Attainment and Results

Killinghall Primary School - Attainment and Results
Through careful assessments and observations, including information provided by parents and
other settings, children’s development levels are assessed. These levels are also changing over
the next year. More information will be available as our new processes develop. These
assessments are based on observations helping staff to plan the next stages of development. If a
child’s progress gives cause for concern, staff will discuss with the child’s parents/carers and
agree how best to support the child.
When your child moves into Foundation 2 (our 1st class in main school) the teacher will make an
assessment on your child’s progress based on information from the Nursery and on some basic
tests which many children in Bradford take part in. Again all this information will be shared with
you. Our children’s progress is related to national age related expectations set by the government.
These are increasingly demanding and can be found with our New National Curriculum and
Teaching document.
Assessments of Learning
End of Key Stage 1 - Assessment of Writing, Phonics, Reading and Mathematics
At the end of Key Stage 1, when children are 6 - 7 they are assessed and tested to establish their
attainments in their learning. Parents are always informed at this time and the children's results
discussed with you. These tests and assessments are a national requirement, and they are
carried out without pressure in an informal atmosphere with the class teacher.
There are also small ongoing assessments which we use at the end of Year 3, 4 & 5. Although
these are not statutory we feel they are a useful tool for assessing children’s learning. Using this
information year on year we are able to track individual children’s progress against national
End of Key Stage 2 - Formal Assessment of Writing, Reading, Spelling, Grammar and
Mathematics are taken
At the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) when children are 10-11, they are again assessed and tested.
These results are in the public domain and in part at present are marked by external markers.
These are more formal and provide children with a level in English and Maths (up to 2016). Please
see Academic Results. Parents will receive these results with the child’s final report at the end of
the school year.
Academic results
It is important to note that these results include all our special needs pupils and those absent from
the tests.
Also they reflect the different pupils we find in each class has year on year. A particular class may
be talented in English the next year the class may be better at Maths than English.
Our achievements at the End of Key Stage 2 are used as a measure of our success – however
there is much more to a school than the academic achievements of its pupils.
Level 4 is considered the level attainable by an ‘average’ 11 year old at the end of primary school.
The table below shows our Key Stage 2 SATs results for 2014
% of pupils achieving level 4 or above
in each subject
Reading : % of pupils achieving Level 4
or above
Writing TA: % of pupils achieving Level 4
or above
Maths: % of pupils achieving Level 4 or
% of pupils making expected
progress in each subject
Maths: % of pupils achieving 2+ levels of
Reading: % of pupils achieving 2+ levels
of progress
Writing TA: % of pupils achieving 2+
levels of progress
% of pupils achieving level 5 or above
in each subject
Reading: % of pupils achieving Level 5
or above in
Writing TA: % of pupils achieving Level 5
or above
Maths: % of pupils achieving Level 5 or