Appendix S1: Abundance Estimates Detailed Methods and Results Estimating population sizes of U. inornata is difficult because these lizards are cryptic and spend most of the time buried in the sand. Barrows developed a method to approximate lizard density by counting tracks on soft sand dune habitat (Barrows and Allen 2007). Detailed techniques used to survey multiple species based on tracks are found in Barrows and Allen 2007, but, briefly, when U. inornata wander over the dunes, they leave footprints in the sand that are readily distinguishable from all other species. In addition, it is straightforward to differentiate footprints left by yearlings and adults. Because strong winds blow in the Coachella Valley most evenings, the sand is wiped clean each day, thus eliminating the possibility of counting the same track over multiple survey days. This technique makes it possible to survey relatively large portions of the extant sites in a reasonable amount of time. To estimate lizard abundance within the five main sites used for genetic analysis, we first delineated homogeneous habitat types within each location. At Train Station, Willow Hole, and Windy Point we identified only continuous fine aeolian sand dune habitat (i.e., high quality habitat). At Whitewater, however, the habitat consisted of relatively small dune patches interspersed with hard packed sand (i.e., low quality habitat). At Thousand Palms Preserve, we identified both types of habitat. The total areas of each type of continuous habitat was determined by studying high-resolution satellite images of the plot, drawing a polygon around the habitat, verifying in the field that the habitat designation was accurate, and calculating the area of each polygon with the PBSmapping package in program R v3.0.2 (R Core Team 2013). We randomly placed transects that were separated by at least 40 m and ran roughly north-south within each habitat type at each site. In total, we place 34 transects in high-quality habitat and 33 in low quality habitat at Thousand Palms Preserve, 16 at Willow Hole, 12 at Whitewater, 9 at Windy Point, and 8 at Train Station. Most transects were 100 x 10 m, but in cases when the width of continuous habitat was less than 100 m, transect length was shortened to traverse its extent. Surveys were conducted in the morning when lizards were active (i.e., when the temperature 1 cm above the ground was between 35 and 43°C). To ensure that the same lizard did not cross multiple transects we followed each set of tracks until they terminated even if the footprints left the transect area. Each transect was surveyed six times between May and September 2008. We determined mean lizard abundance from each transect among the six surveys and the density (no. lizards/ha) of lizards across all transects within a site (Table 1). We then estimated total abundance for each site by multiplying lizard density (no. ha-1) by the area of habitat in that site (Table 1). Because two types of habitat were found in Thousand Palms Preserve, we estimated separately total abundance in each habitat type and added together these estimates to obtain a total estimate for this site. In addition, we 1 provided separate estimates for yearling and adult lizards when yearlings were present (yearlings began hatching in early July). Although estimating lizard abundance through tracking is practical and efficient, it is ultimately an indirect technique. To help validate track-based abundance estimates, we conducted more labor-intensive mark-recapture at Windy Point, Train Station, Willow Hole and South Thousand Palms Preserve concomitant with tracking and tissue sample collection. We selected locations of mark-recapture plots within high-quality habitat and randomly placed transects for track surveys within each plot. Plot locations were constrained by land access and avoidance of areas where long-term track-based surveys were ongoing (Barrows and Allen 2007). At Windy Point we surveyed 0.97 ha of the 10.55 ha of active dune. Within South Thousand Palms Preserve we randomly selected two 100 x 100 m plots that represented 1.2 % of the high-quality, active dune habitat in this area. There were 7.3 ha of active dune at Willow Hole, and we surveyed 0.94 ha and 2.86 ha plots in this region. At Train Station we surveyed 2.21 ha of active dune that was adjacent to another 3.55 ha of privately owned dune habitat. Mark-recapture sampling took place from June through September, 2008. We visited each plot between seven and nine times. To survey a site, observers walked slowly through a plot. Lizards were captured with a noose or by hand. We recorded snout to vent (SV) length and weight. We then placed a unique number on the back of a lizard with a permanent marker and clipped one or two of the front toenails in unique combination for each individual. In addition, we clipped the terminal approximately 3 mm section of the tail to provide tissue for genetic analysis. To minimize handling stress, we did not attempt to recapture an individual following initial marking if we observed definitively the mark on that individual. We recorded the spatial location in UTM (NAD83) where an individual was first observed. Once processed the lizard was returned to the point of capture. We only conducted surveys if two conditions were met that greatly influenced detection probability in a given day. First, as with track surveys, we began mark-recapture surveys in the morning shortly after the minimum temperature for lizard activity (35°C) was reached and concluded when ground temperature surpassed 45 °C. Second, we recorded wind speed at the beginning and end of each survey with a Kestrel 1000 wind meter and did not survey if wind speed was in excess of 10 knots. We used Huggins closed capture models with heterogeneity (Huggins 1989, 1991) as implemented by Program MARK (White and Burnham 1999) to estimate abundance [(N(plot + age)] for yearling and adult lizards from the six mark-recapture plots. This approach evaluates the efficacy of models that account for capture probability (p) and finite heterogeneity [π; i.e., multiple groups (in this case, two groups) exist with innately different capture probabilities]. We tested the plausibility of 16 a priori models (Table S32 2) using Akaike Information Criteria adjusted for small sample size (AICc). The models did [π(.)] and did not include two groups with overall different detection probabilities. In addition, capture probability was modeled to be affected by various additive effects of lizard age (age; yearling or adult), site (site; Windy Point, Train Station, Willow Hole, South Thousand Palms Preserve), and whether or not recapture probability differed from initial capture probability (c). AICc provided strong support for the most complex model that included heterogeneous capture probabilities among two groups of lizard as well as influence of lizard age initial capture, and site on capture probability (Table S3-3). The only other model to receive even moderate support included each of these variables with the exception of lizard age (Table 3). All models with heterogeneity outperformed those without this parameter (Table 3). There was a highly significant, positive correlation between density estimates based on mark-recapture and tracking surveys within the mark-recapture plots (Fig. 1, Tables 1, 4; adjusted R2 = 0.75, p = 0.0035). Although the intercept did not differ from zero, the slope was higher than 1 (slope=1.76, standard error=0.38), indicating that estimates from tracking surveys were higher than mark-recapture surveys. However, this bias seemed to be driven by yearlings as the ratio between tracking and mark-recapture estimates averaged 2.70 for yearlings but was only 1.01 for adults. Future work should evaluate the potential reasons for the discrepancy in yearling estimates, but since we focus on adults for the purpose of comparing abundance to effective population size, we are confident that there is not an inherent bias between the two sampling methods. Total adult abundance estimates among sites differed by two orders of magnitude. The largest population was in South Thousand Palms Preserve with a combined 5249 lizards in the low and high quality habitat (Table 1). By contrast, we estimated that only 36 lizards were found at Train Station (Table 1). Although densities were similar between Train Station and Whitewater (6 lizards ha-1), there was much more habitat at Whitewater and thus we estimated that 948 lizards were found at this site. Adult densities were relatively high at Windy Point and Willow Hole, but the discrepancy in habitat area resulted in an estimate of 2583 at Windy Point but only 122 at Willow Hole. 3 Figure 1. Comparison of density estimates from tracking and mark-recapture surveys. Circles represent plots from Thousand Palms Preserve, triangles from Windy Point, squares from Train Station, and plus signs from Willow Hole. Red points are for adults and blue for yearlings. The blue line was generated by simple linear regression and the shaded area is one standard error around the line. 4 Tables Table 1. Adult abundance estimates based on 2008 track surveys. Site Thousand Palms Preserve (high quality habitat) Thousand Palms Preserve (low quality habitat) Density (no./ha) Total amount of habitat per site (ha) Abundance per site 27 163 4397 2 426 852 Willow Hole 17 7 122 Train Station 6 6 36 Whitewater 6 158 948 Windy Point 21 123 2583 5 Table 2. Candidate models for mark-recapture surveys. No. Model Description; Detection probability affected by: 1 {p(.)} none of the measured variables 2 {p(c)} initial capture (subsequent differ from initial capture probability) 3 {p(age)} lizard age (yearling vs. adult) 4 {p(site)} site location (Windy Point, Train Station, Willow Hole, South Coachella Valley) 5 {p(c+site)} initial capture and plot location 6 {p(c+age)} plot location and lizard age 7 {p(site+age)} plot location and lizard age 8 {p(c+site+age)} initial capture, location, and age 9 {π(.)p(.)} heterogeneity: two groups exist that are relatively easy and hard to capture 10 {π(.)p(c)} initial capture; heterogeneity 11 {π(.)p(age)} whether a lizard is a yearling or adult; heterogeneity 12 {π(.)p(site)} site location; heterogeneity 13 {π(.)p(c+age)} initial capture and age; two groups that are relatively easy and hard to capture 14 {π(.)p(site+age)} location and lizard age; heterogeneity 15 {π(.)p(c+site)} initial capture and location; heterogeneity 16 {π(.)p(c+site+age)} initial capture, location, lizard age; heterogeneity 6 Table 3. Mark-recapture model selection results ranked by order of plausibility. No. Model AICc Delta AICc AICc Weights Model Likelihood No. Parameters 16 {π(.)p(c+site+age)} 747.1 0 0.82 1 17 15 {π(.)p(c+site)} 750.2 3.09 0.18 0.21 16 14 {π(.)p(site+age)} 762.3 15.15 0.0004 0.0005 16 12 {π(.)p(site)} 764.8 17.72 0.0001 0.0001 15 10 {π(.)p(c)} 769.4 22.30 0.0000 0 13 13 {π(.)p(c+age)} 769.6 22.51 0.0000 0 14 11 {π(.)p(age)} 778.7 31.56 0 0 13 9 {π(.)p(.)} 778.9 31.77 0 0 12 8 {p(c+site+age)} 2593.1 1846.01 0 0 15 5 {p(c+site)} 2608.7 1861.61 0 0 14 7 {p(site+age)} 2621.0 1873.87 0 0 14 4 {p(site)} 2631.0 1883.85 0 0 13 6 {p(c+age)} 2666.4 1919.30 0 0 12 3 {p(age)} 2679.0 1931.84 0 0 11 2 {p(c)} 2703.1 1955.97 0 0 11 1 {p(.)} 2710.1 1963.03 0 0 10 7 Table 4. Mark-recapture abundance and density estimates from each plot and age group. Group Site Age Abundance (No. plot-1) SE Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI Density (No. ha-1) Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI 1 Thousand Palms Preserve yearling 33.85 7.51 19.12 48.57 33.85 19.12 48.57 2 Thousand Palms Preserve adult 20.44 6.71 7.29 33.60 20.44 7.29 33.60 3 Train Station yearling 23.99 3.12 17.87 30.10 10.84 8.07 13.06 4 Train Station adult 17.02 3.66 9.85 24.20 7.69 4.45 10.93 5 Willow Hole yearling 22.82 2.32 18.27 27.38 24.28 19.43 29.13 6 Willow Hole adult 8.40 1.89 4.70 12.09 8.93 5.00 12.87 7 North Willow Hole adult 9.95 2.65 4.76 15.14 3.48 1.66 5.29 8 Windy Point yearling 71.82 11.09 50.09 93.56 74.04 51.64 96.45 9 Windy Point adult 7.69 3.39 1.05 14.34 7.93 1.08 14.78 Table 5. Mark-recapture abundance estimates extrapolated to each site. Site Total adults per site Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI Thousand Palms Preserve (high quality habitat only) 3332 1188 5477 Train Station 46 27 66 Willow Hole 63 35 90 Windy Point 975 133 1818 8 Additional Literature Cited Huggins RM 1989. On the statistical analysis of capture experiments. Biometrika 76:133140. Huggins RM 1991. Some practical aspects of a conditional likelihood approach to capture experiments. Biometrics 47:725-732. R Core Team (2013). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL Schnute JT, Boers N, Haigh R, Grandin C, Johnson A, Wessel P and Antonio F 2014. PBSmapping: Mapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools. R package version 2.67.60. White GC and Burnham KP 1999. Program MARK: survival estimation from populations of marked animals. Bird Study 46 Supplement: 120-138. 9 Table S1: Historical parameters and priors used for the three demographic scenarios that were modeled in the DIYABC analyses (refer to Fig. 3). We simulated 4 x 106 datasets based on models describing each of the three scenarios that were tested. Parameter Ne Ne1a Ne 1b Ne1c Ne 1d Ne1e t1 t2 t3 db1 db2 Prior uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform Range 10 - 5000 10 - 5000 5000 - 10,000 10 - 5000 5000 - 10,000 10 - 5000 1 - 5.0 9 -29.0 31 - 10,000 1 - 5.0 1- 10.0 Conditions N1a < N1b N1c < N1d N1e = Ne t3 > t2 - 10 Table S2: Microsatellite loci developed for U. inornata and used in this study. Locus Repeat motif Size range (bp) Forward Primer Reverse Primer 2L 2M PKLN* 2Q 2O 2S DI_VQ1 3B TRI4H TRI489 TETZJ TETQY TET_KL TG TC CA GT TG TG CA AAC CCA ATT CTGG CAAA AATT 135 - 151 228 - 244 180 - 186 174 - 194 228 - 248 147 - 153 250 - 268 161 - 173 227 - 248 253 - 298 324 - 365 194 - 218 142 - 158 GTG GGG AGG AAT GAG GAA G GGG CAA CGA GTT CAA GAT GT GTA CCT TGT GAC TGC AGT GCT GGC ATG TAC AAA AGC ACC AG GGG AGT AGC TGA TTG GAT GG TTG AGA CAC AGG AGG CAG AAG CCA TGG TGT TCT CCT GGA TT TTG GCC CAA CTT TCT AAT CTG ATG GCT AGG GCA AAT CTC CT CCT GGA AAG CCT CCT TCT CT TGC TAA AAG GTC TGG AAA CCA TGA AAC CCA CTG GTG ACC TT CCC TTT TGT TTT ACC TTC TCT TCT T GGT TTG GCG TAC ACT TG CTT CAG CAT GAT TGC GTG AC CCC TTC CCT GTC ATA GAC CA ATG GGA GGG TTA CTG GAG GT CCA CCT GCT GCT CCA TAA CT AAT GAA TTA GCT TGC CTG CTG CAT CCC ACG CCA TCT TTT AT GGC TTG CCT TAG GAT CAC TG TTT GGA CAT TTG ATG GCT GA CTT TCC CCA TCC ACT GAA AA TTT CCA CCC CTT GTC TTC TG TTC TTA CAG GTG CCC AGG AC CTC CAG CTG GGT ATT TGG AA Number of alleles 10 10 4 10 11 11 9 4 6 16 9 6 5 HO 0.743 0.839 0.353 0.679 0.766 0.803 0.515 0.226 0.449 0.294 0.033 0.540 0.801 *Locus previously developed (see Zamudio & Sinervo 2000 PNAS 97:14427-14432). We divided these loci into 4 groups and performed multiplex PCRs (annealing temperature at 58 - 60° Celsius ) using a Qiagen Multiplex PCR Kit®, and following recommended PCR conditions: 10 L reactions contained 5 L of Qiagen multiplex PCR Master Mix, 1 L primer mix (containing 2 M of each primer), 1 L Q-solution and 2 L of RNase-free water. 11 Table S3: Structure results across 10 iterations of sample sets where the 2008 sample sizes were randomly reduced to the 1996 sample sizes at each site. For each sample set, we assumed the highest value of ∆ K corresponded to the optimal number of clusters. Sample Set Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 Set 9 Set 10 K Reps 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Mean LnP(K) -1654.2 -1629.5 -1648.8 -1705.2 -1727.9 -1678.6 -1671.3 -1650.6 -1664.8 -1643.9 Stdev LnP(K) 9.6 23.9 29.9 23.5 33.4 18.1 15.6 28.1 17.7 2.4 Delta K 3.6 1.0 1.7 0.6 0.9 1.1 0.6 1.2 2.2 14.0 12 Table S4: Distributions of global and pairwise FST (estimated as θ [Weir & Cockerham, 1984]) and associated p-values for population differentiation from 1000 random draws of 2008 samples reduced to sample sizes that were equal to 1996. FST P-value Mean Median Std Dev Min Max Upper 95 %tile Lower 95 %tile Mean Global (All Populations) 0.0383 0.0380 0.0084 0.0162 0.0700 0.0525 0.0250 0.0013 Windy Point-Whitewater 0.0762 0.0756 0.0180 0.0275 0.1357 0.1063 0.0471 0.0107 Windy Point -Willow Hole 0.0506 0.0484 0.0214 -0.0087 0.1255 0.0879 0.0169 0.0381 Windy Point-S. Th. Palms 0.0452 0.0443 0.0154 0.0028 0.0954 0.0720 0.0221 Whitewater-Willow Hole 0.0148 0.0147 0.0116 -0.0138 0.0582 0.0343 -0.0037 Whitewater-S. Th. Palms 0.0367 0.0356 0.0119 0.0057 0.0782 0.0573 Willow Hole-S. Th. Palms 0.0151 0.0142 0.0126 -0.0168 0.0559 0.0364 Median Std Dev Min Max Upper 95 %tile Lower 95 %tile 0.0011 0.0000 0.0170 0.0020 0.0000 0.0099 0.0041 0.0099 0.0594 0.0198 0.0099 0.0099 0.0634 0.0099 0.6832 0.1634 0.0099 0.0220 0.0099 0.0330 0.0099 0.4158 0.0693 0.0099 0.1915 0.1287 0.1823 0.0099 0.9604 0.5842 0.0198 0.0186 0.0203 0.0099 0.0226 0.0099 0.2871 0.0594 0.0099 -0.0039 0.1940 0.1287 0.1934 0.0099 0.9604 0.6040 0.0099 13 Table S5: Demographic models, model confidence, and the posterior estimates of Ne for each site. Data show the mean, quantiles (0.025-0.975), and Type I and Type II error estimates for each scenario. For Type I (probability that the scenario was rejected even though it was the 'true' scenario) and Type II (probability of favoring the scenario when it is not the 'true' scenario) error estimates for direct and logistic approaches, respectively. The confidence was assessed using 500 simulated data sets (number of times the scenario had the highest posterior probability: direct, logistic). Site Windy Point Whitewater Willow Hole South Thousand Palms Best-fit Scenario Scenario 1 Scenario 1 None Scenario 1 Ne estimate (mean, mode) 312, 45.4 1810, 39.5 1490, 48.3 Quantiles (0.025 0.975) 22.1 - 2450 21.9 - 4870 38.1 - 4730 Type I error (direct, logistic) 0.19, 0.17 0.15, 0.14 0.22, 0.20 Type II error (direct, logistic) 0.14, 0.15 0.12, 0.13 0.19, 0.21 14 Table S6: P-values from 1-sided signed-rank tests for heterozygote excess performed in BOTTLENECK under a range of different mutational models. Tests were performed for all sites sampled with 5 or more individuals. Whitewater 2008 and North Thousand Palms 1996 were significant for heterozygote excess under the IAM and a limited range of TPM. TPM Sampling Site & Year IAM 16,20 16, 40 16, 60 16, 80 4, 20 4, 40 4, 60 4, 80 SMM Windy Point 1996 0.232 0.350 0.350 0.449 0.449 0.350 0.618 0.449 0.449 0.517 Windy Point 2008 0.289 0.449 0.681 0.740 0.926 0.740 0.817 0.926 0.959 0.990 Train Station 2008 0.160 0.483 0.584 0.768 0.897 0.681 0.793 0.897 0.949 0.994 Whitewater 1996 0.551 0.650 0.681 0.711 0.793 0.711 0.740 0.768 0.880 0.959 Whitewater 2008 0.003 0.042 0.120 0.183 0.551 0.160 0.382 0.483 0.618 0.880 Willow Hole 1996 0.103 0.183 0.289 0.289 0.483 0.289 0.319 0.350 0.551 0.681 Willow Hole 2008 0.062 0.260 0.449 0.711 0.840 0.618 0.740 0.840 0.861 0.926 North Thousand Palms 1996 0.002 0.008 0.034 0.062 0.120 0.062 0.087 0.120 0.183 0.382 South Thousand Palms 1996 0.062 0.120 0.120 0.139 0.232 0.139 0.160 0.207 0.289 0.517 South Thousand Palms 2008 0.011 0.139 0.232 0.382 0.681 0.382 0.449 0.681 0.681 0.926 East Indio Hills 1996 0.042 0.074 0.074 0.103 0.183 0.087 0.103 0.183 0.183 0.232 15 Table S7: Adjusted allelic richness (Ar) for Whitewater samples from 1996 and 2008, rarified to 26 gene copies. Locus 1996 2008 2L 4.00 4.38 2M 5.85 5.63 PLKN 2.00 2.63 2Q 6.78 5.50 2O 7.00 6.60 2S 8.71 7.47 3B 2.93 2.81 TRI4H 3.86 3.14 TETQY 3.86 4.24 TET_KL 4.99 3.86 DI_VQ1 3.86 3.46 AVG OVER LOCI 4.89 4.52 16 Figure S1: Structure posterior probability distribution of the data given a range of K (1-7) from 1996 and 2008 STRUCTURE analyses. In 1996, one genetic cluster was most highly supported. In 2008, up to three genetic clusters were supported; higher K values resulted in non-informative grouping of allelic information. Results from the ΔK tests supported K=3-4 (see Table S3). 17 Figure S2: PCA plots of posterior model checks between the summary statistics of the observed dataset and the corresponding summary statistics from the posterior predictive distribution. 18