FVR Sustainable agricultural extension through technology Smallholder farmers in Sub Saharan Africa are a vulnerable population GDP growth based Over 60% of the Extension 65% 33% of the is on agriculture entire workforce of services are population population are effective earn at SSA are involved increasing incomes under undernourished $2 per day broken in agriculture for the poor Radio and mobile phones offer a costeffective alternative Current limitations of radio and mobile approaches •Insufficient radio airtime •Limited topic coverage •Limited involvement of agricultural specialists and farmers •Feedback does not guide content •Unsustainable business model A sustainable, participatory model for providing timely, relevant agricultural extension services to most smallholder farmers by linking extension officers and farmers with the power of radio and mobile phones. 1. SUSTAINABLE APPROACH FVR Solution: •Core business alliance •Supporting consortium •Regional office PARTICIPATORY APPROACH FVR Solution: •Farmers’ voice included at every stage •Structured, builtin feedback system 3. TIMELY & RELEVANT APPROACH FVR Solution: •Quarterly agricultural radio agendas •Linked to agricultural calendar and program schedules 4. REACHING MORE FARMERS, EFFECTIVELY & EFFICIENTLY FVR Solution: •Production teams Redundancy •Tested principles of radio instruction Short program formats More air time for agricultural programs Feedback FVR BENEFITS 105 extension officers linked with 36 radio stations Opportunities fortoaagricultural farmer to hear Airtime dedicated agricultural programming information (impressions) 59% listen per week weekper Airtime repeats) program per of of(minutes) Impressions (no. week Sustainable FVR consortia set up in 4 countries 400 350 350 371 342 61% trust 300 300 250 250 Stations have changed their programming FVR has demonstrated the power of radio & mobile Minimum 78% timed appropriately Minimum 200 minutes 200 repetition Maximum Maximum minutes repetition 150150 65% sufficient information 100 100 50 50 60 60 30 17 practices 74% implement 1 3 0 0 Before Before FVR FVR During DuringFVR FVR FVR EVOLUTION ICT for Farmer Development www.farmervoice.org