your endocrine system re-balanced,
and your metabolism functioning at peak condition, and your
appetite under control, you finally can live the life you've always
dreamed of.
And your weight will stay at this healthy weight, as long as you don't
return to eating packaged, processed, highly refined foods.
If you're interested in losing weight once and for all, reducing your risk
of developing many of the major degenerative diseases, including
heart disease and diabetes, and restoring your metabolism to a
healthy functioning level, then you owe it to yourself to investigate the
KadileAtric Power Principle.
This physician-supervised program, in a very real sense, may save your
To learn how the KadileAtric Power Principle can meet your
individual weight-loss needs, call the Center for Integrative
Medicine at 920-468-9442 and ask to schedule a
complimentary weight-loss screening. Finding out is
free…and it’s only a phone call away!