Regional Campus Champions 31 October 2012 Kay, Lorna, Laura, Karen, Kate, Roger, Kim, Josh, Jack, Dirk, Susan (Probably incomplete) Kay created a working group mailing list. She sent two emails last night (1) the agenda, (2) a test message. If you got the agenda but no test message, please contact Kay. How far should a Regional Champion Reach? Discussion: Kate and SC do go beyond state lines, but most others stay within the state. Roger pointed out that staying within the state also helps with understanding pertinent legislation and perhaps funding. Conclusion: Within a state is the most logical boundary for planning support etc. What should be the responsibilities of a Regional Champion? Assist users at other institutions that don’t have a Champion. Assist Champions at other institutions Recruit Champion at other institutions Provide regional outreach activities, training, assistance, etc Market and promote XSEDE All agree that a Champion should introduce users to local resources first, and move up the ladder when they outgrow local. In addition to recruiting the Champion, remember that you may be recruiting that campus to use XSEDE Kim suggested that we shouldn’t require 100% of these responsibilities. Be flexible to not eliminate good prospects. What infrastructure might be needed to assist Regional Champion? Regional champions need a list of all Champions in their state/geographic areas Need the infrastructure to provide support, some collaborative communication framework, i.e. phone and screen share environment Clemson: A hub is also useful if the remote user’s desktop is not set up to collaborate. Also good for posting materials. Email, web, hub, adobe connect etc, video conferencing tools What could XSEDE provide that would be of assistance? Some conferencing tools, training, outreach, materials Travel funds XSEDE mentor Marketing materials, including success stories/ case studies What additional support is needed for a regional champ that is not needed for a regular champ? Travel funds Assigned XSEDE staff mentor What are the major roadblocks to being a regional champion? Need familiarity and contacts at local/regional schools Local institutional support (time to work on it) Need other funded activity this piggy backs on; support by default. Best to find people that are already funded in some way for overlap activities? Money, funding. Documents needed? Goals/objectives of a regional champ program Duties of a regional champ Support provided by XSEDE for a regional Champ Do we need a new MOU? – Laura: Look at existing MOU after requirements are defined. Campus Champions for Dummies. Kim already has Champions 101 doc, maybe rework for this purpose. Requirements for being a regional champion? Some kind of certification/competency. Some kind of minimal level of knowledge Some minimal time as a champion Some kind of written support from the champ's institution Minimum level of commitment in time, con calls, and annual conference Home institution commitments to a certain level of time and commitment To Do: Next meeting: Dec 12 at 10 am Eastern Can you help draft documents? Email Kay