FVR helps a family to stand tall in the community

FVR helps a family to stand tall in the community
Lucy and Bernard Gichomo, small -scale farmers from Central
Kenya, have benefitted in multiple ways from implementing
various agricultural practices that they learned about on Farmer
Voice Radio (FVR) programming.
Bernard (a retired chief in the area) and his wife, Lucy, first
became interested in FVR programming after Lucy shared what
she had heard on Coro FM, about treating and recycling waste
water from the kitchen, and clothes washing, with her husband.
The agricultural tip (AgTip) promoted the proper use of waste
water from washing and kitchen sinks, treated with wood ash
Mr. and Mrs. Gichomo on their farm
from the fireplace, to supplement fresh water, used in home
vegetable gardens. Wood ash neutralizes acidic soils as well as improves nutrient content of the soil. The
Gichomos implemented this practice and with adequate and appropriate application methods, applying
“gray water” on the soil below the plant, were able to produce sukuma wiki (kale) vegetable in their
kitchen garden throughout the dry season.
Subsequent AgTips on double digging (a technique whereby soil in a seedbed is loosened into two layers
and organic material, such as manure and ashes, is added) prompted the Gichomos to implement this
practice. They had not adopted it, even after Mr. Gichomo had received face-to-face training on double
digging two years previously. It was after hearing the AgTip on FVR that they applied the technique to
their kitchen garden seedbed in which they grow their kale crop, thereby ensuring that the crop
received necessary air, water and nutrients. Thanks to the adoption of these two practices, Mr. and Mrs.
Gichomo were able to grow their kale crop during the dry season, harvest their crop at a time when this
vegetable was not available in the region, and sell their kale at an average profit of Ksh1,000 per week.
The Gichomos’ story drew the attention of FVR radio personnel through reports from the area’s FVR
Radio Extension Officer (REO). Journalists from Coro FM interviewed Mr. and Mrs. Gichomo and
broadcast their testimonial on FVR. When asked to reveal the magic behind their success, Mr. Gichomo,
a member of the Gender Advisory Panel in his community, replied, “We do it together, sharing roles and
responsibilities equitably among ourselves”. Mr. and Mrs. Gichomo
believe that their relationship has improved since they started
appreciating each others’ efforts and sharing the labor more
equitably. “We now save more money from agricultural activities
and the family diet has improved. We benefit from the work of
our hands,” says Mr. Gichomo. Mrs. Gichomo reports that she has
attended seminars on agriculture and women’s issues and her
husband has always been supportive. “He never complains [as] I
always share what I learn with him. Many husbands would not
allow their wives to do that. [However], they end up losing, for lack
of information will always hold the family back,” says Mrs.
Bernard Gichomo at the Michuki Technical
Institute garden
During the interview with Coro FM, Mr. Gichomo discussed both
the management of kale and simple techniques to maintain kitchen gardens. After the program went on
air, the Michuki Technical Training Institute contacted Mr. Gichomo and asked him to help them
establish a kitchen garden on the college farm grounds. The head of catering, Mrs. Muya, states that the
Institute has made a lot of savings since the garden was established. “It is a great lesson to the students
to see what a simple method of farming can achieve”, she reports.
Mr. Gichomo advises farmers to adopt kitchen gardens to save them the cost of purchasing vegetables,
and to ensure that they have a proper, nutritious diet.
“It is unacceptable that farmers should buy small things like onions, vegetables and carrots for
home consumption when they can grow them on a small plot. They should save the money for
other necessities”, he states.
Mr. and Mrs. Gichomo have benefitted from FVR
programming in other ways. After adopting practices
promulgated by the East Africa Dairy Development (EADD)
project on FVR, the Gichomos have managed to upgrade one
of their cows to intermediate level, and have obtained
certification for the cow. They also followed EADD advice on
providing salt licks to their cattle continuously, and now
report a drastic improvement in feed consumption.
The Gichomos have had a positive influence on their
community, who have learnt from them and are applying this
knowledge to their own farming practices.
Mrs. Gichomo feeding her cows