Minutes of meeting 19.10.15

Student Council Master, DMF
Minutes of meeting
Student Council Master and Bachelor
Place: LM22, lab center 2nd floor
Date: 19.10.2015
Time: 16-18
Present: Ingvild Bjerke, Pål Haugnes (deputy for Hilde Bårdstu), Eirik Kleppe
Likvern, Anna Paulsen, Mette Klouman, George Kitching, Vibeke Gjerset Austbø,
Laura Gürtler, Ida Berglund, Barbara Niederdorfer, Elise Dahl-Hansen, Vanessa
Absent: Emilio Molina, Lilja Brekke Thorfinnsdatter, Dina Haugdal, Anne Silja Leer.
1: Welcome and introductions
We welcome those that weren’t here last time, especially the bachelor
students. We briefly talk about what the easiest way to reach all the KTRs
earlier would be, as it seems many does not check their student mail
regularly. One suggestion was to send a message through itslearning or
have a teacher do it, as most probably use itslearning more frequently.
2: Representing bachelor students
We hear from the bachelor students about how they feel about starting at
DMF. They do not have any lectures at Dragvoll anymore. They share
their student organization CAF with sport science (idrettsvitenskap) and
as most of the board is from sport science their office is situated at
Dragvoll. However, the representatives say that they feel belonging at
DMF and express being happy with the campus.
The bachelor student does not express a feeling of need for an own SPR
at this point. We will evaluate how having a shared SPR works this year
to see if a separate one is even something we want or need.
3: What are we going to work on this year
Structural revision of master programs. SPR master informs that the
faculty is not going to go through with any of the proposed changes in the
structure of the master programs. As such, this is no longer something for
the student council to follow up on.
Job opportunities. We talk about arranging either a company presentation
or an alumni night. The though is for us to make a group with some
Student Council Master, DMF
people from SOMA and some from the student council that can work
together on this. It is mentioned that there is a career day with focus on
global health this week, which is something we can definitely take
inspiration from.
We agree that an alumni night will probably be the easiest to arrange,
and the best way to make sure it is relevant for all master students
(because then we will invite alumni from all programs). If we are to
arrange this, it will be in the spring before Easter.
Some ideas that comes up are: inviting professors and others that work in
academia in addition to PhDs; we can still use the company list made by
the KTRs last year and try to find out if there are any alumni in those
companies; speed dating with alumni (inspired by the global health day);
the night should be dialogue based but also possibly with some
presentations; we should invite several alumni from each program; try to
find out if it fits with getting any guest lecturers that are around;
combining it all with a dinner and mingling.
We need to find out more about our possibilities for this arrangement, as
well as establishing a group to work on it.
Graduation ceremony. We talk about the graduation ceremony. SPR
informs that the study section will arrange it next year, and will invite the
second year KTRs to be part of the planning (which starts after
Christmas). Before this time, we should gather opinions about what the
students want from the ceremony. SPR will make a questionnaire. Ideas
for things to ask about is: if it is important for the students to bring
someone to the ceremony and if they will come whether or not; if they
want an after-party and if yes where, how, with who, with or without
dinner, and who should organize it; who is going to hold the speech from
the students.
Supervision process. We talk about the supervision process. SPR
informs that there is a group making both a website and a brochure about
supervision to supervisors, and that a draft of both should be ready
before Christmas. We discuss whether it is also necessary to raise
awareness among students and make it easier to choose a supervisor,
and how we can do this. We will share our ideas with the study section
and see if they can be realized.
Student welfare. We lastly talk about the student welfare survey made by
Barbara, and decide that all the KTRs will go through this and send
feedback by e-mail by the end of the week. The SPR will then send the
survey to all students by the end of October. The KTRs will help raise
awareness about it and get people to answer.
We make a short summary of the plans for the future with regards to the
cases discussed.
Student Council Master, DMF
4 : Any other business
KTR from master in global health informs that his class has brought up a
desire for more field trips to various organizations, and that as a result the
professors are working on arranging more of this.
Ingvild Bjerke
SPR Master