thank you!

The Joyful Noise
Phone: 712-472-2324
Church email:
Volume 37, Issue 1
Reverend Marcia’s email:
January 2014
A New Year's Resolution
According to Wikipedia a New Year's resolution is a secular tradition, most common in the West but
found around the world, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement starting
on New Year's Day. One of the best resolution that I know, and try to practice, is to fully participate in
the work of Christmas.
Howard Thurman, one of my favorite theologians, puts it this way:
"When the song of the angels is stilled,
when the star in the sky is gone,
when the kings and princes are home,
when the shepherds are back with the flocks,
then the work of Christmas begins:
to find the lost,
to heal those broken in spirit,
to feed the hungry,
to release the oppressed,
to rebuild the nations,
to bring peace among all peoples,
to make a little music with the heart…
And to radiate the Light of Christ,
every day, in every way,
in all that we do
and in all that we say.
Then the work of Christmas begins.” (adapted)
I hope you join me in 2014 in doing the work of Christmas.
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Marcia
The Joyful Noise p. 1
Weather Cancelation Information
In case of cancelations due to
bad weather be sure to tune into
K101 101.1 FM (Luverne, MN) or
KIWA 105.3 FM (Sheldon, IA)
2013 Financial Update
2013 Budget:
YTD Budget:
YTD Giving:
Needed to Catch Up:
Remember when there is no school
or an early dismissal because of the
weather – there will be no church
**Starting with our February newsletter, we’ll be sending newsletters out only by email. We
will not be mailing them anymore. Newsletters, calendars & other information will also be
available on our website. A limited number of printed copies will be available (by the
mailboxes) for those that do not have email/computer access. Thank you for your
understanding of our effort to cut down on this expense-paper, postage, etc.
 Our sympathy and Christian love to Tom Menage & Family after the passing of Tom’s
brother, Jeff Peter Menage (of Springfield, MN).
 Our sympathy to the family & friends of Paul Ring
 Our sympathy to the family & friends of Lorie Etta Thompson
 The Family of Janice DeBoer
 We extend our Christian love and Sympathy to the family and friends of Carolyn
Stoup. We received word this week from Karla Center (daughter of Carolyn) that her
mother died on October 14, 2013. A graveside service is planned for sometime this
summer at the Riverview cemetery.
 We extend our Christian love & sympathy to Wava Braun after the passing of her
daughter, Cheryl.
 Jane Aeilts as she continues cancer treatments in January
 Delores Berg. She was hospitalized at Avera for a medical emergency. She was
released, & was staying at her daughter’s for some time as she has several doctor
appointments. Also Delores was still having a fair amount of pain from a compression
fracture in her back.
 Helen Boeve had a light stroke, was in the Rock Rapids hospital, and is now home
 Cindy Dean is back home recovering from transplant surgery
 Char DeGooyer recovering from skin grafts on her toes
 Eva Dieters as she continues with her cancer treatments
 Wilma Geerdes, who had eye surgery on 12/18.
 Mary Huisman, who is home
 Betty Kumba, who has a compression fracture in her back
 Anna Marie Medema who had surgery on her leg
 Mary Peterson as she continues her chemo treatments
 Bev Sieperda
 Sharon Steenblock
 Carrie Wall, as she was in the Philippines until 12.23 with the Shelter Box Ministry
 People who travel during the holidays
The Joyful Noise p. 2
 Thank you to Lainn & Rhonda Menning for decorating the church for
 For those that bought quilts-$985 was raised for the general budget
 The hard work that went into making our musical event, The Rhythm of Bethlehem,
a success. Thank you to all involved. Special thanks to Beth VanderZee for making
it possible.
 Sue Vinson, Ed Brown & Tom Menage for all the work they do to prepare for funerals
at our church. Also thanks to those that donate food &/or help serve.
 The families of Lorie Etta Thompson & Paul Ring, for sharing flowers with us
 The Chancel Choir and Director, Kathy VanBerkum, for the wonderful cantata
 Corey & Heather Heimensen for preparing and serving hot cocoa and cider at the
 Amy Menage for ordering and caring for the poinsettias
 Everyone who purchased poinsettias that beautified our sanctuary
 Jack & Holly Spitler back to worship after be unable to join us for a few weeks
 Phyllis Morlock TeSlaa’s family that played piano with her during worship-her
daughter from Seattle and 2 grandsons from Sioux Falls.
Please contact the church office or Pastor Marcia if you know a member has
been admitted to the hospital. With the new privacy laws being strictly enforced
there are many times we are unaware of hospitalizations. We would rather get
ten calls than none at all. Thank you. Prayer concerns can be called into the
office (472-2324) or emailed to the office at or
Rev. Marcia at and they will be sent out.
January Birthdays & Anniversaries
Wilma Geerdes
Doug Rockhill
Dave Fields
Bridgette Hasche
Avery Soroka
Steve & Jackie Wells
Dave & Barb Fegan
Randy & Donna Slade
Sarah Halse
Art Grimes
Riley Hasche
Dorothy McCormack
Luke Rice
Dave Halse
Bailey Herman
Steph Wibben
Alayna Sprock
Judi Sieperda
Wava Braun
Steve Wells
Curtis Pearson
23 ~ Jake VanderZee
25 ~ Dennis & Pat Patton
26 ~ Josie Moser
26 ~ Jim Rydell
26 ~ Jill Schlumbohm
26 ~ Meredith VanderZee
27 ~ Thomas Dandurand
29 ~ John Mc Donald
30 ~ Corey & Heather Heimensen
31 ~ Karen Parkinson
*We apologize for any
omissions or incorrect
Please contact the office
with the correct/missing
information. Thank you!
The Joyful Noise p. 3
If you have recently moved, changed your mailing address, your email
address, phone number, or are only using cell phones, please
contact the church office with the current information.
Keeping our lists updated saves us returned mail fees.
Thank you!
If you would like to be included in the PHONE Prayer Chain that
goes out as needed through our VoiceWave system and/or the
Weekly Prayer Partner EMAIL which includes scripture readings,
prayer requests, birthdays, and weekly reminders, please email or
call the church; especially if you have not received these lately.
United Methodist Friends:
We can’t say thank you enough for the cards and visits extended to our family these past
few months. Thank you to Rev. Marcia for her visits and care. Thank you to the Ms Fits,
The Quilters, and all our church family for prayers.
God bless our prayers partners and prayer warriors.
-Mary & Marvin Peterson
Thank you to those that purchased quilts. Donations amounted to a $985
deposit to the general fund.
-The Quilters
Thank you to those that donated coats to Justice For All. On Wednesday, December 11th, 21 Middle School
Youth traveled to Rock Valley to deliver those coats. They delivered 200 coats! While the Middle School
Youth was there, they also did some volunteer work. Thank you to all who participated.
-The Middle School Youth Group
Thank you to those that purchased poinsettias. We had 17 orders with 27 poinsettias
total. This was not a fundraiser, just for us to enjoy! Following is a list of those that
poinsettias were dedicated to.
The Joyful Noise p. 4
Memory of Parents and Grandparents ~Nancy & Carl DeJongh
Memory of Parents and Phyllis' Parents ~Al & Phyllis TeSlaa
Memory of Harlan Berg ~From his Family
Memory of our Loved Ones: Ralph and Lillie Bauer
& Bill and Verene Baade ~Doug & Michele Baade
In Memory of Shirley Waagmeester ~Randy & Kim Waagmeester
In Memory of Roger Baldwin ~Evelyn Baldwin
In Memory of Harold Braun ~Luetta Braun
In Honor of Jack and Holly Spitler
In Honor of Shirley Waagmeester
In Memory of Carl and June Zehnder
In Honor of Craig and Betty Vinson
In Memory of my Mom and my Sister ~Marlys Brown
In Honor of Knox Rentschler & Paxton Sticha
To Our Grandchildren ~Jackie & Mike Austin
In Honor of Mary Peterson ~Sonja & Mark Peterson
In Honor and Memory of our Loved Ones ~Renae Hasche
In Memory of Talmodge and Lavon Black, Caroline Luinstra, Henry and Millie Heimensen
& John Rosenboom ~The Heimensen's
In Memory of Ray and Marie VanBerkum ~Terry & Kathy VanBerkum
A special thank you to Amy Menage for taking care of
ordering the plants and keeping them watered.
Church Announcements
Reminder: 2014 Pledge Cards can still be turned in to the church.
USHERS are needed for 2014. If this is something you can help with, please contact the
church office. Thank you.
Third Avenue Youth & Middle School Youth
All High School and Middle School youth are invited to attend Youth Group on Wednesdays.
Third Ave Youth will be meeting on Wednesdays, January 15th & 29th @ 7pm.
Middle School Youth will be meeting on Wednesdays, January 8th & 22nd @ 7pm.
Any questions or for more information, please contact the church office
or Heather Heimensen.
2014 Flower Calendar
A NEW FLOWER CALENDAR is on the narthex table.
We invite everyone to sign-up for the Sunday that is most convenient for youto give altar flowers this coming year in memory or in honor of a loved one.
The Joyful Noise p. 5
Rock Rapids United Methodist Church
Administrative Council Meeting
December 11, 2013 at 6:01 p.m.
Members of Ad. Council: (Names of Absentees underlined)
Lila Kennedy, Shawn Wibben, Mary Fields, Dave Fields, Evelyn Baldwin, Nancy DeJongh, Marilee
Schleusner, Dave Ackerman, Rita Rice, Jim DeGooyer, Kathy Van Berkum, Terry Van Berkum,
Heather Heimensen, David Fields, Al Te Slaa, Mary Petersen, Rev. Marcia
Call to Order & Opening Devotion by Terry Van Berkum, Chairman
Minutes of the last meeting –
EDUCATION/Heather Heimensen: Sunday School – preparing for Christmas Program which will be
on December 15 during worship service. Apples and peanuts have been ordered through FFA for
Christmas bags for the kids, cost of fruit and peanuts was donated. Kim and Heather are lining up
teacher Christmas gifts for appreciation of their service. Middle School Sunday School Class would
like permission to have a carnival in February, sounds like proceeds will go to the church. More
info to follow along with a firm date.
Middle School Youth – participating in Living Windows on December 5 they will be at State Farm.
Delivering coats to Justice for All on December 11.
Third Avenue Youth – waiting to determine date of Mission Trip to March so kids can have a better
idea of what their summer schedule looks like. Going caroling tonight at Health Center, Immanuel
Lutheran during their Advent Service, and wherever else it moves the group to go. Christmas Party
December 18 – will be collecting care packages for ATLAS that night. Youth will also be donating
new or gently used books to be donated to where they served in Des Moines last Spring.
EVANGELISM/ Lila: No report
TREASURER/ Shawn: About $8600.00 short working with Heather on transition.
Shawn will sign Heather’s check, Heather will sign all other checks.
FINANCE SEC./Evelyn: No report
MISSION/ Marilee: Missions committee met October 30th. Rainbow Covenant is very close to
completion. November and December mission offering will help to fulfill that goal. Also, hope to
complete Third Mile Giving if the mission funds come in. Council of Churches met November 17 th.
The next 5th Sunday service is scheduled for December 29th, with Christian Church Disciples
hosting. Rev Marcia will meet with them after church on the 15th.
PARSONAGE/ Dave/Tom: Steve has finalized the parsonage floor plan based the discussion at our
last meeting. I’m trying to get a copy so every committee member can have one. Nothing has
happened yet on the purchase of floor coverings or building materials.
MEMORIAL/Nancy: We recently purchased 2 dozen of the black hymn books. We also received a
check for $10,000 from Sieperda family.
S/PPR / Rita Rice: No report
TRUSTEES/ Jim: Roof will be fixed next spring, Steve donated shingles for garage. Carpet for the
West stairway will be done over Christmas holiday by Terry.
WORSHIP/ Kathy Van Berkum: Ready for the 15th morning service. Children, middle school, high
school will all be involved. No advent candle family for the 22 nd as of yet. Tom Wall and Jamie P.
and Jim DG will be singing on Christmas Eve. The 24th at 6:30.
The Joyful Noise p. 6
PASTOR/Marcia: Organ tuning discussed. Funeral for Paul Ring Saturday at 10 am. Newsletter
will be posted on internet and put in mailboxes so we will not need to pay postage mailing. Mail
only to shut-ins. Will check on Upper Room for number needed to be ordered.
Next Meeting January 8, 2013 @ 6:31 pm
2013 Rainbow Covenant
Rock Rapids United Methodist Church
December 19, 2013 Final Report
RED – INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS (Goal 254) ………………………….Goal Met
* Imagine No Malaria –# 982015………………….…Total … $ 254.00
Habitat For Humanity – Advance # 982404…………Total …$ 600.00
YELLOW – UMCOR PROJECTS (Goal 254)………………………………GOAL MET +
UMCOR # 901670 Oklahoma Tornado …………………..497.00
UMCOR # 982450 Philippines Typhoon
……………… 25.00
Total $ 522.00
Kids Against Hunger (Super Sunday)………………….250.00
CWS Tools / Blankets ………………………………… 277.00
Atlas Food Pantry (Groc. Cart))………………………. 323.00
Atlas Food Pantry (Super Sunday)……………………. 316.75
Atlas Food Pantry (SS Offering) ………………………. 214.50
Atlas of Lyon County – Christmas gifts ………………. 135.00
Atlas of Lyon County – 3 large lap quilts …………… 150.00
1 small lap quilt ……………..
Atlas Food Pantry (check)……………………………… 200.00
Family Crisis Center (check) …..………………………200.00
Justice For All (coats) ……….…………………………...200.00
Central Lyon Backpack Food Program…………………215.10
Total $2,506,35
……..…Goal Met
25 School Bags to AC for Iowa/Nigeria (In Kind) …….
75.00 in kind
Ia. Disaster Relief – # 223………………………………. 179.00
Total $ 254.00
UM Builders # 250……………………………………….. 75.00
Women At The Well …………………………………….. 275.00
Total 350.00
*One Great Hour of Sharing ……………………………
*PEACE WITH JUSTICE ………………………………. 20.00
COMMUNION………………………………… 35.00
*UM STUDENT DAY…………………………………….
$ 500.00 total
The Joyful Noise p. 7
Missionary Support / Service (Goal $ 508)………………………….Goal Met
AU Farm Development # 3021027……………….… 308.00
Mefor, Florence Ogugua #13991Z …………………..200.00
$ 508.00 total
Local & Institutional Giving (Goal $ 254)
2013 Prayer Shawls (8) …………………………………200.00
2013 Doll & Blanket for 3 Baptisms ………………….… 30.00
19 Rag Dolls-2-Love to Haiti – March 2013 …………… 95.00
24 Receiving Blankets to Haiti – March 2013………….120.00
30 Dolls-to-Love Pakistan 4-16-2013………………….. 150.00
postage/custom charge …………………….. 300.00
23 Rag Dolls to Haiti – 5-22-2013
20 Receiving Blankets to Haiti 5-23-2013 ……………..100.00
29 Caps to 3rd Ave Youth – DM Urban Plunge ………. 145.00
2 Blankets to 3rd Ave Youth – DM Urban Plunge …… 10.00
Campership (Camp Okoboji) …………………………… 66.00
3rd Ave Youth …………………………………………… 388.00
Supply Our Students (Backpacks/school supplies) …..129.00
18 Dolls 2 Love – to Vermont (9-10-13) ………………. 90.00
Postage…………. 15.09
Lap Quilts in kind (2 vets/6 local) ……………………….400.00
Christmas at Rosewood ………………………………. 130.00
16 Christmas stockings & stuffers to shut-ins
Des Moines Children’s Hospital (Books) ……………... 50.00
Total $ 2,773.09
Giving from special offerings… ………….. $ 7,538.49
Interest from The Gift that Keeps on Giving…$ 728.95
Total Giving …$ 8,267.44
Update from the Quilters for 2013:
8 prayer shawls delivered
16 Christmas stockings (and items in them) for shut-ins (@ $15)
18 Quilts
97 Rag dolls (postage to mail $15.09)
73 Receiving blankets
59 Caps (3rd Ave-29, CL-15, Goodwill-15)
25 School bags
School items to Atlas: 3 backpacks, 4-24 pack colors, 4 bottles of glue and 2 pencil holders
Quilts we made, and displayed in church for free will donation, generated a deposit of $985 to the
general budget
$50 salad luncheon
$50 Nothing but Nets
$100 general church budget
$100 parsonage fund
The Joyful Noise p. 8