29 Bullying and Harassment - 11/13

(Co-op Letterhead)
Bullying and Harassment
The following Policy has been prepared by the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) and endorsed by
the Board of CEHL.
This Policy was adopted by the Co-Op members at a Special General Meeting on
PAC policy # 29 November 2013
PAC policy # 29 November 2013
This Co-op regards the health and safety of its members as a primary responsibility and is fully
committed to the elimination of harassment and bullying.
This Co-op recognises the dignity and autonomy of all people as a core value and the right of each
member to live in an environment free from harassment and bullying. Each member is
responsible for the provision, promotion and maintenance of a safe and positive environment.
Harassment and bullying behaviours are based on the misuse of power in human relationships.
Harassment and bullying are often interchangeable terms in many peoples’ perception; however
for the purpose of this policy the following definitions will apply:
Harassment is categorized as behavior(s) which will likely in all circumstances humiliate, offend,
intimidate or distress the person(s) concerned – harassment may be an isolated event.
Bullying is characterized by persistent and repeated negative behaviour directed at a (person)
which creates a risk to health and/or safety. This could be of a physical, psychological or
emotional nature.
Harassment and Bullying share a number of characteristics such as behaviours directed at an
individual or group, which:
are offensive, degrading, humiliating, intimidating, undermining and/or threatening
are unwelcome and unsolicited
usually unreciprocated
make the co-operative environment unpleasant, for the individual or group
adversely affect the performance of the individual or group
lead to less favourable treatment.
Harassment and Bullying do not include:
 Requiring members to comply with their obligations and responsibilities, for example,
attendance at meetings, paying rent etc
 a difference of opinion
 asking a question
 a request for information or clarification.
“Unreasonable behaviour” includes, but is not limited to:
 verbal abuse
 exclusion or isolation of members
 assigning unpleasant or meaningless tasks to a member
 humiliation through sarcasm, or belittling someone’s opinions
 constant criticism or insults
 misinformation or malicious rumours
 deliberately setting routines or procedures to inconvenience or exclude certain members
 written, verbal or pictorial material on paper or in social/digital media which may degrade or
offend a member.
PAC policy # 29 November 2013
The grounds under which harassment and bullying are unlawful are covered in a range of State
legislation, including, but not limited to, the Crimes Amendment (Bullying) Act 2011 – Brodie’s
Law, Equal Opportunity Act (1995), Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act (1986).
Each person in this Co-op has a responsibility to ensure that bullying is stamped out and open and
transparent communication occurs. All members are responsible for the wellbeing and smooth
operation of this Co-op and will adhere to the Code of Conduct (refer PAC policies numbers 20 &
21) by all members including those in positions of authority, such as Directors and Office Bearers.
This Co-op values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
Our Co-op is committed to:
ensure that complaints about harassment and bullying are dealt with promptly,
confidentially and sympathetically
ongoing education and an annual assessment of adherence to this policy
No Co-op member will be penalized or disadvantaged as a result of raising concerns or complaints
relating to harassment and/or bullying. All members have the right to engage an advocate in any
All members need to address harassment/bullying if it arises in meetings and make a stand to “nip
it in the bud”, by asking for the chair to take action.
The Chairperson must tell any person or group of people responsible for bullying to cease at the
first sign that bullying is occurring.
If the harassment/bullying continues, the Chairperson will ask these members to leave the meeting
and record the incident in the minutes.
It is the responsibility of the Chairperson to also ensure any instances of bullying are noted in an
incident book, and all such minutes and incident reports be made available to any external
investigation into the incidents.
If a member is being bullied outside a meeting by a co-op member, then they should take steps to
limit contact. Members or members involved will ensure that accurate records of incidents are
kept to support any future allegations.
PAC policy # 29 November 2013
Continued bullying is a criminal offence, therefore repeated bullying must be reported to the
relevant authority to allow a full investigation. This may result in expulsion or cancellation of
1. A member who feels harassed and/or bullied will endeavour to clarify their understanding
by referring to the definitions above
2. Should the member ascertain that harassment & bullying has occurred, they should raise
the issue with the member/s concerned with the intention to resolve the initial concerns.
This should be done as soon as possible after an incident has occurred, within 14 days.
The members should address the issue and attempt to find a fair and mutually acceptable
outcome. If two or more people share the same issue, it may be dealt with as a single
3. If the issue remains unresolved, either or each party will put in writing to the Board an
outline of the nature of the issue(s)/concerns
4. The Board will provide the opportunity for the parties to meet in a safe and respectful
environment and will facilitate appropriate resources, education and training to enable the
parties to reach an amicable resolution
5. Should the matter remain unresolved the parties will jointly or individually progress the
complaint to a formal dispute process as described in the Complaints Grievance PAC
Policy number 35
PAC policy # 29 November 2013
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