УДК 621.311.26 SUBSTATION 220 kv “taiga” construction and

УДК 621.311.26
Malyukova O.V.
Language supervisor Tkacheva N.A.
Siberian Federal University.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the first in Russia in terms of gold mining. In NorthYenisei and Motyginsky regions a lot of working and still developing gold mining companies
are located, the largest of which are:
"Polyus" - the main activities of this Krasnoyarsk business unit is the
Olimpiada deposit development. The ore comes to the substations “ZIF-1,2,3” for the further
processing. “Polyus’ plans to introduce new businesses onto the field site "Blagodatnoye"
(ZIF-5) and to work out new deposits on the Panimbinskaya and Razdolinskaya areas;
"Sovrudnik" - it deals with the extraction of lode ore using “open way” method
and processing the ore in gold mining factory. The company is among the top ten gold mining
companies in the country and ranks second in terms of gold in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Now the main raw material base of the company is the deposits of "Eldorado", "Soviet",
"Alexander Ageevskoe";
Razdolinskaya periclase factory – this factory specializes on the extraction and
processing raw magnesite.
The forecast of maximum energy load in North Yenisei and Motyginsky regions has
been formed. It is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 - The forecast maximum energy load in the North-Yenisei and Motyginsky
The name of
load, MW
Growth, %
*- fiscal year
The increase in the maximum energy load for the North-Yenisey and Motyginsky
regions will be 237 MW in 2011 - 2024 years. It is due to the development of the gold
industry (the development of existing fields and the development of new ones) increasing the
household load.
The North-Yenisei and Motyginsky regions of Krasnoyarsk energy system (ES) are
scarce in terms of power and in electric energy throughout the forecast period. The power
shortage has been increasing throughout the period under consideration. It was 161.7 MW in
2014 and will grow up to 332.2 MW in 2024. As for the electricity generated, it was 1222
million kWh in 2014 and it is supposed to increase up to 2,572 million kWh in 2024. The
power and electricity shortage will be avoided by power supply from other sections of the
Krasnoyarsk ES.
At present, the electricity consumers, mining complexes and villages located in
Motyginskiy and North-Yenisey regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, are supplied by the 220
kV Razdolinskaya Substation at voltages of 110 kV in the double-circuit transmission line
Razdolinskaya – Partizanskaya - Bryanka - N.Eruda - Sovrudnik (273 km), which is
partitioned on the 110 kV buses of the Substations Partizanskaya, Bryanka, New Yeruda.
From the 110 kV New Yeruda Substation via the 110 kV double circuit transmission line and
the 110 kV Olympadinskaya, the ZIF-1,2 and the ZIF-3 Substations the electricity is supplied
to the consumers by Joint Stock Company "Polyus". The 110 kV transmission line in the area
of Razdolinskaya – Partizanskaya – Bryanka, New Yeruda – Sovrudnik and New Yeruda –
Olympiadinskaya is made of wire with cross section AC-120, (in area Bryanka - New Yeruda
is made of wire with cross section AC-185) with a maximum capacity of about 70 MW (375
A), that limits the development of existing customers and the ability to connect the new ones.
In addition, in the 110 kV Partizanskaya Substation the current transformers with the nominal
current of 300 A are installed.
In some 110 kV substations the reactive power sources are installed: ZIF-1,2 – BSK2*1,35 Mvar, : ZIF-3 - BSK-2*1,35 Mvar, Sovrudnik - BSK-2*3,15 Mvar.
In the North-Yenisei region the "Polyus" power generation sources are installed, to
work in parallel with the grid:
Electric central heat -1 - 18 MW (3x6 MW), DES-1 - 3.2 MW, DES-2 - 17.3
MW - at the site of the 110 kV Olympiadinskaya Substation;
Electric central heat -2 - 24 MW (3*8 MW) - at the site of the 110 kV
Blagodatnoye Substation.
When disabling one circuit of 110 kV line or one autotransformer at 220 kV
Razdolinskaya it is necessary to limit the power supply to the existing customers.
Using all available sources of reactive power and using the 6th antsapfy RPN on AT
220/110 kV 220 kV Razdolinskaya (Kt = 1,818) the voltage levels on the distant 110 kV
substations for this area are of 102-106 kV, which is unacceptable for ensuring the quality of
power supply to the consumers. In this situation, the connection of new consumers can be
implemented only after amplification of the area electrical connections with the grid.
The commissioning of 220 kV Substation Taiga with 220 kV Razdolinskaya – Taiga
transmission line is planned for 2019.
The perspective scheme of the electric networks of the territory takes into account:
strengthening the backbone connections;
new customers power supply and the increase of the reliability of power supply
to the existing ones;
elimination of "bottlenecks";
modernization and reconstruction of power grid facilities.
Today gold mining industry is the basic sector of the Lower Angara Region on the
territory of which about 20% of Russian gold is produced. In terms of gold production the
Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks first in Russia.
According to the 220 kV Razdolinskaya Substation reconstruction project there will be
two redundant 220 kV cells for connection of 220 kV Razdolinskaya - Taiga transmission
line. The scheme of the 110 kV switchgear in the 220 kV Taiga Substation is recommended to
be done according to 110-9 scheme «One working sectionalized by the switch bus system."
Considering the promising growth of consumer loads and the difficulties in the
delivery of large equipment, it is recommended to install immediately two autotransformer
with capacity of 125 MVA at the starting step at 220 kV Taiga Substation .
In accordance with the number of connections (2 transmission lines + 2
autotransformers) and based on the requirements of reliability, at the first stage it is enough to
make 220 kV switchgear scheme according to the 220-5N scheme "Bridge with the switches
in the lines circuits". In this scheme in case of the power autotransformer failure we also lose
one line. However, this occurs for a short time and is determined by the routine switching. In
addition, AT failure rate of the considered voltage is relatively low (parameter of failure flow
is 0,005-0,021 / year). With an increase of loads to avoid limiting of consumers and
unacceptable overload of an autotransformer during the emergency stopping of the another
one it is recommended to set the third AT-125 MVA at in 220 kV Taiga Substation. Third AT
must be connected to switchgears 220 kV and 110 kV via the fork from the two switches. The
section switch is used as the second one. Simultaneously with the introduction of the third AT
the reconstruction of 220 kV circuit up to the one of number 220-9 «One working
sectionalized by switch bus system" with the installation of switches in circuits 1AT and 2AT
at 220 kV Taiga Substation must be performed. In the substation switchgear 220 kV should
provide two redundant cells for the future connection of 220 kV transmission line in the area
of the North-Yeniseisk.
For reliable power supply to existing consumers in the North-Yenisei and Motyginsky
regions and the possibility to connect new 110 kV New Yeruda – Sovrudnik transmission
lines there is a need to have buses 110 kV in the 220 kV Taiga Substation according to
"Entry-exit" scheme and to join in parallel the 220 kV Razdolinskaya - Taiga with 110 kV
Razdolinskaya - Partizanskaya - Bryanka - New Yeruda – Taiga lines.
To maintain voltage levels on the buses 110, 220 kV at the Taiga Substation and in the
adjacent network, the reactive power balance in normal and post-emergency conditions at 220
kV Taiga Substation it is recommended to install the SVC in the amount of two CSR 25
MVAR and four BSK 26 Mvar at bus 110 kV.
The choice of 220 kV Razdolinskaya – Taiga cross wires is made according to the
designed loads for the 5 years period from the lines that are planned to be put into service.
The wire size is made based on the normalized generalized indicators. The indicators of the
normalized values of economic current density are used. In accordance with the Regulations
for Electrical Installation (PUE, 2007) for transmission line 220 kV with bare aluminum wire
and the annual number of hours of the maximum load (max T) more than 5000 hours / year,
the normalized value of the current density is 1.0 A / mm2. The determining factor is the
normal operating mode of the projected transmission line. The maximum load for 220 kV
Razdolinskaya - Taiga falls on the winter peak mode. The flow along one circuit of the 220
kV Razdolinskaya – Taiga line will be up to 84.9 MW (218 A) in 2019.
Thus, the 220 kV Razdolinskaya - Taiga wire section is 275 mm2 and the nearest
standard cross section for power transmission lines 220 kV is 300 mm2. The chosen wire
cross section is AC-300/39. The selected cross section 220 kV Razdolinskaya - Taiga is
subject to verification with the permitted continuous current for heating during the most
severe conditions.
In normal download of the projected 220 kV Razdolinskaya - Taiga the maximum
winter load will be 18.1 MW (63 A) for each circuit. The maximum load mode during
emergency shutdown of one AT 220 kV Substation Taiga will be 35.6 MW (102 A).
In the above post-emergency conditions: disabling one circuit of 220 kV
Razdolinskaya – Taiga line as well as, disabling one AT 220 kV of Taiga Substation, the
remaining load in the circuit does not exceed the long-admissible.
At 110 kV Partizanskaya the current transformers are installed with the nominal
current of 300 A, which limits the capacity of 110 kV Razdolinskaya -Partizanskaya Bryanka. It is offered to replace the current transformers at 110 kV Partizanskaya with the
new ones with the 600A rated current.
In 2019 the projected increase of the maximum load will be 132 MW in the area. In
the period of 2015-2019, the building of 220 kV field Razdolinsk, 110 kV Panimba, 110 kV
Noybinskaya, 110 kV Vusokaya, 110 kV Amikan is proposed for this region.