Sample L1 test questions

Sample Show Jumping EA Level One Open-Book Test Questions
Read the questions very carefully.
Refer to the current EA National Jumping Rules
Choose the correct multiple choice answer.
For your own practice, can you also record the correct Article number for each question?
There may be more than one relevant article number.
Judges need to know where to find answers very quickly.
1 In the first round of a competition conducted outdoors under Table C conditions, knockdowns are
penalized by
A Three penalties
B Four penalties
C Four seconds
D Penalty seconds in accordance with length of course and number of efforts
Article number: .....................................
2 Competitions which count for points at Competitive EA affiliated shows, are:
A Only competitions 1.15 metres and above with $100-00 minimum prize money and 10 or more
B Only competitions 1.10 metres and above with $100-00 minimum prize money and 10 or more
C All competitions 1.05 metres and above with $100-00 minimum prize money and 10 or more
D All competitions 1.00 metres and above with $ 99-00 minimum prize money and 10 or more
Article number: .....................................
3 Which EA Article refers to reasons for Eliminations?
A Article 240 B Article 241
C Article 242
D Article 243
Article number: .....................................
4 If the time allowed on a course is 68 seconds, what would be the time limit?
A 68 secs
B 112 secs
C 136 secs
D 138 secs
Article number: .....................................
5 Exceeding the time allowed by 4.24 seconds, either in the first round of a Table A competition or in
the first or second phase of an Article 274 Two Phase or the second round of an Article 273
Competitions over Two Rounds or in a jump off not against the clock, means
A No time penalties
B 5 time penalties C 4 time penalties
D 2 time penalties
Article number: .....................................
6 If a horse in a Table A class of 1.10 metres has the second-top rail punched out at fence 1, top rail
falling down at fence 2, has a disobedience at fence 4 with a re-build necessary, followed by the back
rail falling on second attempt, top two front rails down at fence 7B and another disobedience, then
clear, at fence 10, how many jumping penalties would he/she receive?
A 24
B 28
C 30
D Elimination
Article number: .....................................
7 The definition of a fall of a horse that would incur elimination:
A Down on the knees
B Quarters touching the ground
C Shoulders and quarters touching the ground or an obstacle and the ground.
D Shoulders or quarters touching the ground or an obstacle and the ground.
Article number: .....................................
8 A junior rider loses her balance and stops for a couple of seconds to regain her seat.
She is penalized
A Not at all
B For a disobedience C Elimination
D 6 penalties
Article number: .....................................
9 Penalty for taking the line illustrated:
Last Obstacle
Or, if it’s difficult to reproduce the diagram,
What is the Table A penalty for a rider who has jumped all the obstacles cleanly, goes through the
finish in the correct direction then sweeps back through the finish line before leaving the arena?
A No penalty
C 8 penalties
B Four penalties for a disobedience
D Six seconds added to the rider’s time on course
Article number: .....................................
10 A rider dismounts to retrieve his whip during interrupted time for a fence to be re-built. Penalty:
A No penalty
B Four penalties for a disobedience
C 8 penalties
D Elimination
Article number: .....................................
Answers to Sample Level One Test Questions
1 C Art 239
2 C Art 283.3
3 B Art 241
4 C Art 228
5 D Art 236
6 A Art 236
7 C Art 224.2
8 B Art 219, 223.2
9 A Art 207.2, 235.1
10 D Art 231.3, 241.3.25 and Art 224.1