Nomination Form - Health Quality Council

Learning Opportunity for Physician Quality Leaders
Mini-Advanced Training Program (miniATP)
Institute for Health Care Leadership
Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, Utah
The Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) and Health Quality Council (HQC) are
partnering to sponsor four (4) physicians, who are leaders in quality improvement, to
attend the miniATP training at Intermountain Healthcare, Utah during the Winter 2016
session (January – April 2016). This course consists of nine (9) days of classroom
instruction distributed over four on-site sessions in Salt Lake City, Utah. Participants
must also have a quality improvement project, sponsored by their employer/home
organization that they will work on over the four months of the course.
The miniATP offers a practical, in-depth course for health care professionals who need
to teach, implement and investigate quality improvement, outcome measurement and
management of both clinical and non-clinical processes.
The miniATP course is designed to facilitate the development of skills and
competencies needed by community physician leaders, clinical team members, and
administrators to actively lead, participate in, and direct organizational clinical
management efforts. The course will give participants the understanding and tools
necessary to conduct state-of-the-art clinical practice improvement projects and use
quality improvement methods to manage and integrate clinical processes. Some of the
topics covered are:
Designing data systems
Outcome measurement and tracking
Methods for fast improvement
Total Quality Management / Continuous Quality Improvement
Necessary leadership skills in building a foundation for integrated clinical
Tools necessary to improve patient outcomes, quality of care, and cost
Clinical guidelines and protocols
Dates (all in 2016) of the classroom sessions in Salt Lake City are:
January 25-27; February 24-26; March 21-23; and April 28-29.
More detailed information about the miniATP course can be found online at:
Purpose and Conditions of Participation:
The purpose for this training sponsorship is to further develop a cadre of physician
quality leaders in Saskatchewan to strengthen clinical leadership of quality
improvement. The physicians chosen to attend the course will be expected to use the
skills they learn at Intermountain to help HQC and SMA continue to build the community
of clinician quality leaders in Saskatchewan. In part, this will involve the participants as
expert faculty, in collaboration with HQC, in the design and delivery of training for
clinicians in this province. Prior to registration in the course, physicians selected to
participate will sign an agreement with HQC regarding conditions of the sponsorship.
Sponsorship by SMA and HQC:
The sponsors will pay for travel and accommodation, course registration, and will
provide an honorarium for physician participants who are not paid through an alternative
payment plan (i.e. who are entirely remunerated by fee-for-service billing).
Nomination and Selection Process:
To be considered for selection for this sponsored education opportunity, physicians
must be nominated by a colleague, employer or other person familiar with their
engagement and leadership in quality improvement. A nomination form is attached to
this document. Nominations are due by September 2, 2015.
Nominations will be reviewed by a selection committee from HQC and SMA. Selection
will be based on the nominee’s demonstrated engagement and leadership in quality
improvement, their experience in teaching/mentoring others, and other experience or
qualifications that make the candidate an especially good fit for helping to develop
clinician leadership for quality in Saskatchewan.
Nominees will be informed of the decision by the selection committee no later than
September 18, 2015.
Nomination Form
HQC/SMA sponsorship to attend the miniAdvanced Training Program at Intermountain
Healthcare, Salt Lake City, Utah, Winter 2016
Nominations are due September 2, 2015 by 5:00 pm (submission instructions at bottom of form)
Information about the person making the nomination (the Nominator)
How do you know the person you are
nominating? (For example, co-worker,
patient, etc.)
Information about the person you’re nominating (the Nominee)
Who would be a good fit for this opportunity?
We’re looking for people who have demonstrated a strong interest in improving quality, a willingness and
ability to coach and facilitate others, and people who have already led or participated in making
improvements to their own work. Individuals selected to attend the program will be expected to display
leadership of evidence-informed appropriate care at a provincial and local level. We also expect that
they will participate as core faculty in an education component for clinicians and others involved evidence
based care design and improvement.
Tell us a bit about why you are nominating this person…
(Please be sure to give examples: how they have led or participated in improvement of their own work, how they
have coached or mentored others, and/or how they have shown leadership in improving care for patients.)
Nominee’s acceptance
I accept the nomination and have read, understood, and accept the conditions of participation.
Nominee’s signature
Please return signed forms by fax or email (signed, scanned copies are acceptable):
(306) 668-8820
Attention: Barb Nisbet
Nominations are due September 2, 2015 by 5:00 pm