Sp1/2CP Course Syllabus (hardcopy) - Rollins

Spanish 1CP & 2CP Class Contract
Español 1,2-Señora Audrey Rollins
Room: 61J/Phone Number: 805.487.6711 X1109
Website: www.arollins.weebly.com Email Address: arollins@conejousd.org
My Teacher
Daily Routine:
Absent Make-ups,
Cell Phones,
Dept. Assessments
(Quiz & Tests),
Test Etiquette,
Extra Credit
For Respectable
Young Adults
Disciplinary Issues:
Office Hours:
Dishonesty, & Dress
Code Violation
My teacher website is www.arollins.weebly.com. PLEASE BOOKMARK THIS WEBSITE ON YOUR COMPUTER PHONE!!!
This website has EVERYTHING you need for this class: course syllabus, homework (how to sign up for HW/Quiz and Test
Dates text reminders), class links of websites, quiz and test information, tutor list, extra credit assignments for both
semesters, outside student travel with EF Tours, etc. Students must also know their district assigned google username and
password because I will be using a GOOGLE classroom. ANY QUESTIONS? Just refer to the website!
1. Greeting from Sra Rollins at the door, while she does a “Chicle” check
2. Esponja (warm-up on the overhead, while I check off for HW);
3. Check “Tarea” (from night before)
4. Instruction; Individual/Group Classwork
5. 2-Minute “Downtime”
The following materials are expected to be brought to class for daily instruction:
Textbook-¡Exprésate!, Holt Rinehart and Winston (MUST BE COVERED OR DETENTION WILL BE ISSUED)
Practice Workbook-Cuaderno de Vocabulario y Gramática (CVG)
Lab Book (For use of audio/visual classwork)
3 Subject Spiral Notebook (Warm-ups, CW Notes, Verb Lists)
2 Pens (Black and/or Blue)
2 Highlighters
2 RED pens for self-corrections (for the CVG workbook)
1 Pencil
Strongly Recommended: Mini Stapler (There is only one to go around!)
10. Strongly Recommended: Phone App Dictionary & Verb App Conjugator OR Mini Oxford English/Spanish Dictionary
Grades are posted on Q Connection (obtain username and password in counseling office)
Students are responsible for any HW, CW, PROJECT, QUIZ, or TEST he/she missed if they have an EXCUSED absence. No
credit will be issued if student is marked TRUANT, especially if the assignment is a quiz or test.
 Missed Quizzes or Tests must be made-up within a week during lunch office hours (unless prior arrangement has been
made), otherwise the assignment will be recorded as a ZERO.
 One absence does not excuse you from doing it or taking an assessment; however, if you were absent three days
during the week then you are exempt from taking the weekly quiz/test and must make it up the following week.
 Do not ask me what your grade is since I post grades to Q Connection (I do not give instant results)
 Cell phones are collected and set on the board during test days AND when we pass back exams to review
 Tests will not be returned unless all students have made up the test
 Chapter tests are recycled, therefore are NOT allowed to be taken home (Dept. policy)
 There are only 2 Extra Credit Assignments for minimal points (1 per semester)
(Ethically, grades are earned due to hard work throughout the semester, E.C. is minimal points)
 All projects are due on the due date, No Exceptions
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Please hold your student to a higher standard, “Printer was out of ink” notes will NOT
be accepted, please prepare ahead of time. If it truly does run out of ink, make sure the student emails the
assignment BEFORE class on the day it is due. Turn in the hard copy the following day.
R espect the rights and property of others
E ating, gum chewing, and canned drinks are NOT allowed—No chewing, just Spanish speaking!
S elf-discipline—bring daily materials, be silent at the signal, & be courteous to your peers and me
P ut downs, swearing and rude gestures are PROHIBITED
E arnest effort to listen and working hard ensures success—not working on other work or HW!
C ell phones & digital games at teacher’s discretion
(Cell phone use without teacher’s consent will be confiscated and taken to principal’s office)
T alk when called upon or when working in groups, not while teacher is speaking
A student who is not adhering to the above “Respect” expectations will be disciplined as such:
First warning: Depending on severity, detention and students fill out a Self-Reflection Form
Second warning: Removal from class with a Referral Form (You will also lose points for that day of instruction)
**Gentle Reminder:
I have the right to teach as others have a right to learn, please carry yourself as a responsible and respectable young adult.
Students MUST sign-in. QUIZ AND MAKEUPS ARE FIRST PRIORITY, before questions and extra help. If you are unable to join
me for lunchtime tutoring, please refer to the tutors who are posted on my website for extra help, my time is very limited during lunch
Please refer to the WHS Student Planner; I will adhere strictly to the WHS consequences outlined in this
planner for attendance, unexcused tardies, unexcused absences, truancies, cheating, and inappropriate
class attire.
Dear Parents & Students:
Throughout the next semester we will share many experiences together and I hope all of these
experiences will be enjoyable. In order for us to maximize each class period and have the best
experience possible, it is necessary that certain rules and policies be established, followed, and
respected. These expectations are not designed to restrict you or inhibit your ability to feel comfortable
in my class; rather, if you are consistent in following these expectancies, you will see that the learning
environment in this classroom will enable you to be successful in learning Spanish. Our department
goal is to comply with Conejo Valley Unified School District Essential Standards, National F.L.
Standards, and to align lessons by bridging Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and
Communities in Spanish, as well as comply with our WHS ESLRs --Inspired Learners, Effective
Communicators, Contributing Members of the Global Community.
Ms. Audrey Rollins
.----------------------------------------Please sign and tear off below-------------------------------------------My student and I have read and understood the above contract specific to my student’s Spanish class
and understand that we will adhere to these expectations, rules, and policies in order to help our
Spanish class run smoothly, and if followed will maximize our learning experience. We agree that if
we give our best effort, we will develop an appreciation of the Spanish language, the people who
speak it, and their cultures.
Student Print Name:
Student Signature:
Parent Print Name:
Parent Signature: