RCAS Matrix 4.0

Instruction or Intervention
Data Collection
Data-Based Decision Rule for Tier Transition
Tier I
The Research-Based Balanced Literacy
Curriculum is implemented with fidelity.
The RCAS Literacy
Benchmark Assessment is
conducted three times per
year (fall, winter, spring)
for all students.
The data-based decision rule for Tier II transition is a belowbasic score on the RCAS Literacy Benchmark.
Tier II
Instruction is differentiated for all students.
This may include Targeted Guided
Instruction (e.g. Plus Groups, Flooding,
Focus Groups).
All Tier I programs continue.
Reading Recovery is a Tier II intervention for
1st grade where available. The Fountas &
Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention is used
at 1st grade when Reading Recovery is not
The Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy
Intervention (LLI) is implemented for grades
Tier III
All Tier I and II programs continue through
the Multidisciplinary Assessment Team
Meeting Date.
The Reading Recovery
reading level is assessed
per Reading Recovery
guidelines and is used for
1st grade progress
monitoring where
The LLI reading level
assessment is conducted
per the LLI guidelines for
12-16 weeks (6-8 data
points) and is used for
progress monitoring.
Special Education
If a greater number of students are below-basic than can
reasonably be accommodated in Tier II the lowest 5% of
below-basic students that do not already receive Tier II or
Tier III services are selected for Tier II transition.
The RCAS data-based decision rule is based on the presence
of a dual discrepancy:
The first discrepancy is present when a student is belowbasic in literacy as measured by the RCAS Literacy
Benchmark Assessment (i.e. the student meets the criteria for
Tier II selection).
Tier Transition Meeting
Parent and Staff
A staff member must
make contact with the
student’s parents with a
call home, letter home, or
a meeting to discuss Tier
II selection.
The full RtI Team*
participates in the Tier II
Transition Meeting.
Parents are invited to the
full RtI Team Tier II
Transition Meeting.
The second discrepancy is present when a student fails to
respond to a research-based intervention that was
implemented with fidelity. If the slope of the target student’s
growth is greater than one standard deviation below the
slope of the grade level local literacy norm group’s growth
the student is determined to have failed to respond to the
If a student is determined to be dually discrepant a referral
for Tier III evaluation is made after reviewing attendance,
medical, and other relevant data at the Tier II Transition
Special Education Procedures
Special Education
Tier II interventions discontinue if the student
qualifies for Special Education.
Specialized Instruction is provided per the
student’s Individualized Education Plan.
*A full RtI Team may include: Intervention Strategist, Behavior Strategist, School Psychologist, Administrator, Special Educator, Counselor, Regular Education Teacher, Speech,
OT, PT, Nurse, Case Worker, and Parents.
Instruction or Intervention
Data Collection
Data-Based Decision Rule for Tier Transition
Tier I
The Investigations Curriculum is implemented
with fidelity.
The RCAS Math
Screener is conducted
three times per year (fall,
winter, spring) for all
The data-based decision rule for Tier II transition is a belowbasic score on the RCAS Math Screener.
The AVMR Diagnostic
Assessment is completed
to inform intervention.
The RCAS data-based decision rule is based on the presence of
a dual discrepancy:
The Investigations “Differentiation: Supporting
the Range of Learners” feature included in each
unit is used to differentiate instruction.
If a greater number of students are below-basic than can
reasonably be accommodated in Tier II the lowest 5% of
below-basic students that do not already receive Tier II or Tier
III services are selected for Tier II transition.
Tier Transition
Meeting Parent and
Staff Involvement
A staff member must
make contact with the
student’s parents with
a call home, letter
home, or a meeting to
discuss Tier II
The Investigations Differentiation and
Intervention Guide is used where available.
Tier II
Instruction is differentiated for all students.
This may include Targeted Guided Instruction
(e.g. Plus Groups, Flooding, Focus Groups).
All Tier I programs continue
Add+Vantage Math Recovery (AVMR) is
implemented by staff trained in AVMR.
The RCAS Math
Progress Monitoring
Probes are administered
every other week for 1216 weeks (6-8 data
Tier III
All Tier I and II programs continue through the
Multidisciplinary Assessment Team Meeting
Special Education
The first discrepancy is present when a student is below-basic
in mathematics as measured by the RCAS Math Screener (i.e.
the student meets the criteria for Tier II selection).
The full RtI Team*
participates in the Tier
II Transition Meeting.
Parents are invited to
the full RtI Team Tier
II Transition Meeting.
The second discrepancy is present when a student fails to
respond to a research-based intervention that was implemented
with fidelity. If the slope of the target student’s growth is
greater than one standard deviation below the slope of the
grade level local mathematics norm group’s growth the student
is determined to have failed to respond to the intervention.
If a student is determined to be dually discrepant a referral for
Tier III evaluation is made after reviewing attendance, medical,
and other relevant data at the Tier II Transition Meeting.
Special Education Procedures
Special Education
Tier II interventions discontinue if the student
qualifies for Special Education.
Specialized Instruction is provided per the
student’s Individualized Education Plan.
*A full RtI Team may include: Intervention Strategist, Behavior Strategist, School Psychologist, Administrator, Special Educator, Counselor, Regular Education Teacher, Speech,
OT, PT, Nurse, Case Worker, and Parents.
Instruction or Intervention
Data Collection
Data-Based Decision Rule for Tier Transition
Tier I
The RCAS disciplinary matrix found in the
Elementary Education Handbook is followed.
The Behavioral and Emotional Screening
System (BESS) is administered between weeks
6 and 8 to all students. It is administered one
time per year.
The data-based decision rule for Tier II
transition is a clinically significant score on
the BESS OR excessive ODRs (what
constitutes excessive ODRs is determined by
each school based on their unique
Individual classroom behavioral expectations
are communicated to students.
A positive classroom management program is
implemented (e.g. flip cards, clothespin
charts, stop light programs) in all classrooms.
Tier II
The Classroom Behavioral Modifications
document may be referenced by all classroom
The Check-In Check-Out (CICO) program is
implemented in a two stage process:
The first stage uses a daily point sheet with
the areas of “Safe, Respectful, and
Responsible” with one concrete example from
each area tailored to the student’s needs. This
program is implemented for 6-8 weeks.
Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) are
reviewed each trimester.
The BESS is completed by the teacher of any
student entering the district after one month of
daily contact or 6 to 8 weeks of several-days-aweek interaction (in cases where attendance or
other problems preclude daily contact).
Progress monitoring for the first stage of CICO
(with the daily point sheets) is conducted for 68 weeks.
Progress monitoring for the second stage of
CICO (with the daily point sheets) is conducted
for 6-8 weeks.
The student is referred to (but is not mandated
to meet with) the school counselor.
Tier III
The first discrepancy is present when a
student meets the behavioral or emotional
criteria for Tier II selection.
The second discrepancy is present when a
student fails to respond to a research-based
intervention that was implemented with
fidelity. For behavioral and emotional Tier III
selection the student’s expected rate of
progress is determined by the Tier II Team
based on student’s unique needs.
The second stage uses a daily point sheet with
very specific target behaviors that are tailored
to the student’s needs OR a behavior plan
may be implemented and CICO then
continues for an additional 6-8 weeks.
Behavior strategists are available for
consultation at Tier II.
All Tier I and II programs continue through
the Multidisciplinary Assessment Team
Meeting Date.
The RCAS data-based decision rule is based
on the presence of a dual discrepancy:
Special Education Procedures
If a student is determined to be dually
discrepant a referral for Tier III evaluation is
made after reviewing attendance, medical, and
other relevant data at the Tier II Transition
Special Education Procedures
Tier Transition
Meeting Parent and
Staff Involvement
A staff member
must make contact
with the student’s
parents with a call
home, letter home,
or a meeting to
discuss Tier II
The full RtI Team*
participates in the
Tier II Transition
Parents are invited
to the full RtI Team
Tier II Transition
Special Education
Tier II interventions discontinue if the student
qualifies for Special Education.
Specialized Instruction is provided per the
student’s Individualized Education Plan.
*A full RtI Team may include: Intervention Strategist, Behavior Strategist, School Psychologist, Administrator, Special Educator, Counselor, Regular Education Teacher, Speech, OT, PT, Nurse, Case Worker, and Parents.