Chapter 6 – Work-related attitudes : prejudice, job satisfaction and

Chapter 6 – Work-related attitudes : prejudice, job satisfaction and organizational commitment
Affective commitment
Affinity groups
Affirmative action laws
Behavioral component (of attitudes)
Cognitive component (of attitudes)
Continuance commitment
Dispositional model of job satisfaction
Diversity management programs
Employee withdrawal
Evaluative component (of attitudes)
Gain-sharing plans
Glass ceiling
The practice of staying away from the job when
scheduled to work.
The strength of a person’s desire to work for an
organization because he or she regards it
positively and agrees with its goals and values.
Informal collections of individuals who share a
common identity with respect to such factors as
race, ethnicity or sexual preference.
Legislation designed to give employment
opportunities to groups that historically have
been underrepresented in the workforce, such
as women and members of minority groups.
Relatively stable clusters of feelings, beliefs and
behavioral intentions toward a specific object,
person or institution.
Our predisposition to behave in a way consistent
with our beliefs and feeling about an attitude
The things we believe about an attitude object,
whether they are true or false.
The strength of a person’s desire to continue
working for an organization because he or she
needs to do so and cannot afford to do
The behavior consistent with a prejudicial
attitude; the act of treating someone negatively
because of his or her membership in a specific
The conceptualization proposing that job
satisfaction is a relatively stable disposition of an
individual – that is, a characteristic that stays
with people through situations.
Programs in which employees are taught to
celebrate the differences between people and in
which organizations create supportive work
environments for women and minorities.
Actions, such as chronic absenteeism and
voluntary turnover (i.e., quitting one’s job), that
enable employees to escape from adverse
organizational conditions.
Our liking or disliking of any particular person,
item or event.
Incentive plans in which employees receive
bonuses in proportion to their companies’
Invisible barriers that keep women from
advancing as rapidly as men in certain fields.
Hangover effect
High-performance work systems
Honeymoon effect
Honeymoon-hangover effect
Job satisfaction
Nonpreferential affirmative action
Normative commitment
Organizational commitment
Organizational demography
Preferential affirmative action
Religious intolerance
Sex-role stereotypes
Social information processing model
The tendency for people’s levels of satisfaction
to drop over time from when a position is brand
new to when one gains more experience with it.
Organizations that offer employees
opportunities to participate in decision making,
provide incentives for them to do so, and
emphasize opportunities to develop skills.
The tendency for people to enjoy high levels of
satisfaction on new jobs that they have taken in
response to dissatisfaction with their old jobs.
The tendency for the honeymoon effect to occur
(i.e. for job satisfaction to increase as a
dissatisfied person takes a new job) followed by
the hangover effect (i.e. for the high levels of
satisfaction associated with a new job to decline
over time).
Making people feel valued as worthwhile
members of the organization.
Positive or negative attitudes held by individuals
toward their jobs.
Efforts to get companies to conduct ongoing ,
conscious appraisals of heir rules and
procedures and to eliminate those that exclude
women and members of minority groups
without sufficient justification.
The strength of a person’s desire to continue
working for an organization because he or she
feels obligations from others to remain there.
The extent to which an individual identifies and
is involved with his or her organization and/or is
unwilling to leave it (see affective commitment,
continuance commitment and normative
The nature of the composition of a workforce
with respect to various characteristics (e.g. age,
gender, ethnic makeup, etc.).
The practice of hiring women and members of
minority groups in proportion to their
representation in the population near
Negative attitudes toward the members of
specific groups, based solely on the fact that
they are members of those groups (e.g. based on
age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation).
Actions (e.g. personal ridicule, vandalism) taken
against persons or groups based on their faith.
Narrow-minded beliefs about the qualities of
women and men and the kinds of tasks for which
each is most appropriately suited.
A conceptualization specifying that people adopt
attitudes and behaviors in keeping with the cues
Unfolding model of voluntary turnover
Value theory of job satisfaction
Voluntary turnover
Work-related attitudes
provided by others with whom they come into
Beliefs that individuals possess certain
characteristics because of their membership in
certain groups.
A conceptualization that explains the cognitive
processes through which people make decisions
about quitting or staying on their jobs.
A theory suggesting that job satisfaction
depends primarily on the match between the
outcomes individuals value in their jobs and
their perceptions about the availability of such
A form of employee withdrawal in which an
individual resigns freely from his or her job.
Attitudes relating to any aspect of work or work