1. Devils Culvert 1.1. Option A: Concrete Box with Spillway and Stilling basin: (PREFFERED OPTION) Reinforced concrete box structure with spillway is designed to accommodate the stream flow through the rapid change in elevation. The flow is channeled over the spillway and into the stilling basin 3m below. The stilling basin allows for energy dissipation of the water, with the result, minimal erosion downstream. Upstream, a 30 m stretch of stream-bed is provided with grouted rip-rap to consolidate the river bed and minimizing upstream erosion. Two concrete V-shaped drain ditches are provided on either side of the concrete box to catch road run-off and channels that into the stilling pool. Pro’s The concrete box structure protects the embankments from 3 sides, (sides of the streamflow, and 2 sides from the drains. minimizing erosion. Concrete box structure is more inherently stable that the retaining walls of option 2. Stilling basin dissipates energy from the stream. The resultant lower energy downstream will not erode the surface bed, and undercutting will be minimized. The grouted rip-rap located upstream, channels the water over the spillway Concrete works are minimized to a single location Cons One large drop into stilling pool to dissipate the energy 1.2. Option B: Series of Stilling drops A series of concrete “rapids” that dissipates the energy in smaller steps. The “rapids” are formed by concrete retaining walls incorporating a spillway which directs the streamflow into a stilling basin at each step. Upstream of each retaining wall is a streambed of grouted rip-rap which directs the streamflow into the spillway. Energy dissipation of the streamflow is achieved in smaller steps at each rapid. Pro’s Smaller concrete structures are created, but a larger number of them. (3 No off) Cons Retaining walls of option 2 is not as stable as the concrete box structure as in option 1. The concrete works are spread over a larger area Each Concrete retaining wall will be required to be tied back into each embankment. Greater disturbance of the stream. 2. Crossing of Stream with sewer pipe 2.1. Option A: Gravity flow sewer system, with Stream crossing by a pipe bridge(PREFERRED OPTION) The sewer system is a gravity flow system. To achieve a gravity flow, the sewer pipe route is as shown on the attached sketch. The crossing of the stream is achieved by a pipe bridge. Pro’s Cons A gravity flow sewer system is provided. This system is safer, self-cleaning, and more reliable. As no part of the system is under any pressure, bursting of pipes and associated sewerage spillages are minimized The gravity solution presents a more economical solution, as pumps and associated infrastructure are not required. The long-term cost associated with operations and maintenance are minimized. The solution is “environmentally friendly” - saving of electricity from carbon sources, as pumps are not required. Existing infrastructure is ideally located upstream to convey the sewerage away. No modification to existing upstream works required. Minimum interference in the water course a pipe bridge is required to cross the stream A longer pipe route is required 2.2. Option B: Routing of sewer pipe along existing road alignment The sewer pipe alignment is taken along the existing road alignment to cross the stream using the existing road culvert. Although this option was considered, this was not a feasible option. A longitudinal section along the pipe route shows that the lowest point of the route is at the culvert crossing the stream . A gravity sewerage system is not feasible with this route, as a column of sewerage will be trapped at the lowest point allowing settlement of solids, and with time, the line would block up. If a pumped system is then coupled to this option, the option becomes feasible and the advantages and disadvantages discussed hereunder. Pro’s Cons a pipe bridge is not required to cross the stream . no interference in the water course. Pumped system is prone to operational and maintenance problems., high pressures, and potential burst pipes. Higher cost of pumps, associated infrastructure and operations Not environmentally friendly, as electricity is used in the process Some modification to the existing upstream works is equired 3. Access Road Crossing Stream The water treatment plant is located adjacent the farm dam. In order to access the water treatment plant, for operations, maintenance etc, an access road is required to the plant. The access road will have to cross a watercourse. 3.1. Option A: Access road with culvert across waterway (PREFERRED OPTION) Paved road from existing road network, crossing a watercourse with a multiple barrel box culverts leading to the water treatment plant. Pro’s Cons Length of the route optimized, as the route is directly from the road network to the water treatment plant. A Longer The route entails a stream crossing, with a multiple barrel culvert. road going up and around the watercourse will lead to greater land disturbance n sensitive areas. Footprint is significantly reduced. Multiple barrel culvert is an efficient manner to cross a watercourse. will be designed for 1:100 year storm event. Aesthetically positive. The final structure will be mostly at ground level and below. This will not intrude on the natural surrounding landscape. 3.2. Option B: Routing of road to go around the watercourse The road route entails going significantly upstream along the watercourse and then going through a series of smaller watercourses . Pro’s Cons Crossings of the streams is done higher up, small crossings are required, as the streams are much smaller. Large disturbed footprint. The road route will traverse sensitive mountain slopes, and a wetland. This will make the land susceptible to erosion and degradation of the wetland. Longer road route. Larger disturbed footprint. Crossing of may streams. Higher costs due to longer route