Phase 3 - CashBack/Community Initiatives which will receive investment from Proceeds of Crime from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2017 Sports Activities and Facilities Scottish Football Association School of Football: Using football as a tool to engage with S1 – S2 pupils from areas of deprivation. Selected pupils receive daily football coaching from an SFA coach. Pupils also go through Youth Scotland accreditation programme, Dynamic Youth. Volunteer Development: Provides coaching education for individual and groups of young people aged 16 to 25 and supports them towards attaining a coaching qualification. The programme also encompasses the SQA Referee Personal Development Award. Equality in Football: Girl’s and Women’s Football Development: Establishment of 6 girl’s/women’s club development officers working to enhance opportunities for participation in sport and address issues related to physical activity, health & wellbeing, obesity, diabetes & mental health. Football Equity Project: 6 Football Equity Officers employed to increase opportunities for diverse cultural groups in participation and improve the awareness of pathways into the game for players, coaches, referee's and volunteers. PAN Disability Football: Programme creating a league to hosting bi-monthly competitions for young players with disabilities. Local coaches will receive free education to assist player development. Midnight Leagues: Provides opportunities for young people aged 12 – 16 to take part in organised 5 v 5 football competitions in areas of social deprivation CashBack 7s: A Secondary School programme open for participation from all students regardless of ability with the aim of curbing the drop-off in physical activity in schools. Scottish Rugby Union Broad Participation: CashBack helps fund a network of Rugby Development Officers (DOs) who deliver activities in over 1,000 primary schools, and 300 secondary schools, across all 32 local authority areas. Taster sessions are provided and DOs work with staff to provide tournaments and fixtures. Schools of Rugby: A programme designed to use rugby as a context in which to enhance the whole school experience. Placing the principles of rugby at the heart of school life this programme will improve health, skills, attendance, behaviour and ultimately attainment. The SRU will work with 30 state schools throughout Scotland. Street Rugby: Further development of the Street Rugby programme as a diversionary project planned in consultation with Community Safety Partnership’s. Street rugby is flexible in the activities it can offer and it can be set up anywhere. Street Rugby - Youth Referral Model: Groups of targeted young people aged 14- 19 with specific behavioural or social needs are referred to take part in Street Rugby programmes which improve health and aim to provide positive destinations for young people such as education and employment. Youth Coaching: Supporting young people into volunteering and potentially a career in sports development. This recognised course can lead to further awards such as RugbyReady, UKCC awards, apprenticeships and further education. Basketball Scotland The programmes developed by Basketball Scotland focuses on two areas: growing the game and developing young people. Growing the game: Competition and Club Development: Regional Development Leagues have been successful in driving 10% per annum growth in basketball participation at U10, U12 and U14 age groups for boys and girls. Equalities Programme: Targeted work on a regional basis, informed by on-going Equalities Impact Assessment work and the Equalities action plan School Champions: As the main source of participation, this programme rewards those who are delivering the game in Schools while encouraging them to deliver more basketball and greater links to external clubs. Club Champions: Ensures that there are coaches available at clubs during the after school period, a major barrier to increased club participation. This project will seed fund a part time position in clubs throughout Scotland. Developing Young People: Education Programme: Providing opportunities for young people to gain accredited learning, develop new skills, increase confidence and contributed to the further development of Basketball in Scotland. Youth Leadership: Training confident and healthy young leaders who work together with adult club members to support the development of their club and basketball on a local, regional and national level. Modern Apprenticeships: One young person who has come through the CashBack programme will be employed as a modern apprentice. School of Basketball: The project will work with targeted schools to integrate basketball activities within the curriculum, improving health, attendance and attainment. Links to clubs will also be developed. Youth Achievement Awards: Working with Youth Scotland, this programme will deliver awards for young people who have successfully developed their leadership, responsibility, confidence and undertaken a volunteering placement. Scottish Sports Futures Jump2it: A Scotland wide interactive primary school health and citizenship programme utilising professional role models to deliver positive lifestyle messages promoting and facilitating sustained physical activity in areas most in need. Twilight Basketball: Providing young people across Scotland with an alternative to the streets at times when they need it most. Weekly sessions, that provide training, further education and employment, are held in areas where youth disorders have been identified. Active East: Supports youth volunteering and capacity building in Glasgow’s East End, a recognised area of deprivation. Providing access to formal training, volunteering, mentoring, further education, practical delivery and personalised development plans. Increasing levels of physical activity and promoting health. Supporting positive destinations through partnership work with youth and sport providers both local and national. Education through CashBack: A unique initiative designed to share and promote best practice in the Education through Sport approach. Coaches and youth workers (including young volunteers) are engaged with to maximise the social impact of sport and physical activity. Street Soccer Scotland Change Programme: A football related diversionary personal development programme for vulnerable and excluded young people. It provides regular opportunities for young people aged 1625 to improve their physical health via weekly drop-in sessions as well as delivering personal development workshops, Football Works and accredited learning, peer mentorship, 1-1 support and volunteering opportunities. sportscotland Facilities Fund The CashBack Programme, in partnership with Scottish Football Association and Scottish Rugby Union, has successfully invested in capital sports projects since 2009. Under Phases 1 and 2 of CashBack for Communities £11.3m has been committed, this funding runs up to 2015-16. Phase 3 of the CashBack for Communities Programme commits a further £2m to this Fund. Youth Work Youth Scotland – funding was granted prior to the announcement of Phase 3 funding therefore is included in the Phase 2 financial information table Small Grants Scheme: provides grants of up to £2,000 to support local volunteer led groups or units, who may not previously have had access to external funding, to enhance their programmes for young people and get positive projects off the ground. So far in 2014/15, over 3,100 young people have benefitted from awards and the funded projects have attracted over 56,000 hours of volunteer support. Young People Taking the Lead: aims to develop young people as leaders, volunteers and community contributors. It will build their leadership skills, ability to work in teams, entrepreneurial spirit and creativity in order to increase the scale of activity delivered for young at local level. Delivery is reaching young people from all socio-economic backgrounds, with 52% are from SIMD deciles 1 – 5; and 48% from deciles 6 – 10. Youthlink Scotland CashBack for Creativity Open Arts Fund: In partnership with Creative Scotland, the fund will support community-based arts programmes which deliver free arts activities for children and young people. These programs aim to increase the numbers of young people participating in high quality arts programmes, and particularly target young people who would not normally have access, or who are considered to be vulnerable or at risk of offending. Youth Work Fund: Building the capacity of young people and the youth work organisations that work to support them in areas of demonstrated need according to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD). In 2014/15, 175 groups received funding to support the involvement of 33,000 young people in positive youth work activities. Ocean Youth Trust New Horizons: A nationwide sail training program across all 32 local authority areas that will provide opportunities for 480 at risk young people in Scotland. The project will run residential voyages aimed at providing an exciting and effective environment for personal development. In working through the voyage syllabus, New Horizons aims to help young people build their confidence, respect, responsibility, resilience and ability to work as part of a team. Mentoring and Youth Employability Celtic FC Foundation Gateway to employment: A bespoke employability project aimed at young people aged 16-25 with a focus on those who have offended or who are at risk of offending. The power of the Celtic FC brand is utilised to allow greater engagement with their target participants. The programme will offer action planning, CV writing, motivation and confidence building as well a regular physical activities which make use of Celtic’s experienced specialist coaching staff. Action for Children Construction Pathway: A six week, focused training programme where young people will work towards securing a range of industry accredited construction certificates. Upon completion of the course, young people will be given the opportunity to undertake a work placement. Participants will also benefit from a range of personal development and employability workshops including; Drugs/Alcohol, Offending, Money Skills/Budgeting, Sexual Health, CV's, Interview Techniques, Team Work & Presentation Skills, Employers Expectations and Independent Travel. Oil and Gas Pathway: Sector specific training with Oil & Gas UK providing work experience and assistance in finding employment as well as access to over 250 industry members. As with all the positive choices programs, the oil and gas pathway is tailored to individual needs and provides a dedicated key worker for personalised support, action planning and planned exits in order to increase positive outcomes and progression Steps to the Future: Steps to the Future, also known as PX2, is a flexible learning programme with 12 units. It aims to raise young people's ambitions, strengthen their communication and promote positive choices in life. The 12 units are delivered by a qualified PX2 instructor using short video bursts, group activity, discussion and personal reflection. Youth Work, Social Care and Sports Coaching Pathway: 15 week programme delivered in partnership with Glasgow Clyde College. Young people work towards securing a range of qualifications, undertake a placement within sports coaching and social care/youth work settings to develop their experience and confidence. Participants will also participate in various personal development sessions including outdoor team building activities and assistance to complete their PVG application. Part of the programme includes a work placement within sports coaching and social care/youth work settings. Princes Trust Prince's Trust Development Awards: The Award aims to provide a ‘financial lifeline’ to young people who are looking to step into either education, employment or training. Examples include paying for course fees, clothing for interviews, equipment and other tools to enable the start of an apprenticeship and travel costs to a place of work. Princes Trust employees will also provide support to individuals in receipt of an Award. Glasgow Clyde College Scottish Power Power Skills: Provides training and development for young people interested in pursuing a career in the utilities sector as they undertake a Foundation level 1 Engineering Programme. Through completing the qualification, the young people have the opportunity to continue to study at the college, or be selected for the Pre-Apprentices Programme with the aim of ultimately becoming an apprentice. Doosan Babcock Engineering: As with the power skills course, this programme provides vocational training with the possibility of further education. A key worker is also provided to support the student group with timekeeping, absent management and behavioural concerns. Horticultural & Landscape Programme: Delivers a vocational programme supported by Glasgow Land Services and YouthLink and also offers CV building, mock interviews, job search opportunities and Key Worker support. Cultural Activities Creative Scotland CashBack for Creativity: Offers a wide range of diversionary activities and training opportunities in all art forms for young people. Activities are targeted at those living in SIMD areas, hard to reach groups, Minority Ethnic groups and those at risk of offending. Projects in dance, film, music, visual art, drama and literature are offered, developing confidence, self-esteem and positive behaviours. The CashBack for Creativity programme is also committed to projects that will help participants advance onto education, training and employment, making a positive difference to their quality of life. Open Arts Fund: In partnership with YouthLink Scotland, the fund will support community-based arts programmes that deliver high quality, free arts activities for children and young people. These programs aim to increase the numbers of young people participating in arts programmes and seek to particularly target young people who would not normally have access, or who are considered to be vulnerable or at risk of offending. Strategic Fund: Delivering a programme of activities which improve skills, confidence but also raise aspirations and provide pathways for further learning and employment. Among the activities that will be made available to young people are introductory and taster sessions to particular art forms, talent development opportunities, innovative industry-based training models and leadership opportunities. 17 Partner organisations will deliver the programme, including: GMAC Film, Eden Court, Screen Education Edinburgh, YDance, Voice of My Own, Station House Media Unit, Bauer Media, Dance Base, City Moves, Dance House, Scottish Dance, Firefly Arts, Youth Theatre Arts Scotland, Kibble Education & Care Centre, Moniack Mhor, Impact Arts and Spring Film CIC. Training and Employability Scheme: The Training and Employability Fund was developed to provide specially tailored Creative Industries training programmes in partnership with FE and HE institutions across the country. These include Glasgow Clyde College, Forth Valley College and Dundee & Angus College. The scheme will involve 350-500 young people. Community Initiatives STV Child Poverty Appeal Sports Relief Borderline – Homeless Charity for Scots in London that aims to reduce homelessness, preventing rough sleeping, and access a range of accommodation and specialist help options for their clients. Funding used to provide information, advice and advocacy, provision of birth certificates for ID purposes, referral to specialist projects where appropriate, and assistance with relocation either back to Scotland or to other parts of the UK. Youth Employability Post 16 Transitions Pilot - a pilot in 10 local authority areas to engage young people at risk of offending in employability interventions. Aiming to involve 100 young people in a more coherent approach between the More Choices More Chances and Whole Systems Approach partnerships within the LAs in order to identify and encourage more young people with offending behaviours or ex-offenders into a positive outcome. Club Golf - used to fund festival of ClubGolf in and around the Scottish Open