GOLD SEAL LESSON Revolutionary War Fantasy Draft Subject(s) Rigor/Relevance Social Studies, English Language Arts Framework Grade Level 7-12 Instructional Focus Student Learning Performance Task K n o w l e d g e 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 C D A B 2 3 4 5 Application Reading Students read a variety of grade level materials, applying strategies appropriate to various situations Writing Students write for a variety of purposes and audiences with sophistication and complexity appropriate to the grade level. Language Arts Integration Students synthesize individual language arts skills. Turning Points Students examine the significance of multiple causation and effects of major events in world history. Patterns of Change Students recognize patterns of social, political and economic change in the course of human history. As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Analyze the key players of Revolutionary War Compare and contrast events, people, and outcomes of Revolutionary War Create a persuasive essay describing what five people you would pick to run your country during Revolutionary War Produce a PowerPoint presentation about the three people they picked. Overview Students will be given the task of selecting three key people from Revolutionary War to create their “fantasy team”. Students will select the three people they think would be the best to represent their country during the Revolutionary period. Students will create a PowerPoint presentation and a persuasive essay about the three people they selected. Description 1. Students will be in charge of selecting three people from the Revolutionary Warr timeframe to run their country. (Note: Teacher may either give them a list to select from or students 1 Essential Skills Scoring Guide may pick them on their own. 2. Students, using a variety of resources, will research the three people they selected to run their country during the Revolutionary War time frame. 3. Once all of the research has been compiled students will create a PowerPoint presentation about their three people. In the presentation, each person selected will have their own biography slide: depicting why he or she was important, key accomplishments toward the war, and why they were selected. 4. Students will present their presentations to the class and describe why their three selections are the most important. 5. Upon completion of the presentations, students will write a persuasive essay describing the three most important people of Revolutionary War. They will include if their three people are the most important, other people they would have liked to selected, and how they felt their research and presentation went. SS12 Describe the impacts of revolution and reform on the world economy from the early 20th century through today and explain the causes and global consequences of local, regional, and global wars. SS14 Compare and contrast U.S. foreign and domestic governmental policies to those of other nations and describe how this affects how nations interact with each other. SS23 Describe significant people, events, problems, and ideas that were instrumental in creating the history of your state. SS31 Identify connections between particular historical events and larger social, economic, and political trends and developments. SS48 Interpret past events and issues within the context in which an event unfolded rather than solely in terms of present-day norms and values. E1 Apply writing rules and conventions (grammar, usage, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling). E7 Research information from a variety of sources and draft a well-organized, accurate, and informative report or essay that engages an audience and addresses its needs. E8 Prepare and deliver individual speeches that address the needs of the target audience by gathering information, rehearsing, making eye contact, speaking loudly enough, and delivering information in a well-organized fashion. E22 Use a variety of organizational formats (compare/contrast, cause/effect, inductive/deductive, most important to least important, and least important to most important) that support the purpose of a writing activity. E23 Create a connection to a text by understanding the personal, social, cultural, and historical significance of it. See Below 2 Scoring Guide Rate student performance on each item using the following method: 4 Points: The student demonstrates a high-degree of understanding and knowledge of the subject. 3 Points: The student demonstrates a moderate understanding and knowledge of the subject. 2 Points: The student demonstrates a slight understanding and knowledge of the subject. 1 Point: The student demonstrates a minimal understanding and knowledge of the subject with errors in facts. Rating (Circle 1) Item Student has all of the number of 1 2 3 4 slides required. Student has followed the format 1 2 3 4 for all slides. Each slide has a reason why the 1 2 3 4 person was selected. Student makes appropriate eye 1 2 3 4 contact and voice level. The presentation was well 1 2 3 4 designed. 3 Attachments/Resources Fantasy Revolutionary War Draft Directions: You will pick 3 of the people listed below. For each person you pick you must write a short biography about that person. You should include when they were born/died, important accomplishments in their life, why they were important during the Revolutionary War, what did they contribute to their side, and rank them in order of importance (1-3). After you have completed your research you will make a PowerPoint presentation and present it to the class. Based on the people you pick I will assign a ranking 1-10 to your person. The student with the highest score at the end will win the Fantasy Revolutionary War Draft!! Benjamin Franklin George Washington Nathanael Greene Salem Poor John Paul Jones John Adams Haym Salomon Thomas Paine Betsy Ross General Charles Cornwallis Francis Marion Mary Hays McCauly Paul Revere Benedict Arnold Thomas Jefferson John Hanncock Alexander Hamilton Samuel Adams Richard Henry Lee Patrick Henry William Prescott William Dawes Ethan Allen 4