November - North High School

Cathy Kruger, Act Snacks and Senior Class Rep
Kim Klebe, Market Day Rep
Jane Harland, DPTO Rep and Sophomore Class Rep and Food Fundraiser
Tom Mullally, Post Prom and Central Boosters
Marisol Acevedo, Treasurer
Teresa Danna Harbaugh, PTO President
Mckenna Curzon, Student Council Rep
Michelle Bancroft, Secretary
Audra Christenson
Anne Francissen , Senior Awards
Sherri Lovett Solomon, Senior Class Rep and ACT Snacks
Lindsay Boynton, Teacher and Student Council
Meeting commenced by Teresa Danna- Harbaugh by 7:04p.m.
Principal’s Report by Audra Christenson:
>Young Hearts 4 Life will screen about 1,100 students on Thursday
November 20th. It is the largest number to date for North.
 Student Conferences will be held Monday November 24 from 11 a.m.
till 7 p.m.
 Fall sports are wrapping up and this year our girls swim team has
qualified for state!! Way to go North Stars!!
 The school has formed a committee to discuss mature or
questionable book content and how they might handle this with in
the LRC. For example if a subject matter is of a more mature nature
should the book being checked out have parental consent first.
Student Council Report by Mckenna Curzon:
> The student council along with other clubs in North will be
delivering 100 Thanksgiving meals to families in need. Most of these
families are in the Davis Richmond area. What a wonderful way to give
back to our community!!
Treasurer Report by Marisol Acevedo:
>The only expense for October was $105.76 for cookies that
where provided at the Homecoming Dance. The PTO raised about
$262 from a Potbellies event.
Secretary Report by Michelle Bancroft:
> One correction to be made to the October minutes: not
1,000 volunteers it should read 100 volunteers.
Jane Harland approved the minutes second by Teresa DanaHarbaugh all else approved.
President Report by Teresa Danna-Harbaugh:
 Young Hearts 4 Life has about 50 volunteers signed up to work.
 Parent Teacher Conferenced will be Monday November 24th. The
PTO will be providing box lunches from Just in Time Deli. The school
will provide bottle water and coffee.
 The PTO will be looking at our mission statement working with the
principal to make sure it is current and accurate.
Market Day by Kim Klebe:
>Market Day is going well, Kim had about 15 orders. Pick
time is 4:30 in the main hall. Last month the truck broke
down so Kim and our Market Day Rep delivered the orders.
DPTO by Jane Harland:
> Laura Thomas from Wild Rose Elementary came and spoke
about the best practices for recycling. She is willing to go to any
school that wishes to get a better start on recycling.
Cindy Ruesch also came and spoke to the DPTO about Foreign
Language in our district. It was a very passionate topic.
Student Conference by Shari Lovett- Solomon:
>Shari has order 190 box lunches they cost about $6.25 per box
and include sandwich, chips or potato salad, cookie or brownie.
Just in Time Deli will be delivering the box lunches to the school.
Senior Awards by Anne Francissen:
>Anne handed out copies of the form that is currently used for
the senior awards and we made some modifications to the forms.
Anne is looking to secure the judges. Mrs. Potter in the guidance
office will have the award forms. In order to be eligible a student
must be a PTO member of have paid the 4 years of PTO fees.
Food Fundraiser by Jane Harland:
>Jane reported that the first fundraiser went well we raised
about $262. There will be a second one on December 18th at
Potbellies from 4 p.m. till 9 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.