Coal Mountain Design Minutes Date 9/1/11 Grade Level: K Integrated Subjects:_Social Studies, Music, Writing, Technology Reading, Math Design Team Members: Janice Coats, Leisa Smith, Lisa Heard, Alicia Klingler, Joyce Hamby, Debbie Rich *Ask Kelly Moore to help us design the flipchart used for assessment from our article in Mailbox. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Recorded by: Janice Coats Develop group norms: All teachers shared ideas Assign group roles and time for each task: (examples-discussion leader, recorder, time keeper) Recorder: Janice Coats Discussion Leader: Leisa Smith Time Keeper: Joyce Hamby o Identify Standards: SSKCG1 – Explains how rules are made and why they should be followed. SSKH1- Identifies the purpose and customs of national holidays MKN1- Counting 1-10 ELAKr6a- Gains meaning from orally presented text ELAKLSV1d: Recites a song ELAKW2a,b,f: Produces an informational writing o Essential Questions: Why do we celebrate Constitution Day? How does the Constitution Compare to our class rules? Why is it important for us to have rules? ASSESSMENT: Formative- T –chart of Rights and Privileges on Activboard Summative- Digging Into Good Citizenship Flipchart- Performance –Based- Move each example to Good Citizen or Not a Good Citizen- Each child will go back and do it at his desk Lesson Design: o Lesson Design: Tell students to wear red, white, and blue for this day Coal Mountain Design Minutes Date 9/1/11 Grade Level: K Integrated Subjects:_Social Studies, Music, Writing, Technology Reading, Math Design Team Members: Janice Coats, Leisa Smith, Lisa Heard, Alicia Klingler, Joyce Hamby, Debbie Rich *Ask Kelly Moore to help us design the flipchart used for assessment from our article in Mailbox. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Recorded by: Janice Coats o Morning Class Meeting – Discussion of Essential Questions and Vocabulary, Show Constitution on the Activboard and point out High-frequency words o Social Studies Time Motivation: Song- Our Constitution Read book: Our Constitution Make predictions, ask and answer questions, distinguish between fact and fiction books Know the Rules (Cut and Paste) Activity Discussion DOK- Different Rules for Different Settings Writing-Using the T-chart- Go back and write in journals. Choose either a right or a privilege Draw and label. Art- Patriotic Hand Print with 10 stars. Show evidence of including: DOK (Blooms), BYOT (Technology), Inquiry Based Learning, WOW design Qualities, Extension of School Based Professional Learning, Writing in the content area, Keep in Mind: How is this lesson design supporting actions toward our AIM goals and aligned with Inquiry Based learning? Does your instructional design include quality informational writing?