1 Supporting Information for Optimal Estimates of Terrestrial Gross Primary 2 Production from Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Biosphere Models 3 Nicholas C. Parazoo1,2, Kevin Bowman1,2, Joshua B. Fisher1, Christian Frankenberg1, 4 Dylan B. A. Jones2,3, Alessandro Cescatti4, Óscar Pérez-Priego5, Georg Wohlfahrt6, 5 Leonardo Montagnani7,8 6 1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91109, 7 USA 8 2 Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering, University of 9 California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 90095, USA 10 3 11 Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7, Canada 4 European Commission, Joint Research Center, Institute for Environment and 12 Sustainability, Ispra, Italy 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 6 7 Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Granada, 18071, Granada, Spain Institut für Ökologie, Universität Innsbruck, Sternwartestr. 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Forest Services, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Via Brennero 6, 39100 Bolzano, Italy 8 Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bolzano, Piazza Università 5, 39100 Bolzano, Italy 21 Supplementary material for this letter contains detailed information about 22 (1) illustration of optimal estimation framework, (2) sensitivity and error analysis 23 of SIF scaling strategy, (3) sampling coverage and biases associated with SIF 24 retrievals from GOSAT, (4) observation system simulation experiments, and (5) flux 25 tower data and comparison to grid scale estimates from model and optimal 26 approaches described in the main text. 27 28 29 Text S1. GPP Optimal Estimation Framework 30 Given the unique GPP estimation strategy employed in this study, we illustrate our 31 optimal estimation framework by providing an example of optimally constrained 32 GPP at an arbitrary location in North America [120W, 40N]. The first step is to 33 collect all midday GPP observations within a 2.5 x 2.0 grid box, in this case centered 34 at [120W, 40N]. These observations, denoted yj,k for location j and times k 35 (represented GOSAT overpass times), are inferred from measurements of SIF from 36 GOSAT. These are represented as black squares in Figure S1. 37 Next, we predict midday GPP at the time and location of observed GPP. For this, we use 38 a temporal downscaling function, denoted as f(βj , j, k), that relates midday GPP to a 39 monthly GPP. These values are represented as blue circles in Figure S1, and can be seen 40 as discrete points along a diurnally continuous time series generated through temporal 41 downscaling, denoted as f(βj , j) and represented as the solid blue line in Figure S1. 42 We then solve for a monthly grid-scale scaling factor, denoted as βj , which balances 43 differences between observed and predicted midday GPP, subject to uncertainties in each. 44 This is accomplished by minimizing a cost function, which leads to an optimal scaling 45 factor, denoted here as β′𝑗 . This is used to rescale temporally downscaled GPP, 46 represented as the dashed red line in Figure S1, as well as monthly GPP, which represents 47 the focus of monthly estimates in the results section in the main text. 48 49 50 Figure S1. Example of GPP optimal estimate for the period July 2009 at a grid box 51 centered at [120W, 40N]. Black squares represent midday GPP observations inferred 52 from GOSAT SIF measurements. Diurnal GPP, represented by the solid blue line, is 53 estimated by distributing monthly GPP estimates from TRENDY DGVM’s based on 3- 54 hour shortwave radiation estimates from MERRA. Solid blue circles represent model 55 samples at GPP observation times. We use a Bayesian optimal estimation framework 56 that minimizes a cost function to solve for a seasonally and spatially varying optimal 57 scaling factor, denoted as 𝛽𝑗 , which is used to scale temporally downscaled GPP (solid 58 red line) and solve for monthly GPP. Red diamonds are optimally scaled GPP sampled 59 at GPP observation times. 60 61 62 Text S2. Optimization Sensitivity Analysis 63 We provide an extended sensitivity analysis of SIF scaling to GPP and impact on 64 optimized GPP (G-opt). The optimal estimation framework presented in the main text 65 solves for grid-scale monthly GPP by minimizing a cost function to balance differences 66 between observed and predicted values of midday GPP subject to a priori uncertainty and 67 observation precision error. A-priori GPP is taken from an ensemble of dynamical global 68 vegetation models (DGVMs) from the TRENDY project (http://dgvm.ceh.ac.uk) [Sitch et 69 al., 2013]. The zonal mean distribution of the ensemble average of TRENDY, referred to 70 as G-pri, is shown in Figure S2. 71 The next step is to estimate midday GPP from satellite measurements of solar-induced 72 chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) from GOSAT. SIF correlates strongly with GPP, but is 73 not a direct measure of GPP. In order to retain photosynthetic temporal variability 74 implied by fluorescence but estimate magnitude consistent with GPP observations, we 75 scale midday SIF against data-driven GPP models using least-squares linear regression to 76 solve for slope and y-intercept. 77 78 79 Figure S2. Zonally averaged GPP for G-pri (blue), G-mpi (green), and G-mod (brown). 80 Results are averaged over boreal summer (a) and annually (b). G-pri represents the 81 average from 2000-2009; G-mpi and G-mod are shown for 2010. Shading represents 82 zonally aggregated uncertainty for G-mpi based on Beer et al. [2010]. 83 Two data-driven GPP estimates are shown in Figure S2; green is GPP from the MPI- 84 BGC product [Beer et al., 2010] (referred to as G-mpi) and brown from the MODIS 85 MOD17A2 product [Myneni et al., 2007] (referred to as G-mod). Both have similar 86 meridional distributions as G-pri, but the global total is 15% weaker in G-mod (106 Pg C 87 year-1 vs 121.2 Pg C year-1). Regressions of daily average SIF against G-mpi and G-mod 88 are shown in Figures S3 and S4, respectively, for specific biomes (a-g) and all grid points 89 (h). Biomes are defined according to a modified IGBP classification following 90 Frankenberg et al. [2011] and Guanter et al. [2012] consisting of needleleaf forests (NF), 91 evergreen broadleaf (EB), deciduous broadleaf (DB), shrubland (SH), savannah (SV), 92 grassland (GR), and cropland (CR), with a map of biome distribution is shown in Fig. 1 93 of the main text. Regression statistics for slope (m), y-intercept (b), sample size (n), and 94 correlation (r) are also shown. Correlation and slope are generally higher for G-mpi than 95 G-mod across all biomes and in the global average. This higher correlation leads to 96 reduced root-mean-squared error for slope and y-intercept for all regressions, reflecting 97 the reduced scatter in G-mpi compared to G-mod. a. NF b. EB 8 m: 14.87+/−2.4 8 m: 15.82+/−1.1 8 m: 14.69+/−2 4 4 4 2 2 2 b: 1+/−0.35 n: 13 6 r: 0.89 G−mpi (gC/m2/d) 0 −0.2 0 0.2 b: 1.7+/−0.36 n: 73 6 r: 0.86 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.2 e. SV 8 m: 6.437+/−0.82 8 m: 15.31+/−1.2 8 m: 13.46+/−0.91 4 4 4 2 2 2 b: 0.36+/−0.045 n: 103 6 r: 0.61 0 0.2 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.2 8 m: 18.19+/−0.31 4 4 2 2 b: 0.044+/−0.16 n: 131 6 r: 0.88 0 0.2 b: 0.27+/−0.086 n: 80 6 r: 0.86 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 h. All 8 m: 17.08+/−0.83 0 −0.2 0.4 f. GR b: 0.62+/−0.24 n: 83 6 r: 0.82 g. CR 99 0.2 b: 0.54+/−0.35 n: 23 6 r: 0.85 d. SH 0 −0.2 98 c. DB b: 0.11+/−0.056 n: 553 6 r: 0.93 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Daily Average SIF (W/m2/micron/sr) Figure S3. Scatter plots of annual grid-scale G-mpi vs daily average SIF. Results are 100 shown for individual biomes (a-g) and all grid points combine (h). Solid blue line 101 represents the linear least squared regression line; dashed lines are the 95% confidence 102 bounds. Linear slope (m), y-intercept (b), sample size (n), and correlation also shown. 103 Slope and y-intercept include rmse, used to represent the SIF-GPP conversion error. a. NF b. EB c. DB 8 m: 12.36+/−2.4 8 m: 10.99+/−1.1 8 m: 13.98+/−1.5 4 4 4 2 2 2 b: 1.2+/−0.36 n: 13 6 r: 0.84 G−mod (gC/m2/d) 0 −0.2 0 0.2 b: 2.6+/−0.35 n: 73 6 r: 0.76 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.2 d. SH e. SV 8 m: 6.545+/−0.91 8 m: 11.18+/−1.2 8 m: 11.57+/−0.88 4 4 4 2 2 2 b: 0.52+/−0.049 n: 103 6 r: 0.58 0 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.2 8 m: 15.13+/−0.32 4 4 2 2 b: 0.44+/−0.16 n: 131 6 r: 0.79 0 0.2 b: 0.42+/−0.083 n: 80 6 r: 0.83 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 h. All 8 m: 12.5+/−0.86 0 −0.2 0.4 f. GR b: 1.1+/−0.25 n: 83 6 r: 0.71 g. CR 104 105 0.2 b: 0.15+/−0.28 n: 23 6 r: 0.89 b: 0.3+/−0.057 n: 553 6 r: 0.9 0.4 0 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Daily Average SIF (W/m2/micron/sr) Figure S4. Same as Figure S3 except based on MODIS MOD17A2 GPP (G-mod). 106 107 A range of options exist for scaling SIF to GPP using this regression strategy. These 108 options, summarized in Table 1 of the main text, include sub-setting of global grid points 109 (e.g., biome specific), empirical GPP model (G-mpi vs G-mod), and estimates of 110 uncertainty due to (1) SIF measurement precision, (2) SIF conversion error, and (3) data- 111 based GPP product error. It is important to evaluate sensitivity of midday SIF, midday 112 SIF uncertainty, G-opt, and G-opt uncertainty to these options, which are designated as 113 SIF1-5. 114 Results for midday GPP and uncertainty are summarized in Figure S5. The meridional 115 distribution of midday G-sif and uncertainty during boreal summer is similar in all cases, 116 with highest GPP in the tropics and decreasing magnitude towards high latitudes. 117 Midday estimates are about half as strong in mid-latitudes than in the tropics, in contrast 118 to daily and monthly averages (e.g., G-pri and G-mpi in Fig. S1), due to longer day 119 length at high latitudes. We also note that spatial gradients of G-sif are slightly different 120 from and more variable than G-pri and G-mpi due to regional variations in sampling 121 coverage (see Text S3). 122 The first two options (SIF1-2) are based on the choice of biome-specific or global 123 scaling, illustrated in Figures S3 and S4. Global regressions have higher linear slope and 124 reduced uncertainty, but it is clear from the range of regressions across biomes that SIF 125 scaling is unique to vegetation type and climate [Guanter et al., 2012]. Higher slope in 126 global scaling is reflected in estimates of midday GPP (denoted as G-sif) and uncertainty 127 in Figure S5 a and b, respectively, which are scaled using G-mpi. Uncertainty due to 128 scatter in regressions, captured in the rmse of slope and y-intercept, are added to the 129 observation error of option 3 (SIF3). This has no effect on G-sif but does increase 130 uncertainty. Uncertainty from errors in G-mpi (green shading in Figure S2) are included 131 in option 4 (SIF4), which leads to additional increases in uncertainty. Removing G-mpi 132 error and changing scaling from G-mpi to G-mod provides the basis for option 5 (SIF5), 133 which shows reductions in GPP and uncertainty resulting from low global GPP in G-mod 134 (Figure S2) and reduced linear slopes (Figure S4). 135 Sensitivity of G-opt and posterior uncertainty to different estimates of G-sif and 136 observation uncertainty are shown in Figure S6. GPP and uncertainty are weakly 137 sensitive to increased uncertainty in G-sif.(SIF2-4). G-sif and uncertainty increase 138 slightly in the case of global scaling (SIF1) and decrease with G-mod (SIF5). 139 140 Figure S5. Zonal mean estimates of midday GPP (a, G-sif) and uncertainty (b) inferred 141 from SIF, based on different scaling techniques and measures of uncertainty (SIF 1-5). 142 All estimates are scaled against G-mpi except SF5 (dashed brown), which is scaled 143 against G-mod. All estimates use biome-specific scale factors except SIF1 (dashed blue), 144 which is global. All estimates account for SIF measurement uncertainty. SIF 3-5 145 account for errors in the conversion from SIF to GPP related to scatter. SIF 4 includes 146 an estimate of uncertainty due to errors in G-mpi. SIF2 (light blue) and SIF3 (yellow) 147 lines are identical to SIF4 (red) in (a), and therefore are not visible. 148 149 150 Figure S6. Zonal mean estimates of G-opt (a), G-opt uncertainty (b), and optimized 151 scale factor uncertainty, based on different scaling techniques and measures of 152 uncertainty (SIF 1-5). All estimates are scaled against G-mpi except SF5 (dashed 153 brown), which is scaled against G-mod. All estimates use biome-specific scale factors 154 except SIF1 (dashed blue), which is global. All estimates account for SIF measurement 155 uncertainty. SIF 3-5 account for errors in the conversion from SIF to GPP related to 156 scatter. SIF 4 includes an estimate of uncertainty due to errors in G-mpi. SIF2 (light 157 blue) and SIF3 (yellow) lines are identical to SIF4 (red) in all panels, and therefore are 158 not visible. 159 160 161 Text S3. GOSAT Sampling Coverage and Biases 162 As an extension of Figure 2 of the main text, we calculate days sampled per month with 163 and without cloud filtering as well as temporal sampling biases of monthly GPP 164 associated with incomplete monthly sampling. Figure S7 shows the average number of 165 days per month from June – August 2010 in which 1 or more samples are collected 166 within 2.5°x2° pixels. Including retrievals flagged as cloudy (Figure S7A) gives 167 excellent coverage at all latitudes, with ~7-10 days per month in the tropics and 7-15 days 168 per month in the extra-tropics. Sampling coverage increases with latitude due to closer 169 proximity of orbits. 170 171 Figure S7. Days sampled per month from Jun-Aug 2010 in 2.5°x2° pixels without (A) 172 and with (B) clouds filtered. 173 174 Figure S8 shows the reduction of daily coverage after removing cloudy pixels. 1-2 days 175 of coverage are lost in the tropics, 1-4 days in middle latitudes (30-60°N), and 4-10 days 176 at high latitudes (> 60°N). 177 178 179 Figure S8. Sampling days lost after excluding pixels flagged as cloudy, taken as the 180 difference between panels A and B in Figure S7. 181 182 We estimate temporal sampling biases associated with fractional monthly coverage by 183 comparing monthly-averaged estimates of midday GPP from CASA-GFED3 (GT) to that 184 observed by GOSAT (GO). Biases that include cloudy retrievals we call the satellite 185 sampling bias, and those without cloudy retrievals we call the clear sky sampling bias. 𝐺𝑂 − 𝐺𝑇 ⁄ ). Pixels with low monthly GPP 𝐺𝑇 186 Sampling bias is then defined as 100 ∗ ( 187 (𝐺𝑇 < 1.0 gC m-2 day-1) are excluded so that biases are not skewed toward low 188 productivity regions. Results are shown at grid scale in Figure S9 and as zonal averages 189 in Figure S10. In general, sampling bias increases with latitude and is enhanced when 190 cloudy retrievals are excluded (sampling bias and cloudy samples are positively 191 correlated, r = 0.52), indicating potential systematic differences in GPP in cloudy 192 environments under diffuse radiation and changes in light use efficiency. 193 194 195 Figure S9. Biases in estimates of monthly GPP when sampling CASA-GFED3 (A) using 196 all samples (cloudy retrievals included) and (B) fair weather samples only (cloudy 𝐺𝑂 − 𝐺𝑇 ⁄ ), where GT is the 𝐺𝑇 197 retrievals excluded). Sampling bias is defined as 100 ∗ ( 198 true time average and GO is the satellite observed average based on a subset of midday 199 samples from GOSAT. 200 Percent Sampling Bias 30 25 Fair Weather Samples (Clouds Filtered) 20 15 10 5 −40 −20 0 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 40 60 80 100 Percent Sampling Bias Percent Cloudy Samples 0 −60 201 All Samples (Clouds Not Filtered) A B 75 50 25 0 −60 20 Latitude 20 C r = 0.519 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Percent Cloudy Samples 60 70 202 Figure S10. Temporal sampling biases of monthly GPP in relation to percent cloud 203 coverage. (A) Zonally averaged sampling biases in estimates of monthly GPP when 204 sampling CASA-GFED3 with all possible samples (dashed, cloudy samples not filtered) 205 and fair weather samples (solid, cloudy retrievals filtered). Sampling bias is defined as 206 𝐺 − 𝐺𝑇 100 ∗ ( 𝑂 ⁄ ), where GT is the true time average and GO is the satellite observed 𝐺𝑇 207 average based on a subset of midday samples from GOSAT. (B) Zonally averaged 208 percent coverage of cloudy samples, determined as (All Samples – Fair Weather 209 Samples) / All Samples. (C) Correlation of zonally averaged sampling bias against 210 zonally average cloudy sampling coverage. 211 212 213 Text S4. Observation System Simulation Experiments (OSSE’s) 214 OSSE’s are used in the main text to demonstrate proof of concept of our estimation 215 strategy, which aims to retrieve the true state of monthly GPP and uncertainty from a 216 priori estimates of GPP (from DGVMs) constrained by midday clear sky observations 217 from GOSAT and subject to temporal sampling biases and uncertainty in measurements 218 and models. We examine sensitivity of optimal GPP estimates to (a) a priori constraints 219 of diurnal GPP, (b) observational coverage, and (c) inclusion of cloudy retrievals. These 220 experiments are summarized in Table 2 of the main text. 221 Figures S11 and S12 show results in the tropics and northern mid-latitudes, respectively, 222 from annual experiments for Tests 1-4 to illustrate changes in uncertainty reduction and 223 mean absolute error associated with changes in a-priori and observational constraints. In 224 general, we find that increased sampling coverage from Test 1 (10% available sounding), 225 to Test 2 (100% of soundings), and Test 3 (inclusion of pixels with high aerosol optical 226 depth) leads to systematic reductions of uncertainty and mean absolute error. In the 227 tropics, we also find high sensitivity to estimates of diurnal GPP (Test 4) and therefore 228 dependence on the way monthly GPP is distributed at diurnal timescales. Tests 1-3 use a 229 land surface model (CASA-GFED3) and Test 4 shortwave radiation from MERRA. 230 231 232 Figure S11. Seasonal estimates of uncertainty reduction (a) and mean absolute error (b) 233 in the tropics (15°S – 15°N) for observation system simulation experiments (OSSE’s) 234 described in the main text. OSSE’s use a simulated world of true and observed GPP to 235 test our estimation methodology for optimal GPP (G-opt). Here, true GPP is prescribed 236 from CASA-GFED3 biosphere model simulations (G-sim), observed GPP from midday 237 samples of CASA-GFED3 collected from GOSAT footprints, and prior GPP from the 238 ensemble average of TRENDY models (G-pri). Test cases 1-4 are defined according to: 239 (a) a priori estimate of diurnal GPP, (b) percentage of synthetic GPP observations 240 retained, and (c) inclusion of cloudy retrievals (see Tab. 1). Mean absolute error in (b) 241 is estimated as the difference of G-pri (black) and G-opt (colors) from G-syn. 242 243 244 245 Figure S12. Same as Figure S11 but for northern mid-latitudes (30°N – 60°N). 246 Text S5. Evaluation of model and optimal GPP against flux tower data 247 A. Flux Tower Data 248 Estimates of GPP are taken from 49 eddy covariance flux tower sites in N. America and 249 Eurasia and 8 sites in S. America, shown in Figure 1 of the main text. Site location and 250 contact information are summarized in Table S1. Site-specific references are included 251 when possible, otherwise we refer the reader to Papale et al. [2006] and Reichstein et al. 252 [2005] for general information. In N. America and Europe, we select only sites that have 253 data in 2009 and 2010 and which have data in all 12 calendar months (but not necessarily 254 from both years). Flux tower data in tropical S. America are limited to the period 1999 to 255 2006. A more detailed discussion and analysis of sites in S. America can be found in 256 Restrepo-Coupe et al. [2013]. Since these data do not overlap in time with GOSAT, 257 comparisons in S. America are based on climatological seasonal cycles. 258 Site Biome Coordinates USMe2 NF USVcm Date Reference Contact 121.56W /44.45N Anthoni et al. [2002] Bev.law@oregonst ate.edu NF 106.53W /35.89N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] mlitvak@unm.edu CAQcu NF 74.03W /49.26N Giasson et al. [2006] Hank.margolis@sbf .ulaval.ca CAQc2 NF 74.57W /49.76N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Hank.margolis@sbf .ulaval.ca ITLav NF 11.28E /45.95N Marcolla et al. [2003] damiano.gianelle@i asma.it 01/09 – 12/10 ITRen NF RUFyo ITSRo FIHyy stefano.minerbi@pr ovincia.bz.it; 11.43E /46.59N Montagnani et al. [2009] NF 32.92E /56.46N Kurbatova et al. [2008] varlagin@sevin.ru NF 10.28E /43.72N Chiesi et al. [2005] alessandro.cescatti @jrc.ec.europa.eu NF 24.30E /61.85N leonar@inwind.it Suni et al. [2003] Timo.vesala@helsi nki.fi Ivan.mammarella@ helsinki.fi Nina.buchmann@ip w.agrl.ethz.ch CHDav NF 8.54E /46.81N Zweifel et al. [2010]; Etzold et al. [2011] FRFbn NF 5.68E /43.24N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Roland.huc@avign on.inra.fr CZBk1 NF 18.54E /49.49N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Pavelka.m@czechg lobe.cz USHa1 DB 72.17W /42.54N Barford et al. [2001] jwmunger@seas.ha rvard.edu USMms DB 86.41W /39.32N Schmid et al. [2000] Werner.eugster@ag rl.ethz.ch farahman@indiana. edu knovick@indiana.e du davis@meteo.psu.e du USPFa DB 90.27W /45.95N Berger et al. [2001]; Davis et al. [2003] USUmb DB 84.71W /45.56N Gough et al. [2008] Bohrer.17@osu.edu Curtis.7@osu.edu cmgough@vcu.edu USUmd DB 84.70W /45.56N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Bohrer.17@osu.edu Curtis.7@osu.edu cmgough@vcu.edu desai@aos.wisc.ed u CAOmw DB 82.15W /48.22N McCaughey et al. [2006] mccaughe@queens u.ca CATP4 DB 80.36W /42.71N Peichl et al. [2010] arainm@mcmaster. ca CHLae DB 8.36E /47.48N Etzold et al. [2010; 2011] nina.buchmann@ip w.agrl.ethz.ch FRHes DB 7.06E /48.67N Granier et al. [2000] agranier@nancy.inr a.fr bernard.longdoz@n ancy.inra.fr ITCol DB 13.58E /41.84N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Giorgio.matteucci @isafom.cs.cnr.it ITRo2 DB 11.92E /42.39N Tedeschi et al. [2006] darpap@unitus.it ITLMa DB 7.58E /39.48N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] petrella@ipla.org BEBra DB Reinhart.ceulemans @ua.ac.be 4.52E /41.31N Carrara et al. [2003, 2004] Pilegaard et al. [2003] kipi@risoe.dtu.dk Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] brunsell@ku.edu Ivan.janssens@ua.a c.be DKSor USKfs GR (C3) 11.64E /55.48N 95.19W /39.06N USKon GR (C4) 96.56W /39.08N Turner et al. [2003] brunsell@ku.edu USSeg GR (C4) 106.71W /34.36N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] mlitvak@unm.edu USSnd GR (C3) 121.75W /38.04N Sonnentag et al. [2011] baldocchi@berkele y.edu ATNeu GR (C3) 11.32E /47.11N Wohlfahrt et al. [2008] Georg.wohlfahrt@u ibk.ac.at FRLq1 GR (C3) 2.73E /45.64N Gilmanov et al. [2007] kklump@clermont.i nra.fr DB ITMbo GR (C3) 11.04E /46.01N Marcolla & Cescatti, [2005] Damiano.gianelle@ iasma.it NLHor GR (C3) 5.06E /52.02N Jacobs et al. [2007] Han.dolman@falw. vu.nl CZBk2 GR (C3) 18.54E /49.49N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Pavelka.m@czechg lobe.cz UKAmo GR (C3) 3.24W /55.79N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] ms@ceh.ac.uk UKEbu GR (C3) 3.21W /55.86N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] ms@ceh.ac.uk USNe1 CR 96.48W /41.16N Suyker et al [2004] Sverma1@unl.edu USTwt CR 121.65W /38.11N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] baldocchi@berkely. edu CHOe2 CR 7.73E /47.28N Dietiker et al. [2010] Nina.buchmann@ip w.agrl.ethz.ch FRAur CR 1.11E /43.55N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Eric.ceschia@cesbi o.cnes.fr FRLam CR 1.23E /43.49N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Eric.ceschia@cesbi o.cnes.fr ITCas CR 8.72E /45.07N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Alessandro.cescatti @jrc.ec.europa.eu DEGeb CR 10.91E /51.10N Anthoni et al. [2004] Werner.kutsch@vti .bund.de DESeh CR 6.44E /50.87N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] Olaf.kolle@bgcKarl.schneider@uni jena.mpg.de -koeln.de USMpj SH 106.23W /34.43N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] mlitvak@unm.edu USSes SH 106.75W /34.33N Papale et al. [2006]; Reichstein et al. [2005] mlitvak@unm.edu ESAgu (BB) SH 2.03W /36.94N Rey et al. [2012]; Domingo et al. [2011] poveda@eeza.csic. es ESLJu SH 2.75W /36.92N BRK34 EB 60.21W /2.61S BRK83 EB BRK67 Kowalski et al. [2008] Penelope@ugr.es Serrano-Ortiz et al. [2009] andyk@ugr.es 6/9909/06 Araujo et al. [2002] Bart.kruijt@wur.nl 54.93W /3.05S 07/0012/04 da Rocha et al. [2004]; Goulden et al. [2004] mgoulden@uci.edu EB 54.97W /2.85S 01/02 – 01/06 Saleska et al. [2003] wofsy@fas.harvard .edu BRCax EB 51.46W /1.72S 06/99 – 07/03 BRRja EB 62.36W /10.08S 03/99 – 10/02 BRK77 SV 62.36W /3.02S 01/00 – 12/05 Sakai et al. [2004] fitz@asrc.cestm.alb any.edu BRFns SV 52.36W /10.76S 03/99 – 10/02 Von Randow et al. [2004] watm@geo.vu.nl Carswell et al. [2002]; Souza Filho et al. [2005] Kruijt et al. [2004]; von Randow et al. [2004] humberto@model.i ag.usp.br watm@geo.vu.nl 259 260 Table S1: Flux tower information for sites in N. America, Europe, and S. America. 261 Column 1 (Site) refers to the Fluxnet Site Code (Country-Site); Column 2 (Biome) is the 262 IGBP biome type (NF = needleleaf forest, DB = deciduous broadleaf forest, GR = 263 grasslands, CR = croplands, SH = shrublands, EB = evergreen broadleaf forest, and SV 264 = savannah); third column is the coordinate (also plotted in Figure 2); Column 3 265 (Coordinate) is the longitude/latitude coordinate; Column 4 (Date) is the data range used 266 in this study, given in MM/YY; Column 5 (Reference) is the site specific reference; 267 Column 6 (Contact) is the primary email contact. 268 269 Data for the continental United States are provided by the Ameriflux network at half 270 hourly or hourly resolution. Data for Canada are provided by the Canadian Carbon 271 Program (CCP) at half hourly or hourly resolution. Data for Europe are provided by the 272 Infrastructure for Measurements of the European Carbon Cycle (IMECC) at monthly 273 resolution. Half hourly and hourly data is averaged to monthly means. Gap filled or PI 274 preferred gap filled data is used when available (this is better defined below). 275 GPP is inferred from observations of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and modeled 276 ecosystem respiration (Reco) as GPP = Reco – NEE using partitioning techniques based on 277 models of temperature sensitivity [Reichstein et al., 2005], artificial neural networks 278 [Papale et al., 2006], and/or light response curves [Lasslop et al., 2010] to interpret NEE 279 and GPP as biological responses. In some cases, negative GPP may be found due to the 280 effect of abiotic processes that uncouple atmosphere exchanges due to NEE from 281 concurrent biological processes, for example due to subterranean carbon ventilation in 282 carbonate soils [Rey et al., 2012]. A new partitioning methodology that characterizes 283 biological fluxes in terms of evapotranspiration through their link to carbon assimilation 284 by stomatal conductance [Pérez-Priego et al., 2013] has therefore been applied to two 285 dryland sites (ES-Agu(BB) and ES-LJu; see Table 1) to improve decomposition of the 286 net flux into GPP values. 287 Most sites provide gap-filled GPP estimates for both Reichstein et al. [2005] and Papale 288 et al. [2003] partitioning methodologies, although we find little sensitivity to these 289 approaches for sites used in this study (not shown as seasonal plots are indistinguishable). 290 ES-Agu and ES-LJu also provide an estimate based on Lasslop et al. [2010], which 291 shows slightly enhanced seasonal amplitude relative to Reichstein et al. [2005] but little 292 effect on variability (Figure S13). However, for consistency we use estimates from 293 Reichstein et al. [2005] for the remainder of the supplementary material and in the main 294 text. 295 296 297 Figure S13. Seasonal cycle of gross primary production (GPP) averaged from 2009- 298 2010 across two shrubland sites in Spain (ES-Agu and ES-LJu) using flux partitioning 299 techniques based on Reichstein et al. [2005] (solid) and Lasslop et al. [2010] (dashed). 300 301 In order to provide as many flux-tower level comparisons as possible without 302 compromising robustness of analysis, we group flux tower data by land use type, or 303 biome, defined according to modified IGBP classification and require a minimum of four 304 sites per biome. IGBP biomes are grouped into a broader subset of biomes following 305 Frankenberg et al. [2011] and Guanter et al. [2012] consisting of needleleaf forests (NF), 306 evergreen broadleaf (EB), deciduous broadleaf (DB), shrubland (SH), savannah (SV), 307 grassland (GR), and cropland (CR). Site-specific biomes are shown in Table S1. 308 Filtering for these criteria yields 12 NF sites, 14 DB sites, 11 GR sites, 8 CR sites, and 4 309 SH sites spread throughout N. America and Europe from 2009-2010. For S. America, we 310 group all available towers together, and compare to the average from 5 EB and 2 SV sites 311 from 1999-2006. 312 B. Flux Tower Variability 313 N. America and Europe 314 Seasonal cycles across sites in N. America and Europe are shown in Figure S14. For 315 each biome there is significant site-to-site variability with respect to seasonal amplitude, 316 phase, and multiple peaks. Reasons for these differences include management practice 317 (e.g., harvesting frequency, irrigation, etc.), elevation (e.g., mountain vs lowland), and 318 variability among biomes with respect to vegetation type (C3 vs C4 grassland vegetation) 319 and climate (desert vs prairie). For example, a grassland site in the Alps, AT-Neu, is 320 harvested three times per year, which is visible as multiple peaks in May and July, while 321 others are intensively managed (e.g., NL-Hor) or even close-to-natural (e.g., UK-AMo). 322 In some cases, regional differences in management lead to earlier peak productivity in 323 cropland sites in Europe (e.g., FR-Aur and CH-Oe2) vs N. America (e.g., US-Ne1 and 324 US-Twt). Climate differences cause variations in productivity, as seen for example when 325 comparing desert grassland sites (US-Seg) to tall prairie sites (US-Kon). 326 327 328 Figure S14. Seasonal cycle of gross primary production (GPP) averaged from 2009- 329 2010 for all 49 sites listed in Table S1 and grouped according to biome (sub-panels) and 330 by region (dashed = N. America, solid = Europe). Across-site averages are shown for 331 each biome as black diamonds. Biome type and number of sites per biome are shown on 332 the top left of sub-panels. 333 334 Amazon Basin 335 Seasonal cycles across sites in S. America are shown in Figure S15. For each biome 336 there is significant site-to-site variability with respect to seasonal amplitude and phase. 337 In general, GPP magnitude is larger in EB biomes compared to SV biomes. Seasonal 338 minimums in GPP typically occur between June and September except BR-CAX, which 339 is minimum from April-May and then increases through the dry season. 340 341 Figure S15. Seasonal cycle of gross primary production (GPP) averaged across 7 sites 342 in S. America and grouped by biome (solid = Evergreen Broadleaf, dashed = Savannah). 343 Black diamonds represent the average across all sites. 344 345 C. Comparison to Grid-Scale Estimates 346 N. America and Europe 347 Comparison of ensemble average GPP from eight TRENDY models (G-pri) and 348 optimal GPP (G-opt) using assimilation of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence 349 (SIF) from GOSAT to across-site flux tower averages are shown for each biome in 350 Figure S16. In this case, seasonal GPP for G-pri and G-opt is calculated using all 351 northern hemisphere pixels (> 20N) containing that biome and with each pixel 352 weighted by its fractional biome coverage, which ranges from a fraction of 1% to 353 nearly 100%. The use of fractional biome coverage rather than grid scale averages 354 provides a way to account for sub-grid heterogeneity, which can be quite significant 355 especially in more developed regions such as Europe. 356 Seasonal variability is in good agreement with site level data in NF, DB, and CR 357 biomes, suggesting that flux tower data in these biomes, particularly DB, is fairly 358 representative of the large scale and well represented by models and SIF. This 359 comparison falls apart, however, in SH and GR biomes. Estimates of GPP are too 360 strong and the timing occurs between peaks of flux tower data in the SH biome, 361 while estimates in the GR biomes are too weak by nearly a factor of 4. These sites 362 are clearly not representative of the large scale due to strong variability within 363 these biomes, enhanced variability within FLUXNET biomes due to higher incidence 364 of managed vs natural land use, and the tendency for eddy covariance sites to be 365 biased towards more productive areas of their biome [Cescatti et al., 2012]. 366 367 Figure S16. Seasonal cycle of gross primary production (GPP) grouped by biome for 368 across-site flux tower average (black diamonds), TRENDY model average (G-pri, blue), 369 and optimal GPP (G-opt, red). Flux tower data is averaged from 2009-2010. G-pri & 370 G-opt are averaged from 2009-2012 and use all pixels in the Northern Hemisphere 371 (north of 20N) than contain that biome, with each pixel weighted by its fractional biome 372 coverage. Biome type, number of sites per biome (first number in paranethesis), and 373 number of pixels per biome (second number) are shown on the top left of sub-panels. 374 375 We therefore also compare flux tower data to G-pri and G-opt using only pixels 376 containing the flux tower site (Figure S17) based on fractional biome weighting 377 (solid) and unweighted (dashed) grid-scale averages (fractional biome weighting, 378 represented by solid lines, provides the basis for G-pri and G-opt in Figure 10 of the 379 main text). Both cases show significant improvements in the seasonal phase and 380 magnitude of GPP in SH and GR biomes as well as improved GPP magnitude in NF 381 biomes, with R2 exceeding 0.90 in all cases except SH biomes, which dips to 0.60. 382 For the most part, G-pri and G-opt are in better agreement with each other than with 383 flux tower data. 384 Accounting for fractional biome coverage produces the best agreement of seasonal 385 phase and amplitude in all biomes except GR, which is underestimated by a factor of 386 two and just outside the range of site-to-site variability. The grid cell average 387 produces better agreement of magnitude but only because of aliasing of high 388 productivity from other vegetation, particularly crops. 389 The different range of agreement of phase, and especially amplitude, across biomes 390 is partly an issue of representation error, due to comparison of 1 km flux tower 391 scale to 2.5°x2° scale of G-opt and G-pri. In terms of the average fraction of biome 392 coverage with model grid scales, we find that poor agreement of amplitude in GR 393 sites is likely a result of low fractional coverage of 7.4% and higher agreement at 394 other sites is associated with higher fraction coverage, ranging from a factor of 3-5 395 higher coverage at SH, NF and DB biomes (25.7% at SH, 25.9% at NF, and 35.5%) 396 and greater than 50% coverage at CR biomes (63.4%), which explains the higher 397 agreement with flux tower data. 398 399 400 401 Figure S17. Similar to Figure S16 except seasonal averages from G-pri and G-opt use 402 only pixels containing the flux tower. Solid lines use the fractional biome weighting as in 403 Figure S16 while dashed lines use unweighted grid scale averages. We note that most of 404 the sites are contained within land pixels except ES-Agu and ES-LJu, which are located 405 very close to the Mediterranean Sea. For these sites we choose the next pixel to the west 406 over Spain. 407 408 We test for representation error by comparing flux tower data directly to biome- 409 specific SIF retrievals from GOSAT. SIF data is retrieved at high resolution (~10 km 410 diameter) and provides an improved representation of sub-grid heterogeneity 411 within flux tower grid cells. We sample biome type using IGBP land cover based on 412 the center of each retrieval, and convert midday GPP to monthly averages (see 413 Section 2.3 of the main text) by first scaling from midday to daily average using the 414 cosine of the solar zenith angle and length of day, scaling to GPP using global and 415 biome-specific linear slopes of fit against MPI-BGC GPP and taking the average of the 416 two, and then converting to monthly average using all available data in one month 417 within +/- 1.0 latitude and 1.25 longitude of the flux tower. 418 Results are shown in Figure S18. SIF data provides an improved comparison against 419 flux tower data in DB and CR biomes relative to models in Figure S17, but 420 divergence from model and flux tower data in NF, SH, and GR biomes. The 421 improvement in DB and SR biomes is correlated with sampling density, which 422 averages to about 91.4 samples per year per site in DB and 278 samples per year 423 per site in CR and, combined with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR; smaller error bars 424 in Figure S18), leads to strong uncertainty reduction (Figure 10 of main text). 425 Degradation in NF, GR, and CR biomes is a result of relatively low sampling density 426 (56.9, 86.5, and 81.6 samples per year per site, respectively), much lower SNR 427 (larger error bars in Figure S18), and less uncertainty reduction (Figure 10 of main 428 text). 429 430 Figure S18. Seasonally averaged GPP from flux towers and SIF in N. America and 431 Europe. Flux tower data (black) is the same as in Figures S16 and S17. SIF data (red) 432 is averaged from 2009-2012 using biome-specific retrievals sampled within a 1.25°x1° 433 box surrounding flux towers, and scaled to monthly GPP by taking the average of scaling 434 with global and biome-specific linear slopes of fit against the MPI-BGC upscaled flux 435 tower product (Section 2.3 of the main text). Error bars on SIF data represent the 436 standard deviation across all available retrievals. 437 438 Amazon Basin 439 Figure S19 compares GPP estimates from G-pri and G-opt to climatological flux 440 tower sites in S. America from Figure S15. In both cases, GPP is weighted by 441 fractional biome coverage. Sampling G-pri and G-opt at flux tower pixels (Figure 442 S19A) indicates significant improvement in G-opt in seasonal magnitude, shape, and 443 phase. 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