Parent Involvement Policy

A Title I School
PHONE: 336-591-7204 FAX: 336-591-7032
London Elementary Title I Parent Involvement Policy
1. Convening an Annual Public Meeting
We host an Open House and Curriculum Night/ Title I Informational Meeting in the fall of each school year to inform
parents about Title I and their right to be involved. At open house parents are given a survey and the parent compact.
2.Offering a Flexible Number of Meetings
Parent Conferences are held before, during, and after school. Parents who cannot come to the school are contacted by
phone. Parent Classroom Visitation Days and Parent Program Nights are provided. We also join with the PTO to provide
other opportunities such as Movie Nights.
3. Involving Parents in an Organized, Ongoing, and Timely Way
Parents may participate in monthly School Improvement Team meetings, and monthly PTO Board Meetings. Two
parents are elected to serve as representatives on the School Improvement Team. The representatives relay information
to parents through a newsletter and PTO meetings. In addition, parent surveys are sent to parents throughout the year in
order to receive feedback and parent conferences are held throughout the year to discuss student educational plans.
4. Providing Timely Information
Information is relayed to parents through school calendars, our website, school sign, automated calls, monthly classroom
newsletters, daily planners, progress reports, report cards, and monthly parent events.
5. Providing Opportunities for Regular Meetings
London Elementary holds monthly School Improvement Team meetings and monthly PTO Board meetings. In addition,
there are scheduled parent conference days, IEP meetings, PEP meetings, and parent events.
6.Providing for Parent Comments
London Elementary has an open door policy where we welcome constructive comments/feedback that will help to
improve our school. The following processes are in place to gain information: student planners, staff e-mail, Title 1
surveys, class assignment forms, open to the public School Improvement Team meetings, parent conferences, PTO Board
meetings and parent advisory meetings.
7.Developing School-Parent Compacts
Parents complete surveys in the spring of each year for the next year’s compacts. The School Improvement Team then
approves Parent-Student-Teacher compacts. Parents, students, and teachers sign compacts in the fall of each year.
8.Providing Parent Assistance
Parent Days and Parent Nights are held throughout the year to give parents information, hands on demonstrations, and
resources to assists them with their child. The school Guidance Counselor and school nurse assists parents with parental
skills, testing information, health issues and financial issues. Teachers provide homework assistance and help the parent
to monitor the academic progress of students.
9.Provide Materials and Training
Parents are provided with school calendars, student daily planners/ reading logs, teacher newsletters, progress reports,
report cards, phone calls, curriculum nights, Waterford Assessments, Book Bag Buddies, websites, classroom
presentations/observations, and free books and materials.
10.How to Educate Staff on the Value of Community Involvement
Staff Members are involved in community events and welcome community members to their classroom for special
presentations. Also, the staff is involved in professional development and grade level meetings where community
involvement is discussed.
11.Coordination and Integration of Pre-School
Pre-K participates in appropriate school activities and is integrated into the school wide schedule. Pre-K teachers make
home visits.
12.Information Sent in Language Parents Can Understand
School-wide information is translated if needed.
13.Opportunities for Parents of Students with Disabilities
Parents of students with disabilities participate in IEP meetings and receive in-home visits as needed. Parents and students
are included in school wide activities, field trips, curriculum nights and inclusion activities.