DIRECT INSTRUCTION LESSON PLAN Name: Lindsay Phinney Grade Level/Subject: 4th NCES/CCSS Standard and Objective Behavioral Objective Objective Rationale Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills Focus/Review (prepares students for the lesson) Objective as stated for students (helps students set their own goals for the lesson) Teacher Input (provides the content to students in a teacher-directed manner) Guided Practice (scaffolded practice with the content; helps students make sense of the content provided in Teacher Input) Topic: State Symbols 4.H.2 Understand how notable structures, symbols and place names are significant to North Carolina. 4.H.2.2 Explain the historical significance of North Carolina’s state symbols. The students will be able to comprehend information that they read about the state symbols, take notes, and teach their peers what they have learned. It’s important for the students to know about their state’s history, symbols, and about the symbols. Students should already be able to comprehend what they read in order to take notes and be informed about the information. They should also be familiar with some of the state symbols. Content and Strategies Review what the students have been learning in social studies (state symbols) Ask for volunteers to tell what some of the certain symbols are (mammal, flower, tree, etc.) Today we will learn about the state symbols in detail. By the end of the lesson you will be able to distinguish between the different symbols and answer specific questions about each one. Begin the lesson by talking about a particular state symbol (beverage-milk). Ask the students if they know what the state beverage is and tell them that you have a fact sheet about the beverage. Explain that last night you were researching the state beverage and came across a lot of interesting information. Share the information with the students and tell them that they will be doing the same thing with different state symbols. Tell them that they will become experts on their particular symbol and then teach their peers all about it. Put the students into groups of 5 and proceed to pass out the fact sheets to each group. Each group will be responsible for one state symbol. They will research the symbol by reading over the fact sheets and picking out important/interesting facts. Each person in the group will take notes on the symbol and when all groups have finished they will “jigsaw” into smaller groups. The students in each group will be numbered off 1-5. Each number will have a designated spot in the classroom and the students will move to their new groups. In these groups, the students will now teach the symbol that they had to the rest of their group. The group members should take notes on what they learn from their peers. After this process, all Revised for spring, 2012 Independent Practice (application activities to help students use and demonstrate what they have learned) Closure (provides a wrapup for the lesson) Evaluation (How will you assess students’ learning so that you can determine if they met the objective of the lesson?) Plans for Individual Differences (differentiations needed for students) Materials used in the lesson; Resources used in developing the lesson students should have some knowledge of each of the five state symbols that were researched. The class will then come together as a whole and discuss what they learned. Ask students to share some facts they found interesting and to name some things they learned from their peers. Each student will take out their whiteboards and we will play a game to test their understanding of what they learned. Take the list of questions and read them out loud to the students. The questions are based off of facts that were on the information sheets for each symbol. The students will then write down what they think the correct answer is and hold it up. During this time observe the answers that the students are holding up to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Ask the students to share something interesting that they learned about the state symbols that they did not know before. Have them share some of the things that they learned from their peers and some things that changed their ways of thinking. Then have some students tell some things that they would like to have found out that maybe they did not find during their research. Formative: Walking around asking students questions about their state symbol would be the formative assessment. This takes place during the guided practice. If students are taking notes on correct information, and can answer your questions then they are meeting the objectives of the lesson. Summative Assess the students learning by playing the game at the end of the lesson. As the students play the game during independent practice keep an eye out and observe the students answers. If they answer a majority (8/10) correctly then they have met the objective If they continually get the answer wrong or are getting help from a peer they have not met the objective. For those students who may be struggling with learning information on their own, try and place them with students who have a better understanding that they can learn from when they have questions and listen to. The only materials needed for this lesson are: Whiteboard/marker (5) State symbol informational sheets. ( Revised for spring, 2012