Speech Writing Workshop

Speech Writing
Different Speech Types
 General Debate- Normally takes place at the beginning
of a topic. It only focuses on background information
and country policy. NO solutions.
 Substantive Debate- A delegate motions to move into
substantive debate about half way through the
speaker’s list. These speeches primarily focus on your
country’s solutions to the topic being discussed.
General Debate Speech
 Should last about 1 minute and 15 seconds. However,
different committees’ speaking times vary.
 Layout:
 Hook
 Background
 Country Policy
 Closing Statement
Substantive Debate Layout
 Hook
 Mention of some developments discussed in caucus
 Solutions (If you are already working with other
countries, it would be a good time to mention your
involvement with them.)
 Summary of what you would like your resolution to
 Closing Statement
 Speak loudly and clearly
 Eliminate the buzz words: “like”, “um”, multiple “ands”,
long pauses, and excessive hand motions
 Stand up straight
 Memorize your speech, or at least parts of it
 Pay close attention to hooks and closing statements
 Try to be first on the speaker’s list
 Write your speech for Santa Margarita to prepare for
the Speech Roast next week.