Of Mice and Men Analytical Essay Due Date: ________________________ Assignment: Write an analytical essay over the following prompt. Essay Prompt: One of the central themes in Of Mice and Men is that many of the characters are working to unite with one another. They share a collective dream and are working to realize that dream; however, there are forces at work in their society that divide them and keep them from achieving this dream. Write a paper in which you (a) identify and explain the common dream of this society and (b) explain at least two forces that keep this dream from becoming a reality. Directions: 1. Outline your essay on pages 4-6 of this packet analyzing the common dream and obstacles to achieving the dream in Of Mice and Men. For the outline, find 3 examples from the book in quotation marks that support (1) the common dream of this society and (2) two forces that keep the dream from becoming reality. 2. Handwrite a rough draft of your essay using your outline. 3. Type your final draft making corrections based on the editing done in class from your rough draft. Final Draft Essay Requirements: 1. A well-developed introduction paragraph with a thesis statement that restates and answers the prompt and provides the author’s name and title of the novel. a. Example: In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck argues that society shared the collective dream of _______, but they were kept from achieving this dream because _________ and _________. 2. One well-developed body paragraph that uses proper TDEC response structure – a topic sentence addressing part of the essay response to the prompt, specific details from the novel (either direct quotations with page numbers or paraphrasing of specific examples with page numbers), and an explanation of how the details support the topic sentence and relate back to the thesis statement (Choose your one best paragraph of the three from your rough draft.) 3. A conclusion paragraph of 3 or more sentences restating the most important points in the essay (no new information should be introduced) and a clincher to make your essay memorable 4. Proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar throughout Formatting Requirements: Paper must be typed (See the Standard Paper Format requirements in your English I Resource Packet). Times New Roman 12-Point Font should be used (including your heading and title). Use 1 inch margins on all sides of your document. Heading should be on top left of the first page only and double-spaced. Title should be in Times New Roman 12-Point Font and centered on the first line of your paper. The paper should be double-spaced. 1 How to turn in your paper: Online - Submit your Final Copy (of ONLY your Introduction, ONE Body Paragraph, & Conclusion) to Turnitin.com. This MUST be done in order to receive a grade for the essay. Your grade will show as an “M” for missing if the essay is not uploaded, even if you turn in a hard copy in class. In class - Staple together the following in this order: 1st -Your Final Copy (of your Introduction, ONE Body Paragraph, & Conclusion) 2nd -Your Typed Rough Draft (of your Introduction, ONE Body Paragraph, & Conclusion) 3rd -This packet (with your Prewriting Outline and Grading Rubric) SAMPLE PREWRITING OUTLINE (pp. 4-5of this packet) - you MUST include the following: Introduction: Use the following format for the introduction. Attention-getter/Lead: The attention-getter should be general and interesting. It should draw the reader in. It should also connect thematically to the thesis statement. Necessary information: o Brief plot summary (3 to 5 sentences-specifically covers beginning, middle, end of novel) Thesis Statement: (last sentence of introduction) o Your thesis should make the statement that there is a common dream of something that there are two forces that prevent this dream from ever coming true. 3 Body Paragraphs: Outline 3 Body Paragraphs using your 3 examples (quotes). Use the following format. (These steps are basically your TDEC formula for short answer questions.) Topic Sentence: This should have the topic of a common dream (OR forces that work against the dream) and the limiting idea of whatever quote you are providing in the paragraph. Make sure it relates to your Thesis Statement. Introduce quote: o Give the context of the quote you are about to provide (embed it). Here you should explain who said it, when, why, and/or to whom. Lead into the quote and embed the quote in this sentence. You need to say something such as, When Slim stands on the bunkhouse porch, he says…. Quote: You can quote from dialogue or narration. Either way, you must put the page number after the quote— for example: “--insert quote” (32). Make sure the quote relates to your Topic Sentence. Analyze the quote: After you have provided the quote, explain how the quote supports the Topic Sentence and relates to the Thesis Statement. Also, explain the effect of the dream on the characters/what they have learned. Provide examples that support this common dream/what keeps them from achieving it. Conclusion: Rephrase your Thesis Statement. (State your Thesis again, but differently.) Move into a brief general discussion on the theme of people coming together to unite with one another. Address how their collective dream has united them. Use specific examples from real life. Clincher: This is your last impression to the reader and should relate back to the attention-getter. 2 Writing Tips: DO make sure you use page numbers to cite what you quote from the novel. The page number should go in parentheses after the quote and before the period. Example: When Lennie is kneeling by the pond, he says, “--insert quote” (32). DO proofread for spelling, commas, comma splices, run-ons, etc. DO make sure that all sentences flow into each other (transition). Think about the idea of the beginning of a sentence having something from the previous sentence, and the second part of a sentence having something new to progress the idea. It can’t always be done, but you should try as often as possible. DO NOT use the first person (I, me, my). For example, do not use “I think,” “In my opinion,” and so on. DO NOT use second person (YOU, YOUR). This includes imperative sentences with implied you as the subject. DO NOT begin body paragraphs with such words and phrases as “first,” “second,” “third,” “next.” These are boring ways to transition. You may want to use, not overuse, “Another example of _____ is ….” DO NOT start your conclusion paragraph with “In conclusion” or “To summarize” or any other phrase that has been overused. Just write the conclusion. Readers will know you are concluding if you have transitioned well. Transition Words: Order Words: first , next , then , last , finally To Compare To Things: in the same way, similarly, likewise, like, as, and also To Summarize or Conclude: as a result, finally, in conclusion, therefore, last, and in summary To Show Location: above, across, against, along, among, around, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, in back of, in front of, inside, into, near, off, on top of, outside, over, throughout, to the right, under To Add Information: again, also, another, and, besides, for example, for instance, next, finally, as well, along with To Show Time: about, after, at, before, during, first, second, third, until, meanwhile, today, tomorrow, yesterday, next, soon, later, finally, then, as soon as, when To Contrast Things: but, yet, otherwise, however, on the other hand, still, although, and even though To emphasize a Point: again, for this reason, and in fact 3 Name__________________________________ Period______ Prewriting Outline Form Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Assignment ***All MUST be written in complete sentences.*** Introduction & Thesis Statement: Introduction Attention-getter (*This is your LEAD.) Necessary information: o Brief plot summary (3 to 5 sentences) Thesis Statement (last sentence in your introduction) (*Write the thesis statement you chose to work with for this paper.) 4 Body Paragraph 1: (*The following steps are basically your TDEC formula for short answer questions.) Topic Sentence (*Write a topic sentence that will correspond with the thesis statement.) Introduce quote: (Detail) Quote: (pg. #) (Elaboration) Analyze the quote: (How?) Commentary: (Why?) Body Paragraph 2: (*The following steps are basically your TDEC formula for short answer questions.) Topic Sentence (*Write a topic sentence that will correspond with the thesis statement.) Introduce quote: (Detail) Quote: (pg.#) (Elaboration) Analyze the quote: (How?) Commentary: (Why?) 5 Body Paragraph 3: (*The following steps are basically your TDEC formula for short answer questions.) Topic Sentence (*Write a topic sentence that will correspond with the thesis statement.) Introduce quote: (Detail) Quote: (pg. #) (Elaboration) Analyze the quote: (How?) Commentary: (Why?) Conclusion: Rephrase your thesis (This is the first sentence in your conclusion.) Brief general discussion on the theme of uniting for a common/collective dream (*Use specific examples from real life.) Clincher (*Relate this back to your attention-getter.) 6 Name__________________________________ Period______ OMM Literary Analysis Prewriting Outline Rubric (Quiz Grade = 200 points) Introduction & Thesis Statement ......................................................................................_____/15 Lead effectively gets the reader’s attention Plot summary is brief, yet thorough. Thesis Statement directly addresses the prompt Ideas are concise Ideas are written in a sophisticated manner Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence is engaging, logical, concise, clear ........................................................_____/10 Quote Introduction is present, smooth, flows, has good word choice ........................______/3 Quote supports the Topic Sentence and is cited properly ............................................______/3 Analysis of Quote .............................................................................................................______/3 o Connects details together o Provides appropriate information o Is insightful o Connects to thesis Body Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence is engaging, logical, concise, clear ........................................................_____/10 Quote Introduction is present, smooth, flows, has good word choice ........................______/3 Quote supports the Topic Sentence and is cited properly ............................................______/3 Analysis of Quote .............................................................................................................______/3 o Connects details together o Provides appropriate information o Is insightful o Connects to thesis Body Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence is engaging, logical, concise, clear ......................................................._____/10 Quote Introduction is present, smooth, flows, has good word choice ........................______/3 Quote supports the Topic Sentence and is cited properly ............................................______/3 Analysis of Quote .............................................................................................................______/3 o Connects details together o Provides appropriate information o Is insightful o Connects to thesis Writer uses academic language to analyze the text ......................................................______/5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... _____/15 Rephrases Thesis Brief discussion of perspective taking with “real life” examples Includes ‘Clincher’ Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling Errors (-1 point per error) ______/8 Overall Score: .................................................................................................................... ______/100 x 2 = _____/200 7 Name__________________________________ Period______ Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Writing Assignment Rubric (Major Grade) Content: Strong Adequate None Intro. w/Lead 5 4 3 2 1 0 Thesis Statement 5 4 3 2 1 0 Topic Sentence 5 4 3 2 1 0 Introduction of Quote 5 4 3 2 1 0 (Detail) Quote 5 4 3 2 1 0 Elaboration of Quote 5 4 3 2 1 0 Commentary of Quote 5 4 3 2 1 0 Conclusion 5 4 3 2 1 0 Teacher’s Notes: Content Total: ........................................................................................................... _______ /40 x 2 = _______ /80 Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation ...................................................................................................... _______/10 Style/Flow……………………………………………………………………………………………….________/5 Standard Paper Format (Heading, Times New Roman,12-Point Font, double-spaced, title, etc.) .............. _______/5 Total: ....................................................................................................................................................... ______/100 No rough draft______(-10) /No peer edit sheet ______ (-5) Comments: 8