Appendix – Biogeochemical model equations and parameters For each layer and grid location the time evolution of each model substance (Y) is the sum of conservative advection, diffusion and sinking processes (ϕY) and non-conservative biogeochemical rate processes (βY): ∂Y/∂t = -ϕY + βY (1) where ϕY = (uΔY+ΔHKHΔY) - (∂/∂z)KZ(∂Y/∂z) + (∂wSY/∂z) and Δ = (∂/∂x) + (∂/∂y) + (∂/∂z) ; ΔH = (∂/∂x) + (∂/∂y) [Here u is the velocity vector; KH and Kz are the horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients and wS is the settling velocity.] Table A1: Non-conservative β terms for each biogeochemical model state variable (some at Redfield 106C:16N:1P or Atkinson ratio 550C:30N:1P). Symbol State Variable Processes β term (Ratio) Nitrogen (mg N m-3) B1 Small phytoplankton net growth, grazing, B1 B1 mB B1 g1 (R) mortality B2 Large phytoplankton net growth, grazing, B 2 B 2 mB B2 g 22 / renc (R) mortality B3 Microphytobenthos growth, grazing, bB3 = (mB3 - mB3B3 ) B3 - g2j 4 / renc (R) mortality Ns Stored N (M. pyrifera) Net uptake, fixation, bNs = (uNsN1 + uNsN 2 ) Qmin / N f - gma Ns - dM Ns (-) loss Nf Fixed N (M. pyrifera) Net fixation, bNf = gma Ns - dM N f (A) mortality M Benthic Macroalgae net growth, M M mM M (A) mortality S Seagrass (A) net growth, S S mS S mortality Z1 Small zooplankton growth, mortality Z 1 g1e mZ 1 Z12 (R) Z2 Large zooplankton growth, mortality Z 2 g 2 e mZ 2 Z 22 (R) N1 N2 Nitrate (-) Ammonium (-) uptake, nitrification(wc+sed) , denitrification(sed) uptake, mortality, defecation, remineralisation, nitrification(wc+sed) bN1 = - (mB1B1 + mB2 B2 + mB3B3 + mS S + mM M + mBA ) N1 / ( N1 + N2 ) -uNsN1Qmin / N f + rN N2O / ( KO +O) 1 K OD / K OD O rNsed O 2 N 2 / K O2 O 2 bN 2 = - (mB1B1 + mB2 B2 + mB4 B3 + mS S + mM M + mBA ) N2 / ( N1 + N2 ) -uNsN 2Qmin / N f + dM N s + (1- g ) ( mZ1Z12 + mZ 2 Z22 ) + ( g1 + g2 ) (1- e - V ) +rL ( D1 + D2 ) (1- x - J ) + rR D3 (1- J 3 ) +rD N 3 - rN N 2O / ( KO + O) - rNsed O 2 N 2 / ( KO2 + O 2 ) N3 D1 Dissolved organic N (- remineralisation ) Pelagic labile detritus mortality, defecation, (R) remineralisation D2 Benthic labile detritus (A) D3 Refractory detrital N (-) Phosphorous (mg P m-3) P1 Dissolved inorganic P (-) P2 E1 E2 Dissolved organic P () Refractory detrital P (-) Unflocculated particulate inorganic P (-) N 3 rL D1 D2 3 rR D3 rD N 3 bD1 = mB ( B1 + B2 ) + mB3 B32 + g ( mZ1Z12 + mZ 2 Z 22 ) +V ( g1 + g2 ) (1- e) + dM N f - rL D1 + m BA mortality, remineralisation remineralisation D 2 mS S mM M rL D2 uptake, mortality, defecation, remineralisation, desorption remineralisation bP1 = - ((mB1B1 + mB2 B2 + mB3B3 ) RWP + (mS S + mM M ) AWP ) D 2 rL D1 D2 rR D3 1 mZ 1 Z12 mZ 2 Z 22 RW P g1 g 2 1 e RW P BA RW P rL D1 RW P D2 AW P 1 rR E1 1 3 rD P2 d 2 d 3 P 2 rL D1 RWP D2 AWP 3 rR E1 rD P2 d 2 d 3 remineralisation E1 rL D1 RW P D2 AW P rR E1 desorption, flocculation, immobilization E 2 d 2 rF E2 E 2 d 2 rF E2 rI E2 sediment E3 Flocculated particulate inorganic P (-) E4 Immobilized particulate inorganic P (-) Carbon (mg C m-3) C1 Dissolved inorganic C (-) desorption, flocculation, immobilization immobilization uptake, mortality, defecation, remineralisation E 3 d 3 rF E2 E 3 d 3 rI E2 rI E3 sediment E 3 r4 E2 rE 4 E3 bC1 = - ((mB1B1 + mB2 B2 + mB3B3 ) RWC + ( mS S + mM M ) AWC ) + (1- g ) ( mZ1Z12 + mZ 2 Z22 ) RWC ( + (1- e - V ) ( g1 + ( g2 / renc ) (j 2 + j 4 )) RWC ) rL D1 RW C D2 AW C 1 rR F1 1 3 rD C 2 C2 Dissolved organic C () F1 Refractory detrital C (-) Oxygen (mg O m-3) O Dissolved oxygen (-) remineralisation -mBA RWC C 2 rL D1 RWC D2 AWC 3 rR F1 rD C2 remineralisation F1 rL D1 RW C D2 AW C rR F1 growth, mortality, defecation, remineralisation bP1 = (( mB1B1 + mB2 B2 + mB3 B3 ) RWO + (mS S + mM M ) AWO ) 1 mZ 1 Z 12 mZ 2 Z 22 RW O O / K OA O ( ( )) + (1- e - V ) ( g1 + ( g2 / renc ) (j 2 + j 4 )) RWO O / ( KOA +O) ( ) - rL ( D1RWC + D2 AWO ) (1- x - J ) + ( rR D3 (1- J 3 ) + rD N3 + mBA ) RWO O / ( KOA +O) Mineral Suspended Solids (kg TSS m-3) T1 Unflocculated solids flocculation, burial (-) T2 Flocculated solids (-) flocculation, burial T 1 rF T1 T 1 rF rb T1 T 2 rF T1 T 2 rF T1 rbT2 for sediment for sediment Table A2: Rate processes included in the state variable equations. Symbol Process Equation uNB1,2,3 Maximum phytoplankton u NB N 1 N1 N 2 N 2 uptake of N (mg N s-1cell-1) uPB1,2,3 Maximum phytoplankton u PB P1 P1 uptake of P (mg P s-1cell-1) uIB1,2,3 Maximum supply of light u IB I av k a m N r Bmax m IB to phytoplankton portion respired (E s-1cell-1) uIB3 Maximum supply of light u = I m 1- e-ka 4B3dz / B dz - rm max m IB3 botS NB 3 B IB to benthic algae – Portion respired (E s-1cell-1) uNM Maximum benthic u NM N 1 N1 N 2 N 2 / macroalgae uptake of N (mg N s-1m-2) uPM Maximum benthic uPM P1P1 / macroalgae uptake of P (mg P s-1m-2) uNsN1 = (VNO3 N1 / (K NO3 + N1 ))((Qmax -Q) / (Qmax -Qmin )) uNsN1 M. pyrifera uptake of -1 -1 nitrate (mg N g dw d ) uNsN 2 = (VNH 4 N2 / (K NH 4 + N2 ))((Qmax -Q) / (Qmax -Qmin )) uNsN2 M. pyrifera uptake of Ammonium (mg N g-1 dw d-1) ( ( ) ) uIM uNS uPS uIS Maximum supply of light to benthic macroalgae – portion respired (E s-1m2) Maximum seagrass uptake of N (mg N s-1m-2) Maximum seagrass uptake of P (mg P s-1m-2) Maximum supply of light to seagrass – portion respired (E s-1m-2) Autotroph growth (d-1) u IB I bot 1 e k M M r Mmax m IM u NS S Smax N1 N 2 / K N u PS S Smax P1 / K P u IS I botM 1 e k S S r Smax m IS max R N RP RI found in a look-up table of solutions to 3 simultaneous equations equating uptake and growth (to avoid explicitly modelling relative resources RN RP RI for each autotroph): u N 1 RN max RN RP RI mN u P 1 RP max RN RP RI mP gmp M. pyrifera growth (d-1) lI Light limitation for M. pyrifera (-) lT Temperature limitation for M. pyrifera (-) Nutrient limitation for M. pyrifera (-) Internal quotient of N For M. pyrifera (mg N g-1 dw) Height of M. pyrifera (m) lQ Q h u I 1 RI max RN RP RI mI gmaxlLlT lQ maximum growth multiplied by limitation due to irradiance, temperature and N e (e k*h I e-kh -z Is I -z -e Is ) 1 1+exp[-ςp (T-Tp )] g Q-Qmin Q-kc 𝑄𝑚𝑖𝑛 (1 + 𝑁𝑠 𝑁𝑓−1 ) max((0.00174Nf /num_fronds)1.047 , 1) BA BA BA max min u NBA , u PBA , u CBA Bacterial growth (d-1) u NBA ( N 1 N 2 ) 2 /( K NBA N 1 N 2 ) u PBA P 2 /( K PBA P ) RW P u CBA rLM (C 3 F2 ) / RW C g1 g2 diff rmot shear rF d2,3 g1 min ring , renc Z 1 / Z 1m B1 / B1m where: Small zooplankton grazing (mg N s-1) (cell P cell Z-1 s-1) (cell P cell Z-1 s-1) ring Zmax 1 eZ1m / B1m renc B1 / B1m diff 1 rmot1 shear1 ( ring = m max Z2 e (( Z2 / B2m ) + ( Z2 / B4m )) renc = ( B2 / B2m ) (j diff 2 + j rmot 2 + j shear 2 ) + ( B4 / B4m ) (j diff 4 + j rmot 4 + j shear 4 ) Diffusive encounter rate (m3s-1cell Z-1) Relative motion encounter rate (m3s-1cell Z-1) Fluid shear encounter rate (m3s-1cell Z-1) Flocculation rate (s-1) Desorption of P (mg P 3s-1) ) g2 = min {ring, renc } ( Z2 / Z2m ) (( B2 / B2m ) + ( B4 / B4m )) where: Large zooplankton grazing (mg N s-1) (cell P cell Z-1 s-1) (cell P cell Z-1 s-1) m- diff 2 BB.T / 3 K 2 rB / rZ rZ / rB rmot rB rZ 2 wS2 / 3U P2 / 3U Z U Z U P2 / 3U Z U Z shear 1.3K Z / K 0.5 rB rZ 3 rF rF 10 for SS > 10 psu rF rF10 SS 6 / 4 for 6 < SS < 10 psu d 2 pT2 pak E2 / T2 pak P1O / K PA O d 3 paT2 pak E3 / T2 pak P1O / K PA O Table A3: Derived model variables. Symbol Derived Variable X Phytoplankton chlorophyll (mg Chl m-3) Equation X = ( B1 + B2 + B4 ) QXN Kd Attenuation coefficient (m-1) Iav Layer mean PAR (E m-2 s-1) Kd = kw + k fw (35- SS ) / 35+ ka1B1 + ka2 B2 + ka4 B4 +kdt ( D1 + D2 + D3 ) + kn N3 + kt (T1 +T2 ) + km M + acs N f I av = (QQW / AV ) ( I top - I bot ) / Kd .dz where I bot I tope IbotM PAR below macroalgae (E m-2 s-1) IbotS PAR below seagrass (E m-2 s-1) IbotB4 PAR below microphytobenthos (E m-2 s1) I botM QQW / AV I bot e kM M I botS QQW / AV I botM e kS S I botB4 QQW / AV I botS e ka 4 B4dz Table A4: Model parameters. All parameters were taken from the study by Wild-Allen et al. (2013) on SE Tasmanian estuary, except for the M. pyrifera parameters which were from Hadley et al. (2014). Symbol Autotroph Parameters rB μmax r k Radius (m) Max growth rate (d-1) Respired fraction of μmax (-) Specific absorption cross section (m2mg N -1) Large Phytoplankton B2 1.0E-5 1.25 0.025 0.0018 mB Mortality term (d-1) 0.14 0.14 N/A N/A 0.0001 (d-1(mgN m-3)-1) N/A N/A N/A N/A KN Half saturation constant for N uptake in sediment (mg N m-3) KP Half saturation constant for P uptake in sediment (mg P m-3) Symbol Zooplankton Parameters rZ Radius (m) Small Phytoplankton B1 2.5E-6 1.25 0.025 0.0024 Micro-phytobenthos B4 1.0E-5 1.35 0.025 0.0018 Sea Grass S N/A 0.1 0.025 1.0E-5 Macroalgae M N/A 0.02 0.025 0.001 0.00275 0.01 15.0 N/A 15.0 N/A Large Zoo- Small Zoo- Optical Parameters Value plankton Z2 plankton Z1 5.0E-4 12.5E-6 Background attenuation of sea 0.1 water e Growth efficiency (-) 0.38 0.38 CDOM attenuation coefficient of 2.2 fresh water (m-1) μmax Maximum growth rate at 15˚C (d-1) 0.6 3.0 Detrital specific coefficient (m-1) UZ Swimming velocity (m) 1.5E-3 2.0E-4 TSS specific attenuation coefficient (m-1kg-1 m-3) 30 ζ Fraction of growth inefficiency lost to detritus (-) 0.5 0.5 Dissolved organic nitrogen specific attenuation coefficient (m-1mgN-1m-3) 0.0009 Mortality (quadratic) rate (d-1(mgN m-3) -1) γ Fraction of mortality lost to detritus (-) Symbol Detritus & Remineralisation Parameters 0.004 0.02 0.5 Value 0.5 Symbol M. pyrifera Parameters Value rL Pelagic labile detritus breakdown rate (d-1) 0.1 g mp Maximum growth rate (d−1 ) 0.2 rR Refractory detritus breakdown rate (d-1) 0.0036 VNH4 Maximum uptake rate (NH4 ) (mgNgdw −1 d−1) 8.0 rD Dissolved organic matter breakdown rate (d-1) 0.00176 VNO3 Maximum uptake rate (NO3 ) (mgNgdw −1 d−1) 10.3 L Fraction of labile detritus converted to DOM (-) 0.01 K NH4 Half saturation constant (NH4 ) (mgNm−3 ) 74.2 ξ Fraction of labile detritus converted to refractory 0.19 detritus (-) K NO3 Half saturation constant (NO3 ) (mgNm−3 ) 182.0 R Fraction of refractory detritus converted to DOM (-) Q max Maximum internal nitrogen 25.0 mZ 0.01 attenuation 0.0038 (mgNgdw −1) rN Maximum water column nitrification rate (d-1) 0.1 Minimum internal nitrogen (mgNgdw −1) 7.0 rNsed Maximum sediment nitrification rate (d-1) 20.0 Kc Half growth constant (mgNgdw −1) 6.0 KO O2 half saturation rate for nitrification (mg O m-3) 500.0 T0 Optimal Temperature (℃) 12.0 KOD O2 half saturation rate for denitrification (mg O m-3) 10000.0 Tr Range of Optimal Temperature (℃) 1.0 KOA O2 half saturation rate for aerobic respiration (mg O m-3) 500.0 Saturation irradiance (Em−2 s−1 ) 0.000134 Nitrogen Specific Shading (m2 mgN −1 ) 0.0001 dm Mortality Rate (d−1 ) 0.003 Num_fronds Number of Fronds (-) 7.0 Q min IS acs Table A5: Initial concentrations of autotrophs and zooplankton Symbol State Variable (mg m-3) ( *g m3) Symbol Small phytoplankton Value (Water column, sediment) (0.1, 0.01) B1 State Variable (mg m-3) M Value (Water column, sediment) Benthic Macroalgae (10.0, N/A) B2 Large phytoplankton (1, 0.01) S Seagrass (10.0, N/A) B3 Microphytobenthos (0.01, 100.0) Z1 Small zooplankton (0.5, 0.001) Ns Stored N (M. pyrifera) * (0.1, N/A) Z2 (0.5, 0.001) Nf Fixed N (M. pyrifera) * (0.1, N/A) Large zooplankton