CARLETON UNIVERSITY Department of Economics African Economic Development Prof. A.R.M. Ritter Spring 2009 COURSE OUTLINE AND READING LIST Note: Works marked with two Asterisks (**) are required readings. One asterisk indicates “recommended.” The others are optional but should be useful for essays written in these areas. I. Introduction to the Course Week 1 1. Administrative Matters 2. Introduction: A Brief Historical and Geographical Sketch **Emmanuel Nnadozie, Editor, African Economic Development, Boston, MA: Academic Press, 2003, Chapters 1, 2 and 4 II. Analysing Africa’s Development Record Weeks 1 and 2 3. Recent patterns of Economic Experience: Growth and Poverty **Textbook, Chapter 3, 4, and 5 African Development Bank, African Economic Outlook 2007, Website:,3343,en_2649_15162846_38561046_1_1_1_ 1,00.html . This site includes surveys of individual countries and Statistical Tables UN Economic Commission for Africa, Economic Report on Africa, 2008, Addis Ababa, 2008 Sachs, Jeffrey D., The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time. New York: Penguin Press, 2005, Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 10. III. Human Resources in Africa Week 2 1. Demography Textbook, Chapter 6 2. Poverty and Development Textbook, Chapter 7 UN Economic Commission for Africa, Economic Report on Africa, Addis Ababa, 2005, Chapter 6 “Harnessing globalization to create decent jobs and reduce poverty.” 3. Education Week 3 Textbook, Chapter 10 4. Health Textbook, Chapter 9 Mid-Term Exam June 9 IV. Week 4 Some Sectoral Issues 5. Agriculture and land Tenure Textbook, Chapter 15 6. The Informal Sector 7. Natural Resources Week 4 and 5 **African Development Bank, African Development Report 2007, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6. (Skim chapters 2 and 3) Pedro, Antonio M. A. Mainstreaming Mineral Wealth in Poverty Reduction Strategies, ECA Policy Paper No. 1. Addis Ababa: U. N. ECA, 2005 al_wealth_policy_paper_FINAL_CT.pdf V. Africa and the International Economy Week 5 8. Trade and Development **Textbook Chapter 18 Amoako, K. Y., Perspectives on Africa's Development, UN Economic Commission for Africa, 2000, Part Five: “The Imperatives of Regional Cooperation and Integration.” *UN Economic Commission for Africa, Economic Report on Africa, Addis Ababa, 2005, Chapter 6 “Harnessing globalization to create decent jobs and reduce poverty.” UNDP, HDR 2005, Chapter 4, “International Trade: Unlocking the Potential foe Human Development” Stiglitz, J. E., and Andrew Charlton, Fair Trade foe All: How Trade Can Promote Development, New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, Chapters 2, 5 and 6. 9. Regional Economic Integration **Textbook Chapter 19 Amoako, K. Y., Perspectives on Africa's Development, UN Economic Commission for Africa, 2000, Part Five: “The Imperatives of Regional Cooperation and Integration.” nt/default.htm 10. “Globalization and Development **Textbook Chapter 20 11. Development Assistance (Optional Topic; Inclusion depends upon time) Canadian International Development Agency, Web Site, on Sub-Saharan Africa;] The Reality of Aid 2004: Focus on Governance and Human Rights, Part II: Africa, pp. 37-84 Theroux, “The Rock Star’s Burden,” New York Times, December 15, 2005. 12. Migration: International and Domestic (Optional Topic; Inclusion depends on timing) Textbook, pp113-115 Solimano, Andres, International Migration and the Global Economic Order: An Overview, World Bank Working Paper No. 2720, November 2001 International Organization for Migration, World Migration 2005: Costs and Benefits of International Migration, especially Chapters 1, 2, 8, 9, and 10. 13. The International Recession Reading to be announced VI. Some Political Dimensions of Development 14. Ethnic Diversity **Textbook, Chapter 8 Week 6 The New Partnership for Africa’s Development, (NEPAD) Framework Document A1. “THE PEACE, SECURITY, DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL GOVERNANCE INITIATIVES,”; 15. Democracy **Textbook, Chapter 11 Amoako, K. Y., Perspectives on Africa's Development, UN Economic Commission for Africa, 2000, Part IV, “Governance for a Progressing Africa,” Paul Collier Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places. Harper Collins; 2009 Book Review from The Economist, April 1, 2009 16. Political Instability **Textbook, Chapter 12 **The Economist, “Failed states: Fixing a Broken World” January 29th 2009 World Bank, Can Africa Claim the 21st Century, Washington D.C.: 2000. Chapter 2, “Improving Governance, Managing Conflict, and Rebuilding States,” UNDP, HDR 2005, Chapter 5. “Violent Conflict – bringing the real threat into focus,”