CARSON-NEWMAN COLLEGE RESIDENT ASSISTANT APPLICATION Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in a Resident Assistant position for Fall 2013! We are truly excited that you are exploring the opportunity to work with the Residence Life Department of Carson-Newman College. While our process is both extensive and comprehensive, our hope is not to simply hire new staff members but to grow our team as individuals by cultivating your leadership skills. Please take the time to complete the attached application. The information you provide will assist us in our hiring process. Within the selection process you will be required to meet specific deadlines which include your participation in the individual interview session. The following is a list of required items to evaluate your application as well as a list of important dates associated with the selection process. The following is needed before we can process your application: 1. Completed application 2. Typed responses to questions 3. Formal Resume 4. Two (2) letters of recommendation Important Dates: November 26th Applications Available 9:00am Eagle Net/Residence Life Homepage January 14th Applications & References accepted in the Office of Residence Life (be sure to sign up for an interview time when you turn in your application). 8:00am MSAC 2009 January 24th Applications and References DUE in Office of Residence Life 4:30pm MSAC 2009 January 28th February 1st Individual Interviews TBD MSAC 2000 February 8th Notification of Applicants 12:00pm Via Campus Mailbox In order to be considered for an RA position you will need to ensure that all the proper forms (application, references, resume, and typed responses) have been submitted to the Office of Residence Life (MSAC 2009) prior to 4:30 pm on Thursday, January 24. Please note that all candidates who meet the minimum application criteria will be asked to sign up for an Individual Interview. Individual Interviews will take place Monday, January 28th – Friday, February 1st. Please dress appropriately for a job interview. Again, thank you for your interest in the RA position at Carson-Newman College. If you have any questions related to the position or selection process, please contact your current RA, RLC or call the Office of Residence Life at 865-471-2009. Sincerely, Residence Life Staff Carson-Newman College Carson-Newman College Resident Assistant Application This is a fill form- Please type your responses then print it out with the rest of your application. Last Name First Name Student ID# Birth Date Cell Phone Other Phone Email Campus Box # M.I. Preferred Name Home Address Expected Graduation Date Classification Major Cumulative GPA Are you a transfer student: Yes No If yes, from where? Please list any work or volunteer experience you have that has prepared you for the RA position: Please list all extracurricular activities in which you are involved: Please estimate the time commitment (per week) of the above listed activities require: If necessary, would you be willing to drop an extracurricular activity in order to be an RA? Yes No If no, please explain: Have you ever been involved in any disciplinary action at Carson-Newman or another college? Yes No If yes, please explain: As an RA you will be expected to be the first to arrive and the last to leave each semester and for breaks. Do you see any issues arising that would prevent you from being able to meet this expectation? Yes No If yes, please explain: Do you have any conflicts that prevent you from being available for the weekly RA Staff Meetings every Thursday? Yes No If yes, please explain: I, , have read the aforementioned information, and understand that a Residence Life administrator, as a part of the CarsonNewman Resident Assistant selection process, will examine my academic and disciplinary records. By signing, I also certify that I have read the job requirements of a Resident Assistant, and understand that I will be responsible for them if I am hired by the Office of Residence Life. Signature Date Type your response to each question on a separate sheet of paper & attach to this form. 1. What is your motivation for applying for an RA position? What personal characteristics make you qualified? What do you expect to gain from being an RA? 2. Please discuss the role of Faith/Christianity as you believe them to relate to the RA position. 3. Based upon what you know of the position, please describe the “ideal” RA. What should a Resident Assistant represent? What characteristics should an RA possess? 4. In your words, please describe what it means to be a team player. How can/will you contribute to the Residence Life Team? 5. What time-management skills do you possess that will help with a Resident Assistant position? Please list your top residence hall choices: Guys: Please list your two preferences in order 1. 2. 3. *RA positions will be offered based upon our assessment of your skills and building needs. Therefore, you may be offered a position in a building you did not list as a preference. Two letters of recommendation are required. Please list each person sending a letter of recommendation on your behalf: C-N Faculty/Staff Member: Current RA Reference: (If you live on campus) Personal: (If you do not live on campus) Resident Assistant – Job Description Compensation: The RA position grants the recipient a free private room as well as a $200 stipend per semester, divided in half and distributed at mid-term time and at the end of the academic semester. Qualifications: 1. Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or above at the time of application. Must maintain this academic standard throughout the entire period of employment. 2. Must have lived in a Carson-Newman residence hall for a minimum of one semester prior to becoming a Resident Assistant. 3. Must be a minimum of sophomore status. 3. Must be interested in developing leadership skills and working with students. Function: To assist with the total operation of the residence hall by working to facilitate an environment which contributes to the intellectual, social, spiritual, and cultural development of each resident; to articulate the policies of the college; and to act as a resource in meeting the needs of residents. Duties: Advise and refer students concerning academic, personal, spiritual, and social matters. Serve as a leader and role model for your floor, building, and the campus community. Inform students of campus events, services, programs, activities, etc. Fairly and consistently enforce College and Residence Life rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. Conduct hall meetings as needed to disseminate information to residents. Play an active role during Welcome Week Activities (first two weeks of class). Aid in the development and implementation of residence hall programs and activities on a monthly and semester basis. Check students in and out of their rooms throughout the academic year. Maintain strict control and accountability with regard to keys. Safety and security are paramount within the Department of Residence Life. Therefore, keys are to be used for job-related functions only, and must be accounted for at all times. Assist in conducting fire drills. Assist Residence Life with handling emergencies. Perform room inspections once a month to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of residents. Prepare maintenance reports (and follow-up on requests) for concerns within residence halls. Conduct routine checks of halls, doors, lights, etc. during duty hours. Mediate conflicts between hall residents (i.e., roommates, organizations, etc.). Update bulletin boards, post flyers, distribute memos, etc. as necessary. Represent the College and Residence Life in a professional manner, including in all social media outlets. Submit weekly reports of activities and other information to supervisor as requested. Remain available to residents (i.e., visible, caring, concerned, helpful, etc.) on a regular basis. Be available on-campus during evening hours on a regular basis – all overnight leaves must be cleared with supervisor. RAs must discuss holiday and break travel plans with their supervisor before making flight/transportation plans to avoid conflicts. RAs who do not receive proper approval before making travel plans may be asked to change their plans to fulfill their job responsibilities. Meet expectations as noted by supervisor. Work closely with other Residence Life team members (e.g. Hall Council, other Residence Hall staffs.) Attend staff training in August for the Fall semester and January for the Spring semester. Attend small staff meetings every Thursday evening or as scheduled, refraining from scheduling other commitments on Thursday evenings, including night classes. Attend in-services as scheduled each month for the purpose of personal and staff development. RAs are expected to be the “last to leave” and the “first to return” in order to close buildings during breaks and at the end of the academic year and to prepare for a new semester. Departure and return dates for holidays and breaks (i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, Summer Break, etc.) will be provided to all staff members in advance. During Fall and Easter Break periods a portion of the RA staff will be required to be on campus. Meet other duties and expectations as assigned by Residence Life. Carson-Newman College Resident Assistant Application *Faculty/Staff Recommendation To be filled out by the applicant. Section I Applicant’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Waiver of Access to Letter of Recommendation: (Please initial one of the following) ______ I waive my rights to read this letter of recommendation. ______ I do not waive my rights to read this recommendation. Name (Print) ______________ Date Signature The remainder of this form is to be completed by the faculty/staff member filling out this letter of recommendation. Section II Thank you for taking the time to recommend a candidate for the Resident Assistant position. We would appreciate, and benefit from your candid observations of the applicant. If you do not know the student well, or have not had an opportunity to observe the applicant in a particular area, please note that below. Such information will not prejudice the applicant’s chance of scholarship. Please rate the applicant according to the following scale: 1 = Oustanding 2 = Very Good 3 = Good 4 = Average 5 = Below Average 6 = No opportunity to observe 1. Initiative 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Ability to be understanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 3. Ability to Lead & Work with Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. Dependability 1 2 3 4 5 6 5. Appreciation for Diversity 1 2 3 4 5 6 6. Ability to Express Self 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 8. Maturity 1 2 3 4 5 6 9. Intellectual Independence 1 2 3 4 5 6 10. Ability to Organize and Manage Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 11. Creativity 1 2 3 4 5 6 For how long and in what capacity do you know the candidate you are recommending? _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overall thoughts related to the candidate: _____ I strongly recommend this student for a Resident Assistant and have included why _____ I recommend this student for a Resident Assistant position and have included why _____ I recommend this student with reservation(s), for a Resident Assistant position and have included why _____ I do not recommend this student for a Resident Assistant position and have included why Statement: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Reference Name (please print) _______________________________________ Reference Signature Date Please return this form to the Office of Residence Life prior to 4:30pm on Thursday, January 24th, in a sealed envelope Attention: RA Selection Process C-N Box 71896 Carson-Newman College Resident Assistant Reference Form ______________ Carson-Newman College Resident Assistant Application *Current RA Recommendation (if you live on campus) *Personal Recommendation (if you do not live on campus) To be filled out by the applicant. Section I Applicant’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Waiver of Access to Letter of Recommendation: (Please initial one of the following) ______ I waive my rights to read this letter of recommendation. ______ I do not waive my rights to read this recommendation. Name (Print) ______________ Date Signature The remainder of this form is to be completed by the person filling out this letter of recommendation. Section II Thank you for taking the time to recommend a candidate for the Resident Assistant position. We would appreciate, and benefit from your candid observations of the applicant. If you do not know the student well, or have not had an opportunity to observe the applicant in a particular area, please note that below. Such information will not prejudice the applicant’s chance of scholarship. Please rate the applicant according to the following scale: 1 = Oustanding 2 = Very Good 3 = Good 4 = Average 5 = Below Average 6 = No opportunity to observe 1. Initiative 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Ability to be understanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 3. Ability to Lead & Work with Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. Dependability 1 2 3 4 5 6 5. Appreciation for Diversity 1 2 3 4 5 6 6. Ability to Express Self 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 8. Maturity 1 2 3 4 5 6 9. Intellectual Independence 1 2 3 4 5 6 10. Ability to Organize and Manage Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 11. Creativity 1 2 3 4 5 6 For how long and in what capacity do you know the candidate you are recommending? _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overall thoughts related to the candidate: _____ I strongly recommend this student for a Resident Assistant and have included why _____ I recommend this student for a Resident Assistant position and have included why _____ I recommend this student with reservation(s), for a Resident Assistant position and have included why _____ I do not recommend this student for a Resident Assistant position and have included why Statement: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Reference Name (please print) _______________________________________ Reference Signature Date Please return this form to the Office of Residence Life prior to 4:30pm on Thursday, January 24th, in a sealed envelope Attention: RA Selection Process C-N Box 71896 Carson-Newman College Resident Assistant Reference Form ______________