Naicam Minor Sports Constitution




adopted October 2010 amended May 26, 2011 amended August 15, 2012

Naicam Minor Sports

Table of Contents

Naicam Minor Sports Constitution ............................................................................................................... 3

NMS Mission Statement ............................................................................................................................... 3

1.0 Membership ........................................................................................................................................ 4

2.0 Board of Directors ............................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 The Executive Body .......................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Nominations ...................................................................................................................................... 5

3.0 Meetings .............................................................................................................................................. 6


Membership Meetings ....................................................................................................................... 6


Executive Meetings ........................................................................................................................... 6

4.0 Duties of the Officers .......................................................................................................................... 6

A. Past President ..................................................................................................................................... 6

B. President ............................................................................................................................................. 6

C. Vice President .................................................................................................................................... 6

D. Secretary ............................................................................................................................................. 6

E. Treasurer ............................................................................................................................................. 7

F. Equipment Managers (Hockey and Ball) ............................................................................................ 7

G. Ways and Means Coordinator ............................................................................................................ 7

H. Ball Reps (Softball and Baseball) ...................................................................................................... 7

I. SHA/League Representative ................................................................................................................ 7

J. Team Reps ........................................................................................................................................... 7

5.0 Policy Manual .................................................................................................................................... 8

6.0 Amendments to the Bylaws ................................................................................................................ 8

7.0 Dissolution .......................................................................................................................................... 9


Naicam Minor Sports Constitution

A) This organization shall be called Naicam Minor Sports, hereinafter referred to as “the

Association” or by its initials “NMS”

B) The Association shall be the governing body of amateur hockey for the minor division in the Town of Naicam and surrounding area, and shall govern within the framework of the

Saskatchewan Hockey Association (SHA) and the Canadian Hockey Association (CHA).

C) The Association shall be the governing body of amateur softball and baseball for the minor division in the Town of Naicam and surrounding area, and shall govern within the framework of Saskatchewan Softball, Baseball Saskatchewan, and the Canadian Softball and Baseball Associations.

D) The objectives of the Association shall be: i.

to administer the operation of minor hockey and minor ball in the Town of

Naicam and surrounding area ii.

to foster a general community spirit among its members, supporters, and teams iii.

to have and to exercise a general care, supervision, and direction over the playing interests of its teams, players, and officials iv.

to promote players having fun v.

to develop character vi.

to develop skills

NMS Mission Statement

To lead, develop, and promote positive minor hockey, minor softball, and minor baseball experiences for every participant in the

Naicam area.


1.0 Membership

A) Any parent or guardian, as defined by Loco Parentis, who meets SHA/Sask Ball residential qualifications, shall be eligible for membership in the Association on behalf of their child or children upon the compliance of the bylaws, regulations, and payment of established registration fees.

B) Members must be in good standing with NMS. Members not in good standing with NMS shall be deemed as acting in a manner not in the best interests of NMS.

C) Membership shall be for the current hockey or ball season.

D) A member may be suspended or reinstated be a majority vote at a meeting of directors.

2.0 Board of Directors

A) Shall administer and conduct the affairs of the association

B) Shall authorize all expenditures within the approved budget limits

C) Shall insure that all personnel of the Association exercise fair and sportsmanlike conduct in promoting the games of hockey, softball, and baseball for players and the Association; the directors may take any action necessary to encourage and promote this policy

D) Shall institute and maintain clinic programs for the development of coaches, managers, referees, umpires, and other game officials

E) Shall provide necessary learning materials (manuals, rulebooks, etc) for the coaches and officials to support the various hockey, ball, and related activities so adopted by the


F) Shall assign to a selection committee the task of selection of all coaches and managers of all teams within the Association

G) Shall approve the submitted names of the coaches, managers, and other team officials

H) No director shall be eligible to vote on any motion that would be considered a conflict of interest

2.1 The Executive Body


Past President

Vice President



Ways & Means Coordinator

SHA/League Representative

Hockey Equipment Manager

Ball Equipment Manager


Team Rep – Initiation

Team Rep – Novice

Team Rep – Atom

Team Rep – Peewee

Team Rep – Bantam

Team Rep – Midget

Team Rep – Peewee Girls

Team Rep – Midget Girls

Softball Rep

Baseball Rep

Referee Coordinator a) The Directors, with the exception of team reps and Past President, shall be elected from the membership at the annual general meeting and shall hold office for a two (2) year term.

Terms of office shall begin at the first NMS Board Meeting following an AGM in ODD calendar years for the offices of President, Secretary, Ways & Means Coordinator, and

Hockey Equipment Manager.

Terms of office shall begin at the first NMS Board Meeting following an AGM in EVEN calendar years for the offices of Vice President, Treasurer, SHA Rep, and Ball Equipment

Manager. b) In the event of a vacancy occurring on the executive body, for any cause, the executive body may appoint someone to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term of that office. c) Other committees may be appointed from time to time at the discretion of the executive body. d) At meetings of the executive, each member shall have one vote; the president shall not vote except in the case of a tie. A vote shall only be cast by an executive member in person at a meeting. e) Members of the executive that do not attend the meetings on a regular basis may be removed from the executive. Nine (9) out of twelve (12) meetings must be attended annually. f) The Past President, Team Reps, and Ball Reps positions shall be terms of one (1) year.

Team Reps and Ball Reps will be elected at the annual general meeting. g) Directors may only serve two (2) consecutive terms of service in the same executive position.

2.2 Nominations

The current board of directors shall select a nominating committee consisting of three (3) directors.

The nominating committee shall oversee the nomination and voting process.

Nominations may be made from the floor at the annual general meeting.


3.0 Meetings

A. Membership Meetings


An annual general membership meeting shall be held each year prior to June 30. ii.

Notice of meetings shall be advertised two (2) consecutive weeks prior to meeting date. iii.

A quorum shall consist of 12 members. iv.

Meetings shall be conducted using specified rules of order book.

B. Executive Meetings


The directors shall meet at least once per month. ii.

At all meetings of the executive body, a quorum shall consist of five (5) directors who are eligible to vote. The President or Vice President must also be in attendance.

4.0 Duties of the Officers

A. Past President


Shall automatically assume a position on the executive ii.

Shall assist the President with his/her duties

B. President


Shall be the elected official of the Association ii.

Shall be the executive head and guide all policies iii.

Shall preside at all director and membership meetings and call all such meetings iv.

Shall be ex-officio member of all committees v.

Shall be a signing officer of the Association vi.

Shall attend all League, Zone, and Provincial meetings, or designate another executive member vii.

Shall foster and promote public relations in the community viii.

Shall present a report on the Association’s activities at the annual general meeting

C. Vice President


Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence ii.

Shall be the monitor for all needs of the referees and umpires of NMS

D. Secretary


Shall records minutes of all meetings of the Association ii.

Shall conduct correspondence and announcements of meetings as required iii.

Shall keep safe all books and documents of the Association iv.

Shall carry out all necessary correspondence for NMS v.

Shall secure and update all policies, procedures, and constitution documents of

NMS vi.

Shall notify SHA and Softball Saskatchewan of directors elected annually



Shall pick up mail on NMS and distribute to board members

E. Treasurer


Shall collect all monies and fees for NMS ii.

Shall receive and check all invoices and issue cheques in payment – subject to the approval of the directors iii.

Shall have books audited annually iv.

Shall be bonded as required v.

Shall provide monthly updated financial reports to all executive members vi.

Shall present Financial Report at the annual general meeting vii.

Shall keep safe all financial records of the Association

F. Equipment Managers (Hockey and Ball)


Shall arrange for handling, storage, repairing, and inventory of all equipment and uniforms ii.

Shall provide a written list of equipment needs at the end of each season for budgeting purposes iii.

Shall be the purchasing agent for equipment, with the approval of the board iv.

Shall be responsible to see that all playing equipment and uniforms be returned, maintained, and accounted for at the end of the playing season

G. Ways and Means Coordinator


Shall be responsible for organizing ways and means to raise funds for the operation of NMS ii.

Shall coordinate all fundraising activities of NMS iii.

Shall be responsible for assigning rink booth convening weeks to appropriate teams iv.

Shall educate membership of fundraising activities

H. Ball Reps (Softball and Baseball)


Shall be the voice of the softball/baseball membership ii.

Shall coordinate the needs of each team

I. SHA/League Representative


Shall be the voice of the Association to SHA and Leagues ii.

Shall educate membership of SHA iii.

Shall ensure all SHA rule changes and policies are brought to NMS

J. Team Reps


Shall be the liaison between the team and executive ii.

No ice time will be allowed to hockey teams that do not have a Team Rep

K. Referee Coordinator


Shall schedule all needed referees for all minor hockey home games with the following exceptions a)

Midget Boys’ team b)

“home” games being held in another community that has joined with NMS



Shall ensure that all referees being used are capable of overseeing that particular level of hockey iii.

Shall ensure that all referees at each level are used as equally as possible

5.0 Policy Manual

A) The directors shall establish and maintain a policy manual to govern the day-to-day affairs of the Association

B) This manual shall include regulations in respect to the following: i.

Membership Fees ii.

Registration Fees and Procedures iii.

Playoffs iv.

Coach’s Package v.

Rules For Team vi.

Team Structures vii.

Game Officials – fees, function, and clinics viii.

Releases ix.

Transportation x.

Tournaments – Entry fees to charge, fundraising xi.

Tournament Participation xii.

Coach Selection and Clinics xiii.

Sponsorship – Procedures xiv.

Year End Windups xv.

Awards Night

C) The regulations included in the policy manual may only be changed by 2/3 majority vote of the total board of directors

D) The board of directors shall be guided in establishing regulations in accordance with the wishes of the membership meetings

6.0 Amendments to the Bylaws

A) The bylaws shall be amended only at the annual general meeting of the Association.

Notice of motion in writing regarding proposed amendments must be given to the secretary of the Association.

B) Notice of proposed amendments must be advertised for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the annual general meeting. An amendment to the bylaws must secure a ¾ affirmative vote of the meeting attendees.


C) Amendments may be proposed by the board of directors or by the membership.

7.0 Dissolution

A) In the event of dissolution of NMS, all funds and other assets shall be donated to the

Town of Naicam.

