Substantive Change Request Instructions New Degree/Credential Level Use this form for: - the addition of the first two courses or programs offered at a degree or credential level higher or lower than that which is included in the institution’s current accreditation, including certificate programs and professional practice degrees. Overview Context Accreditation or the reaffirmation of accreditation is granted to cover an institution as it exists at the time of evaluation. MSCHE requires that substantive changes (defined in the Substantive Change Policy Statement) be presented to the Commission for prior review and approval in order for them to be included within the scope of an institution’s accreditation. The addition of a new degree or credential level is one type of substantive change that requires Middle States approval prior to implementation. Please refer to the Commission’s Substantive Change Policy Statement for more information. Key Questions Requests for approval of substantive change must contain sufficient evidence to assure peer reviewers of the institution’s continuing compliance with all relevant Commission Standards. Specifically, peer reviewers evaluate the following: What is the institution’s rationale for this substantive change? What is the proposed new degree level or credential and how will it fit into the institution? How does this change align with the institutional mission and goals? What is the target audience and how will the students seeking this degree level or program be supported? What is the impact of the new degree level or credential on the finances, facilities, faculty, and student services of the institution? Does the institution demonstrate the capacity to manage and operate following this change? Submission Procedures The purpose of this document is to facilitate submission of a request that contains all of the information necessary for peer review and Commission action. Requests should be succinct and analytical, not only presenting information but explaining how that information demonstrates that the institution, including the proposed substantive change, will continue to comply with all relevant Commission Standards. Attachments should be included only if they are referenced within the text of the request. The ideal request provides all necessary information without overwhelming volunteer peer reviewers. It is possible that a single new initiative by an institution may require multiple submissions as there may be different types of substantive change involved (for example, a new degree level that involves a contractual agreement for 25% or more of any educational program or related service). Please consult with Middle States staff if you are unsure as to how to proceed. To be considered by the Commission, a request must be submitted on time, must be complete, must be signed, and must include all of the following components: Cover Sheet Institutional Accreditation Overview Approvals Completed Request Form Once the request is completed, you may delete the two pages of instructions and save the request as a new file. Please include your institution’s name in the new filename. A request must be submitted as an electronic file attachment in an e-mail addressed to File attachments may be in MSWord, Excel, or PDF format. Submission deadlines are as follows: Submit request by: January 1 March 1 May 1 July 1 September 1 November 1 for final approval by: February 28 April 30 June 30 August 31 October 31 December 31 Substantive Change Request New Degree/Credential Level Cover Sheet Please note that the shaded boxes will expand when text is entered. Date of Submission: Institution: Name of person completing this request: Title: Phone: E-mail: Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) name and contact information (if different from above): Name: Title: Phone: E-mail: Address of Institution: For questions regarding this request, please contact (check the appropriate box): The person submitting it The institution’s ALO What is the proposed new degree/credential level (if applicable): What is the new program or courses (if applicable): If this is a certificate program, please specify the certificate length: (Separate approvals must be requested for certificate programs of different lengths) Anticipated starting date of the new degree level or program/courses: (Starting date must be at least three months after the submission of this request. Approval is not guaranteed so please plan accordingly.) Please sign by typing the names of the individuals identified in the space provided. By signing and submitting this cover sheet, the individuals below indicate that they are aware of this Substantive Change request in its entirety and agree to its review by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Signature of person submitting the request: Signature of ALO (if different from above): Signature of President or Chief Academic Officer: Substantive Change Request New Degree/Credential Level Institutional Accreditation Overview What is the date for the next regularly scheduled accreditation review (self study or PRR) by MSCHE? Is it a self study? Or a PRR? Is the institution currently on warning, probation or show cause by MSCHE? If yes, please review the Commission’s Substantive Change policy as it pertains to institutions on warning, probation or show cause. Has the institution been asked to submit any follow-up reports (monitoring, progress) to the Commission in the last three years? If yes, please specify in the area at the end of this section the due date and the topics/Standards that were or will be covered in the report(s). NO YES NO YES Has any other regional, national or disciplinary/professional accrediting agency indicated concerns about the institution or any of its branch campuses, additional locations or other sites within the last three years? NO YES Is the institution being monitored or reviewed by the US Department of Education or other state or federal agency for any reason? NO YES If the answer to any of the above questions is “Yes,” please explain fully below in the context of this substantive change request. These factors will be considered in the review and decision making process. Approvals Please indicate any approvals required for the institution to close this substantive change and the dates approval was received or is expected. Institutional (e.g., faculty, Board) Date(s): System approvals Date: State approval Date: Other (please specify: ) Date: Attach all approvals to the request as Appendix J. Substantive Change Request Form New Degree/Credential Level Please provide succinct and analytical answers to the following questions in the space below each question. Your answers should not only present information but explain how that information demonstrates that the institution will continue to comply with all relevant Commission Standards. If any question does not apply to this request, please indicate “N/A.” If it is necessary to attach documentation, please label each attachment with the letter that matches the corresponding question. For example, the first attachment for` question B should be labeled “Attachment B1” (even if Attachment A does not exist); the second attachment for question B should be labeled “Attachment B2,” and so forth. Please limit attachments to documents that are directly referenced in the text of the request. It is acceptable to include attachments that are excerpts from existing documents as long as the information provided fully addresses the question asked. A. Describe the new degree/credential level and the rationale (including an assessment of need and fit with institutional mission) of the institution for adding this degree level/credential. Attach (as attachment A1) a list of proposed courses, including credit hours. If the program(s) does not adhere to the institution’s credit hour policy, justification for credit hour assignments must be provided. B. Describe the student population that will be served by the proposed substantive change. Attach three-year enrollment projections (labeled “Attachment B1,” “Attachment B2,” etc.). C. To ensure academic quality, describe faculty needs (including number of full- and part-time faculty and credentials they must hold) for the course(s) and/or program(s) to be offered as part of the new degree/credential level. How will the institution ensure that faculty will be qualified to teach their assigned courses? If any faculty members have already been identified, attach a list that includes their credentials to teach the courses they will be assigned. D. How will the institution provide oversight of this program? What are the titles/qualifications/credentials of the person(s) assigned by the institution to be responsible for providing administrative oversight? Where do these positions fit in the institution’s organizational structure? E. For each academic program to be offered, specify how the institutional and programlevel student learning outcomes will be assessed. F. If the academic program includes general education requirements, what are the general education curriculum’s key learning goals and how will they be assessed? Describe how such plans are equivalent to the assessment of general education at the main campus. G. What will be done to ensure that current and future students have received accurate information related to this change? H. Provide a brief financial analysis of the impact of this change. Attach three-year financial projections with sufficient detail so the reviewers can evaluate projected revenue sources and uses of expended resources. I. Describe how the addition of the new degree/credential level will affect services to current and future students. Describe how the institution will demonstrate the capacity to manage and operate following this change? J. If this request involves a contractual agreement with another organization for the provision of less than 25% of any educational program or related service, please include the executed agreement as an attachment. If this request involves a contract for the provision of 25% or more of any educational program or related service, a separate Substantive Change request must be submitted for that contract. K. Is there any additional information that will assist the Commission and the peer reviewers in thoroughly evaluating this request? If so, please specify: