Training for World Heritage Site Agencies Application

Application Pack
Please read the programme information contained in Part I carefully,
before completing the application form in Part II.
Deadline for applications: 26 February 2016
Introduction to Business Planning
The business world has developed many skills around analysing its markets, its products and services;
and in developing tools and resources to turn this analysis into action and activities on the ground. In
many cases, conservationists, who are expert in their field, can be generally poor at talking the
language of the business sector. In an increasingly competitive world, it is important that the economic,
social and environmental sectors learn to talk a common language.
A business plan helps managers and stakeholders to understand how business will be managed in the
most effective way, and to ensure that the organisation is properly accountable for the use of any
funds it receives.
“Every success story starts with a dream. Do you dream of a better future for your protected area?
Joining this course was the best decision in my professional life. The content and experience was
rich and more importantly the networking has been amazing.”
Abdul-Kareem, Mentee, Ghana
Part I: Overview & Eligibility
The Programme Step-by-Step
“All I learnt from this program will help me to improve the management of the site where I work,
and I will share it with my colleagues. We are now in a change process, to have a more
entrepreneurial kind of management, instead of waiting for funds from donors.”
Haja, Mentee, Madagascar
Residential Training Programme
Lajuma Research Centre, South Africa
Training 1: 4 – 13 November 2016
Training 2: 15 – 24 November 2016
The Residential Training Programme takes place over ten days and combines business
and personal skills development. Business Mentors will work with a team of
representatives from your site to cover the various elements of business planning using
the Business Planning Toolkit. The toolkit is not a rigid curriculum, but provides a
framework to establish meaningful mentoring relationships and action that meets the
needs of specific sites. Some of the areas it can help you with are listed below.
Strategically examine your vision, stakeholder analysis, the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your organisation, and how to set
effective objectives
Identify your customers and competitors
Develop ideas for how to best market your organisation’s ‘products’ and services
Identify risks and plan mitigation measures
Construct budgets and analyse your finances
Create an effective organisational structure, and identify required skills and
current gaps to best plan for effectiveness
Design an activity plan and effective operational processes
Implement what you have learned on the training back in your workplace
In addition to this, an Earthwatch learning facilitator will support and enhance the business
skills training. These sessions will develop confidence, capabilities, competencies, and the
skills that will influence your ability to put what has been learnt into practise.
“This program has not only empowered me by improving my capacity as a manager, it has
motivated me to take a proactive approach as a key stakeholder in the development and
implementation of a business plan as well as improved network to share ideas, challenges and
Eduard, Mentee, South Africa
Mentoring & Support
During the Residential Training Programme you will work with your mentor to identify what the most
appropriate needs for your site are and how you can best use the Toolkit to meet these needs. On
your return home, your mentor will continue to support you remotely for at least twelve months as you
put into practise what you have learnt. Support, guidance and encouragement from your mentor,
combined with senior management support on the ground will ensure the most effective outcomes.
"In an environment of scarce financial resources, it is always very important to make sure you’re doing
the most with what you’ve got, so that even with a little, you can make a difference in helping conserve
the world’s most outstanding natural areas. This unique programme helps staff from natural World
Heritage Sites and Natural Protected Areas strengthen their business planning skills to do just that. It’s a
wonderful opportunity not only to consolidate management skills, but also to expand professional
networks and develop leadership and team working skills."
Senior Programme Specialist UNESCO World Heritage Centre
What’s Included?
Travel between your home base and South Africa for the ten day Residential Training Programme (direct
flight, economy class).
Nine night’s accommodation at the residential field programme in Lajuma Research Centre, South Africa
Meals and drinks for the duration of your stay.
Comprehensive medical evacuation insurance for the duration of the ten day Residential Training
All facilitation costs and training materials in the field.
What’s Not Included?
Staff salaries – it is fully expected that the staff members attending this training will continue to have their
salary fully funded by your organisation.
Any miscellaneous expenses (e.g. visa fees, airport transfers, clothing, any other equipment).
Application Eligibility
About your organisation
Permanent Staff from Natural Protected Areas, Protected Area Agencies or Management Authorities in Africa.
Site can be marine or terrestrial.
The site must have an IUCN Protected Area classification, be a UNESCO World Heritage site, be working
towards WHS status or an agency working across a number of sites.
The site must have clear (gazetted) boundaries.
Management Authority and Approvals Authority must be known.
All governance types are eligible for the programme.
Depending on governance type, the site must have the relevant senior management approvals to participate
in the programme.
About the participants:
Three employees from the site must be available to participate in the full programme on the same team.
All three employees must have support and sign off from Protected Area senior management.
Employees must be fluent in English, as English is the main training language and application materials must
be completed in English.
No business planning knowledge required but employees must be in a position to benefit from the training e.g.
in a job role and at a level of seniority that allows for involvement in management or business planning.
If your site has been on the programme before, you are welcome to apply again but please nominate
employees who have not already participated.
Part II: Application Guidance & Form
Please complete and return to Stacey Baggaley by
26 February 2016 at
Who should complete this form?
This application form should be completed by a protected area agency or management authority, a senior manager, or the park
director. If you are interested in the programme but do not hold any of these positions then please pass on this guidance, the
application form and the programme details to the relevant person or provide their email contact details if you would prefer us to
contact them directly.
Who can be nominated to attend this programme?
As a senior manager, park director or member of a management authority / protected area agency, you yourself may wish to attend
the training. Please enter your details again in the Person 1 section should you wish to partake in the programme.
Three employees from the organisation must be available to participate in the same training team. As you fill out the form you will
have opportunity to indicate which dates they are available, but we encourage you to select as many of these as possible. In doing
so this will better enable us to pair your organisation with a mentor that is suited to the needs of your site.
These three employees must have the support and sign off from senior management Staff and/or your site’s Managing Authority.
English is the main language used throughout the programme. We will be communicating with successful participants in English
throughout the application process and all programme materials and forms must be completed in English. The three nominated
individuals should be proficient in English writing, reading and speaking and have access to technology that allows them to
communicate both before and after the training (I.e. email, telephone, internet access).
No business planning knowledge is required but all three nominated employees must be in a position to benefit from the training. For
example, they have involvement in management or business planning.
The individuals you nominate can either work directly for your organisation or they can be from another organisation that provides
direct support to your site.
Why do I need to nominate a reserve?
Please provide the details of a fourth person who could attend the training in the event that one of the three original individuals cannot
attend for any reason. Please note that this person will also be required to comply with the criteria above.
Who will see my application form?
Your application will be screened by a small team of Earthwatch staff and if shortlisted it will be shared and discussed with a panel
of staff from Earthwatch, UNESCO, IUCN and ESN Corporate Partners.
If you are successful, your application form will be shared with your Business Mentor as part of the preparation process, in advance
of the training.
What happens next?
We will notify shortlisted candidates as soon as possible after the deadline. Those shortlisted will be invited to complete a short
questionnaire and attend a telephone interview. Please note that the interview will be held in English and all four nominees will need
to attend.
A final decision will be made after the telephone interviews and all candidates will be notified of the outcome. If you are selected you
will be required to sign an agreement form which outlines what Earthwatch will provide and what is expected of you. At this stage
further details of the programme will be provided and you will be required to provide basic health and fitness information.
Any Questions?
For more information please contact:
Stacey Baggaley, Earthwatch:
26 February 2016
Part II: Application Form
Please complete and return to Stacey Baggaley by
26 February 2016 at
Protected area represented
Click here to enter text.
Name the organisation that has oversight
and responsibility for your protected area
(i.e. management authority or government
Click here to enter text.
Total number of staff that work for your
Click here to enter text.
This application should be made by a senior site manager, a park director, protected area
agency or management authority. Please provide your details in the section below.
First Name
Family Name
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
an item.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Role & Responsibilities:
Click here to enter text.
Please indicate which dates all of the nominees are available to participate on this training. We
encourage you to be available on as many of these dates as possible to increase your chances of
being paired with a mentor suited to your site’s needs.
We are available
We are not available
4 – 13 November 2016
15 – 24 November 2016
Please provide the details of three individuals who will undertake the training, and a reserve. Please
include your details again if you will be attending.
Person 1
First Name
Family Name
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Choose an item.
Date of Birth (d/m/y)
Job Title
Date joined your organisation
Click here to enter
Click here to
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Name Supervisor and Job Title
Supervisor’s Work E-mail
Supervisor’s Telephone
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Role & Responsibilities:
Click here to enter text.
Person 2
First Name
Family Name
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Choose an item.
Date of Birth (d/m/y)
Job Title
Date joined your organisation
Click here to enter
Click here to
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Name Supervisor and Job Title
Supervisor’s Work E-mail
Supervisor’s Telephone
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Role & Responsibilities:
Click here to enter text.
Person 3
First Name
Family Name
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Choose an item.
Date of Birth (d/m/y)
Job Title
Date joined your organisation
Click here to enter
Click here to
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Name Supervisor and Job Title
Supervisor’s Work E-mail
Supervisor’s Telephone
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Role & Responsibilities:
Click here to enter text.
Person 4 (Reserve)
First Name
Family Name
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Date of Birth (d/m/y)
Job Title
Date joined your organisation
Click here to enter
Click here to
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Name Supervisor and Job Title
Supervisor’s Work E-mail
Supervisor’s Telephone
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Role & Responsibilities:
Click here to enter text.
Please use the below questions to tell us more about your organisation and why you see the
training being of benefit. Please answer fully and be open and honest in your responses. Your
answers should be between 250 and 600 words for each question.
1.a. Please tell us about your site / organisation. For example: general description of the type & size of
the protected area/s you work with. Why is your site important? What are the conservation outcomes
that you are working towards? Does your site have IUCN or UNESCO status/classification? What
challenges does your organisation face?
Click here to enter text.
1.b. Please tell us about the business operations in your organisation as per the headings below.
How is your organisation managed? (e.g. who makes decisions and who has final approval):
Click here to enter text.
What business or management plans do you already have at your organisation?
Click here to enter text.
Does your organisation have plans to update / generate a business plan? Who is going to be
responsible for this? Do you have a timeline in place for this?
Click here to enter text.
Where does your organisation receive funding from and who decides how this is spent?
Click here to enter text.
2.a The Earth Skills Network programme focuses on key areas of business planning. Please identify
the areas in which your organisation needs advice / support from the list below. (Your answer to this
question will help us to better pair the needs of your organisation with a business mentor if your
application is successful.)
Organisation Vision &
Stakeholder Analysis
Operational Planning
Human Resources
Risk Management
Financial Planning
2.b. Please identify the three key areas where your organisation faces business planning challenges
and explain how you think the training will support you with these. Please consider how training in
these areas will help you progress your conservation outcomes.
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
3. For each individual you have nominated please explain why you have selected them for the
training, what involvement they have in business planning and what you hope they will learn from the
Nominee 1
Click here to enter text.
Nominee 2
Click here to enter text.
Nominee 3
Click here to enter text.
Nominee 4
Click here to enter text.
4. Please describe how you will bring the training back to your organisation. For example, what
support will the nominated individuals receive? How will the knowledge and tools be shared with other
employees? How will management support be given to ensure changes in your organisations plans
and operations can be made as a result of what has been learned?
Click here to enter text.
5. How did you hear about the Earth Skills Network Programme? For example, you may have seen
promotional materials on our website, spoken to a former participant or colleague (please provide their
name if so) or seen information in a newsletter or publication (please provide details of which one).
Click here to enter text.
Declaration & Signature
In submitting this application form, you are confirming that the individuals you have nominated comply
with the following conditions of entry. Please use the check boxes to indicate that you agree with these
☐ Nominees are in a position to make a direct contribution to the management of their organisation
☐ The full support of the parks authority / senior management in the nominees attending this
programme has been granted
☐ The nominees line managers are aware of the commitments involved in this programme and are
supportive of their employees attendance
☐ The nominees have access to communications technology (internet or telephone) and are committed
to maintaining regular contact with their business mentor for a minimum 12 month period and will
provide them and Earthwatch with progress updates.
☐ The senior sponsor and nominees supervisors are committed to providing Earthwatch with a
progress report at 6 and 12 months after the project
☐ The nominees are prepared to work long days with time outdoors undertaking a variety of tasks and
activities in a field camp environment
☐ The nominees are willing to live in basic accommodation with limited privacy for 10 days
☐ All nominees are able to communicate in English (written and spoken). This is the language that all
communications and the programme will be delivered in
I declare that the information on this form is true and agree that it can be processed by the company
and shared with other necessary parties connected with the Earth Skills Network Programme. I
understand that information herein will be used by Earthwatch in the long-term monitoring of the
programme, and may be used in reporting to Programme funders and partners on outcomes.
Please read the statement above and then check the box below to confirm:
I have read and understand the individual and organisational commitments.
Print Name:
All personal details will be stored in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998, and will be held
on Earthwatch’s secure server – for more information see:
To Submit:
Please return to Stacey Baggaley by 26 February 2016 at