APPENDIX A: Data sources and descriptions for model input. Data Population Population data for the Connswater Communty Greenway (CCG) population Source Specifics Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency (NISRA) ( Population age distribution of the 1992 Parliamentary Constituency of East Belfast was applied to ward-level 2008 population figures for each of the 29 wards constituting the CCG. Each of the ward age and sex specific groups was then summed to obtain the total CCG population by age and sex in 2008. Fertility Rates NISRA The proportion of male and female births, per single year age group of the mother, was calculated and then applied to the total 2009 fertility rates for each single year age group, to calculate age and sex specific fertility rates. Mortality probabilities stratified by age and sex. NISRA Mortality probabilities by age and sex in 2009 were calculated from age and sex specific mortality rates. UK EQ5D data 1 EQ-5D UK population norms obtained per age and sex category. PARC Baseline household survey 2010/11. Physical activity categories: inactive and meets recommendations, were obtained by age and sex. Inactive: <150 minutes moderate/vigorous activity per week Meets recommendation: >=150 minutes of moderate intensity activity on 5 days per week or more OR less than 3 days vigorous intensity activity >=20 minutes per bout OR at least 5 days of moderate/vigorous activity METs >=600 METs 2 Relative risk (RR) of physical activity on disease specific incidence. Literature overview RR measures the risk of those who meet current physical activity recommendation levels versus those who are inactive. See appendix B for sources and magnitudes of RRs. Intervention effectiveness estimates PARC Study proposal 2% (scenario A), 5% (scenario B), 10% (scenario C) of the physically inactive group moves to the active group, following intervention. INTERHEART study 3 RR 2.38 (2.14-2.63) for males and RR 3.39 (2.93-3.89) for females. (RR’s were converted from adjusted Odd Ratio’s.)4 Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (NICR) ( Data from 2005-2009 and stratified by 5 yearly age groups & sex. Mortality of colon & breast cancer. NICR Data from 2005-2009 taken and stratified by 5 yearly age groups & sex. Remission rates of colon and breast cancer NICR 7 year male and female, relative colon cancer survival rates were applied to the 5 year age and sex specific incidence rates for colon cancer to obtain remission rates in 5 year age groups. The same was done for Background disability weights Risk factor CCG population baseline physical activity levels Relative risk of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) given type 2 diabetes 1. Disease Incidence of colon & breast cancer 1 breast cancer using 10 year relative survival rates. Prevalence of colon and Breast cancer DISMOD ΙΙ 5 Modeled estimates were derived from colon and breast cancer incidence, mortality and remission data, as detailed above. Prevalence of IHD, stroke & diabetes NI Health & Social Wellbeing Survey (NIHWB) 2005/06 6 & the General Practice Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF)20097. The age and sex distribution of prevalent cases obtained from the 2005/06 NIHWB survey was applied to 2009 QOF prevalence data. The QOF database is considered to provide highly accurate disease prevalence data but it is not stratified by age or sex, hence the age distribution from the NIHWB survey was used. Incidence of IHD & stroke DYNAMO Health Impact Assessment project (based on GPRD data for the UK) ( ) This provided incidence rates by sex and single year of age for the UK. Remission rate of diabetes - Assumed to be zero. Incidence of diabetes DISMOD ΙΙ 5 Type 2 diabetes prevalence, mortality, and remission data already obtained, as detailed above, were used in the model to derive the incidence of diabetes. Mortality of IHD, stroke & diabetes NISRA Mortality rates by sex and ten year age groups were obtained from the annual Registrar General’s report for 2009. Disease weights Global Burden of Disease study (GBD) up-dated 2004 version 8 The ‘average’ disability weights from the GBD study for colon and breast cancer and type 2diabetes were used. The disability weight for ‘long term stroke survivors’ was used for the stroke disability weight as most stroke victims in any population are likely to be long term survivors. To calculate an overall disability weight for IHD, the % prevalence of myocardial infarction 9, angina and heart failure was used to weight their individual disability weights and calculate an overall weighted average. Prevalence figures were obtained from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) website which presented GPRD data. Disease costs See appendix C. 2 APPENDIX B: Sources and magnitudes of relative risks for the effects of physical activity on disease mortality. Disease Source Age group Sex Inactive Colon Cancer Meta-analysis of 28 cohort and 24 case-control studies 10. Systematic Review of 28 cohort and 34 case-control studies 11. Meta-analysis of 20 prospective cohort studies 12. 0-85 Male Female 1 1 Active RR (95%CI) 0.76 (0.71-0.82) 0.79 (0.71-0.88) 0-85 Male Female 1 1 0.75 (0.7-0.8) 16-69 Male Female 1 1 0.58 (0.54-0.63) 0.58 (0.54-0.63) 70-79 Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.67 (0.62-0.72) 0.67 (0.62-0.72) 0.77 (0.71-0.83) 0.77 (0.71-0.83) 0.65 (0.56-0.76) 0.65 (0.56-0.76) Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.72 (0.63-0.85) 0.72 (0.63-0.85) 0.81 (0.69-0.94) 0.81 (0.69-0.94) 0.69 (0.65-0.73) 0.69 (0.65-0.73) Male Female Male Female 1 1 1 1 0.76 (0.71-0.80) 0.76 (0.71-0.80) 0.83 (0.78-0.88) 0.83 (0.78-0.88) Breast Cancer Ischaemic heart disease 80+ Stroke Meta-analysis of 8 prospective cohort studies 12. 16-69 70-79 80+ Type 2 Diabetes Meta-analysis of 13 prospective cohort and 9 case-control studies 12. 16-69 70-79 80+ 3 APPENDIX C: Sources and magnitudes of all cost data included in the model. 1. Total Greenway construction costs related to physical activity. Siteworks Footbridges Walkways Steps Total £14,140 £772,750 £3,082,105 £24,000 Grand Total £5,531,175 Lighting £1,638,180 All costs are in £ sterling. 2. Total Greenway maintenance costs, over 41 years, related to physical activity. Areas of maintenance Cost per year Total cost over 41 years Small Pedestrian footbridges £41,800 £1,713,800 Total discounted maintenance cost over 41 years £934,442 Bark Mulch Path £7,268 beginning in year 2 £290,736 £155,217 Bark Footpath £435 for first year and 938 every year after. £37,935 £20,456 Trim traila inspection & maintenance £5,000 £205,000 £111,775 Trim trail replacement £20,000 every 10 years £80,000 £37,681 Eco Trail replacement £3,000 £123,000 £67,065 £2,450,471.48 £1,326,636 Total All costs are in £ sterling. a A trim trail, also called an exercise trail, combines running with exercise stations. 4 3. Disease costs per prevalent case. Total UK healthcare costs in a specified year (£ millions) 663 (Prevalent costs 2005)13 - Costs inflated to 2009 Total UK disease prevalence 2009 Disease cost/prevalent case in 2009 719,763,266 100,608 (2008)14 £7,154 - - £8,93315 Ischaemic heart disease Type 2 Diabetes 3,248 (2006)16 3,446,803,584 2,330,2777 £1,479 3,270 (2002)17 3,723,034,358 2,634,2637 £1,413 Stroke 3,172 (2006)16 3,366,151,776 1,104,2797 £3,048 Colon cancer Breast cancer All costs are in £ sterling. 4. Total disease cost savings. Scenario ATotal cost savings Discounted Scenario BTotal cost savings Discounted Scenario CTotal cost savings Discounted Colon cancer 42,924.81 17,231.16 78,695.49 33,586.28 135,928.57 57,004.44 Breast cancer 107,198.88 41,115.62 178,664.80 73,961.44 330,529.88 135,595.20 Ischaemic heart disease 73,956.95 35,498.15 184,892.37 89,621.07 375,701.31 179,476.89 Type 2 diabetes 107,411.68 55,680.42 265,702.57 139,167.03 531,405.15 278,173.48 Stroke 121,931.21 62,285.94 295,683.18 144,842.79 609,656.03 295,838.41 Total £453,423.53 £211,811.27 £1,003,638.42 £481,178.62 £1,983,220.94 £946,088.42 All costs are in £ sterling. 5 References for Appendices: 1. Kind P, Hardman G, Macran S. UK Population Norms for EQ-5D. York: Centre of Health Economics, University of York, 1999 172. 2. Department of Health. UK Physical Activity Guidelines. Available at: nce/DH_127931. (August 2011, date last accessed) 3. Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, et al. 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